Berezina, T.N. (2013). Influencing Insects By Using their Sense of Smell (the Case Study of the Smell of Fear) . Psychologist, 8, 1–20.
The author of the article analyzes the phenomenon of the fear of death. She provides literature data about the existence of such smell in the world of insects, animals and humans. She describes researches that define that people tend to associate fear with the acid fragrance while dogs demonstrate a negative response including fear to acid fragrances. The article describes the results of research when the influence of the vinegar acid on the behavior of red ants was studied. The results show rapid changes of the ants' behavior in the area where the fragrance was active. The ants demonstrated hyper activity or tried to avoid the area and both of these actions were the signs of fear. The author offers the interpretation of this phenomenon in terms of evolution. Reaction of fear to the acid fragrance is thought to be instinctive. Inseñts demonstrate the maximum expression of this reaction, mammals start to react like that less because of the influence of individual experience and humans may not always demonstrate such a reaction clearly. However, the author states that in stress situations reaction of fear to the acid fragrance can be actualized.
psychology, emotions, fragrances, fear, perceptive psyche, alarm pheromones, smell of fear, ants' psyche, acid fragrance, nonconscious
Person and personality
Shchuplenkov, O.V., Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2013). The Problem of Formation of Innovative Personality in the Modern Society. Psychologist, 8, 21–70.
The article is devoted to the conditions, causes and particular results of the influence of information technologies on the development of innnovative personality. The authors of the article define specific factors contributing to the development of innovative personality as well as political consequences of this phenomenon. One of the fundamental problems of the theory of formation of innovative personality is the absence of the theoretical model with the basic qualities that have been acquired in the process of professional development. From the point of view of the society, innovative personality can be described as a combination of particular qualities. When analyzing the present crisis situation, it is necessary to switch from the subject-oriented technologies to the person-centered methods that require special attention and need to be oriented at formation of new personal qualities rather than the development of new rules, methods and techniques of the educational process. In order to create, develop and implement the 'breakthrough' innovation technologies in modern Russia, the two main conditions are needed: historically developed advantageous socio-political and socio-economic environment on the one hand and well trained human resources on the other hand.
globalization, humanization, innovative personality, innovation, intellectual initiative, information technologies, communal orientation, innovation motivation, synergetic style of thinking, sociocentrism
To understand the human being
Pogontseva, D.V. (2013). Concepts of the Physical Beauty in Modern Culture. Psychologist, 8, 71–79.
Modern idea of beauty enough not steadily also is under continuous change therefore an object of research is the analysis of representations of women about a beautiful body of the woman. Female selection is caused by an orientation of the modern industry of beauty on female audience, and object of an assessment is the woman, since modern social psychology, being engaged in studying of social ideas of women (policy, the businessman, the teacher, the doctor), analyzing social ideas of mission of women and men in society more pays attention to object of representations – the woman and, to a lesser extent, focuses attention on research of women as subjects of ideas of the woman. This foreshortening of studying of "a female view" of the woman is of particular importance in connection with research of ideas of female beauty or the beautiful woman. In work the first part to the author's questionnaire "An assessment of compliance of physical parameters of appearance, personal features and characteristics of the social and psychological status to idea of the beautiful woman" which is directed on studying "estimates of compliance of physical parameters of appearance to idea of the beautiful woman" was used. During the analysis of the received results, by us it was revealed that the beautiful woman is described as the woman of average height from 158 to 175 centimeters, weighing from 48 to 64 kilograms. In article conclusions that in ideas of the beautiful woman, from the point of view of her growth weight, most often there are above listed characteristics (average height, "not the thin - not full", a proportional figure, harmonous) also are drawn. It is possible to assume also that participants of research relied on own idea of a figure that could have impact on formation of representations that there is "a thin body" and that there is "a full body", also it can be caused by that estimating both growth and weight of the woman slightly increased range completely, meaning that "the beautiful woman can be different".
body, beauty, concept, woman, beautiful woman, leanness, weight, body mass index, culture, mass media
Psychology and pedagogics
Siromakha, O. (2013). Concerning Unefficiency of Punishment as a Method of Up-Bringing. Psychologist, 8, 80–101.
The level of tension and aggression have been growing lately. The government is trying to fight against aggression by stiffening penalties. Parents and mentors often do the same when they try to make children obey them. There is a belief that punishment is an essential part of up-bringing and we need to use punishment in order to bring up a healthy personality. The author of the article views punishment in terms of its efficiency and after-effect. The author also views consequences of such a method of up-bringing as competitiveness. Based on the analysis and review of literature, researches, articles and theses created by Russian and foreign authors, the author compares opinions of different researchers on the matter. The author describes other researchers' evidence that spanking and other kinds of cruel punishment applied to a child increase his aggression and cognitive decline while softer kinds of punishment develop infantile behavior, low self-esteem and psychological defense. The author gives examples on how we can make prohibition and enforcement less traumatic for a child. It is concluded that all kinds of punishment cause the result which is absolutely opposite to the results the parents are aimed at. On the other hand, friendly relations between parents and children help to develop the altruistic personality and communication skills.
parent-child relationship, aggression, physical punishment, efficiency of punishment, alternative to punishment, compassion, enforcement, altruistic personality, friendly relations, life satisfaction
Professional psychology
Chernetskaya, E., Voskresenskaya, N.V. (2013). Human Operators as a Responsible Actor in Ergatic Systems. Psychologist, 8, 102–120.
The article presents the results of research of the contents and structures of conceptual models demonstrated by the nuclear plant operators. On the basis of results of associative experiment features of the contents and the organization of ideas of functioning of nuclear power plant in conceptual models of operators depending on their professional success reveal. The role of conceptual model in ensuring efficiency of activity of operators of nuclear power plants is shown.The purpose of our research consisted in detection of features of the contents and structures of conceptual models at operators of nuclear power plants with different professional success. For studying of features of the contents and structures of conceptual models we used associative experiment. For an assessment of level of success of professional activity of operators level of their official compliance was used. The interrelation of features of the contents and structures of conceptual models at operators of nuclear power plants (further – the EXPERT) with different professional success is shown.1 . Structures of conceptual models at operators with high level of official compliance differ a bigger obogashchennost and informational content.2 . Process of naming of associations is the general for all operators and reflects a certain way of their organization in conceptual model, namely in the form of the "compact" components which are at different "distance" from the phrase incentive.3 . Operators with the high and average level of official compliance are distinguished by different contents (understanding) of some phrases incentives.4 . For all operators the contents practically all associations (96%) was connected with functioning the EXPERT and 4% emotional and estimated (connotive value) aspect of the relation of the surveyed operators to work.
nuclear plant operators, forecasting, conceptual representation (model), association experiment, structure of the conceptual representation, content of the conceptual representation, responsible actor, complex technological unit, professional success, ergatic system