Inner world
Anisimova, K.A. (2014). Psychological Constitutions of Woman's Attitude to Her Future Child During Pregnancy. Psychologist, 1, 1–24.
This article is devoted to psychological features of the relation to the future at pregnant women aged from 18 till 40 years. Pregnancy represents difficult and psychologically very various state. The physical, hormonal and social changes happening to the woman during this period, change her emotional state, and also the attitude towards, towards future child and the world as a whole. For the pregnant woman the mood swing, updating of alarms, the internal conflicts and not resolved psychological problems is characteristic. For studying of parental installations by the American psychologists E.S. Schaefer and R. K. Bell the technique of PARI (parental attitude research instrument) was offered. In Russia this technique was adapted by the psychologist T.V. Neshcheret. The technique includes 23 aspects signs. 8 scales characterize the relation to a family role: limitation of interests of the woman a family framework, cares exclusively about a family; feeling of self-sacrifice as mother; family conflicts; superauthority of parents; dissatisfaction with a role of the hostess of the house; "indifference" of the husband and his not inclusiveness in family affairs; domination of mother; dependence and dependence of mother. In total in research took part 180 people divided into two groups: 1 . The Conditional and Healthy Pregnant Women (CHPW) – 90 people; 2 . Conditional and healthy not pregnant women (CHNPW) – 90 people. Now in Russia studying of individual and psychological features of pregnant women is very actual. One of the most important aspects of this problem is the attitude of pregnant women towards the future child and a family, especially considering a disturbing and depressive background of mood throughout the pregnancy period. Data that for CHNPW characteristic such aspects signs as "feeling of self-sacrifice", "a dissatisfaction with a role of the hostess", "dependence on a family", "development of activity of the child", "evasion from the conflict", etc. were obtained.
pregnancy, maternity, child, attitude, anxiety, depression, emotions, family, mother, PARI test
Mind games
Tereshchenko., .N. (2014). Emotional Creativity in the Structure of General Abilities of Students . Psychologist, 1, 25–38.
In article emotional creativity as the creative ability connected with other mental and creative abilities of students is considered. Importance of definition of emotional creativity for pedagogics, need of its measurement at entrants of creative educational institutions is shown. On the basis of the analysis of literature definition of emotional creativity is given, its components are allocated, its communications with indicators of emotional intelligence are described. Data of own empirical research conducted on group of students are provided, is used author's techniques and classical tests for different types of intelligence and creativity. Indicators of the general emotional creativity and personal emotional creativity are entered. On the basis of the received results, it is claimed that emotional creativity as ability is a condition of effective implementation of artistic activity. Interrelations of emotional creativity with other mental and creative abilities are described. Partial existence of "an intellectual threshold" in the relations of emotional creativity and emotional intelligence is noted. At low indicators the general emotional creativity is interconnected with the general emotional intelligence, and at high – they become independent factors, but there is a communication of personal emotional creativity and emotional intelligence.
teaching, psychology, personality, abilities, creative abilities, creativity, emotional creativity, intellect, emotional intellect, artistic talent
Societal passions
Alistratova, E.Y. (2014). Proactive Behavior on the Internet: Reasons, Consequences and Possible Ways of Prevention. Psychologist, 1, 39–54.
This article describes specifics of communication between participants of network communities, features of personification of the personality in a cyberspace. The author suggests to consider pro-active Internet aggression as a form of deviant behavior which is shown by aspiration to provoke desirable response at users of a network. Intrinsic characteristics, behavioural manifestations and possible motives of such types of Internet aggression, as trolling, an astroturfing and a kiberbulling are submitted. Data of domestic and foreign researches of a problem a cyber aggression among teenagers and children are provided. Some features of virtual life are described: anonymity is understood as the factor influencing a cyber safety of participants of network communication, in particular children's and teenage audience of the Internet. Article raises the topical questions of ensuring support and child protection and teenagers from threats a cyber aggression within the state and federal programs – from introduction of the difficult software before consultation of victims virtual a cyber aggression. The author considers anonymity as one of starting mechanisms of delinquent behavior in a cyberspace. In this work recommendations about the prevention of possible negative consequences from pro-active Internet aggression both to young participants of virtual communication, and their surrounding adults - parents, teachers and employees of social structures are offered.
proactive aggression, trolling, cyber bullying, cyber safety, anonymity, astrotourfing, virtuality, deviant behavior, teenager's aggression, motivation
The unpredictable
Apartsev, O.R. (2014). Ultrabiotic Generalization. Psychologist, 1, 55–93.
In offered work the area of studied populations is displaced in the direction "not the quite biotic" of populations. The choice of such direction is set in the assumption of possibility of generation by populations of biotics certain the populyatsiobraznykh of objects of not biotic nature, and also, search of explanations of phenomena the ekstravertnykh of manifestations of the advanced biotizm which is beyond ordinary model of biotic population, even at investment of biotics with alarm functions. The research methodology, as well as earlier, consists in consecutive application to any considered populations of the Theory of Ambivalent Generalization. It is necessary to refer nature definition to the key methodical moments êðåäîâ - intra population exchange particles, and also, clarification of features of interaction with resources and an other essential environment of population. Discussion of possible contact with populations of a "extraterrestrial" origin, within the Generalization Theory, showed that this approach doesn't create mechanisms of an ekstraordinarnost of a biotizm, reducing its results to standard heterotypical reactions. In further researches it was supposed that "not quite biotic" populations arise only as derivative objects of activity of biotics. Studying of some test populations suitable under definition "not quite biotic", showed existence of these objects in dual space of factors: surrounding space and consciousness - a certain internal attributive mechanism of advanced biotics. Research of test populations showed full compliance of dynamics of such populations of the Theory of Ambivalent Generalization. All "not biotic" objects were given the general name - "ultrabiotics", with a localization place - in "consciousness" of the developed biotics where they arise and exist as objects concepts. Actually, ultrabiotics prove as interface êîòðàãåíò for development by biotics of surrounding meta-biotic space outside direct contact. Generalization of all space of interaction Ultrabiotikov with world around received the name "Biokosm" in which it is possible to allocate physical, social (population) and abstract subspaces on an object prevalence. For consciousnesses mechanism disclosure, the simplified model of individual "consciousness" of a separate biotic for which realization the model of neural population is used is offered, is more exact: populations the kommensalnykh of attributive logical objects – extract of logical functions of neurons. Conclusions about specific properties of development of logical attributives of neural populations, and about their submission of the Theory of Generalization that allows to declare "consciousness" as about Unikalization's process in population of neurons became result of such approach.In the described ultrabiotic model it is possible to investigate the reason of emergence of two philosophical dialectically irreconcilable doctrines: idealism and materialism. The dual space of attributes of each ultrabiotic creates the conflict which essence is reduced to the competition of a choice of one of two reference systems: or connected with the interface function between a biotic and the world, or - with function of the internal logical analysis of a biotic. By complex of consecutive consideration of population objects it is shown that the Theory of Ambivalent Generalization is the uniform propeller of development of populations in the direction (The lifeless nature) → (Biotizm) → (Consciousness) → (Biokosm) that is, in fact, the mechanism of expansion of Biotizm in the Universe. The presented picture of Biokosm extending in the Universe in whom in each timepoint and in each point the Theory of Ambivalent Generalization which is the uniform law for all biotic processes is executed, allows to draw a conclusion on existence of the large-scale invariancy created by Generalization that is expressed in fractality of manifestation of Biotizm.
ultrabiotics, biotics, ambivalent generalization, consciousness, unums, sense unums, materialism and idealism, biocosm, scale invariance, fractals
Personal growth
Erzin, A.I. (2014). The Problem of Proactivity in Psychology of Health. Psychologist, 1, 94–124.
The article is devoted to the current trends in researches in the sphere of psychology of health eloquently testify to consolidation of positions of positive psychology in the field of studying of factors of psychoprevention and psychohygiene. One of such personal factors, according to the author, pro-activity as a basis of the self-determined behavior acts. The analysis of a current state of a problem of pro-activity is presented in article in psychological researches. Leading criteria and parameters of pro-active behavior through which prism the author suggests to consider psychological health and its communication with effective functioning of the personality are allocated. The author's model of pro-activity in the standard aspect, including the motivational block, the block of the analysis and the behavioural block is presented. The short characteristic is given to structural components of pro-active behavior which, according to the author, include resistence, self-efficiency, metarequirements, an internal locus of control, dispositional optimism, valuable and life orientations of the personality. The pro-activity role in a sovladaniye with a stress, in overcoming of psychological consequences of somatic diseases is shown. The interrelation of pro-active behavior and quality of life is reflected in advanced age. The author notes intensive penetration of ideas of positive psychology into psychology clinical and sees prospect of further researches of functioning of the personality in close connection with studying of personal predictors of pro-activity.
proactiveness, proactive behavior, theory of self-determination, psychology of health, self-efficiency, positive psychology, coping, optimism, persistence, successful aging
Psychology and pedagogics
Frantskevich, E.T. (2014). Psychological Problems as the Risk Factor for the Safety of the Educational Environment. Psychologist, 1, 125–174.
The concept of "psychological safety" persons in the educational environment and its relevance is considered. Risk factors, in particular concept of psychological trouble, as one of the main threats of safety of the educational environment are analyzed. Various risk factors and threats of psychological safety of the educational environment, its components are considered. Emotional safety as making part of all-psychological safety of the educational environment, its emotional component. Communication of emotional safety of the educational environment and health of the person, first, mental, and secondly, physical is traced. The concept of psychological trouble, as risk factor of safety of the educational environment is entered. As prerequisites of emergence of psychological trouble various factors act in different degree: biological (genetic or hereditary) or social and psychological, educational. At an assessment of level and expressiveness of psychological trouble of the personality it is necessary to take into account personal (individual) features, such as character aktsentuation. The solution of problems of psychological safety in the educational environment, in particular psychological trouble of teenagers, has to be carried out through programs and techniques of diagnostics of the personality and forming of individual correctional and scheduled maintenance according to personal features and character aktsentuation, also the psychologist needs to conduct work on improvement of interpersonal interaction and training in social skills of all participants of educational process. The assumption is made that sources and variety of manifestations of psychological trouble, and also exit options from a difficult life or extreme situation, in big degree are defined by psychotype of the personality and are covered in a character aktsentuation. At an adverse psychological situation there is a fixing of some pathological traits of character that prevents the teenager to adapt for environment and can become one of the reasons of his deviant behavior. Not incidentally aktsentuation of character are considered as prerequisites of abnormal (deviant) behavior of teenagers. In any case, it is possible to tell with confidence what these are the accentuation of personality traits that make the teenager's age and adulthood period 'difficult'.
educational environment, psycholocal safety of personality, psychological safety of the environment, emotional safety, psychological problems, danger, risk, threat, psychological violence, accentuation of personality traits, psychological type, abnormal personality disorder