State and civil society
Abramova, O., Mukhaev, R. (2019). GR as an instrument for increasing efficiency of the modern state administration. Politics and Society, 4, 1–19.
The object of this research is the state administration as a communication process between the government and groups of interests with regards to allocation of public goods through executive decision-making. The subject of this research is the GR-technologies as a communicative element of the state administration mechanism. The scientific novelty consists in description of administrative nature of GR as an effective technique of forecasting and promotion of requests of the groups of interests within the mechanism of political decision-making. For substantiating their opinion the authors examines the universal models of communication between the society and groups of interests, national practices of their implementation, as well as merits and demerits. Research methodology contains the factor analysis for determining the specificity and mechanisms for coordinating private and general interests within the system of state administration of different countries. Comparative analysis and diagnostics of the efficiency of ongoing processes of functionality of state administration systems of various countries with the use of GR-management opens up new opportunities for application of marketing technologies in the modern state administration. Leaning on the analysis of foreign practices, the authors determine the possibilities for implementation of the instruments of GR-management in the modern system of state administration in Russia, taking into account the national specificity; as well as formulate practical recommendations that allow considering positive experience along with minimizing negative moments.
nation state, GR-management, promotion, positioning, communication, making decision mechanism, public management, efficient management, government relations, civic society
Question at hand
Chertkov, A.N. (2019). Territorial organization of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation due to the novelty of federal legislation. Politics and Society, 4, 20–28.
The subject of this research is the system of administrative structures of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including territorial organization of the local self-governance, administrative structure and particular territorial units, its legal regulation and practical reforms. The object of this research is the social relations related to the territory and territorial structure of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is turned to correlation between the administrative and municipal-territorial component of territorial organization of the regions. The author also examines the questions of formation of the specific territorial units, considering the Soviet and foreign experience. In the course of this research were determined the gaps in federal and regional legislation pertinent to regulation of the questions of territorial organization of the Russian regions. Using the dialectic approach along with the general and special methods of cognition, such as system-structural, formal-logical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical-legal, axiological, teleological and a number of other, the author explores the problems and prospects of the development of territorial organization of the Russian regions. Based on the novelties of the current federal legislation, the author suggest the vectors, stages and particular forms for improvement of the regional legislation, including the introduction of a new type of municipal formation – the municipal districts. The article analyzes the prospects of formation of the supra-district territorial units of the regions, as well as expansion of the practice of formation of administrative units of municipalities. The author recommends the federal legislative regulation of the general principles of administrative-territorial structure of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as provides the key elements of such regulation.
administrative-territorial unit, municipal district, urban district, municipal formation, administrative-territorial structure, territorial organization of self-government, territorial structure, subject of the Russian Federation, special territorial unit, territorial administration
The heritage of transformation
Trofimova, I.N. (2019). Training of specialists for modern economy: the opportunities of academic and corporate sector. Politics and Society, 4, 29–36.
This article is dedicated to the problem of training of the new generation of specialists, mostly in the field of research and development capable of employing the latest knowledge and competencies in response to the growing external and internal threats. Thesis on the difference in goal-setting between the academic and corporate sphere of research and development underlies this publication. The analysis is aimed at determination of specificity of the university and corporate training of academic staff, as well as substantiation of the need to consider advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. The theoretical-methodological framework consists of a set of provisions revealing the specificity of innovation activity and allowing to analyze the relationships between its participants. The conclusion is made that despite the differences in goal-setting, both corporate and academic sectors are equally interested in preparation of highly qualified specialists. The author underlines that consideration of these differences at the national level, as well as separate corporations and universities would have positive impact upon economic development.
innovations, specialists, science, economy, education, training, corporations, universities, research and development, education policy
Dubovik, O.L. (2019). Scientific research of the relevant problems of modern world: fusion of politics, law, sociology, philosophy and natural sciences (experience of Germany). Politics and Society, 4, 37–43.
The subject of this research is the relevant problems of ensuring peace and security through the use of various types of armament; conflicts emerging die to its export to the third countries; as well as the questions of financing the modernization of armed forces and manufacturing of new armament. Information is provided on the positions of German scholars of political science and experts in the field of international relation, formulated in the course of the 5th Seminar on Philosophy in the Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Bielefeld. The following conclusions were made: despite the fact that the concept of peace, security, collective security, deconfliction and disarmament are reflected in multiple international documents and national legislation, there is a need for their revision and clarification, since their content defines the policy of the international community and separate countries. Arms trafficking, along with human, environmental and drug trafficking, yields high profits and often contributes to the emergence and escalation of armed, interethnic and religious conflicts. Tightening control over the production of armament is the relevant scientific and practical task.
weapon, law, crisis, science, armament, conflict, defence, war, safety, peace
Lidzieva, I.V. (2019). To the problem of formation of the ethnic sectors of urban economy. Politics and Society, 4, 44–54.
The subject of this article is the activity of ethnic entrepreneurs in the capital city of the Republic of Kalmykia – Elista. Based on the data analysis of sociological survey, the author examines the process of formation of the ethnic sectors of urban economy. Particular attention is paid to the entrepreneurial activity among the representatives of ethnic groups, who immigrated to Russia. Their citizenship is not taken into account, emphasis is made on the ethnic and cultural values, i.e. not demarcating the concepts of ethnic affiliation and civic identity. For achieving the set goal, the author conducted an expert survey among the individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the city of Elista. The following conclusions are made: 1) entrepreneurs from among the migrants enter the new market, filling the non-demand niches in the economy, forming ethnic sectors that differ from other communities; 2) examination of the problem allows classifying the ethnic entrepreneurship into business conducted by the ethnic minority, and entrepreneurship based on the peculiarities of national cultures.
Republic of Kalmykia, immigrants, migrants, ethnic sectors, urban economy, ethnic identity, ethnic entrepreneurship, historical continuity, South of Russia, migrant entrepreneurs