Question at hand
Anuchina, O.V., Anuchin, A. (2021). Certain procedural means of studying the identity of the wanted suspect (accused) in the Information and communication environment . Politics and Society, 3, 1–11.
This article examines the procedural means of studying the identity of the wanted suspect (accused) in the conditions of proliferation of high technologies. The object of this research is criminal procedure legal relations, within the framework of which the investigating officers examines the identity of the suspect (accused) for tracing their location. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the practical need of law enforcement authorities to reduce the number of criminal cases shelved due to tracking down the suspect. The goal of this work lies in assessment of the procedural means from the perspective of their possible application in investigation of the information and communication space. Special attention of given to the main instrument of preliminary investigation agencies – investigative measures. It is determined that the preliminary investigation agencies are limited in the use of information and communication space for criminal tracking. The novelty lies in the attempt to view the procedural means of studying information systems from the perspective of government and private databases, iCloud, dating site, social networks, instant messengers, Internet applications, etc. However, their use requires new procedural forms. The development of such forms would improve the effectiveness of the activity of preliminary investigation agencies in tracking down the suspects (accused).
information and communication environment, private forensic theories, the study of personality, the accused, suspect, suspension of the criminal case, criminal case, criminal proceedings, investigative actions, procedural form
Question at hand
Egorova, T. (2021). Analysis of the transport component in the educational services market . Politics and Society, 3, 12–28.
This article provides the results of comprehensive study of the financial and economic activity of federal and state universities located in various districts of the Russian Federation, including northern regions. The importance of the management policy of higher education determines the role of state institutions in management of resource flows. Testing of approaches towards the effective use the mechanisms for financing educational systems is interrelated with the peculiarities and trends of the Russian state educational policy in the sphere of higher education. The author establishes differentiation of the transport component in price forming policy of the educational services market, which is reflected in a significant gap in this segment among universities located in remote regions and regions with severe living conditions, functionality of the economy and infrastructure. The mechanism is offered for implementation corrective coefficients to the standards of financing of universities located far from the federal center. Such mechanism is intended to balance the regional differentiation of financing of institutions in accordance with the relevant factors of cost increase, creating equal competitive advantages in the educational services market for the universities located in northern regions with the universities located in central part of the country. The research is aimed at improvement of the methodology of normative budgeting of universities, formulation of recommendations for optimizing the methodology of financing the universities located in remote and northern regions of the Russian Federation, considering the regional differentiation and rise in the cost of services.
transportation services, budgetary security, transport costs, federal university, accessibility of the territory, northern region, educational services, transport component, price determination, spatial differentiation
Question at hand
Tikhanychev, O.V., Tikhanycheva, E.O. (2021). On the concept of “digital economy” and its interrelation with the real sector. Politics and Society, 3, 29–38.
The subject of this research is digitalization of the economy, while the object is the structure of this process. Special attention is given to heterogeneous structure of digitalization process, as well as the impact of its various components upon the real sector. One of the concerns this subject category the expert assessment of the concept of “digital” economy as something integral. At the same time, the analysis indicates that the digitalization of society and economy is a complicated process, and each component influences the processes of production, distribution, and management of the real sector. Unless this fact is not taken into account, the errors in construction of digitalization plans may occur, which substantiates the relevance of the selected topic. Based on the analysis of the problems of digitalization of the economy, management, production and distribution, the article synthesizes the recommendations for clarification of the structure of “digital economy”. The author concludes that “digital economy” should not be viewed as organic whole, since the components have been determined with may differently affect the real production and distribution. The novelty lies in the proposal to view digitalization processes as a composite phenomenon that consists of interrelated, but relatively independent components. Theoretically, such approach would ensure more accurate planning of the development of digital production, the theory of economic management, and personnel training.
improving management efficiency, digital economy prospects, new factors of development, process optimization, economic management, information Technology, digitalization of the economy, informatization of management, new management approaches, danger of digitalization
Genesis of power
Iarkeev, A.V. (2021). The state and biopolitics: towards the origins of interrelation. Politics and Society, 3, 39–47.
The subject of this research is the state as a biopolitical project founded on the principle of government intervention in life of the population. Leaning on the ideas and theoretical intentions of the “archeology of power”, economic and political anthropology, the author examines the genesis of the state from biopolitical perspective, proceeding from the hypothesis of the initial animalization of human presence pursuant to state power, which at breaking point, turns into biopolitical death machine, or thanatopolitics. In view of this, the author reveals the role of ancient state formations as the agents of forced “domestication” of the members of agricultural and cattle-raising societies based on the concentration of human resources and coercive labor as state-forming “technologies”, which allow producing surpluses appropriated by the power elites. The idea of pastoralist power, which emerged along with the first states, identifies subjects to a herd under wardship, treating them as a form of wealth similar to livestock. The main conclusion lies in explication of the biopolitical matrix of state administration, which identifies the subjects of the state with livestock, and the state territory with enclosed pasture. This leads to the parallels between cattle-raising and control over population, which paradigmatically determines the political modus operandi of state power that is implicit in the trajectory of its evolution up to the present day. At the threshold of “evolution” of such administrative paradigm emerge the modern radical topoi of the antihuman – the concentration camps (labor camps and death camps) organized by the model of cattle pens and slaughterhouses.
violence, territory, population, state, biopolitics, biopower, power, labour, rent, camp
Morality and politics
Abrosimov, V.V. (2021). Is punk not dead?: retrospective analysis of the Russian subcultures. Politics and Society, 3, 48–54.
The object of this research is the punk subcultures, while the subject is the genesis of punk subcultures. The goal lies in retrospective analysis of punk subcultures for compiling an objective image of subcultural space and advancing the hypotheses for further development of the spiritual and material elements of subcultures. Methodological framework consists of the genesis of punk culture, taking into account the currently observed changes observed today over time to the period of its emergence in the cultural space. Retrospective analysis allows determining all changes in the qualitative and quantitative state for certain time periods, particularly since the origin of subcultures in the second half of the XX century until the preset for tracing the dynamics of the development of subcultures. The article carries out a retrospective examination of the genesis of punk subcultures in Russia; compares the ideas advanced by the subcultures with the achieved results. The use of reliable sociological methods in the modern conditions when subcultures mostly exists in the Internet streams, and restrictive measures due to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic, seems extremely difficult and even impossible. The article describes the gradual commercialization of the counter- and sub- cultures in the early XX century, their partial integration into popular culture by the producers and managers, departure from the anarchic philosophical tradition, and withering away of nihilistic tends. The consideration of experience allows optimizing the sociocultural processes and managing the risks of sociocultural development in the future.
popular culture, emo-punk, ska-punk, punk, culture elements, counterculture, subculture, dominant culture, goths, hip-hop