Developmental psychology
Mordas, E.S. (2013). Deprivation Effects and Peculiarities of Play Demonstrated by Infants at an Orphan Home. Psychologist, 9, 1–17.
Features of development of children in the conditions of a deprivation. Communication of experiences of emotional deficiency and reaction to inanimate objects. Toy as the object showing features of intellectual, emotional, personal development. Stages of development of reaction to a toy at the children who are bringing up in a family and children from orphanage: early stages (visualization, touch) and the differentiated behavior. Difficulties of development of interaction with a toy at babies from orphanage. Communication of a deprivational situation of development and violation of balance of comfort discomfort. That will disorganize the Ego of the child and promotes regress development. Shortage of maternal care is directly connected with violation of game activity of babies of orphanage. Theoretical analysis of psychoanalytic views of a problem of a deprivation J. Boulbi, R. Shpits, A. Freud, S. Provens, M. Mahler, etc. The object relations play the central role in development of the child. Not acceptance of the child, rejection, separation (loss) from mother is psychologically considered as the trauma, the generating sharp experience of a grief remaining during the long period of time. The situation of loss can be presented as intervention to development of the child. Intervention leads to an arrest of development, its distortion and desintegrates as a whole the identity of the child. The child who has transferred a mental deprivation, gets to group of risk of children with possibility of development of mental and somatic violations. Shortage of the corresponding balance between experiences of discomfort and comfort interferes with establishment of traces of memory of object and its constant катексиса. Because of insufficient катексиса human object, shift to inanimate objects that acts as effects of a deprivation is broken, can be observed in children's game of children.
psychology, deprivation, separation, trauma, disadaptation, hospitalism, object, cathexis, discomfort, satisfaction
Vertex states of the spirit
Sherkova, T.A. (2013). The Spirit of the Ancient Egyptian God Thoth: Jungian Aspect. Psychologist, 9, 18–50.
The article is devoted to the God of knowledge and wisdom Thoth. The author of the article compares Thoth to the ancient Egyptian God Hermes. Each feature of that God is analyzed by the author in terms of Jung's analytical psychology. The main emphasis is made on the parallelism of the myth and psychological concepts related to existential phenomena such as life and death, good and evil and their reflection in ancient initiations and modern psychological researches.
reunion, opposites, archetype, symbol, collective representations, spirit, initiation, liminality, self, wise old man
Philosophy and psychology
Shchuplenkov, N.O., Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2013). Subjectivity as the Integral Mental and Philosophical Characteristic of Human. Psychologist, 9, 51–82.
In this article the term "subject" is understood as the person, the carrier of such qualities as autonomy, a protivopostavlennost to the world as to object, self-determination, activity, internal integrity and indivisibility. Strictly speaking, such understanding is fair only for the European new temporary model of the subject, only within which became possible появлениетермина "subject" and attributing to it values habitual to us today. In medieval outlook couldn't appear neither such category, nor similar interpretation of the person.Compliance of Cartesian interpretation to current trends of philosophical thought is disputable also: after all already I. Kant the "Copernican turn" introduces considerable amendments in this model. In early works of the nonclassical period of philosophizing the Cartesian model of the subject is exposed to sharper criticism. And, at last, the statement for "death of the subject", for the first time explicitly formulated by M. Foucault in work "Words and things. The archeology of the humanities" (1966) and become some kind of slogan of post-modernist philosophy, raises a question of refusal of the category "subject". So, each historical era "creates" the own subject, filling with new meanings the same Cartesian category "subject". Moreover, in "прокрустово a bed" this category we try to squeeze also ideas of the person, for example, eras of Antiquity or the Middle Ages.Thus, the category "subject" only with great reserve can be used for the characteristic of other eras or cultures. However, if we also can't call rightfully, for example, the Christian of an era of the Middle Ages "subject" in modern sense, whether we can claim, what it at all didn't possess to some extent "subject qualities"? Obviously, isn't present – perhaps, it would mean that he wasn't also a person. Thus probably it is necessary to talk not about insolvency of the category "subject" in general, but it is rather about transfer of research interest from the static category "subject" fixing concrete historical type of "subject", on the category expressing a certain quality – "ability to be the subject". And this quality can already be to some extent inherent in the person of any historical era. In this role the category "subjectivity" also can act. Such approach will allow to reflect rather correctly historical dynamics of the category "subject", designating not "subject", but degree of expressiveness of a certain quality in different historical периодыили in different cultures.The statement about that somebody possesses quality "subjectivity", doesn't give any instructions on that, about the subject in what understanding there is a speech. If to accept an assumption that subjectivity is the immanent characteristic of the person, and its form (types, paradigms) can change in historical and geographical prospect, it can be presented as variable, nominally inherent in any culture or an era, but actually accepting different values.
the other, innovative activities, personality, mentality, knowledge, social and political discourse, subject, subjectivity, human, the other
Clinical psychology
Yakovlev, V.A. (2013). Impact of Substance Abuse on Teenagers' Social Intelligence. Psychologist, 9, 83–94.
The author of the article studies the impact of substance abuse on the social intelligence measurements demonstrated by teenagers. The teenagers were divided into the two groups depending on their age. The first group consisted of the children aged 14 - 16, and the second group was made up of children aged 16 - 18. All of them suffered from substance and drug abuse (including alcohol beverages, smoking of anasha, drugs of the opium group and stimulating pills). All teenagers were male. The first group consisted of 30 people aged 14 - 16 years old and the second group was made up of 30 people aged 16 - 18 years old. Respondents of the first group had been suffering from substance abuse from one to two years and respondents of the econd group took drugs for 2 - 3 years. Social intelligence was measured by using the Guilford's and O'Sulliven method adjusted by E. Mikhailova. The results of research demostrate the difference in social intelligence measures in the two groups. This allows to prove the impact of drugs and substance on social intelligence depending on the length of abuse and age of the abuser. The results of research can be used for developing individual psychotherapeutic and training programs.
social adaptation, addictive behavior, alcohol abuse, substance (drug) dependence, teenagers, social intelligence, young drug abusers, solvent abuse, alcohol dependence, Guilford's Social Intelligence Test
Национальный менталитет
Shazhinbatyn, A. (2013). The Main Personal Qualities of a Japanese. Psychologist, 9, 95–164.
The author of the article makes an attempt to create the social and historical image of a Japanese. The author emphasises the main qualities of a representative of this culture: status, social functions, values and role behavior. A typical Japanese is compared to a typical European. Unlike Western people, Japanese people have such qualities as irrationality and illogical perception. Another group of qualities analyzed by the author is the conformity and discipline. General features of this type of personality are associated with the peculiarities of the culture, cultural and historical traditions. The author also describes the dominating features of Japanese personality. In his research the author uses the comarative method of research and provides a detailed analytical review of literature including writings by Western European, American and Japanese researchers. The novelty of the topic is conditioned by the overall attempt of modern humanities to compare Western and Eastern personalities and to create images of the two cultural worlds. Individualism is viewed as the value system that caused the 'Western civilization disease'. The author also shows the feautures of the Japanese model of development that is based on the group orientation.
psychology, personality, Japanese culture, mentality, conformism, irrationality, rationality, alogism, egocentrism, suggestibility