Philosophy and psychology
Skleynis, V.A. (2017). Interaction of the Semantic Structures as a Nonlinear Dynamic Process. Psychologist, 2, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the models of meaning systems and conscious experience used in the psychology of subjective semantics and psychosemantics. The author of the article analyzes a number of concepts that describe prospects for the implementation of physical models used by post-nonclassical philosophers to create simulation models of mental phenomena. Based on the understanding of the meaning as a structure that determines the order and system organization of consciousness, as well as on the concept of I. Pogojina in which the theory of activity corresponds to the post-nonclassical stage of development of psychological science, the author compares models of meaning systems that exist in the psychology of subjective semantics, on the one hand, and synergistic models of consciousness on the other hand. The objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concepts of consciousness existing in the field of psychosynergetics and psychology of subjective semantics. The scientific novelty of the research is cuased by the fact that the author combines synergetic models of consciousness on the one hand and activity theory of consciousness proposed by V. Serkin and models of the image of the world and lifestyle that exist in the psychology of subjective semantics and psychosemantics on the other hand. This allows, in the author's opinion, to expand understanding of the nature of the interaction between the image of the world and lifestyle considering the dynamic aspects of this interaction as a non-linear process on the one hand and to extrapolate the synergetic aspects of the process of interiorization to the exteriorization process on the other hand. The author of the article has also carried out extrapolation of the thesis about the differences in the languages of the description of the surface and deep semantic structures to the processes of the intrapersonal dynamics of semantic structures and human interaction with culture as a field of collective meanings.
consciousness, exteriorization, interiorization, lifestyle, image of the world, meaning, psychosynergetics, psychosemantics, psychology subjective semantics, theory of activity
Mind games
Yatsenko, M.V., Kaigorodova, N.Z. (2017). Individual Characteristics of Stable and Unstable EEG Parameters in Terms of Their Relationship with Mental Capacity Indicators. Psychologist, 2, 9–18.
The aim of this work was to study individual characteristics of the relationship between mental health and EEG correlates as indicators of brain functioning. The subject of the research is the mental capacity in terms of the brain functioning. To develop and implement measures for timely diagnosis and correction of fatigue felt by students it is necessary to study the influence of various factors of both endogenous and exogenous nature on the functional state of students's organisms and, above all, on the functional state of the brain. The research methods included visual acuity test by Anfimov, tests offered by Eysenck and Strelau to determine the level of introversino and extraversion, emotional stability and properties of the nervous system, and the method of electroencephalography (EEG). The data obtained indicate that the functional state of the brain which provides high indicators of mental health depends more on external factors that define the initial state of the bioelectric activity of the brain than on endogenous factors, i.e. individual typological features of the person.
the mobility of the nervous system, weakness of the nervous system, the strength of the nervous system, introverts, extraverts, mental working capacity, individually-typological features, EEG, the inertia of the nervous system, students
Personal motivation and spirituality
Dolganov, D.N. (2017). Metaregulative Function of Motivation for Educational Activity. Psychologist, 2, 19–29.
The article continues the presentation of the general foundations of the concept of metaregulation of educational activity. The author considers in detail the motivation of educational activities. Motivation is a complex and multifaceted process. The dynamics of motivation depends on external and internal factors. The study of the motivation of educational activity is possible in two main directions: the first - the study of the system of motivation, its structure and functions; the second is the study of the interrelationships and interactions of the system of motivation with other systems. The second direction developing at the present time is conditioned by the methodology of the concept of the metasystem organization of mental processes and the concept of the metaindividual world. Empirical data were collected during the implementation of the formative experiment, implemented at one stage of the study of metaregulation of educational activities. 138 people took part in the study. The following methods were used: the evaluation of the dialogic character of interpersonal relations (S.V. Dukhnovsky), the semantic differential "interpersonal relations". To assess the motivational manifestations, a psychographic test was used by V.G. Leontiev. In the experimental group, the training of interpersonal relations was used as a method of influencing the metasystem. In the course of the analysis of the results, the interrelations between the elements of the learning activity system, elements of the interpersonal relations system, interests in various activities and academic achievement are established. The subjects of the experimental group are forming links that regulate the intensity of the relationship and maintain an optimal level of motivation. In the control groups, a complex of links is identified, which can be called nonadaptive, and also the predominance of interests in non-educational activities is fixed, which can be called the antimotivation of educational activity.
academic success, metasystem, system, interpersonal relationships, motivation, learning activities, antimotivation, subject of learning activity, interests, metaregulation
Psychology and pedagogics
Alperovich, V. (2017). Interpretative Repertoires of Perception of 'Friends' and 'Aliens' in Metaphors of Different Types and Narratives Used by Adults. Psychologist, 2, 30–46.
The research is devoted to the problem of metaphorical and narrative foundations of such phenomena as 'discrimination' and 'hate speech'. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of 'friend' and 'alien' metaphors and narratives about interaction with them that reflect different interpretative repertoires of perceiving the other person as either a «friend» or an 'alien'. The author has used both qualitative and quantitative research methods such as categorical analysis of metaphors, analysis of characteristics of representations about an Enemy and a Friend, narrative analysis of situations about interaction with 'friends' and 'aliens', methods of mathematical statistics (cluster analysis, quartiles, nonparametric test). The author has discovered that different interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' are connected with various expression levels of adopting the discriminatory practices towards others. The author has analyzed four interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' with various 'friend' and 'alien' metaphors, the particularities of narratives about interaction with 'friends' and 'alien' persons and the characteristics of representations about an Enemy and a Friend. The author has defined two interpretative repertoires with distinctions of 'friends' from 'alien' persons and with stabilized attribution of psychosocial features to them. The author has also discovered two interpretative repertoires with various features of 'friends' and 'alien' persons, non-stabilized in personal perception depending on interaction with them. It is quite evident that communication partners may actually become either friends or alients depending on the social-psychological environment they are in at present. For the first time in the academic literature the author has offered the given empirical model of interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' people expressed in biography narratives related to descriptions of 'aliens' and 'friends' and integrated metaphors of 'friends' and 'alients'. The results of this research can be of use in researches about conflicts and discrimination, in solving the applied tasks in psychology of conflicts, in psychological consulting and tolerance training.
interpretative repertoire, narrative, Friend, Enemy, representations, «alien», «friend», metaphors, «hate speech», discriminatory practices
Clinical case
Svistunova, E.V., Lutsenko, T.V. (2017). Dynamics of the Attitude of Parents to Their Child's Disease after a Child Has Been Taken to a Class of Inclusive Learning. Psychologist, 2, 47–58.
The subject of the research is the attitude of parents to their child's disease after a child has been taken to a class of inclusive learning. The object of the research is the attitude of parents to their child's disease after a child has been taken to a class for visually impared children. The objectives of the research are the following: 1. to analyze dynamics of the attitude of parents to their child's disease after a child has been transferred to an inclusive learning class for visually impared children; 2. to define dynamics of the attitude of parents to inclusive learning and teaching in general. Assistance of disabled children and social and psychological support of their families are a very important topic. Within the framework of the present research the authors examine relations between parents and children in inclusive learning groups and visually impared correctional groups of children. In their article the authors focus on relationship dynamics of parents and children in inclusive learning groups that was characterized by some approximation of parents' positions which, in its turn, influence the development of parents' views and attitudes regarding their children's diseases. The research methods used by the authors included: 1. The Questionnaire for diagnosing parents' attitudes to their children's diseases offered by Kagan and Zhuravleva. The Questionnaire included questions that allow to evaluate the attitude of adults towards their children's diseases based on internality, anxiety, nosognosia, activity control scales as well as the overall tension indicator that is calculated as a sum of figures from all scales in general. 2. The Attitude-to-Inclusive-Teaching Test. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define how parents perceive the causes of diseases, measure the anxiety level and attitude to their children's disease severity and physical activity. The research has allowed to provide a detailed insight into attitudes of parents with normal and impaired vision in inclusive teaching groups. The results of the research have demonstrated the approximation of families' views and attitudes regarding their children's diseases. Based on the results of the research, the authors have concluded that inclusive teaching and learning has a beneficial effect on families providing that there is timely psychological assistance of children and their parents. In a year after parents started to better understand goals, objectives and purposes of inclusive teaching and learning and maintained a better attitude thereto. The authors have also discovered that inclusive teaching and learning has a positive influence on adults' attitudes to their children's diseases providing that there is timely psychological support of children and parents.
interpersonal relations, visual impairment, anxiety, internality, visually impaired children, children with disabilities, general tension, inclusive education, inclusive education, nosognosia
Clinical psychology
Frolova, I.I., Kaigorodova, N.Z., Kashirskii, D.V. (2017). Subjectiveness Features of Teenagers Abusing Psychoactive Substances. Psychologist, 2, 59–67.
The present article presents the results of studying subjectiveness features of teenagers curing from alcohol or drug addiction at hospitals as well as teenagers who are under supervision of substance abuse professionals. The subject of the research is the subjectiveness features of teenagers abusing psychoactive substances. The aim of the research is to study subjectiveness of teenagers abusing psychoactive substances. Noteworthy that this problem is viewed in terms of cultural and historical interpretation for the first time in psychological literature. The research was carried out in a 24-hour hospital division for children and teenagers at Altai Regional Drug Abuse Hospital an schools of Barnaul. 172 teenagers participated in the research. The research methods included testing using the Subjectiveness Inventory offered by M. Isakova. The questionnaire allows to diagnose the following parameters and indicators of subjectiveness: responsibility, freedom, overall self-reflection ability, reflection over choice, self-control and total subjectiveness indicator. The authors conclude that the above mentioned teenagers' subjectiveness is characterised with its components development disparity and has a number of singularities compared to teenagers who do not abuse psychoactive substances. Teenagers abusing psychoactive substances are less active in situations when they have to choose between alternatives, more impulsive, make random choices more frequently and proceed to actions without giving it an additional thought. School students who are not under supervision of substance abuse professionals demonstrate a better balanced structure of subjectiveness, and feel freer and ready to deal with life difficulties and act according to their views and values unlike hospital patients. As a conclusion, the authors undertline that preventive measures will be more effective if they create conditions for developing school children's subjectiveness.
self-reflection, psychological freedom, responsibility, psychoactive substances, teenage, subjectiveness, control, drug abuse treatment, rehabilitation, schoolchildren
Scenario for your success
Shantyr, Y. (2017). Social-Psychological Concept of Law Making Bases in Area of Marriage and Family Relations. Psychologist, 2, 68–89.
The present research is devoted to studying and analyzing fundamental legislative approaches in the area of marriage and family relations based on the example of the Domestic Relations Codes of Russia and Ukraine. At the present time there are literary sources and Internet sites that provide enough research and information material that evidently testifies about the increasing destructive crisis in modern marriage and family relations. At the same time, more and more researchers in this area underline the ever increasing role and importance of the family institution for all humanity and the need to defend and further develop the family institution under the conditions of modern society. Consequently, today there is a great need in fundamental positions and a certain psychological concept of law making bases in the sphere of domestic relations so that the entire set of marriage and family relations could be based and developed thereupon in the future. Based on Based on analytical research, the author of the present article develops and offers a social-psychological concept of law making bases in the sphere of domestic relations. The concept includes concrete definitions of basic categories such as family, marriage, domestic relations. The author also interprets equality and voluntary participation as the fundamental principles of creating a contemporary family and development of family as a social institution. The research methodology is based on developing research aspects using general research methods such as comparison and analogy, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, detailed elaboratinon, construction, etc. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author conducts analytical research of Domestic Relations Codes of Russia and Ukraine, interprets the terms 'equality' and 'voluntary participation' as the fundamental social-psychological principles for building marriage and family relations and offrs concrete definitions of the basic terms such as family, marriage and domestic relations. The article will be of interest to a wide audience consisting of both nonspecialists and experts in family relations, for example, teachers, practical psychologists, lawers and state officials.
terms and concepts, equality of rights, Domestic Relations Code, marriage, domestic relations, family, social psychology, practical psychology, psychology, pressing questions
Keys to creativity
Osipova, T.Y., Kostina, T.M. (2017). On the Relation Between Communicative Competence/Communicative Flexibility and Communicative Creativity. Psychologist, 2, 90–125.
The object of the research is the communicative creativity of personality and the subject of the research is the influence of communicative competence and communicative flexibility on the level of communicative creativity. The authors of the article analyze approaches to studying flexibility and communicative creativity that have been developed in Russian psychology and teaching. The majority of researchers point out that it is impossible to be creative in general and to be creative in communication in particular without being competent and flexible, however, nobody provides any data about the relation between these phenomena. In the course of a diagnostic experiment the authors have used the following methods: Communication Technique (based on the Communication Technique Scale by N. Tvorogova, 1992), semi-projective test 'Conflict Situations' (based on the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test, 1944), Tomsk Rigidity Inventory (TRI), in particular, Actual Rigidity Scale, Premorbid Rigidity Scale, Reality Scale, and Communicative Flexibility Scale based on the Actual Ridigity Scale by G. Zalevsky (1993) as well as the authors' Communicative Creativity Method designated to evaluate communicative creativity and their description taking into account the levels of flexibility and communicative competence. Data obtained during the research can be used to develop programs aimed at improving communicative competence to the level of creative solution of difficult situations that may arise in the process of communication.
flexibility, individual approach, creativity, communicative behavior, patterns of behavior, motivation in communication, communicative competence, rigidity, communicative flexibility, communicative creativity
Developmental psychology
Svistunova, E.V., Lizunkov, O.B. (2017). The Image of the Future Developed by Teenagers from Socially Maladjusted Families. Psychologist, 2, 126–134.
The authors of the present research analyze the image of the future developed by teenagers from families with different social statuses. The authors provide a general insight into specific perception of the image of future by teenagers coming from socially maladjusted families. Based on the analysis of their perceptions, the authors predict whether kids will be successful or not as adults. The subject of the research is the features of the image of the future demonstrated by teenagers from maladjusted families. The object of the research is the process and conditions for developing such an image by teenagers. The research methods used by the authors included the Draw-A-Person Test when a person is made up out of geometrical shapes and a structured interview 'Complete a sentence' The main conclusion of the research is that teenagers from socially maladjusted families do not have a clear image of their future. The authors' contribution to the topic is that they define specific features of the image of maladjusted teenagers. These include positive prospects without depicting particular means to achieve these goals.
unfinished incomplete sentences, self-identification, ideographic test, maladaptive behavior, deviant teenagers, psychological time, life plan, image of the future, socially maladjusted families, to imagine future