Person and personality
Khairullina, I.R. (2014). Peculiarities of Psychological Defense Mechanisms and Coping Strategies of Teenagers From Dysfunctional Families. Psychologist, 5, 1–15.
In article the problem of psychological protective mechanisms and koping-strategy at teenagers from dysfunctional families is investigated. Owing to different vital difficulties, disasters, problems, people face serious shocks and a stress with which heavy to cope even to the adult, not to mention children and teenagers who if something happens resort to inadequate ways of a sovladaniye with them. The teenage age is also characterized by psychological and physiological changes, critical for the personality. In this article an inspection of a hypothesis was carried out that the number of productive strategy of sovladayushchy behavior of teenagers can be increased due to carrying out the correctional program. As tools the diagnostic complex including psychodiagnostic techniques was used: questionnaire of ways of a sovladaniye of Lazarus and Folkman (T.L. Kryukova's adaptation, E.V. Kuftyak); Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte's questionnaire "Index of vital style"; technique "Koping-povedeniye in stressful situations". During research, the program of psychological correction for improvement of quality of formation of effective psychological protective mechanisms and strategy of sovladayushchy behavior at teenagers from dysfunctional families was developed and approved. By results it is also visible that after carrying out the program results changed to the best.
The range of emotional experience
Epifanova, E.S. (2014). Extreme Activities as a Method of Developing Teenagers' Stress Resistance. Psychologist, 5, 16–38.
In article resistance to stress as the system dynamic characteristics defining ability of the person to resist to stressogenny influence is described or to master many stressful situations. It is claimed that emergence and experience of a stressful event depends more not from objective, and on subjective factors, namely, on characteristics of each certain person: its estimations of stressful conditions, comparisons of internal resources and abilities to stressogenny factors. It is noted that for the subjects who are engaged in extreme types of activity level the stressogennykh of factors is considerably overestimated, in comparison with the people who are engaged in usual kinds of activity. Empirical research of resistance to stress at two groups of teenagers is conducted: engaged in usual kinds of activity and leading an extreme life. Measurement of indicators, resistance to stress, psychological stability, self-control, unmotivated uneasiness, health, activity and mood was taken. Distinction between groups was estimated, the interrelation of the allocated indicators with resistance to stress was statistically measured. It was shown that at the teenagers leading an extreme life, the level of resistance to stress is higher, and that in formation of resistance to stress the fundamental role will be played by resources of psychological stability and self-control.
Psychology and pedagogics
Anisimova, E.A. (2014). Methods of Developing Positive Patterns of Behavior Demonstrated by Teenagers in Conflict Situations. Psychologist, 5, 39–59.
In article the interrelation between the level of aggression and strategy of behavior in a conflict situation at teenagers, and also a question of formation of positive patterns of behavior in the conflict in this age group is investigated. It is known that the teenage age is one of the key moments of formation of the identity of the person, his views, interests, orientations. In this work the research conducted in educational Moscow region institution among pupils of the tenth classes by age from 15 to 17 years, directed on studying of the preferred strategy of behavior in a conflict situation is presented. The assumption of existence of interrelation between the level of aggression and the chosen strategy of behavior was the main hypothesis of research, namely the aggressions studying with high level and domination in group of contemporaries prefer not constructive ways of settlement of the conflict, in particular strategy "rivalry". Formation of positive patterns of behavior is possible by carrying out the correctional developing program with training elements. Studying of a conflictness of pupils of the chosen age group and the data obtained on this matter will help the teachers and psychologists working in educational institution, being guided by individual characteristics of separately taken pupils, to build the most effective programs of training and correction of behavior for persons with high rates of a conflictness. Besides, the developed methods and programs will allow to train pupils in the correct reaction in a conflict situation, and also to application of the gained knowledge in the field of settlement of the conflicts in everyday life at advanced age.As a result of the carried-out work the data allowing to judge interrelation of these two indicators were obtained. The hypothesis was confirmed, that is the assumption of interrelation of level of aggression, domination among contemporaries and the preferred strategy of behavior was true. The aggressions studying with high rates and domination chose such strategy of behavior as "rivalry", respondents with average or low values chose constructive ways of settlement of the conflict. Following the results of research the correctional developing program with training elements for correction of negative patterns of behavior of teenagers as a result of which the positive shifts allowing to judge efficiency of the offered program received was made and approved.
Keys to creativity
Zaitseva, M.L. (2014). The Phenomenon of Synaesthesia in Post Modernistic Art. Psychologist, 5, 60–78.
Article is devoted to an updating subject the sinesteziynykh of bases of esthetic consciousness in the theory and art practice of the Latest time. By the author it is revealed that at the present stage of development art develops under the influence of sociocultural realities of the information society which is formed in the conditions of globalization: scientific and technical revolution, expansion of mass culture, large-scale escalation of mass and media forms, processes of virtualization of society and culture. It is proved that the main tendency of art of a postmodernism is the embodiment the sinesteziynykh of ideas in the synthesized art objects based on a priority of the visuality causing all complex of means of expression. In article the method of the system analysis and logical modeling - for explanation of identification of the reasons of emergence of experimental types and new genres of the modern art and identification the sinesteziynykh of bases of their perception is used. In article it is proved that development and improvement of technologies introduces amendments in area of functioning of synthetic art genres, subordinating them to "a tendency of the worsening selection". Art projects of the second half of the XX century or follow on the way of commercialization and degradation of art, the appeal to pop culture and marginal art, or try to become an alternative way of a survival and continuation of experimental ideas of vanguard, on the basis of a sinesteziya, introspection, reflections to develop and improve sensual and cognitive abilities of the person.
Developmental psychology
Spektor, D.M. (2014). The Nature and Education adn the Culture of Play (On the Cultural Studies of Childhood). Psychologist, 5, 79–105.
As outline of research the relation of "nature", traditional for the subject "developments" (in this case the child's nature) and "cultures" acts (as to it the traditional and external improving beginning). Under "development" the new ontologic base based on unusual interpretation of a phenomenon of emotions is brought. The last on the basis of phylogenetic reconstruction are treated as certain "settings" (moods) allowing to subordinate spontaneous reaction of a community of its manifestations (to bring unity of motives under similar manifestations). The emotional reaction (distinguished ò.î. from affective) takes shape of cultural reaction in game (in a phylogeny - within "sacred game"). In game, ò.î." true spontaneity" (transcendence) is opposed to a community of reactions (transcendental and esthetic settings), playing including accents of "spontaneity" and "rules". Without having special respect for theories of reconciliation, the author sees known methodological potential in comparison the logician filo-and ontogenesis, identification of those "beginnings" which scoop the bases in "nature" (instincts), but instincts unusual (initiating spontaneous reactions), unusually used (provoking reactions collective) and unusually (randomly) initiated. The view of the nature of game is reconsidered in the light of the new anthropological model developed by the author. The accepted dichotomy "the nature - culture", traditionally prevailing over understanding, is replaced new within which the "nature" presented by instincts reflexive is opposed to "nature" of spontaneous reactions. In such communication "the nature – the culture" is opposed to a paradigm a paradigm "spontaneity (cultural conditions of its generation and support) – (natural and cultural) conditionality".