Legal state
Lin', D. (2020). Legal regulation of personal data protection and its control by the state in China. Politics and Society, 2, 1–9.
This article examines the Chinese normative acts that regulate personal data protection. The author reviews the questions of restrictions pertaining to personal life due to introduction of social score system. Analysis is conducted on the “system of social rating” (“social credit”) formed on the basis of government services. The article presents the examples of civil right restrictions due to low rating in the sphere of employment, public housing, reception of subsidies, basic social benefits, and loans at low interest rates. The practice of “social condemnation”, when the short clips are shown before the main film in a movie theatre naming local people who have failed to pay off debt. The conclusion is made that the social score system controls activity of a person in all spheres of social life – from business to family relations, from credit default to violation of traffic rules. The author notes that biggest unfairness of this system pertains to the citizens who buy videogames, spent long time in social network, spread fake news, which leads to restriction of high-speed Internet. It is also underlines that there is virtually no legal framework for implementation of such system or legal acts that regulate the score system, and the corresponding “guiding recommendations” of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China contain pretty vague formulations.
social rating system, private life, personal data, áàëüíàÿ ñèñòåìà, restriction of rights, digital control, control, social loan, protection of personal information, Internet
State and civil society
Bakharev, D.V. (2020). On the prospects of transitioning from the corruption “track” of historical path of the Russian society. Politics and Society, 2, 10–22.
The subject of this research is the historical prerequisites of formation of the modern Russian model of state administration with its enormous corruption component. Analysis is conducted on the sociopolitical processes that took place in Russia, since the origin of conception of its statehood (formation of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir) until the events of past decade. A wide variety of literature of the Russian and foreign authors dedicated to the historical and institutional aspects of formation of national and foreign statehood became the source base for this research. An attempt is made to determine the fundamental factors of the emergence and wide spread of various manifestations of corruption at all stages of existence of the Russian state. A conclusion is made that drastic reconstruction of the historically established in Russia model of relationship between the government and society, and thus, decline in the scale of corruption, are possible only under the condition of formation of a large social coalition that supports: 1) the expansion of pluralistic basis in creation and development of the mode of operation of political institutions; 2) further public control over their activity. The reference point of such processes can become only a historical situation, which marks an informed need of broad social circles to be able to fully exercise political rights, and simultaneous response to such request from the acting political elite.
community coalition, political institutions, institutional analysis, public administration mechanism, natural states, criminal law, corruption, power, political identity, public consensus
Family and society
Chemporova, M.R., Neustroeva, A.B. (2020). The key issues of rural multi-child families (on the example of Vilyuysky District of the Sakha Republic). Politics and Society, 2, 23–29.
The subject of this research is the problems of multi-child families in rural areas of Vilyuysky District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The article explores the definition of multi-child family, as well as federal and regional measures of their social support. The authors describe in detail the key problems currently faced by multi-child families. Assessment is given to the state support of such families. The main research method is the interview with multi-child families residing in Vilyuysky District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The selection of families for participation in the interview was based on the following criteria: number of children, age, level of education, and parents’ employment status. The main conclusions of the conducted research lie in the description of multi-child parenting from the perspective of rural multi-child families, and determination of trends of multi-child parenting in the region. The results of the research allow speaking of the fact that the dominant reproductive preference of the majority of women living in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) became the family model with three children. The percentage of children born in multi-child families among all children of the republic us 52.8%. The novelty consists in identification of the key problems experienced by multi-child families in the remote northern region. The authors thoroughly describe the financial, housing, pedagogical problems of such families.
interview, poverty, region, social work, social support, problems, the large family, social protection, social patronage, counseling
History of political thought
Skorokhodova, S.I. (2020). To the question on power and society in the political ontology of Y. F. Samarin and Slavophiles. Politics and Society, 2, 30–49.
The object of this research is the problem of power and society in the political ontology. The indicated problem is viewed in the works of the founder of political philosophy in Russia Y. F. Samarin in the context of teaching of the representatives of “Moscow School”. An attempt is made to demonstrate the multidimensionality of the philosopher’s key ideas and avoid their simplifications and distortions. The evolution of Samarin’s philosophical-political views is described: the initial stage of this writings is focused on the eschatological pursuits, the take roots in the Russian spiritual culture and are associated with the ideas of transformed power, grateful type of being; the next period is concentrated on the ida of national policy, when the power must originate with people, strengthen the interethnic unity and serve to the historical calling of Russia, rather that the distracted political beginning. The analysis of Samarin’s views on power led to the following conclusions: the philosopher believed that it is essential to respect boundaries between the church and state life, but underlines the need of spiritual influence upon the power; each new form of power had to comply with the organic social development, be generated by it, rather than be created artificially or borrowed; the government should lean on the enlightened nation, rather than on cosmopolitan leadership. It is claimed that Samarin’s political position – the “revolutionary conservatism”, which essence consists not in destruction, but construction of the state supported by spiritual culture of Russia and peculiarities of its national pattern, but at the same time in uncompromised antagonism to everything impeding well-being the superpower. It is concluded that the political ontology of Y. F. Samaring and classical Slavophiles became the foundation for philosophical-political constructs of the thinkers of Silver Age and white émigré. Some of his ideas may become the foundation for political ideology of modern Russia.
anti-Normanist theory, legal law, moral law, folk, state, power, national politics, political ontology, revolutionary conservatism, Slavophiles
History of political thought
Viazinkin, A. (2020). The phenomenon of American paleoconservatism in the Russian historiography. Politics and Society, 2, 50–56.
This article examines the phenomenon of American paleoconservatism in the Russian historiography, as well as provides an analytical overview of scientific publications on the problems of evolution of American conservatism of the late XX century that touches upon the questions of ideological establishment and political influence of paleoconservatism in the United States. Paleoconservatism represents a nontrivial version of the modern American conservatism, which is opposite to the mainstream forms of conservatism (for example, neoconservatism), but leans on the fundamental American principles, as an ideological defender of the tradition and freedom. The problem of paleoconservatism in Russian historiography is viewed by the representatives of various scientific directions: historians-Americanologists, political scientists, experts in the area of jurisprudence, etc. However, within the Russians science the phenomenon of American paleoconservatism is studied fragmentarily. The problems of committed genealogy, historical development and ideological evolution of American paleoconservatism remain poorly studied. The political writings and views of the key theoreticians and representatives of paleoconservatism – P. Gottfried, P. Brimelow, S. Francis, etc. Nevertheless, the political potential of paleoconservative ideology, which combines the principles of retention of the tradition and inviolability of freedom, is evident in modern world. The demand of political ideas of American paleoconservatists and paleoconservative discourse outside the United States underlines the need for further research of this ideological and political phenomenon.
fusionism, history of conservatism, political ideology, historiography, freedom, tradition, american conservatism, paleoconservatism, Old Right, traditionalism