Inner world
Korneenkov, S.S. (2014). Spiritual and Perinatal Psychology: Peculiarities of Restrospective Experience in the Altered State of Consciousness (Empirical Research). Psychologist, 6, 1–73.
Questions of perinatal psychology are considered. The theoretical and pilot study is constructed on the following hypotheses. The first: the person is a spontaneous being, all information in the period of a razvoploshchyonny state, and also during the perinatal period of development is stored in his soul. The second: being in meditation, the individual is capable to remember mental states and experiences which he experienced till the birth.Research problems: 1. To study scientific and yogichesky literature on a problem: a) unifications of consciousness of soul and mind of a fruit during the perinatal period of life of the individual; b) soul life during the previous period of its embodiment in a body of the person. 2. To check practical opportunities of integrated technology of training and self-knowledge in the awake and changed conditions of consciousness when studying the academic disciplines in higher education institution. 3. To conduct a pilot study of experiences, perception and thinking of the individual in the changed condition of consciousness during the different periods of perinatal development and during the period preceding entry of soul into a material body of the person.Object of research: the changed condition of consciousness. Research subject: features of perception, thinking and experience of individual consciousness: a) to a meeting with the impregnated ovum; b) at the moment and after formation of a zygote; c) in the first days of life of the child. The integrated technology of training and self-knowledge (ÈÒÎèÑ) developed by the author in awake and the changed conditions of consciousness (CCC) was applied. Entry into ISS was carried out by means of the following methods: installation, control, concentration, music, meditation, hypnosis, auto-suggestion, prayer, sonastroyka. For the first time in domestic and world psychology and pedagogics integrated approach of training and self-knowledge in unity of the awake and changed conditions of consciousness is offered, approved and introduced in practice.New data on psychological features of perception, thinking and experiences during the perinatal period of development of the individual, and also at the moment previous meetings of a spermatozoon and an ovum, soul and a physical body are obtained.Mastering meditation allows to perceive consciously "other" reality, to accept the inner world and surrounding reality as a unit. Deep immersion in itself promotes approach of rest, harmony, knowledge, purity, fills consciousness of the personality with force and energy. An inner world the same reality for our consciousness, as well as external. It is possible to carry out self-research, self-training according to goals to meditations, to study a theoretical and practical course of psychology and pedagogics, anatomy and physiology, and also any discipline provided by the program of training in higher education institution.
Vertex states of the spirit
Glinchikova, E.V. (2014). Existence and Subjectivity. Psychologist, 6, 74–107.
The author investigates phenomena of life, consciousness and subjectivity. On the example of several texts tries to allocate at different authors the described or allocated with them consciously or irresponsibly primary myslechuvstviye, feeling obvious or a meeting with it. Obvious it is possible to consider both as life and as subjectivity, unseparable manifestation of the human. The author tries to understand as this primary myslechuvstviye is developed, what role in this process is played by consciousness, and what subjectivity. Subjectivity is understood as that part of the person which generates fantazma, rages meanings. The consciousness is an area rational. As a method the author uses stay in texts of places with ruptures of structural fabric, those places in which metaphorically expressed inexpressible is illuminated. As conclusions it is possible to call opening of opportunity to consider life and subjectivity as adjacent concepts. At such approach it is possible to solve a problem the subject - object dualism and to be beyond the relations of domination and submission with the world and its conventions, clearing away a way to I understand the person as various.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Grigor'eva, E.V. (2014). Development of the Dominating Motivation and Value Systems of Elementary School Students with Health Problems. Psychologist, 6, 108–126.
The psychological analysis of structure motivatsionno - the potrebnostny sphere and valuable educations of children of younger school age with somatic problems of health is provided. The polisemichnost of the concept "motive", "requirement", "motivation" of known conceptual theories of domestic psychologists is analyzed. The problem formation of the identity of the child of younger school age with somatic problems of health and specifics of development of a personal orientation during this period is covered, the place taken by motives and motivation in structure of the identity of the child and a taxonomy of motives in the theory of activity approach of A. N. Leontyev becomes clear. An objective of this research is studying of gradual change of motivation of the child in connection with development in it of a somatic disease. The problem is considered from two parties, through formation of "the acquired helplessness", on the one hand and through development of nadsituativny activity, with another. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, the conclusion about influence of a chronic somatic disease on formation, structure, specifics of an iyerarkhirization of motives and a personal orientation of the younger school student with health problems is drawn. Are noted age distinction in features of the motivational sphere of children with somatic diseases, it is shown that the strongest changes come after 10 years when the child starts realizing more stoutly himself and the illness.
Professional psychology
Belaya, E.A. (2014). Development of the Group Cohesion of a Military Team (the Case Study of the Subdivision of the Silent Drill Team). Psychologist, 6, 127–141.
In article features of group unity of military collective on the example of division of a company of a guard of honor are analyzed. Definition of group unity is given, factors which influence group unity of military collective are described (uneven-age groups, life experience, character, habits of the recruit, etc.). The problems existing now before the Russian army and influencing experience by the soldier of group unity are noted (insufficient prestige of military service, bad material providing part, low motivation of recruits, the non-statutory relations in parts, bad conditions of service, insufficiency of preparation of personnel structure, etc.) . In article efficiency of the author's program for formation of group unity of military collective is analyzed. Diagnostic methods of research of group unity by means of sociometry methods – drawing up a sotsiomatritsa and methods of experimental influence - approbation of the author's program are used, the comparative analysis of entrance and total diagnostics is carried out. On the basis of the conducted research the conclusion that the developed program for psychological education of the military personnel allows to reduce aggression manifestation level, to increase the level of communicative abilities is drawn and teaches a choice of the most optimum strategy of behavior in a conflict situation. It is noted that for receiving the most effective results it is necessary to organize and carry out work not only with the military personnel who arrived on service but also with staff of part: officers and commanders; to organize collaboration with adjacent services – deputy commanders on educational work.
Maylenova, F. (2014). Versatile Forms of Personality Changes: From Zen Practices to Hypnotherapy. Psychologist, 6, 142–162.
The main object of research the trance technicians used in psychotherapy. Modern hypnotherapy incorporates the various experience of personal change developed not only in the field of medicine and psychology, but also in various spiritual practicians (yoga, Zen Buddhism, Taoist practicians). Though the zen with its aiming at action and existence seemed first the direct opposite of the classical psychotherapy based on conversation and work with memoirs here-and-now, his concentration on a present situation and work with understanding were very productive. High, in comparison with other psychotechnicians, efficiency and specifics of work with hypnotic technicians impose additional ethical responsibility on the therapist, in particular, for observance of the principle of the informed consent. The used methodology – the comparative analysis of psychotherapeutic methods of work with the personality and spiritual the practician on the basis of personal experience of self-modification and supervision over clients in the course of psychological consultation. Scientific novelty of approach consists in search of the general principles in such so unlike systems as psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy and an expert zen. The aspiration to understand, interpret the symbols and signs offered unconscious, and the most important – close attention to the processes proceeding in unconscious in fact is inherent in both psychoanalysis, and Zen Buddhism, and this new knowledge promotes expansion of opportunities of hypnotherapy and enrichment of vision of human nature and ways of its healing.