Social organizations and movements
Sevostyanova, E. (2020). Public educational initiatives in the sphere of culture of Eastern Siberia on the pages of Siberian newspapers in the last quarter of XIX beginning of XX centuries. Politics and Society, 4, 118.
The object of this research is the reflection in Siberian press of the last quarter of XIX – beginning of XX centuries of civil educational initiatives in Eastern Siberia. In this time, local press created the image of Siberian reality, and actively formed public opinion on the new sociocultural phenomena. The subject of this research is the public educational initiatives in the sphere of culture of Eastern Siberia on the pages of Siberian newspapers in the last quarter of XIX – beginning of XX centuries. The goal consists in determination of substantive components that frame public opinion on the implementation of educational initiatives in the sphere of culture. The relevance of the selected topic is defined by the fact that periodical press contributed not only to information awareness, but also to mobilization of intelligentsia to resolve topical issues of education. Historiography is based on the newspaper materials, published and archival materials. Newspapers of liberal trend enjoyed most popularity, since they not only reflected the modernization processes in the sphere of culture, but also framed public opinion. The author outlines several themes that became thematic dominants based on the frequency of mentioning: the urgent need for Eastern Siberia (in the context of absence of Zemstvo) to show public and private initiative in the sphere of culture and its reliance on the number of educated people; characteristics of government policy; role of officialdom; discreteness of public initiatives and its factors; higher purpose of educational institutions; need for active innovative leader; need for systematic and coordinated work of various voluntary organizations in the sphere of culture. According to the press, successful realization of civil sociocultural initiatives required the presence of several factors; each of them to a greater or lesser degree determined the consolidation of innovations in sociocultural environment and dynamics in the development of civil initiatives in the sphere of culture.
scientific society, civil society, educational societies, public opinion, bureaucracy, intelligentsia, culture, Πublic initiative, Siberian newspapers, educational goals
Question at hand
Chekharina, V.I. (2020). About the specifics of organizing and conducting elections during the COVID-19 pandemic (some questions). Politics and Society, 4, 1938.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses extraordinary challenges to democratic values around the world, including elections. The subject of the study is some issues of the organization and conduct of elections at various levels affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, based on changes in the normal course of the electoral process, its individual stages. The relevance of the issue under study is obvious, since the COVID-19 pandemic has called into question whether the elections will take place on time or the date will be postponed. Methods are applied: comparative, analytical, systematic approach. The task is to study the specifics of the organization and conduct of elections during a pandemic in relation to certain stages of the electoral process that have been significantly affected by the pandemic. Particular attention is paid to the postponement of elections, which is directly related to the initial stage of the electoral process β the appointment of elections. Attention is drawn to the introduction of special regimes during the pandemic. Another important legal issue is the issue of voting β the main stage of the electoral process. Attention is focused on special voting methods that are most actively used during the pandemic, especially such as remote voting, postal voting, early voting and others. The postponement of elections during the COVID-19 pandemic should be considered as a new legal phenomenon in the practice of elections, having a massive character, having a direct impact on the electoral process, its individual stages, guarantees of electoral rights, methods of voting of voters, turnout and election results. It is necessary to develop a detailed mechanism for regulating the postponement of elections, especially in emergency situations, by including relevant provisions in the current domestic electoral legislation in order to ensure genuine guarantees of free and periodic elections. The results of the study can be used to improve electoral legislation, develop election rules during the pandemic, and take into account the most effective foreign experience in the electoral practice of the Russian Federation.
emergency situation, international electoral standards, COVID-19 pandemic, elections, postponement of elections, special voting methods, remote voting, voting by mail, mobile voting, electronic voting
Rozhkova, Z.I. (2020). Education for democracy or democratic education?. Politics and Society, 4, 3949.
This article examines the phenomenon of democratic education and the role of democratization of education in modern society. The subject of this research define the main goal: it is necessary to assess the level of impact of democratic education upon the formation of critical thinking among younger generation. Within the framework of this article, analysis was conducted on the theoretical works of the researchers of humanities, legislative documents and reports dedicated to the questions of education policy. The author also covers the examples of practical implementation of the principles of democratic education in history and modernity; as well as considers the experience of such democratic schools and Summerhill and Sudbury Valley. The conclusion is made that the principles of democratic schools are not always widely implemented in the society. However, despite the criticism of democratic education worldwide, the principles of democratization of education are used ubiquitously from elementary education to higher education. This is testified by the examples of the successfully functioning democratic schools. Namely democratic and democratized education lay the foundation for upbringing of the national members of civil society due to the flexibility and adjustment of education to the needs of modern society. Such school can be justifiably considered as one of the best models for the development of critical thinking among younger generation due to holistic development of children.
educational policy, self-development, democracy, democratic school, critical thinking, humanistic education, education democratization, democratic education, Summerhill, Sudbury Valley
Theory of political sciences
Shugurov, M.V. (2020). New era of uncertainties: COVID-19 and its impact on Brazil. Politics and Society, 4, 5081.
This article is aimed at the analysis of social and economic consequences on the novel COVID-19 in Brazil. Brazil has faced multiple problems in fighting pandemic that negatively affected millions of people around the world. The goal of this research lies in determination of the problems that were illuminated by the pandemic in Brazilian society. Analysis is conducted on the consequence of pandemic for Brazil, namely with regards to minorities that rely on the government aid, and the system of public healthcare overall. The article also indicates the mistakes made by the current authorities during pandemic, when due to lack of organization, multiple institutions could not render basic help to reduce the consequences of the chaotic situation faced by the country. As the largest country in South America, Brazil struggled the most in the region; therefore, studying the impact of COVID-19 upon the socioeconomic system of the country is a relevant topic. The article explores the official database and media materials to acquire information on the responsive measures of the government in such sectors as employment, education and healthcare. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of information that demonstrate the impact of pandemic upon the lives of millions of people in Brazil.
modernization, global megatrends, digital platforms, technology transfer, scientific-technological integration, digital transformations, Fourth industrial revolution, law of EAEU, Eurasian economic commission, innovation
Political aspects
Da Costa Santos, J. (2020). New era of uncertainties: COVID-19 and its impact on Brazil. Politics and Society, 4, 8288.
This article is aimed at the analysis of social and economic consequences on the novel COVID-19 in Brazil. Brazil has faced multiple problems in fighting pandemic that negatively affected millions of people around the world. The goal of this research lies in determination of the problems that were illuminated by the pandemic in Brazilian society. Analysis is conducted on the consequence of pandemic for Brazil, namely with regards to minorities that rely on the government aid, and the system of public healthcare overall. The article also indicates the mistakes made by the current authorities during pandemic, when due to lack of organization, multiple institutions could not render basic help to reduce the consequences of the chaotic situation faced by the country. As the largest country in South America, Brazil struggled the most in the region; therefore, studying the impact of COVID-19 upon the socioeconomic system of the country is a relevant topic. The article explores the official database and media materials to acquire information on the responsive measures of the government in such sectors as employment, education and healthcare. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of information that demonstrate the impact of pandemic upon the lives of millions of people in Brazil.
Health Care, Latin America, Crisis, Employment, Politics, Education, Pandemic, Coronavirus, Brazil, Effects