Berezina, T.N. (2012). About Interaction of Physical and Mental Abilities. Psychologist, 1, 1–24.
The relation between indicators of physical development of the adult person and his cognitive abilities is studied. Strength, speed, flexibility and balance are studied as indicators of physical health . Parameters of creative thinking are measured as intellectual indicators, including: flexibility, originality, ingenuity and others. The correlation analysis is carried out. Existence of authentic relations between abilities to coordination of movements and some indicators of divergent thinking (its flexibility and efficiency), and also ingenuity is shown in the process of task solution by adults.
psychology, abilities, physical abilities, cognitive processes, intellectual abilities, creative abilities, cogitation (thinking), memory, flexibility, balance
Inner world
Korneenkov, S.S. (2012). Psychological Self-Inquiry and Personal Psychotherapy in Altered State of Consciousness. Psychologist, 1, 25–75.
The author of the article studies the structure of personality and its subpersonalities. The purposes of this research are the following: 1) experimental verification of the abilities to learning, self-inquiry and psychotherapy in the combintion of awakening and altered states of consciousness; 2) experimental self-inquiry of personality and its mental units (subpersonalities) in the altered state of consciousness; 3) conduction of psychotherapy in the altered state of consciousness; 4) determination of the features of perception, feelings and thoughts related to personal self-diagnostics in the altered state of consciousness. To achieve the set up goals, the author used the integrated technology of learning and self-inquiry in the wakening and altered states of consciousness. This technology allows to carry out self-diagnostics and psychotherapy as well as to learn peculiarities of the mental development. Lateralization of brain functions leads to formation and deelopment of the two personalities as one whole. Harmonious development of an individual is guaranteed by the integration of all personality elements (subpersonalities) formed on the basis of psychophysiological functions of the left and right hemispheres. The author introduces such terms as the 'left hemipshere personality' and the 'right hemisphere personality'.
integrated technology, self-inquiry, waking mind, altered state, meditation, subpersonality, personality, soul, Higher Self, lateralization of brain fucntions
Clinical case
Krotovskaya, N.G., Kulagina-Yartseva, V.S. (2012). Application of Lacan's Theory in Clinical Psychoanalysis (translation) . Psychologist, 1, 76–108.
Lacan had a quite unusual style of work for a psychiatrist. From the very beginning he intended to play the role of the unconscious in conversation. He did not bother a patient by his questions. But if Lacan did ask questions, he did not try to make a diagnosis by his questions. His questions were mostly related to the process of psychotherapy. Those questions were an attempt to recode a patient's speech but did not discover the code itself. Even if Lacan accidentally discovered the code, it still remained a mysterious code. Lacan's style cut across with the hospital traditions but Lacan still treated the classical style of psychotherapy with much respect.
psychology, psychoanalysis, Lacan, work style, psychotic disorders, delusion, Freud's theory, imaginary, real, symbolic
Societal passions
Gaivoronskaya, A.A. (2012). Polyphony of the Phenomenon of Extermism in Social and Psychological Researches. Psychologist, 1, 109–137.
The author of the article makes an attemp to describe polyphony of the phenomenon of extremism. Today polyphony means that this or that phenomenon can be described as a sematic space containing a great variety of meanings. These meanings can be revealed with the help of different approaches (for instance, from the point of view pf philosophy, psychology, social studies and etc.). It is assumed that each approach is most likely to reveal new meanings of this phenomenon. It is due to both changes in historical processes and numerious interpretations of this phenomena, its ideological and political orientation and biased nature.
phenomenon of extermism, polyphony, polysemantic, enstragement, ideology of persmissibility, conflictogenic factor, mental suppositions, counter-cutural phenomenon, strengthening mechanism, social nihilism
The unpredictable
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2012). Carl Schmitt's Theory of Political Romanticism. Psychologist, 1, 138–164.
The article is devoted to the theory of political romanticism created by a famous German philosopher Carl Schmitt (1888-1985). Today Schmitt is famous in Russia as a theorist of state and follower of authoritarian methods in state policy. In his early works he studied the term 'romanticism' and gave his own evaluation of this phenomenon. Today Schmitt's ideas are very popular because he tried to define not only the psychological roots of the term 'romanticism', but also to discover research potentials and practical consequences arising out of that term and playing an important role in social life and politics. The author shows that romantic world perception had a profound influence on spiritual development of Germany and was widely used for creation and theoretical justification of the totalitarian regime in that country. In our turn, we can see that romanticism was typical for Russian politics, too, which resulted in creation of a totalitarian regime in Russia last century.
romanticism, politics, Western Europe, conservative ideas, revolutionary ideas, Germany, traditional society, romantic art, French revolution, individuality
Personal growth
Nartsissova, S.U. (2012). Argumentation as the Factor of the Meaning Making Proccess in Teaching. Psychologist, 1, 165–195.
The present article is devoted to studying arguments dictated by the development of psychology and didactics at their present stage. At this stage didactics and psychology have approached to that boundary when it appears possible to operate meanings as consciousness units through inclusion of students in «a stream of significant activities» and training based on argumentative discourse. At the end of the article the author makes her conclusions based on the empirical research of the relation between cognitive styles and peculiarities of argumentation.
argumentative discourse, personal development, meaning making, argumentation
Psychopathology of authority
Krotovskaya, N.G. (2012). Otto Rank. Will Therapy (translation). Psychologist, 1, 196–216.
The true meaning of psychotherapy becomes evident only at the end of the psychotherapeutical process when a psychoanalyst turns from a helping Ego into a helping reality. Reality is not only the enemy to an individual, as it may seem to a neurotic personality at first. It is also a big help to Ego. When a usual person learns how to use the reality in the course of the therapy, a neurotic personality can learn how to use the reality only in the course of psychotherapeutical relations. Typical features of neurosisi include not only the feeling of unsatisfaction with the reaity but also a deliberate escape from natural cure. In modern psychoanalysis psychotherapy can only struggle for a new attitude towards it so that we can review our past and reach a new balance begween us and the reality.
psychology, psychoanalysis, therapy, reality, neurosis, personal, social, balance, internal world, external world
Clinical psychology
Mordas, E.S. (2012). Psychological Nature of Female Homosexuality. Psychologist, 1, 217–247.
The classical case of female homosexuality arises at the stage of sexual maturity because of the difficulties connected with an Oedipus complex. Two major factors influence the formation of female homosexuality: rejection of the heterosexual relations due to the castration complex and attractiveness of mother due to early fixation. Refusal of women from heterosexual communications represents the regression which is the actual reflection of early relations with their mothers. Female homosexuality bears in itself archaism, ambivalence and intensity. Specific behavioural patterns, fears and conflicts of the early period of development become actual.
psychology, homosexuality, libido, fixation, disappointment, frustration, antagonism, perversions, regress, object relations