People and work
Cheglakov, A.D. (2021). The peculiarities of emotional impact and therapeutic characteristics of wooden sculptures . Politics and Society, 4, 1–8.
This article explores the ability of wooden sculptures and objects to influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. It is noted that the gradually expanding gap between man and nature, reflected in rapid development of the large cities and transition of the natural factor therein shifts to the background, generates fundamentally new problematic research and applied field, which requires the creation of operational mechanisms to relieve the escalating tension in a situation of alienation from nature. One of the latest achievements of the European Scientific Community is reference to this topic as the nature deficit disorder, as well as the emerging attempts to solve this issue via natural therapies – specific methods of interaction between man and nature. The article traces and analyzes the possibility of using wooden sculpture as one of instruments for stabilization of psycho-emotional and physical state of a person through interaction with natural material of laconic and natural forms. Thus, the creation of wooden sculptures and their inclusion in training, educational and rehabilitation programs testifies to the characteristics of wooden sculpture as an affordable and effective therapeutic instrument.
urban space, arts and crafts, environmental psychology, works of art, nature deficiency syndrome, artistic woodworking, wooden sculpture, ecotherapy, art therapy, megalopolis
Political process
Dorogoi, K.B. (2021). Methodological aspects of studying the systematicity of political reforms. Politics and Society, 4, 9–16.
This article examines the effectiveness of using discourse analysis and content analysis for studying the political reform in Russia, as well as assesses the heuristic potential of both methods. Attention is turned to methodological difficulties that emerge in the context of sociological study of the systemic social processes. On the example of content analysis of the messages of the President of the Russian Federation, the author demonstrated the correlation between the discourse around the reform and the real course of reforms. The conclusion is made that proliferation of the interpretation of social reality as a text in sociology increases the relevance of both discourse analysis and content analysis, which is confirmed by their wide application in the course of sociological research of the political sphere. The author considers feasibility of the use of discourse analysis and content analysis for studying the political reform in Russia, and assesses the heuristic potential of both methods. The author draws attention to the methodological difficulties that arise in the sociological study of systemic social processes. It is established that the topic of reforms in the various spheres of social life is present in all messages of the President in one way or another. However, the connotation of the very concept of reform has gradually changed from solely positive in the first years of post-Soviet history, when the need for the early transition to new types of economic, political and social relations was justified, to neutral or rather negative, when the reforms are localized in particular spheres of society or are interpreted as disadvantageous.
political sphere, political reform, systematicity, content analysis, discourse analysis, message of the President of the Russian Federation, discourse , text, methodology of sociology, communication technologies
Law and human rights
Anisimov, R.S., Kombarov, V.Y. (2021). Right-wing authoritarianism in Modern Russia in the conditions of the “state of emergency”. Politics and Society, 4, 17–37.
This article is dedicated to examination of the phenomenon of right-authoritarian personality (RWA), or more specifically, the theoretical, methodological and applied use of this concept within the framework of Giorgio Agamben’s concept of the "state of emergency". This study reveals the intolerance and lack of flexibility of an increasing number of people in modern Russia as deliberately cultivated by the state apparatus for the more effective ideological and hybrid military confrontation with many countries of the world. This provision is interpreted as the "state of emergency", in which according to the theory of Giorgio Agamben, punitive measures can be applied against the citizens bypass the law. Personality is viewed through the prism of actualization by the situation of the "state of emergency" of the authoritarian right-wing traits within its structure that contribute to the maintenance of totalitarian tendencies in the society. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the role and nature of the impact of social transformations defined as emergency upon actualization of the right-authoritarian traits in the structure of personality. Verification of the hypotheses is carried out in the course of empirical research with the use of various questionnaires for determining certain preferences in the cultural and social spheres of life, as well as what can be perceived as the social threat by right-wing authoritarians in the conditions of the “state of emergency”. Particular attention is given to the mechanism of actualization of right authoritarian tendencies in a person, as well as to the analysis of Giorgio Agamben’s concept of the “state of emergency”. Examination of this concept from sociological perspective is a long-run objective. The are no similar studies in the Russia science; thus, it is of particular interest to consider the results of analysis based on certain peculiarities in Russia.
Authoritarian submission, Authoritarian aggression, Russia, authoritarianism, social continuity, exclusion space, state of exception, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), Conventionalism, Traditsionalizm
Theory of political sciences
Kharybin, A.N. (2021). The Impact of globalization upon sovereignty of the state. Politics and Society, 4, 38–43.
The subject of this research is the sovereignty of the state in modern world. The author underlines the contradictory nature of globalization and contrasts of opinions of various social groups on it. It is noted that the antagonists of globalization confirm the importance of this process. This article examines the history of the development of state sovereignty and its current significance. The author explores and generalizes the factors that influence sovereignty of the state in modern world, believing that high level of national culture plays the key role and allows avoiding negative consequences of globalization and take all possible advantages. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive analysis of the impact of globalization upon sovereignty of the state, as well as in original classification of the factors influencing globalization, among which is the emergence of uncontrolled spheres of life, strengthening of the role of international organizations, existence of transnational corporations, international law, creation of integration associations, dominance of the United States in modern world. It is also noted that sovereignty of the state has never been absolute. The author summarizes the views of researchers on the importance and consequences of globalization, as well as advances and substantiates the thesis on the key role of national culture in the struggle against negative consequences of globalization.
European Union, Culture, Transnational corporation, USA, International relations, Sovereignty, Globalization, international law, Border, integration
The heritage of transformation
Grachev, B. (2021). Civilizational factor in state-building process of the founding countries of the Eurasian Economic Union . Politics and Society, 4, 44–53.
The subject of this research is the civilizational foundations of the political systems of the founding countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, their genesis, and manifestation at various historical stages. Particular attention is turned to outlining the cultural-civilizational characteristics that determined the similarity of the political tradition. The article explores the peculiarity of transition from the Soviet political system to national political systems, indicates the differences in the process of establishment of the national political systems, reveals the general characteristics of the results of such transit, defines the role of cultural-civilizational factors. Assessment is given to the influence of geopolitical and civilizational factors upon integration and its further course. Research methodology leans on the historical-politological analysis applied through the prism of cultural-civilizational theory, as well as a range of the methods of historical-descriptive approach. The author's special contribution consists in summarizing the civilizational experience of founding countries of the Eurasian Economic Union from the perspective of its importance for the integration process. In the conditions of the demand for nationalism and sovereignty, the strong state power becomes one of the key obstacles towards further integration. Long-terms success of the union requires the formation of a certain ideological framework, such as variations of neo-Eurasianism.
civilization, political system, political process, Eurasian Economic Union, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, eurasian integration, formation, identity
International policy
Grigor'eva, Y.G. (2021). The dynamics of development of relations between the Republic of Korea and Mongolia in modern historical period . Politics and Society, 4, 54–62.
This article is dedicated to examination of the modern stages of transformation of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Mongolia. The subject of this research is the political interaction of Mongolia and the Republic of Korea over the period from 1990 to 2020. The goal lies in the analysis of crucial aspects of the high-level Mongolian-South Korean visits, as well as determination of the key stages in the development of bilateral relations over the period from 1990 to 2020. Research methodology leans on the historical-retrospective method, which allowed tracing the vector and dynamics of the development of relations between the Republic Korea and Mongolia, as well as chronological method aimed at outlining the stages of establishment and development of cooperation and fundamental changes thereof. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this topic is poorly studied, It is revealed that over the past 30 years, Mongolian-South Korean relations have taken a new leap 4 times. In 1999, the visit of the Korean Leader Kim Dae-jung to Mongolia lead to the establishment of "complementary cooperation" between the two countries; in 2006; visit of the Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to Mongolia in 2006 marks consolidation of the status of “friendly nations”; in 2011, the Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj announced the transition to a "comprehensive partnership". In 2021, the Republic of Korea and Mongolia agreed upon propelling the bilateral relations to the level of strategic partnership, which made South Korea the sixth country to achieve a high status of bilateral relations.
foreign policy, cooperation, international relations, strategic partnership, intergovernmental exchanges, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, bilateral relations, diplomacy, third neighbor