Developmental psychology
Tkachenko, O.V. (2013). Emotional State of Children When Playing Games. Psychologist, 7, 1–18.
The article is devoted to the analysis of play as the leading activity of a child. The author proves that for a child, play activity is a full life with successes and failures. Failures make the play experience even more important because they guarantee personal development and socialization and create a foundation for future social features such as altruism, ability to ask for help and help out himself. The author of the article recommends not to interfere with the child's play as lmuch as possible, even in case of conflicts. Child's playing is full of true emotions, joy, delight and amazement. All these emotions allow not only to use the play for up-bringing and personal development of a child but also for psychological assistance of emotional difficulties and prevention of psychosomatic disorders. Noteworthy that the child's play is mostly social and therefore we can actually define what kind of relations a child has with th eother chidlren when we observe them play. The range of emotions experienced by children when playing games is very wide, from absolute indifference to the desire to support and retain social contacts outside the game. The author underlines that the most important task for an adult is to arrange for the best play environment in order to avoid negative emotions and aggression.
role-playing game, range of emotions, play activity, construction play, emotional development, story games, up-bringing, all-round development, collectables, mutual understanding
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Egorova, I.V. (2013). Will to Power. Psychologist, 7, 19–40.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon which Friedrich Nietzche called the 'will to power'. This human need can be called a special anthropological quality. Social philosophers have been unable to find the kind of society where people wouldn't demonstrate momentum towards domination. Any kind of society has its own guide or leader who has the leadership ability and followed by others. Therefore, the 'will to power' is the basic feature of social life. Friedrich Nietzche tended to heroize this human predisposition. He provided examples of great politicians like Caesar, Niccolo Machiavelli and Cesare Borgia and other examples from Roman, Arabian, German and Japanese noble people, to say nothing about Homer's heroes and Scandinavian vikings. The author uses historical approach as the main method of research because it allows to trace back the phenomenology of power in history. The author also provides the results of the expertise of different historical examples. The novelty of the present research is that the will to power is interpreted not only as the social need, but also as the phenomenon of being mesmerized by the power. All people are obsessed with power, but not all of them get to satisfy this need. This is the reason why many people have a weak and indirect will to power. After Nietsche many researchers have interpreted this phenomenon as the neurosis or 'power mania'. Today we can even talk about the pathology of power. Politicans often tend to think that they are the masters of life and other people belong to them as if they were their serfs. Power is a real temptation and those who have experienced its sweetness, will never be able to refuse it.
psychology, philosophical anthropology, politics, power, will to power, faith, Marxism, manipulation, guide, leader
Spiritual reincarnation
Gurevich, P.S. (2013). Ram Dass: Fragile Balance of Compassion. Psychologist, 7, 41–76.
The purpose of the present research is to provide the critical review of the concept of oen of the most powerful modern spiritual Masters. Ram Dass, born Richard Alpert, is a Harvard professor and one of the first researchers of LSD. He was one of the founders of the SEVA Foundation that helped the poor and blind people. Some writings by Alpert were translated into Russian. The author of the present article analyzes Alpert's thesis about philosophy and scientific psychology never being able to have a dominating influence on the life of the humankind because they are born in our mind but not our heart and therefore their theories are created by intellect and never put into life. The author uses the method of hermeneutic analysis of difficult texts based on the psychological experience of using LSD. Alpert's conclusions are compared to John Lilly's conception. Alpert's concept has never been analyzed in a critical review in Russian literature. Reading Alpert's works allows to see many questions of psychology in a different light. In particular, it helps to define the borders of the rational intellect and expands opportunities of the intuitive understanding of psychic resources as well as to proves the positive role of sufferings as the ay to spiritual growth.
philosophy, psychologhy, intellect, heart, intuition, meditation, consciousness, spiritual experience, chakra, reality
Societal passions
Bueva, L.P. (2013). Mass Spiritual Processes in Louis Dumont's Writings. Psychologist, 7, 77–134.
The subject matter of the research is the mass spiritual processes in interpretation of the known French sociologist Louis Dyumon. In its books the wide picture of formation and blossoming of economic science from ôèçèîêðàòîâ to Marx inclusive is developed. The author in a polemic form states the opinion of heritage of the most prominent theorists-economists of the XVII-XIX centuries. The special place in its books is taken by the critical analysis of views of Marx on the basis of it published, and also unpublished during lifetime of works. The author of article enters polemic with Dyumon by consideration of genesis of economic ideology up to our days and a role in this process of religion, morals, policy. Also critical analysis of the theory of the castes undertaken by Dyumon is given. It is emphasized that the caste is regional civilization, constructed on own conscious principles. Castes open before us the fundamental social principle of hierarchy. The hierarchical person (the model of the person offered by L. Dyumon for an explanation of east exclusive society) is a person who considers existing system of estates sacred and I am ready to take that place he got which. Exceptional case in the history when caste doesn't cause social tension. The author of article uses a komparativistsky method, it compares ideas of economic laws to east works in which it is a question of work and the organization of social life. In domestic literature Dyumon's heritage wasn't a studying and analysis subject. As the exclusive principles of a social system represent a social embodiment the bytiynykh, ontologic, the principles, attempt of their realization that such system the author call "ontokratiya" (from the Greek words "ontoz" – "life" and "kratoz" - "force"). It is emphasized that any social organization is impossible without divisions, distinctions and oppositions. But the exclusive system assumed strict observance of an endogamy. So she established gender equality. Meanwhile in the European culture equality was rejected, too, but such a rejection was based on the arguments of the social theory but not ontological arguments.
social studies, spirituality, ideology, individual, hierarchy, freedom, subjectivity, individualism, history, law
The conscious and the unconscious
Korolev, S.A. (2013). Night Dreams as the Emanation of the 'Social Subconscious'. Article 1. Problem Definition. Psychologist, 7, 135–168.
The author of the article analyzes the question of how these or those social realities as they designate themselves in space of a dream and what emotional attitude of individuals towards this new, already snovidchesky, realities are reflected in dreams. The author tries to reveal as are built and "reality elements", dreams getting into fabric, and what features of combination theory of this sort interact among themselves some kind of. Other important problem to which the attention in article is paid, specifics of space and dream time are. The researcher relies first of all on G. K. Jung's conceptualization, S. Freud's idea about typical dreams and A. Bergson's reflections about a role of memoirs in generation of dreams. To the author the combination of various approaches to studying of the dreams embodied in concepts of a number of outstanding scientists and thinkers (S. Freud, G. K. Jung, A. Bergson, E. Fromm etc.) is reasonable quite . In this research materials from social networks, the records describing dreams of specific users are used first of all. In this connection the publication contains the short characteristic of social networks as the extremely important and useful to judgment of realities of modern Russian society and understanding of specifics of life of individuals in this society of a source. The author notes that as there is a certain general matrix of perception and an assessment of social realities, there is also a certain typological model of reflection in dreams of standard, repeating situations. In research term "public subconsciousness" rather new to domestic social and humanitarian disciplines is used. Obviously, similar interpretation of a nadindividualny component of dreams is rather original. A certain metaphoricalness of this term is thus emphasized and difference of its contents from yungovsky "collective unconscious" which is a product of inherited structures of a brain is accented. At the same time, analyzing the relation of snovidets to the dreams "shown" by it, the author is compelled to note that this immersion, generally in negative reality and negative emotions, – a conclusion which correlates with reflections of many other researchers who were engaged in this perspective.
conscious, subconscious, unconscious, psychoanalysis, night dreams, space, time, Freud, Jung, social networks