Developmental psychology
Berezina, T.N. (2013). Analysis of the Length of Life of Famous Monozygous Twins From the Point of View of the Subjective Approach. Psychologist, 5, 1–10.
The author of the article views the role of the personality factor (along with the factors of the genetic background and environment) that defines the individual length of life based on the example of the life path of famous monozygous twins. The personal factor means the factors of interaction between the organism and the environment. The author of the artile analyzes biographies of monozygous twins who were famous for their achievements in the spheres of culture, science, art ad politics and tries to define the factors influencing the length of their life. The author discovers that the average difference in the length of lives of famous monozygous twins is approximatelly 4 years while in cases of violent deaths and accidents it is 7.05 years. The author also defines factors that may reduce the length of life of a twin. The most important factor is the publicity. A more famous twin has more risks of the violent death or accident. At the end of her research the author emphasizes the need for more complete researches of the influence of personal, social and psychological factors on the length of life using the twin method.
psychogenetics, monozygous twins, personality, environement, genetic background, genetic environmental interaction, twin method, length of life, biographical method, life path
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Konopleva, T. (2013). Psychology of Information Perception: How We Perceive Political News in the Media Landscape. Psychologist, 5, 11–23.
The author made an attempt to analyse researches in the field of perception of political information the recipient transferred by means of mass media. In research Public opinion Fund data are used. The generalized results of the scientific researches compared to obtained data, allowed to allocate a number of key features of perception of information on the political event/actor. As a result of research conclusions are drawn that the recipient with bigger readiness perceives and acquires information which keeps within his semantic framework of subjective ideas of policy. Without having full information on the political actor, people are inclined to complete missing relationships of cause and effect, finding explanations for occurring political events. Thus, perceiving information, individuals differently interpret its contents, based on own ways of perception, habits and stereotypes available in society. Dependence between individual cognitive structures of the individual and his susceptibility to information on the political actor is carried also out.Besides in article the factors influencing process of formation and perception of images of the power are investigated. Building a media image of this or that political object, it is necessary to consider inquiries of society and components of an ideal image of the political actor available for citizens. The conclusions received during research, can be used for further studying of questions of management by perception of information, and also at creation of a media image of the political subject.
perception of political information, theory of causal attribution, understanding, interiorization of political information, stereotype, cognitive personality theory, the 'expected information effect, the 'convex information' effect, the image of government, the image of the ideal government
Limits of intellect
Faskhutdinova, Y.F. (2013). On the Question about the Development of Cognitive Abilities of Children with Mental Regardation. Psychologist, 5, 24–45.
The author of the article presents a review of modern practical researches of children with the mental regardation (delay of the development of cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, cogitation and imagination). The author of the article makes an assumption that the delay in development can be better overcome if the delay is conditioned by the environmental but not genetic factor. The results of the research show that different researchers have manged to develop cognitive abilities of children with mental regardation, however, healthy children usually demonstrate better results after taking special classes of mental development. Therefore it is very difficult for children with mental regardation to cover the gap between them and healthy children. However, children with mental regardation demonstrate pretty good results when they take creative imagination development classes including art, musical and dancing classes. Imagination is a creative ability and creative abilities are determined genetically, too. Therefore the author recommends to develop creative abilities when working with children with mental regardation.
clinical psychology, abilities, cognitive processes, children, mental regardation, cogitation, memory, imagination, attention, environmental factor
Person and personality
Popova, A.V., Tarasova, S.M. (2013). Student's Social Adaptation in Modern Cross-Cultural Conditions. Psychologist, 5, 46–60.
The article considers the problem of student's social adaptation in today's cross-cultural conditions. The author presents the thematic planning of psychological training as a factor of future teachers' social adaptation in modern cross-cultural environment. Research of S. Tarasova and A. Popova shows that most of today's students are not socially adapted to work in an educational institution and do not have cross-cultural competence. The psychological training is a form of active learning, allowing to develop skills from the future specialist in the construction of social productive interpersonal relationships, to analyze the psychological situation from his point of view and partner’s point of view. It helps to develop the knowledge and understanding of themselves and others in the process of cross-cultural interaction.
social adaptation, professional activity, professional competence, mdern cross-cultural conditions, cross-cultural competence, cross-cultural literacy, psychological training, methods of teaching, professional carrers, case work planning
Professional psychology
Ferapontova, M.V. (2013). Life Satisfaction and Optimism Demonstrated by Professionals at Different Stages of Life. Psychologist, 5, 61–70.
The author of the article studies the level of life satisfaction and optimism demonstrated by professionals at different stages of their life. Life satisfication is viewed as the most important internal factor defining his one's social activity, interpersonal relations and his own attitude to himself and his personality. The latter creates the grounds for other forms of satisfaction including one's satisfaction with marriage, health and work. The level of life satisfaction is greatly influenced by the optimismic life position. In this research optimism is viewed as the manifestation of the feeling of self-confience demonstrated in different situations and positive expectations of an individual. Noteworthy that the younger generation demonstrates a greater correlation between the level of satisfaction with labour and the level of satisfaction with their future life path and the older generation shows a greater correlation between the level of their satisfaction with labour and the level of satisfaction with their real life.
psychology, management, optimism, happiness, older age, labour, youth, life, satisfaction, positive mental attitude