Chernov, D.N. (2012). Subject-Activity Approach to Analyzing Parenting Style in Families Raising Junior Preshoolers. Psychologist, 2, 1–33.
Parenting style in families raising junior preschoolers is viewed from the point of view of the subject-activity approah. The author offers a series of methods allowing to study peculiarities of formation of a parenting alliance by type of collective subject. The research of 116 pairs of mothers and preschoolers, the author finds out that this form of relations is characterized by the pre-subject level of development of a collective subject 'parent-and-child' combined with the tendency towards a parent's reflective attitude to their life together. Using the above mentioned approach, the author also suggests certain directions of psychological assistance and teaching the 'parent-and-child' system.
parenting style, junior preschooler, collective subjet, subject-activity approach
Inner world
Zolotukhina, E.V. (2012). Personal Past as the Existential Problem. Psychologist, 2, 34–76.
The article is devoted to the personal past that is viewed as an existential problem. The author examines the relation of the past to other modes of the time, motives turning people to the past and psychoterapeutic technologies of changing the personal past. After presentation of most radical technologies and description of the problems they might create for one's personality, the author offers to the reader 'milder' technologies described in literature. These technologies allow to interpret the past in accordance with therapeutic goals but without changing the memory.
narrative psychology, existential problems, psychotherapy methods, transformation, post-modern methodology, memory, past, NLP, golden images, personal integrity
Mind games
Berezina, T.N. (2012). About Mental Images of Higher Levels. Psychologist, 2, 77–105.
The author of the article develops the model of the system of images consisting of various levels of processing information. At each level integrators - images of a certain level - are being formed. The described model is based on the cognitive theory of memory (the concept of dual coding) and Pavlov's theory of the first and second reflex systems. Consolidation of visual information is described similarly with the consolidation of information by the second reflex system. The first level images are represented by the eidetic images and they are photographic. The second level images are viewed as the classical secondary images of concrete items. Such images have the visual features and they are visualized as an image with changing elements. The third level images are represented as the images of consolidated items (the 'animals' imagen) and they are visualized as the contour. The forth level images are the images of higher levels (the 'item' imagen). The fifth level images aer non-verbal samples of moral, philosophical and mathematical consolidations. It is assumed that the images of higher levels are polymodal.
world image, imaginal representations, secondary images, mental images, imagse, psychology, speech, reflex system, dual coding, imagens
Societal passions
Polishchuk, V.I. (2012). Human in the World or the World in Human. Psychologist, 2, 106–135.
The author shares his opinion on different solutions of the problem of the place of human in history of culture. The problem is formed by the author as the question about what makes us human. The author gives the three answers to this question: human becomes human only when he rises above primitive affections or tries to understand the surrounding world or himself. The second and the third solutions are quite similar though because they are related to human existence and being.
psychology, human, world, culture, mind, formation, spirit, truth, logic of culture, creativity
Psychopathology of authority
Kulagina-Yartseva, V.S. (2012). Otto Rank. Will Therapy. Chapters 4-5 (translation) . Psychologist, 2, 136–182.
In his works Otto Rank reviewed the basics of the classical psychoanalysis. Speaking of the psychoanalytical therapy, Otto Rank believed that at its final stage, the therapy process is when a patient is born again. Our unconsciousness views the therapy process as a symbolic birth and this is why a patient perceives himself as a new-born, in other words, a spiritual child of a psychoanalyst. Therefore, psychotherapy allows a patient to overcome the trauma of his birth.
will therapy, trauma of birth, psychoanalysis, Oedipus complex, unconsciousness, neurosis, regressive tendencies, behavior psychology, opposition to the present, problem of the past
Professional psychology
Khanova, Z.G. (2012). Psychological Determinants of Personal Deformations of Entrepreneurs with Different Success Rate. Psychologist, 2, 183–205.
The author of the article provides a psychological description of personal deformations of entrepreneurs. The author describes professional personal deformations which can be included in the presonal deformation of an entrepreneur. The author also considers the main forms of professional deformations that affect the key parameters of a specialist's activity and compares mental features of entrepreneurs of different success rate. The author also describes various psychological barriers on the path to entrepreneurial activity and development of entrepreneurship in general. The author considers psychological factors causing professional deformations among Russian entrepreneurs.
psychology, level, success, activity, personality, subject, deformation, determinants, professionalism, development
Clinical psychology
Kharisova, R.R., Chebakova, Y.V. (2012). Types of Internal Picture of Diagnosis of Psychiatrists. Psychologist, 2, 206–221.
The purpose of this research is to study the differences in subjective perception of illness by the two groups of doctors, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. As a hypothesis, the author suggests that there is an intraphychic phenomenon of a doctor's consciousness. The author introduces a new theoretical construct - 'internal picture of diagnosis'. This construct llows to describe a number of phenomena of psychiatrists' internal experience related to their interactions with patients. The author also suggests the following elements of the internal picture of diagnosis: intuitive, phenomenological, syndrome-nosological and emotional-conseptual pictures. The research involves new methods of studying intrapsychic structures of doctors' conciousness. The results of this research allow to define the types of internal picture of diagnosis depending on differences in professional activities of psychiatrists.
diagnosis, internal picture, phenomenon, syndrome, symptom, schizophrenia, subjective ideas, countertransference, subject, object