International policy
Shaidaeva, M.R. (2020). Cooperation between Russia and Italy within the framework of EU programs in scientific sphere in the first quarter of the XXI century . Politics and Society, 3, 110.
This article discusses the key vectors of humanitarian cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the area of science in the first quarter of the XXI century. Italy as the EU member-state with high scientific capacity manifests as a direct subject for the analysis of peculiarities of this cooperation. The selected chronology is substantiated by the fact that most intensive cooperation between Russia and EU in humanitarian sphere falls on that period. Determination of the key vectors of cooperation between Russia and Italy in the XXI century allows tracing the dynamics of Russia-EU relations in the indicated field at the current stage. The scientific novelty is defined by the absence of research dedicated to international cooperation of Russia and Italy. The following conclusions are formulated: 1) since 2012 there is observed a certain decline in the intensity of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and EU due to political contradictions that aggravated after 2014; 2) at the same time, the foundation formed in the previous decades allowed transferring the scientific and technical cooperation from the political level into the practical, namely to the sphere of direct interaction between the Russian scholars from the EU member-states (including Italian); 3) a crucial role was played by the nonprofit sector and large enterprises that are interested in the advancement of innovations; 4) therefore, namely the contacts between universities, research centers, innovation organizations, and scholars may become the foundation for the development of comprehensive cooperation between Russia and the European Union. The obtained experience demonstrates that many crucial steps in this direction have already been taken.
Russian universities, scientific field, programs of the European Union, humanitarian cooperation, Italy, Russia, European Union, scientific internships, scientific conferences, scientific research
Political system in society
Sukhbaatar, Z. (2020). Analysis of recalling the members of Mongolian Parliament by the voters. Politics and Society, 3, 1123.
Usage of the mechanism of recalling the members of legislative body became relevant in recent years for improving discipline of the elected members of Mongolian Parliament. Due to the principle of division of powers and peculiarities of the legal status of high-ranking officials, the system of responsibility established by the Mongolian Law on Civil Service, is ineffective. The author examines the questions related to recall of the members of Mongolian Parliament, as well as compares the political responsibility of parliamentarians in different countries. An opinion is expressed, according to which the vague legal framework of responsibility of parliamentarians are being criticized by the public, which justifies the need for the reform of this type of responsibility of parliamentarians. There is yet no sufficient research on this type of responsibility of the members of parliament, and this is a novelty in the constitutional law of Mongolia and other countries. The effective use of this type of responsibility depends on multiple factors, including state administration, political culture, political maturity, and activity of the electorate. Analysis is conducted on the experience and measures taken by other countries with regards to parliamentary responsibility and recall of deputies, as well as notification of the citizens about existing procedures for recalling deputies. Clarification is made on the rights of voters to recall a member of parliament in order to increase effectiveness of the procedure for the recall of deputies.
Voter Recall, Disciplinary Response, Political Responsibility, Mandate, Member of parliament, Representation, Voter, Constituency, Mongolia, Immunity
State and civil society
Sevostyanova, E. (2020). Charity and donations in the cities of Zabaykalsky Krai during the World War I: interaction between society and the government . Politics and Society, 3, 2435.
During the World War I, due to the grand scale of mobilization, it would have not been possible to provide assistance to families of the soldiers without help received from charitable organizations, local authorities and individuals. Public and private charity became a part of supporting those in need. The object of this research is charity and donations during organized during the World War I. The subject of this research is the cooperation between the government and the public in the area of charity and donations. The forms, methods and specificity of such interactions are viewed based on the example of a remote administerial peripheral region – Zabaykalsky Krai, with consideration of the overall trends and regional peculiarities. The main forms and vectors of the work are described. Four key trends can be highlighted in interaction between the government and the city residents: 1) the organization of support for the families of mobilized soldiers (both, legal who received state rations, but also had the opportunity to use charitable support, and civil, who did not have the right to receive state rations); social assistance to children; aid to the refugees; collecting donations for the military needs (air fleet, Red Cross, mobile military infirmary, provision and shipment of things for the army). The author notes that due to a wide variety of charitable organizations (local and nationwide), secular and religious patronages, committees (established upon the local initiative and departments under the aegis of the Romanovs family), the composition of active participants often overlapped: same people were the members of several organizations. An important role in all organizations was played by the government officials; however, their motivation requires additional attention. Largest charity fundraisers were the events that received organizational and information support from the local authorities, or mass actions that became a part of public space of the cities.
bureaucracy, charitable association, donations, Elizabethan Committee, guardianship, philanthropy, First World War, Transbaikalia, public philanthropy, civic initiative
Main human rights and liberties
Lyu, K. (2020). The development of health insurance system in China in the period of socialist modernization (1978 2001) . Politics and Society, 3, 3650.
This article explores the development of health insurance system in China over the period from 1978 to 2001. The author reviews the implementation of market mechanisms in health insurance system; provides statistical data on the number of insured persons residing in the city or rural localities. Analysis is conducted on legislation that regulates insurance activity in the sphere of medicine. The conclusion is made that the implementation of such systems affected by migration from rural to urban areas led to imbalance in the quality and availability of medical services. It is noted that despite the efforts of Chinese authorities, health insurance system did not expand neither the number of insured rural or urban residents; dependence of the level of medical care on the level of salaries led to segregation of rich and poor citizens. The employees with insufficient salary level were trying to reduce the cost treatment, as it partially compensated from their personal savings, which also led to severe sanitary consequences. Therefore, the implementation of market mechanisms in health insurance led to inequality of the citizens with regards to availability of medical services.
market economy, reform, social security, สอะ, socialist modernization, health insurance, history, China, economy, peasants
Humanitarian projects
Mitiay, E. (2020). Folk culture as a foundation for preservation and development of the state. Politics and Society, 3, 5156.
The subject of this research is the cultivation in younger generation of respect to folk culture as a foundation of uniqueness and self-identification of the people. An intrinsic element of folk culture, along with the folksong and folkdance, is the memory of historical events as the basis for the development of folklore. Having analyzed the events of the late XX – early XXI centuries, the conclusion is made on inadmissibility of nullification of panhuman values and separate acts as crimes against humanity. Thus, it is suggested to view the culture of preservation of historical memory as an essential element in cultivation of folk culture. The author establishes correlation between the development of cultural diversity of ethnoses, peoples, nationalities and nations populating the Russian Federation and the formation of the unified national idea of the state. The result of analysis of the events related to violation of the provisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal Verdict on recognition of Nazi collaborators as freedom fighters in separate European states, led to realization of the need to cultivate the culture of preservation of historical memory and refrain the younger generation from overrating the outcome of World War II. Emphasis is made on the need to develop culture of working with the archival data as the foundation for preservation of historical memory of the population of modern Russia.
education, cultural diversity, commonalty, nation, ethnos, historical memory, traditions, folk culture, archival sources, self-awareness