Question at hand
Sizov, A.A. (2023). The fourth energy transition in the global energy sector: technological and energy sovereignty of Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 1–13.
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The article examines the current situation in the global energy sector, which is quite legitimately considered the fourth energy transition. The modern world has been teetering on the edge of a global energy crisis in recent years. It is somewhat paradoxical that such a situation is largely provoked by the policy of a number of leading states (primarily European ones) aimed at abandoning carbon and nuclear energy. On the other hand, it is the accelerated growth of investments in the development of generating capacities using solar and wind energy that is considered as a way to overcome the crisis and achieve energy security. The fourth energy transition, associated with the widespread use of renewable energy sources, represents a definite challenge for the Russian economy both from a technological point of view and from the position of the export–import balance. The main conclusions of the study are that the fourth energy transition, associated with the widespread use of renewable energy sources, represents a definite challenge for the Russian economy both from a technological point of view and from the position of the export-import balance. With a competent energy policy, Russia has every chance to pass the stage of the fourth energy transition in a balanced and gradual manner: without going to the extremes of the "green agenda" and not lagging technologically behind the leading countries of the world, combining the tasks of providing the state's economy with cheap energy with new technological breakthroughs. which will allow the country to maintain economic stability, even in the event of a global change in the technical and economic structure.
structure of ellectricity generation, International energy agency, Technological sovereignty, Energy sovereignty, Investments in energy, carbon footprint, global energy crisis, renewable energy sources, energy transfer, Hydropower potential of Russia
International policy
Shugurov, M.V. (2023). International scientific and technical cooperation with Russia's participation in the space sphere under sanctions: results and prospects. Politics and Society, 4, 14–35.
The article analyzes the anti-Russian sanctions regime imposed by Europe and the United States in the field of space cooperation. As a result, space became involved in a geopolitical confrontation, which was not observed during the Cold War. The purpose of the article is to understand the features and consequences of the sanctions regime in relation to international scientific and economic cooperation with Russia's participation in the space sphere. The article claims that the sanctions regime in the space sphere of international cooperation is characterized by specifics. It consists in supplementing Western sanctions with measures that Russia has taken on its part to withdraw from some international scientific and technical projects. Special attention was paid to the study of the negative consequences of sanctions, which consist in complicating the synergy of efforts so necessary to make a cardinal breakthrough in the space sphere in the interests of all mankind. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used. This made it possible to move from diverse empirical data to theoretical generalizations about the nature and models of sanctions regimes against the Russian space industry and space science. In addition to this, a comparative approach was used, as well as a modeling method and a forecasting method. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that in it the event analysis of the confrontation in the context of the "sanctions – counter-sanctions" bundle is built in the context of the theory of sanctions in the field of science and technology. In addition, the problems of Western sanctions in relation to Russia's participation in international cooperation are shown against the background of an objective trend of fragmentation of international cooperation in the field of space. The main conclusion of the work is the position on the radicalism of Europe in severing ties with Russia and the cautious approach of the United States. It is demonstrated that considering the current situation through the prism of the concept of scientific and technical isolation of Russia in the space sphere is an exaggeration. The study showed that the damage caused by sanctions and counter-sanctions in relation to the Russian space industry, as well as in relation to world cosmonautics and space science is not catastrophic. At the same time, the current situation stimulates Russia's proactive scientific and technical policy at the national and international levels.
international cooperation, globalization, program cooperation, Russian countermeasures, autarky, space research, anti-Russian sanctions, space race, competition, technological sovereignty
Osipov, M.Y. (2023). On the Question of the Peculiarities of Using an Interdisciplinary Approach in Modern Scientific Research in the Field of Law. Politics and Society, 4, 36–45.
The research subject of this article is the features and patterns of the use of an interdisciplinary approach to modern scientific research in the field of law. The relevance of this problem and the need to study the patterns of using an interdisciplinary approach in the field of law is because, on the one hand, it is becoming increasingly widespread in the legal sciences. On the other hand, the "inept" use of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of law can lead to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of scientific research in the legal sciences and lead to difficulties in assessing the significance of the obtained research results. The purpose of this work is to identify the patterns of using this approach based on the analysis of the features of the interdisciplinary approach in modern scientific research in the field of legal sciences and to propose ways to use it most effectively in modern scientific research in the field of jurisprudence. The scientific novelty of the conducted research is as follows. During the analysis of the features and patterns of the use of an interdisciplinary approach in modern legal science, it was found that not all researchers understand the features (specifics) of the use of an interdisciplinary approach in legal research. The specificity of using an interdisciplinary approach in legal research is that an interdisciplinary approach allows us to identify common patterns of formation, development and functioning of state-legal phenomena as a variety of social phenomena. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of using an interdisciplinary approach in modern scientific research in the field of legal sciences, it is better to conduct research on the purely legal side of state-legal phenomena within the framework of a disciplinary approach and traditional legal methods, an interdisciplinary approach, in our opinion, should play the role of a kind of philosophical basis that does not allow the absolutization of knowledge and assumes the need for dialogue in in order to conduct scientific research more productively.
usage, jurisprudence, problems, estimation, researches, effectiveness, patterns, interdisciplinary approach, right, philosophical basis
People and work
Egorov, S. (2023). Legal Regulation for Ensuring the Integrity of the Russian Scientific Certification System. Politics and Society, 4, 46–58.
This article is devoted to the issue of preserving the integrity of the Russian state system of scientific certification in the context of the growing diversity of regulatory and legal acts, as well as practices for awarding academic degrees. The recent expansion of the autonomy of a number of scientific and educational organizations raises a number of doubts, primarily related to the ability to ensure equal rights and opportunities for applicants for academic degrees in different parts of the system. This article provides a comparative analysis of state acts and regulatory acts of organizations that carry out procedures for the independent awarding of academic degrees. In the course of this study, three subsystems were identified that operate according to comparable rules but provide different rights and opportunities. The first subsystem is dissertation councils under the leadership of the Higher Attestation Commission and Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science. There, a place is occupied by special dissertation councils, in which the applicant avoids the publication of articles and the text of the dissertation, as well as other publicity requirements. The second subsystem is formed by scientific and educational organizations found on a special list. Similar norms and requirements apply within the framework of their local regulations, but there are also noticeable differences. These include reducing the number of dissertation councils, including candidates of sciences in them, the possibility of defending a candidate's thesis in the form of a scientific report, etc. The third subsystem includes spiritual education organizations awarding theological degrees. The ambiguity of the attitude toward such degrees remains at the federal legislation level. Theological degrees are recognized along with other academic degrees during state licensing and accreditation procedures, but their holders are not guaranteed mandatory surcharges, apostille affixing, etc. The analysis made it possible to identify indicators that are important for checking the integrity of the system and determining the direction of its improvement.
Doctor of Philosophy, theological degrees, scientific report, dissertation, higher education, dissertation council, state policy, scientific certification, academic degrees, PhD
Legal state
Mikryukov, V.A. (2023). The Limits of Analogy in the Private Legal Status of the Beneficial Owner of a Legal Entity. Politics and Society, 4, 59–65.
The author reveals the inconsistency of judicial practice on the issue of the private legal status of beneficial owners (final beneficiaries, beneficiaries) of a legal entity: in cases of challenging decisions of general meetings of participants and transactions of such legal entities, courts without proper references to the legal basis tend to recognize the beneficiaries of the right to appropriate claims, and in disputes over their demands for information the activities of the corporate entities actually controlled by them are denied on the grounds of the lack of grounds for applying the analogy of the law, considering the silence of the legislator about the relevant protective instrument of the beneficiary qualified. Due to the absence of special rules on the presence or absence of analyzed protective capabilities of beneficial owners, the effectiveness of analogy as a traditional means of overcoming legal gaps has been tested. The prospects of the analogical introduction of the public-law concept of "beneficial owner" into the structure of the private-law status of legal entities are evaluated. The development of a formal approach based on the absence of a direct legal connection of the beneficiary with the organization controlled by them is not excluded. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a unified judicial approach to the possibility of an analogical application of public-law rules on the figure of beneficial owners to private-law relations with their indirect participation before the legislative solution of the issue under study.
qualified silence of the legislator, legal gaps, subsidiary liability, conduit organization, beneficiary, indirect claim, analogy of the law, controlling person, final beneficiary, beneficial owner
Legal state
Gorban, V.S., Gruzdev, V.S. (2023). On the Diversity of "Pure" Doctrines of Law. Politics and Society, 4, 66–74.
The subject of this study is one of the largest epistemological problems in the history of political and legal thought, as well as the modern theory of the state and the law. We are talking about the attempts of the authors of various historical periods, at least over the past two centuries, to construct a model of the study of the law as a "pure" phenomenon or call for the "purity" of the methods of its cognition. There is a strong opinion in modern legal literature that the "pure doctrine of law" is the creative result of the Austrian lawyer Hans Kelsen. His teaching is often a variant of logical positivism, in which an interpretive model of the law was created, in which one subject corresponds to a special and only method—legal—and all the others were declared superfluous. In fact, in the history of legal thought, attempts have been made more than once to write "pure" doctrines about law long before Kelsen. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the analysis and illumination of new facets of political and legal thought history that previously remained completely unexplored in both domestic and foreign political and legal thought. This article analyzes well-known and previously unknown scientists and thinkers who have developed original concepts of the "pure doctrine of law." In this regard, Kelsen's teaching is justifiably considered one of the many variants of this kind of thought, the uniqueness of which is connected only with the idea of interpretation as a philosophical paradigm, which allowed him to combine well-known legal concepts and techniques within the framework of the methodological doctrine of the law.
logical positivism, Stammler, pure law, legal epistemology, neo-Kantianism, normativism, Kelsen, history of legal thought, Picard, Mehmel
State and civil society
Goncharov, V.V. (2023). Federal judicial authorities in the Russian Federation as objects of public control. Politics and Society, 4, 75–86.
This article is devoted to the public law analysis of the federal judicial authorities as objects of public control in the Russian Federation. The author substantiates the role and place of public control for the implementation and protection of the constitutional principles of democracy and the participation of Russian citizens in the management of state affairs. It is noted that thanks to this institute of Russian civil society, citizens of the country, as well as public associations and other numerous non-governmental non-profit organizations, have the opportunity to participate in the organization and implementation of measures to monitor the activities, acts and decisions of public authorities, as well as other objects of public control. This determines the special relevance, scientific and practical significance of this topic of scientific research. This article uses a number of methods of scientific research, in particular: comparative-legal; historical-legal; formal-logical; statistical; sociological, as well as a number of others. The paper examines the place of courts in the system of federal authorities in the Russian Federation. This article formalizes and examines the main topical issues related to the organization and implementation of public control over the activities of judicial authorities in Russia. The author substantiates a system of measures to resolve these problems, including by: consolidating the institution of public control in the Constitution of the Russian Federation; developing specific forms, methods and types of public control measures carried out in relation to judicial authorities in Russia; developing and consolidating in criminal and administrative legislation measures of legal responsibility for actions aimed at countering the legitimate activities of representatives of subjects of public control; using the positive Soviet and foreign experience of the functioning of the institution of civil society control over the apparatus of public power (including the judiciary).
Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, democracy, public control, objects, Russian Federation, judicial power, bodies, federal, arbitration courts