Inner world
Bessonova, A.D. (2013). Humanitarian Students' Perceptions of Friendship and Love. Psychologist, 6, 1–17.
In article results of empirical research of ordinary representations of modern students about friendship and love are stated. These relations act as basic, fundamental and is integral personally significant vital relations. In work the lack of modern researches in the field of the fundamental vital relations as the modern world has dynamic impact on development of the person, including on his relations in the most various aspects is noted. In what party there are these changes to psychologists, teachers and society as a whole need to know.In empirical part of research results of associative and projective diagnostics are presented. Features of associative perception understanding of the relations of friendship and love are described, subjective classifications of friendship and love and as the correlation relations between value judgment by respondents of experience of friendship and love in the life and parameters of tendency to sympathy or love experience, style of the interpersonal behavior, the standardized techniques measured by scales are defined are systematized.The scientific analysis of results of research showed that concerning friendship and love of representation of youth don't duplicate habitual ordinary stereotypes. For example, the associative perception understanding students humanists of a phenomenon concept "friendship" is positive focused, not containing negative aspects of an assessment. In too time, an associative array of the concept "love" includes both positive, and negative words characteristics. In associative estimates and classifications-tipologiyakh of the relations of friendship and love reflection of subjective experience of respondents, their actual experiences and the relations dominates. Smyslo-obobshchenny social experience and reflexive erudition are presented considerably to a lesser extent. The analysis of the correlation relations between studied parameters showed the potential of positive interrelation between tendency of respondents to the love and sympathy relations and existence of such relations in their life, and as, an appreciation of the relations of love, as a whole in life of people.
subjective, perceptions, everyday, consciousness, friendship, love, associations, classification of types, peculiarities, relations
Scenario for your success
Inozemtseva, N.N. (2013). Empirical Research of the Life Path of Managers and Leading Specialists. Psychologist, 6, 18–32.
The article is devoted to the empirical research of the life path of modern managers of the low- and middle-levels and leading specialists. The research was carried out according to the quasi-experimental scheme of the ex-post-facto experiment. The research involved the questionnaires given to adult people (managers and leading specialists) in order to study special features of their personal and academic activity at school and university. The results of the research show the following: there is no clear correlation between the kind of career (manager or professional) and academic success but there is a certain correlation between the choice of the fate of a leading specialist and their active community involvement at universities. However, the results are quite surprising. According to them, leading specialists were the most active and successful in community work while managers were not so active socially. The author also analyzes what respondents dreamt to become. Based on the results of research, both managers and leading specialists had rather similar professional dreams and desires. The author also offers her interpretation of the results.
management, community involvement, leadership, life path, personality, time, activity, labour, training, profession
Scenario for your success
Rozenova, M.I. (2013). Psychological Analysis of a Sport Competition: How Alexander Povetkin Did not Win. Psychologist, 6, 33–44.
The article is devoted to psychology problems in modern sports. On the example of comparison of several sports duels possibilities of disclosure of a psychological resource of the identity of the athlete for a victory gain are shown. For psychological analysis in article the "hot" situation is used: the analysis of widely discussed boxing duel between Alexander Povetkin and Vladimir Klitschko. This duel staticized long ago ripened problems in the field of sports and sporting achievements of the Russian athletes. In article stagnancy of experts in the field of sports and their hope on purely sports, instead of on integrative and, first of all, special psychological, training of the athlete and his psychological maintenance is with regret stated during competition. The problem is that modern sports any more aren't especially sporting event, and is realized as the complex project containing business elements, show elements, elements of political interests, etc. In this situation where superrates (financial reign, media, political), supertension and superresponsibility of the athlete for result, underestimation of a psychological component of preparation and an exit of the athlete (in the most competitive situation) threatens with risk of loss of leading positions in many sports, especially where the athlete is personified as the specific personality, i.e. acts only on its own behalf. The main obstacle of application of psychological technologies in domestic sports is the rigidnost of installations and haughty negligence of experts in the field of sports (trainers, officials, promoters, etc.) to psychology as to science.
psychology, sport, achievements, psychological, training, personality, sportsman, competition, contest, level
Personal growth
Vorotilina, A.A. (2013). Regulation of Student's Anxiety Through Images (Analysis of Psychological Trainings) . Psychologist, 6, 45–65.
The author of the article studies the efficiency of the psychological training of elf-regulation through images. The research was carried out in the two groups, experimental and control ones. In the course of the research the training of self-regulation through images proved to be efficient when working with the students experiencing anxiety before exams. Students from the experimental group demonstrated a statisfically valid decrease in their state anxiety (feeling tensed, troubled or nervous at a particular moment or during a particular period of time). Students from the control group who did not have the training demonstrated a decrease in the positive intellectual state (meaning the state of concentration in A. Prokhorov's definition). The control group aso had lower values of the emotional state. The results of research allow to conclude that the training of self-regulation through images can maintain a long-term and rather stable condition of respondents in the course of psychological assistance.
psychology, mental images, emotions, functionality, anxiety, anxiety before exams, psychological trainings, imaginative modelling, self-regulation, self-control of emotions
The conscious and the unconscious
Kornilyev, V.V. (2013). The Three Approaches to Definition of Consciousness. Psychologist, 6, 66–151.
There is a great number of approaches to definition and interpretation of consciousness. Most of the theories is based on determination of special features of consciousness relying on the facts of the cause-and-effect cooperation. However, Sigmund Freud offered a non-traditional approach to describing the model of the psyche and called it the 'topographical' model. Continuing his idea, the author of the article assimilates the term 'spatial topology' to the term 'conscience'. In addition, the author focuses on Freud's and Jung's ideas about the limits of the mental energy reserve of the individual psyche. This allows to make a conclusion about conscious and unconscious mental conent, evolution of conciousness of living creatures and the descent of man. The second approach to definition of consciousness is possible only through understanding the reasons of dynamics in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The level and quality of conscience determine the level of dynamism and statics of the hierachy of needs. This hierarchy of needs is the same for all living creatures. The third approach to definition of consciousness si based on the hypothesis about the great variety of different kinds of consciousness interacting with the reality in the space-time continuums with different dimensions. Mental phenomena expected in the space continuums with high dimensions are the same as experienced by man in the altered state of consciousness. The nature of information and experience in such states of mind shows that it is not the altered state of consciousness as it is. It is rather the interaction of several conscious models including the unconsciousness.
conscience, topology, unconsciousness, consciousness, hierarchy of needs, collective unconsciousness, mental energy, space-time continuum, evolution, the descent of man