Scenario for your success
Yatsenko, V. (2013). The Influence of the Deficiency of Inherent Personality Dominants on Human Behavior. Psychologist, 10, 1–39.
Activity of the person, his tendency to various professions, his acts, creation of the relations with people, the organization of cooperation between people, tendency of mentality to mental disorders depending on activity of congenital prepotent instances of the personality and deficiency of congenital prepotent instances of the personality is investigated. Congenital domination of instances of the personality depends on date of birth and is shown in the form of tendency of instance to domination in mentality throughout all human life irrespective of its age. Instances of the personality which aren't congenital dominants, show in mentality considerably smaller activity, than congenital dominants. In the analysis of functioning of these instances we will speak about "deficiency of congenital dominants".Successful activity of the person is always constructed on application of congenital dominants of his personality. Failures in activity of the person in strong degree depend on deficiency of congenital dominants of the personality. For people with considerable deficiency of congenital dominants of the personality efficiency of developed system of oktanalitichesky patronage is investigated. Main objective of patronage – carrying out the preventive measures directed on reduction of negative impact of deficiency of congenital dominants of the personality on human life. The method of octa analysis which is intended for studying of mentality of the person as a whole on the basis of eight-component approach with use of the concept of hierarchy of components of mentality, and also studying of the personality on the basis of five-component approach with application of the concept of hierarchy of components of the personality, the western zodiac and east calendars is applied. For the first time in psychology the method îêòàíàëèçà investigates congenital domination of instances of the personality, choice of profession, the organization of cooperation of people, tendency of mentality to mental disorders depending on date of birth on the basis of the western zodiac and east calendars. Recommendations about career guidance, set and placement of personnel, prevention of mental disorders are made.
psychology, octa analysis, personality instances, personaity, personality dominant, career guidance, staff deployment, cooperation, creating a family, mental disorder
Crowd psychology
Subbotsky, E. (2013). Russia in the Bewitched Dream . Psychologist, 10, 40–83.
In article the concept of the social and psychological mechanism "submission based on belief in supernatural" (POVS), in relation to mentality of three ethnic groups is entered and analyzed: Russia, Mexico and Great Britain. As the main object of the analysis the social and psychological change in development of the Russian society, occurred during an era of reorganization of the beginning of the 1990th years is chosen. The hypothesis according to which rather peace and painless character of this change which has caused cardinal demographic, social and economic problems, is explained by the centralized impact of power structures on the POVS mechanism of the Russian society is made. Strengthening of subconscious belief in supernatural in the mass of the Russian population which, in turn, prepared the population for peace acceptance of the social and economic reforms contradicting interests of the majority of the people (in particular, to alienation of public property and assignment of this property by power structures) was result of such influence. Pilot studies of the author are the basis for the analysis and his colleagues, carried out in Russia and abroad for the last 30 years, and published in the central Russian and foreign scientific magazines. Novelty: The POVS psychological mechanism is allocated and analyzed for the first time. Use of this mechanism to the comparative analysis of ethnic mentalities of Mexico, Russia and Great Britain is new also. Different options of impact on the POVS mechanism are for the first time analyzed, able to lead to release of the population of Russia from excessive influence of subconscious belief in supernatural and, as a result of such release, to strengthening of social creativity of people, independence in decision-making, and feelings of a personal responsibility for the events in the country.Conclusions: (1) POVS mechanism change in Russia towards reduction of its influence by mentality can be only result of set of efforts at all levels, including overcoming of broad widespread fear before magic and magic thinking; (2) the knowledge of existence of subconscious belief in supernatural, about POVS structure, about possibility of manipulation with a tendency to POVS is necessary for understanding of important psychological aspect of transformations occurring in Russia.
Russia, Supernaturalism, Submission to the authority, magical thinking, persuasion mechanisms, suggestibility, uncondiciousness, demographic crisis, rebellion of population, mental energy
Psychology and pedagogics
Vershinkina, E.V. (2013). Suicidal Behavior and Defense Mechanisms at Early Adulthood. Psychologist, 10, 84–93.
In article the problem of suicide behavior at the advanced teenage age and its communication with protective mechanisms of mentality is investigated. The teenage age is characterized by formation of feeling of a maturity, critical for the individual psychological and physiological changes. There are considerable changes in Self-concept structure, tendency to the introspection amplifies, some personal qualities are exposed to essential revaluation. The main psychological sense of teenage suicides consists in desire to draw attention to itself, to the problem and to emotions in relation to current situation. Because of infantile ideas of death, the majority of teenagers has no real desire to die. Because of it the teenager such means of commission of the suicide act which are estimated by adults as not dangerous, but as in a condition of crisis it is difficult to teenager to predict the actions can get out, the way chosen by it can do serious harm physical a state or lead to death. In this article an inspection of a hypothesis of interrelation of the general intensity of protective mechanisms and tendency to manifestation of suicide reactions was carried out. For check of a hypothesis results the researches conducted among pupils of 10-11 classes at the age of 15-17 years were used. Still there is not resolved a question of what protective mechanisms are shown at various forms of suicide behavior. It is considered that at individuals with the raised tendency to suicide risk the general intensity of protective mechanisms is significantly higher, than at people with smaller suicide manifestations. For the persons inclined to suicide manifestations, mechanisms of a projection, intellectualization, denial and regression are most characteristic. In this research the hypothesis of interrelation of the general intensity of protective mechanisms and tendency to manifestation of suicide reactions was made and confirmed.
psychology, suicidal behavior, defense mechanisms, personalitiy, suiside, teenager age (early adulthood), schoolers, personal qualities, psychological prevention of mental diseases, Self-Concept
Clinical psychology
Pozdnyakova, U.S. (2013). Definition, Features and Forms of Deviant and Delinquent Behaviour of Children. Psychologist, 10, 94–129.
The present research article is devoted to the definition, signs and forms of deviant and delinquent behavior of children as a form of abnormal behavior. The researcher analyzes different approaches to the definition of deviant and delinquent behavior of children and offers her own classification of these terms as well as definitions of these terms. The researcher also describes the main features of deviant and delinquent behavior of children and provides a classification of these features as well. The article contains the results of the analysis of the main forms of deviant and delinquent behavior of the underage. In her research the author uses different scientific research methods, in particular, opinion surveys, natural scientific method, forecasting method, statistical method, logical (aristotelian) method and empirical investigation method. The scientific importance and novelty of the research is the following: the researcher analyzes the definitions of deviant and delinquent behavior of the underage and offers her own definition of deviant behavior of the underage and delinquent behavior of the underage. The researcher also studies the main features of deviant and delinquent behavior and offers their classification as well as analyzes the main forms of deviant and delinquent behavior of children.
deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, violation of law, crime, forms, features, definition, social codes, underage, responsibility
The range of emotional experience
Berezina, T.N. (2013). Sociality and Sexuality in Human Nature (Based on the Analysis of Science Fiction Literature) . Psychologist, 10, 130–164.
The author of the article analyzes the relation between sociality and sexuality in psychology and literature. The research is based on the analysis of science fiction literature. The latter is viewed by the author as the imaginary experiments of writers in modelling the possible development of human and society in the future. The author of the article discovers interesting patterns in the description of the 'man of the future' by science fiction writers. The author also analyzes science fiction works describing social features of the man of the future (or super man) as well as the relation between sexuality and sociality of such a man. The author underlines that many writers describe the decrease of sexuality of a super man and, as a result, the reduction of his social abilities. The research method used by the author is the psychological analysis of creative writing with the focus on the analytical psychology. The author also studies psychological features of the man of the future as the hero of science fiction novels. The results of the author's analysis show that there are several points of view on the relation between human sexuality and sociality in the future. In some novels the decrease of sexuality leads to the loss of social interest while in other novels sexual instinct is replaced with the other instinct and sociality remains unchanged. The author also notes that there are very few works describing how the decrease of sexuality leads to the development of sociality through encouraging the instinct for self-improvement.
psychology, instincts, sociality, sexuality, future, science fiction, science fiction literature, super man, man of the future, modelling