Crowd psychology
Ribokas, T.V. (2015). Generalized Images of Football Fans Created and Used in Modern Russian Trade Press. Psychologist, 4, 1–36.
The object of research in this article is the football fan movement. The research subject is the generalized images of football fans created and used in modern domestic printing and electronic mass media. The purpose of this work is to assess similar images of fans as subcultures, and also determination of features and components of images of the football fan in mass media. The special attention of the author is paid to a social component of the fan movement and concrete examples of its manifestation as in our country, and abroad. The research method in this article is the analysis of articles in specialized sports mass media, and also the comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign fan movement. The main conclusions of the author are reduced to that the images of football fans created in sports mass media essentially influence a social assessment of the fan movement. The problem of fan subculture and its reflection on the mass media pages has the deep social implication which is beyond the sport. The novelty of the presented work consists in more detailed and profound studying of images of football fans in mass media. The practical importance of research is that it provides a possibility to create an objective and realistic image of the football fan which in its turn will allow to define and eliminate false images and stereotypic delusions of football fans.
journalist, unrest, hooligan, nationalist, subculture, stadium, fan, football, sports, press
Philosophy and psychology
Yurov, I.A. (2015). Sergey Rubinshtein: Dialectical Materialist and Humanistic Psychology. Psychologist, 4, 37–84.
Object of research is the analysis of theoretical positions of S. L. Rubenstein as founder of dialectical materialist and humanistic psychology in Russian science. Positions and theoretical views of S. L. Rubenstein are considered in historical aspect: from panegoism in the thesis before creation of fundamentals of dialectical materialist psychology and existential (humanistic) psychology. It is noted that a number of prominent representatives of humanistic psychology (M. Heidegger, L. Binsvanger, J.-P. Sartre, R. May, V. Frankl) considerably repeated and then continued consideration of existential psychology, basics which were already covered by S. L. Rubenstein. The research method - the analysis of the published works of S. L. Rubenstein, A. V. Brushlinsky, K. A. Abulkhanovoy-Slavskaya, S. Kyerkogor, M. Heidegger and other existentialists as the Main conclusions of the conducted research is convergence of foreign and domestic works on dialectical materialist and humanistic psychology and in this regard the dialectic equivalency of the principles of determinism and indeterminism, unity of consciousness and activity, unity unconscious and activity, disjunction of consciousness and activity, authenticity and nonauthenticity and some other is approved.
the existence, the unity of consciousness activity, determinism, humanistic psychology, existentialism, dialectical materialist psychology, authenticity, subject, object, being
Transpersonal psychology
Subbotsky, E. (2015). No, All of Me Won’t Die: The Magic of Hope. Psychologist, 4, 85–115.
The paper discusses the phenomenon of the hope that a person’s mind (soul) and the humankind are immortal, in the context of recent psychological studies on magical thinking. The humankind lives on the scale of thousands of years, whereas the universe lives of the scale of billions of years, which is a million times longer. Incommensurability of the time scales makes any prognoses regarding the fate of the humankind in relation to the fate of the Earth and the universe beyond a few thousand years meaningless. Why then, despite this, many prominent scientists, and even groups of scientists, spend a lot of time and resources in order to decide on such issues as the future of the Earth and the universe in billions of years from now? Why do astrophysicists spend millions of dollars in order to investigate objects that are located hundreds of millions of light years away from our galaxy? Why predictions are being made as for the fate of the humankind on the cosmic scale of billions of years? One possible answer is offered by recent psychological studies on magical thinking in modern humans. These studies have shown that the belief in the supernatural is common not only among small children today, but also among modern educated rational adults who consciously view themselves as non-believers in magic and/or in god. The hypothesis is discussed, according to which our interest towards the remote future of the humankind is rooted in our hidden belief that there exist a magical link (participation) between a person (the humankind) and the universe. Novelty: (1) For the first time the phenomenon of the hope for the immortality of a person’s mind (soul) and the humankind is discussed in the context of recent psychological studies of magical thinking; (2) Analysis of forms, which the hope for immortality takes in science, pseudo-scientific writings and in philosophy is also a new feature; (3) One more novel element is the analysis of what recent theories of memory have to say on the hypothesis that the person’s mind is imperishable. Conclusions: (1) Despite the incommensurability of the time scales on which the universe and the humankind live, huge amounts of money and resources are being invested in the investigation of the impractical problems, such as the origins of the universe, the prospects for the existence of the humankind in billions of years from now, and the structure of objects that are situated on the edge of the observable universe; (2) Psychological studies in the last decades have shown that most modern rational people, while consciously denying their beliefs in magic or in god, subconsciously maintain the belief in the supernatural; (3) Data obtained in recent studies on elementary particle physics and cosmology support the ancient hypothesis that there exist the unbreakable link between the universe and the human mind; (4) These data, viewed through the subconscious belief in the supernatural, give birth to the hope that a person’s mind (soul) and the humankind could be immortal.
platonism, memory, the phenomenon of hope, immortality of the soul, magical thinking, participation, the anthropic principle, supernatural, the theory of anamnesis, morphogenetic field
Professional psychology
Shantyr, Y. (2015). Actuality of Practical Psychology and the Job Profile Diagram of a Practical Psychologist. Psychologist, 4, 116–138.
Actuality of practical psychology is showing in this article in the conditions of intensification of life of man and growth of the crisis phenomena in modern society. Problems into that humanity runs today are the result of present spiritually psychical crisis. The level of evolution of human consciousness, as carrier of psychical processes, does not provide presently, adequate reaction of society and his individuals on existing now calls and does not result in the timely making of new world view on overcoming of the crisis phenomena. Evolution of psychical processes and on the whole psyches of man, along with undeniable achievements, accompanied and accompanied, unfortunately, by unit by the row of the negative phenomena: by wars, social calamities, ethnogeny catastrophes and other destructive events. Consequently, development of psyche, as totalities of psychical processes of man, requires, special in present terms, purposeful efforts of psychologists and unambiguous interpretation of their activity. The main task here consists in that in the conditions of growth of the crisis phenomena and permanent intensification of life of man qualitatively new progressive personality transformations in society took place quickly enough and mass, that will allow turning back the crisis phenomena and present orientation of modern humanity to self-destruction. In these terms psychology and her practical realization appear, by how hardly not only science to that looks are turned in search of answer for the pressing questions of today and determination of the practical operating under an exit from crisis situations. At the same time, profession of psychologist while yet far not simply perceived today in modern society, practical psychology did not declare about itself properly, and activity of practical psychologists did not become concrete and clear to the people. Key reason of it absence of the clearly set forth bases of professiogrammy of practical psychologist is, foremost, allowing to dissociate a psychological help from all other near on maintenance the parapsychology and astrologic types of activity. The algorithm of the job profile diagram of a practical psychologist, activity of that, unlike other professions, must be directing, is offered in the article and reasonable, foremost, on development of psychical processes of man with the purpose of forming of new personality capable in any terms it is adequate to work out the concrete problems. The table of contents of work of practical psychologist consists in realization of consultations and realization of gumanitarno-povedencheskogo psycho-analysis that consistently plugs in itself all three basic methodological directions of practical psychology: psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral and humanistic psychology. The article can be interesting to the wide circle of specialists in the field of psychological services: to the students, teachers, practical psychologists and by a civil servant of the system of education.
psychological consultations, psychology, practical psychology, actuality, intensification, crisis, humanitarian behavioral psychoanalysis, algorithm of professiogrammy psychologist, psychical processes, society
Psychology and pedagogics
Grishchenkova, A.E. (2015). Age and Gender Features of School Students' Hostility. Psychologist, 4, 139–316.
In this article gender and age features of manifestation of attribution of hostility by school students after viewing of violent plots in animated films are discussed. One of the most important factors of formation of aggressive behavior are cognitive abilities of the individual and the strategy of processing of information acquired by it. In a case when the person considers that negative intentions are the reason of provocative actions of another, it, most likely will behave same aggressive images in relation to the offender. While in a situation when he realizes that these actions are caused absolutely by other motives, aggressive reaction can not arise. Proceeding from it empirical research which purpose was to establish gender and age distinctions in manifestation of attribution of hostility (attribution of deliberate / accident actions, behavior models, punishment and forgiveness) school students after viewing of plots of the violent and nonviolent contents in animated films was conducted. Results of the conducted research are stated in the offered article. The obtained data were interpreted on the basis of the following methodological approaches:1. The theory of attribution of hostility of K. Dodge in which the attribution of hostility is considered as a tendency to attribute hostile intentions to other people, even then, when these intentions actually doesn't exist. 2. Information and procedural models of aggression of L. Hyusman according to which emergence of aggression is caused by existence of aggressive scenarios of behavior which represent the schemes of aggressive behavior supported with positive experience in different situations.3. Affective and dynamic approach of I. A. Furmanov according to which, in a situation of frustration or a deprivation three types of reaction are possible: in depression - aggressive type of behavior, passive and aggressive type of behavior and active and aggressive type of behavior. For achievement of a goal, in research the technique "Attribution of hostility" was used. This technique is developed by J. Hébert on the basis of model of processing of the social information of K. Dodge measuring children's attribution of hostility or peaceful intentions in hypothetically provocative situations and modified on the basis of the affective and dynamic theory of the aggression of I.A. Furmanov assuming variability of behavioural reactions to aggression provocation. Selection was made by 450 school students (225 girls, 225 boys) of three age groups: 6–7 years, 8–9 years and 10-12 years. As a result of the conducted research it was established that irrespective of a floor and age the school student after viewing of plots of the violent contents, at an atributirovaniye of actions of other person in a provocation situation, shows attribution of hostility, attribution of a namerennost and active aggression as behavior model, moreover he doesn't intend to forgive the offender, and to seek to punish him.
psychology, attribution of hostility, models of behavior, violence in animated cartoons, punishment, attribution of deliberate actions, forgiveness, school students, middle childhood, modelling
Gafarova, O.N. (2015). Technology of reality realization – approach of psychological consulting. Psychologist, 4, 317–356.
Technology of Reality Realization (ToRR-approach) is a conceptually developed matrix modality, to be equally applied in psychological consulting and psychotherapy, coaching and business-consulting, education and enlightenment. Due to implementation of the ToRR approach into the work of psychological “Resource Center “Integraziya” ( the term of elimination of clients’ neurotic states, addictions and difficult organizational and family conflicts has been reduced in more than two times, compared to 2010. The ToRR-approach is based on adaptive mechanisms of development and matrix (table of informational elements), displaying the direction of changes in one horizontal-structural level, the consulting model, having a vast spectrum of application and allowing to study the clients’ problems, particular environmental conditions connected to their problems, predict the main tendencies of their consequent life scenarios. And also the ToRR-approach allows making necessary recommendations for positive solutions of the clients’ problems. The ToRR- acts as a catalyst accelerating changes in the process of understanding and related personal development, creating a new quality of thinking and the nature of the client in the process of self-adjustment. The Technology allows to predict with some accuracy the development of future events and forecast them, tracking the dynamics of the process, and if necessary, change or adjust them to ensure sustainability and irreversibility of the positive results in the lives of our
systemic thinking, new psychological methods, psychotechnics, short-term psychotherapy, ToRR-approach, psychological consulting, neurotic states, psychological approach, psychotherapeutic approach, consciousness expansion