Philosophy and psychology
Rysev, N. (2016). The Necessary, Sufficient and Additional Components of Psychological Manipulation. Psychologist, 3, 1–12.
This article analyzes the development of the theory of the psychological manipulation. The study problem is the designation of the necessary, sufficient and additional components of the manipulation. The article deals with a variety of views of well-known authors in the manipulative behavior of individuals or social groups. As a result of analysis, the author puts forward a hypothesis about the five essential components of the manipulation. 1. The subject-object relationship. 2. Hiding the true purpose of the manipulator. 3. Hiding the very fact of manipulation. 4. Impact on the target of the object being manipulated (need, value, role or self-esteem). 5. Call the object’s emotions, thoughts, attitudes or actions in order to create the subjective feeling of the independence in decision-making. There is no manipulation without each of these components. On the other hand, the presence of these five elements all together is enough to make the behavior of the individual or social group to be the manipulation. Other components of the manipulation, for example, trigger, the script, content of the manipulation and tactical methods of influence are only complementary. But they have reinforcing effects.
influencing, contexts of manipulation, subject-object relationship, targets of manipulator, psychological game, hidden object, the necessary, sufficient components, object of manipulation, a manipulator, psychological manipulation
Rysev, N. (2016). Methods of the Business Game 'Strategy and Tactics of Negotiations' . Psychologist, 3, 13–25.
This article describes in detail the author's business game "Strategy and tactics of negotiations." The first goal of the game is the understanding and practical application of the five negotiating strategies and ways to counter them: ignoring, domination, manipulation, compromise, cooperation. The second goal of the game is the development of the tactical methods of influence.
psychological manipulation, tactical methods of influence, negotiation strategies, private negotiations, business negotiations, business game, ignoring, domination, compromise, cooperation
Philosophy and psychology
Spektor, D.M. (2016). Motivation, subjectivity and temporal interpretation. Psychologist, 3, 26–41.
The subject of the study is represented by the ratio of (treatment) motivation and "time" in its non-physical, psychological treatment. The study develops the idea of the need to move the psychology of non-critical borrowed from other regions of ideas about the nature of time (biographical, historical, social), and the development of the psychology of its own analytical views based non-biased analytics psychological substance (primarily, "motivation"). The study also focused objectives rethinking is closely associated with the "motivation" of psychological realities, in particular the "expediency" and "subject", "subjectivity" and "emotion".The research method based analysis and reconstruction of the concepts of "past", "future" and their treatment in the moment-now in its psychological interpretation.The scientific novelty of the research is to develop new ideas about the nature of time; those outlined previously in studies linking "unconscious" with a structural dispensation text (J. Lacan), and with the last imputation (text) own temporal structure. However, these intentions have not found a system fault in the nature of biographical time. The solution of this problem requires a new return to the "nature of time" coming from the revision of the nature of motivation (emotions). An attempt of this "information" and presents the text of the article.
plot, the intrigue, the subject, the emotions, the appropriateness, the motivation, Time, biography, history, chronology
Professional psychology
Smolko, S. (2016). The Study of Intuition and Rationality as Regulators of the Decision-Making Process Based on the Example of Middle Managers. Psychologist, 3, 42–56.
The article presents the results of studies on the relationship of regulators decision to the success of management activities. As regulators of the decision-making were considered: an intuitive and rational thinking styles and level emotional intelligence of group members. Measuring the success of administrative decisions was conducted with the help of the achieved business performance in a simulated situation of enterprise management. The study was conducted on a sample of middle managers (heads and deputy independent structural subdivisions of a large holding company) in the amount of 204 people. When comparing the groups with high, medium and low values of business performance (the total income of the company, revenue growth and net profit) identified differences in intuition, rationality and emotional intelligence indicators confirm suggested.
trust of the intuition, management of other people's emotions, decision making, success, emotional intelligence, rationality, intuition, reliance on rationality, middle managers, group decisions
Keys to creativity
Osipova, T.Y. (2016). Theoretical Grounds and Features of the Author's Communicative Creativity Inventory. Psychologist, 3, 57–69.
The object of the research is the creative abilities of a person. The author analyzes theoretical approaches to this phenomenon. The subject of the research is the communicative creativity as a combination of flexible thinking and behavior, communicative competence and a number of personal traits (self-regulation ability, sense of humour, etc.) along with the motivation for communication success which allows to 'go beyound the limits' of established styles, behavior patterns and perception stereotypes and to find an individual approach to the partner. In this article Osipova systematizes approaches to communicative creativity in Russian pedagogics and psychology. The researcher also analyzes creativity inventories and notes that none of these methods allows to diagnose communicative creativity. The author's special contribution to the topic is the creation of her own 'Creativity Inventory'. The Inventory has solid theoretical grounds, satisfactory construct validity and a sufficient degree of reliability. These features as well as the procedure of standartization conducted allow to use The Creativity Inventory for research purposes during both individual and group diagnostics of communicative creativity.
behavior patterns, individual approach, motivation in communication, communicative creativity, communication, communicative behavior, ability to create, creativity, construct validity, reliability
Developmental psychology
Aron, I. (2016). Features of the Cognitive Readiness for Professional Self-Determination of Students with Special Social Situations of Development. Psychologist, 3, 70–78.
Object of research is cognitive readiness for professional self-determination of orphan teenagers, teenagers with deviant behavior and teenagers with endowments signs. Work is directed to theoretical and empirical justification of need of the differentiated approach to development of cognitive readiness for professional self-determination of teenagers with special social situations of development. The importance and the maintenance of cognitive readiness in structure of psychological readiness for professional self-determination is defined. The works of psychologists allowing to reveal content of cognitive readiness for professional self-determination of orphan teenagers, teenagers with deviant behavior and teenagers with endowments signs are analyzed. The negative features of cognitive development of orphan teenagers and teenagers with deviant behavior leading to inadequate idea of teenagers of world around, relations of people, the world of professions, inadequate idea of the opportunities, capabilities, skills necessary for successful professional activity, not sensibleness of the professional choice come to light. The high cognitive potential of teenagers with endowments signs promoting successful professional self-determination is noted. Results of own empirical research conducted based on educational institutions of the Republic of Mari El of different type are provided. Research had comparative character. Selection was constituted by three primary groups of examinees (the teenagers who are trained in special educational institutions) and group of comparison (pupils of comprehensive school). Methods of testing and questioning were applied to detection of specifics of cognitive readiness of teenagers for professional self-determination. Handling of results was performed with use of methods of mathematical statistics. Results of empirical research confirm data of the theoretical analysis on differences in formation of cognitive readiness for professional self-determination of teenagers with different social situations of development and reveal earlier not studied high-quality specificity of cognitive readiness of the researched groups of teenagers, first of all, on indicators of a sinergichnost, creativity, informative requirements and self-understanding. Based on the received results the conclusion about need of the differentiated approach to the organization of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of forming of cognitive readiness for professional self-determination of teenagers with different social situations of development and development of special technologies of psychological maintenance of professional self-determination of these categories of teenagers is drawn. What will increase success of their professional self-determination and professional formation.
teenagers orphans, teens, cognitive readiness, social situation of development, professional self-determination, self-determination, psychology, deviant adolescents, gifted adolescents, psychological diagnostics
Psychopathology of the mundane
Voroncova, J., Ermolaev, V. . (2016). Generation Z' Gender-Based Representations of Family: Cross-Cultural Analysis. Psychologist, 3, 79–95.
Object of research is gender ideas of the future family at the Russian and Lithuanian seniors as representatives of generation of Z. Authors in detail consider such aspects of a subject as polorolevy aspect of family life, continuously growing tendency to increase in number of incomplete families, as a result of numerous rastorzheniye of marriages, proving by that relevance of studying of a problem of transformation of institute of a family. The special attention is paid by authors to representations of the Russian and Lithuanian seniors as representatives of digital generation about the future family, to ethical standards and the level of subjective control, their balance in system of social representations.And the level of subjective control at digital generation were applied to research of content of ideas of future family and expressiveness of ethical standards: technique of stereometric testing (Garber E. I., V. V. Kozacha); express technique of an assessment of the relation to observance of ethical standards (Kupreychenko A. B.); test questionnaire level of subjective control (E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golykina, A. M. Etkind). It is carried out cross-country - cultural research of ideas of the future family of the Russian and Lithuanian seniors as representatives of generation of Z. The following conclusions have been formulated: distinctions are found in representatives of generation of Z between ideas of future family, ethical standards and level of subjective control of the Russian and Lithuanian school students.
external locus control level, divorce, marriage, family relations, gender, Generation Z, digital generation, family, moral standards, representations