Inner world
Barinov, D.N. (2013). Anxiety and Fear: Historical and Philosophical Sketch. Psychologist, 3, 1–39.
The article is devoted to the evolution of the concepts of fear and anxiety in the history of philosophy. The author of the article analyzes philosophical concepts of fear and anxiety at different periods of history and describes particular approaches to describing the nature of fear and anxiety in the history of philosophy as well as Russian and Western European philosophies. The author also traces back transformation of views on the relation between fear and anxiety. Based on such historical and philosophical analysis, the author formulates the key antropological, ontological, gnoseological, axiological and praxeological aspects of philosophical views on the phenomena of fear and anxiety. The results of research allow to make a statement which can be used as the theoretical and methodological basis for social and philosophical understanding of fear and anxiety. The statement says the following: there are the two levels of philosophical and social studies to be taken into account, 1) the level of rational and established social order that makes social life predictable and reduces all possible risks to the minimum, and 2) the level of unstructured and uncertain spontaneous processes.
catastrophism, social feelings, anthropology, anxiety, fear, existentials
Societal passions
Sukiasyan, S.G. (2013). Illusions and Reality of Modern Civilization: Lessons of Terrorism. Psychologist, 3, 40–163.
The article studies the phenomenon of terrorism from the point of view of civilization studies, history and psychology. The author describes the most well-known forms of terrorism and distinguishes it from similar social and political phenomena such as partisan war, banditism, political extremism and others. The author analyzes illusions and myths about terrorism and reconsiders dogmatic views on terrorism.
religious terrorism, political terrorism, national terrorism, differentiation of terrorism from other phenomena, history of terrorism, definition of terrorism, terrorism, left extremism, right extermism, illusions about terrorism
Continent of the unconscious
Mordas, E.S. (2013). Pregnancy and Discovery of Femininity. Psychologist, 3, 164–185.
The problem of discovery of femininity can be viewed in terms of pregnancy as a special condition of a woman. A desire to have a child is an important part of the development of femininity. Pregnancy is the culmination of that desire which usually arises in her childhood. The article presents the ideas of a famous psychoanalyst Deutsch on reproductive development of a woman and describes feelings and emotions a woman goes through during pregnancy based on D. Kestenberg, T. Benedek, M. Bonaparte and other authors. Pregnancy can be seen as a particular stage of female development (that is accompanied with regressive and progressive tendencies) and achievement of a certain social status, new object-relationships and other level of gender identity. Pregancy can be viewed as the proof of femininity and proper functioning of a female body. Each stage of pregnancy actualizes new emotions, fear and anxiety. Woman's condition during pregnancy may discover a path for discovering female identity and present an opportunity for a new access to unconscious conflicts, desires and fantasies.
pregnancy, femininity, conflict, libido, Narcissism, identification, labour, regress, desires
Keys to creativity
Gubina, S.T. (2013). Influence of Music Perception on Symbolic Transformation of Consciousness: The Projective Function of Music. Psychologist, 3, 186–213.
The article gives a description of the mechanisms of constructing a sensual picture of reality in mind under the influence of music. The article deals with the procedural and object-content sides of forming the images and the explanatory mechanisms of their symbolization. The prospects of application of music as a stimulus material in a projective psychodiagnostics are represented, too. The explanatory principles of psychology: the development, subjectivity, phenomenological and holistic approaches served as the methodological basis for research indicated in the article. The article consists of the three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the revealing of the mechanisms of the symbolic transformation of the consciousness in the process of the music perception where the attention is paid to the content characteristics of the affection given the level of emotional tension. The essence of the thematic content of the constructs of the consciousness which are dependent on the deficient and being motive directivity. The second chapter is devoted to the meaning of the phenomenon of the graphics for self-perception. The experience of the elaboration of the interpretation schemes in the project research in two directions is analyzed: “personal” and “perceptive”. The third chapter is devoted to the different views on the use of music as a stimulus means in the project research from the point of view of the humanistic and psychoanalytical directions. The analysis is made at several points: the attitude to the music as a psychotechnical instrument; the meaning of the figurative associations for the correction and development of a personality; the use of the music methods in the work of the psychologist; the perspectives in the use of music in the work with clients.
projection, symbolization, music, perception, conciousness, existence, trasnformation, stimulus, psychological diagnostics, personality
To understand the human being
Rozin, V.M. (2013). The Problem of Using Scientific Concepts in Humanitarian Approach to Psychotherapy. Psychologist, 3, 214–248.
The author of the article discusses the two points of view on using scientific theoretical concepts in humanitarian approach to psychotherapy. While some researchers say that a psychotherapist would not do without theoretical concepts, others do not agree with that. The latter is well demonstrated by A. Puzyrey's phenomenological approach. The author of the present article supports the first point of view and therefore he analyzes Pavel Volkov's experience who uses theoretical concepts (both psychological and philosophical) in his psychotherapy. It is shown that theoretical concepts set a conceptual framework of 'healing constructs'. Such constructs are not fully based on these theoretical concepts but must comply with them. Volkov's work is compared to a famous publication by John Nardone. These two works have very similar methodological grounds. The final part of the present article presents the main provisions of the author's teaching about psychic realities. Rozin believes that this teaching can help humanitarian psychotherapists to expand the scope of their scientific concepts.
schemes, changes, facts, notations, theory, reality, psychotherapy, efficiency
Professional psychology
Artemeva, O.A., Sinyova, O.V. (2013). Theoretical Basis for Studying the Relation Between Applied and Practical Psychology. Psychologist, 3, 249–270.
The authors of the article define the problem of the relation between fundamental, applied and practical branches of psychology. Based on the analysis of V.A. Koltsova, T.D. Martsinkovskaya, O.G. Noskova, T. Leahy, R. Smith and other Russian and foreign historians, the authors provide the overview of the history of formation and development of applied and practical trends in psychology, especially pedology and psychotechnics. For the analysis of the historical-scientific and methodological patterns, the authors use the dynamic model of the relationship between theoretical psychology and social practice through the development of applied psychology developed by L.S. Vygotsky. More recent periods of relations between Russian fundamental psychology and psychological practice are viewed based on the conceptual grounds offered by A.L. Zhuravlev, D.V. Ushakov, A.G. Liders and I.N. Karitsky. The opportunities to distinguish applied and practical branches of psychology in the practical activity of psychologists are revealed so is the concept of role-playing ring proposed by Y.M. Zhukov. As a result, the structure of the relationship between subject and object of psychological activity is determined as an important base of classification of these branches. Historical analysis of the development of practical and applied branches of psychology in the first half of the XX century allows us to formulate a hypothesis about the singleness of the basic patterns of their development.
fundamental psychology, history of psychology, role-playing ring, psychological practice, research psychology, practical psychology, applied psychology, pedology, psychotechnic
The conscious and the unconscious
Korneenkov, S.S. (2013). Concepts of Consciousness: Consciousness as a Special Property of the Matter. Psychologist, 3, 271–305.
The probem of consciousness, mind and matter is one of the most difficult psychological issues in human studies. The purpose of the present article is: 1) to carry out a brief analysis of the main hypotheses of consciousness in different spheres: science, philosophy, religion and yoga, 2) to view the modern approach to the relation between consciousness, mind and matter. The main conclusions made by the author state that consciousness is a universal phenomenon existing in each atom of the matter. The outstanding feature of consciousness is the impulse to live or, in other words, the will to survive and live forever. Researchers majoring in different branches of science tend to divide wholesome consciousness into levels and this creates different theories of consciousness. Recent experiments show that mind is not related to production of consciousness. Mind receives and conveys information and energy and therefore allows human to demonstrate various abilities. Mind creates the model of the surrounding world by the means of neurons. Neurons altogether create models of the outside world. Consciousness can exist outside human body or thin matter and even survive when these are destructed. Consciousness is both material and ideal, in other words, it has the dual nature. The phenomenon of consciousness is not fully understood and there is no science that could clearly explain it. However, there are all grounds to think that science, philosophy, religion and Eastern philosopy find more points of coincidence when solving the problem of consciousness and the source of all being including life of a body and psyce and consciousness of human.
mind, matter, levels of consciousness, universal consciousness, theory of consciousness, psyche, soul, spirit, Christian anthropology, Eastern psychology
Psychological studies
Mansurov, E.I. (2013). The Principle of Synchronicity in Analysis of Coincidences Between Events Described by Science Fiction Novels and Real History of Space Exploration. Psychologist, 3, 306–325.
The author of the article offers an original approach to implementing the principle of synchronicity introduced by Carl Gustav Jung as well as the concept of mental models of the highest order described by T. Berezina in analyzing science fiction novels. The analysis covers novels written by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and stories by E. Marinina. The author analyzes coincidences between names of space explorers in science fiction and astronauts who lived in reality. Based on the analysis, the author makes a forecast about possible participants of future cosmic events. The author also analyzes such events as a trip to Mars and a birth of a child in space. The author focuses on the coincidences between imaginary events describing space exploration at the XX - XXI centuries and actual episodes of space exploration programs. These coincidences are explained based on Carl Gustav Jung's idea about the common semantic field. The author also explains this phenomenon from the point of view of quantum physics and the theory of mental images of the highest order.
aerospace history, unconsciousness, prediction, consciousness, science fiction, mental image, principle of synchronicity, synchronicity, psychology, coincidences
The range of emotional experience
Erzin, A.I. (2013). Gender Differences of Reactive and Proactive Aggression Demonstrated By Students. Psychologist, 3, 326–337.
The article contains a short review of literature on proactive and reactive aggression. The author of the article presents results of the research of the phenomenon of proactive aggression demonstrated by students. According to the received results, the higher level of proactive aggression is more typical for men while girls have a tendency towards reactive aggression. Men also demonstrated such forms of aggressive behavior as physical aggression and negativism while women showed verbal aggression, irritation and offense. Research of the identity of students by projective tests revealed the increased tendency towards open aggressive actions among young men. Recommendations on how to work with the revealed psychological features are provided for both groups of surveyed students.
proactive aggression, reactive aggression, aggresive behavior, predictors of aggression