Political conflict
Ivanov, O. (2019). Social conflicts and political protest in Russia over the recent years. Politics and Society, 6, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.28606
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the relevant sociopolitical situation in Russia, escalation of protest activity, and an attempt to analyze the correlation between the current level of social conflicts, their constitutionalization, and growth of political protest. The analysis is carried out on the extensive factual and scientific material, considering the recent events. The modern Russian society is in the field of systemic crisis, which defines its specificity. Russia is among the countries with “transitional type” of social institutions, particularly characterized by the absence of the effective institutions for controlling political protest. The following methods were applied in the course of this research: historical (studying the dynamics of social conflicts in relation to the dynamics of political protests), institutional (studying the interaction between the government, social and other institutions on social conflicts and political protest), as well as system and sociological methods. The novelty and practical importance of this work lie in the attempt to reveal such correlation and its levels using the scientific tools, as well as explore possible application of the acquired information for controlling the political protest in modern society, including the use of innovative methods. The modern Russian society is objectively characterizes by the growing number of citizens unsatisfied with the forms of government’s response to social requests. Based on the empirical material and using the relevant scientific hypotheses, the author draws the conclusion that if the Russian authorities would not work on the development of the institutions for controlling social conflicts and political protest, the level of protest moods in the country would create a threat to sustainability of the existing national system of control.
social infrastructure, political poverty, social deprivation, political protest, conflict management, civil society, power, Social conflict, political interest, social meditation
Question at hand
Yanik, A.A. (2019). Determination of the expectations of Russian society towards priorities in advancement of science and technologies: to statement of the problem. Politics and Society, 6, 15–25. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.31527
This article is dedicated to substantiation of the need for solving the problem caused by the absence of reliable data on the public expectations towards priorities in scientific and technological progress of the country. It is noted that the lack of such information in hands of the branches of government increases the risk of faults (including due to the conflict of interests) in determination and specification of the priorities of scientific and technological progress, creation of the systems of impact assessment of research and development sector, as well as budget spending efficiency. Based on the analysis of the relevant foreign experience, the author demonstrates the solutions encouraging public involvement in management of scientific development. The correlation is underlined between the underdevelopment of the mechanisms of public participation in management of scientific progress and low level of public trust in science, as well as lack of interest towards innovations. The author suggests the method for determining public expectations towards priorities in advancements of science and technologies, using the crowdsourcing toolset. Such solution has the characteristics of social innovation.
Expectations of Science, Change Management, Innovations, Social Engineering, Crowdsourcing, Responsible Research, Open Science, Science Development Strategy, Public Participation, Science Policy
The heritage of transformation
Ugrin, I.M. (2019). The problem of civilizational development of Russia: institutional aspect. Politics and Society, 6, 26–40. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.31709
This article examines the problem of civilizational development of Russian in its institutional aspect. Russian civilization is interpreted as a holistic dynamic system that requires the existence of basic institutions for its successful functioning and further development, through which it would be able to reproduce itself. The author highlights the backbone institutions of Russian civilization, such as the institution of unitary state, institution of Orthodox Church, and institution of community; as well as analyzes their transformation as civilization-forming institutions and in terms of interaction with each other. The combination of civilizational and structural-functional approaches allows having a new perspective on the problem of civilizational development by overcoming the determinism of cultural paradigm. Despite the fact that the role of culture for the establishment of one or another civilizational community is indisputably great; civilization is incapable to exist without the institutions defining its structure. Designation of community as a basic institution of the Russian life, which manifested alongside other historical forms in Soviet collectivism, as well as inability of the Orthodox Church to ensure spiritual consolidation of modern society, makes paying attention to unitary (imperial-like) state as the last institution that allows preserving the unity of Russian civilization.
civilizational choice, globalization, community, orthodox church, imperial state, social institution, Russian civilization, historical evolution, Russian world, political identity
Political aspects
Popova, S.M. (2019). From managerialism to “slow science”: what use can be gained from the experience of Netherlands?. Politics and Society, 6, 41–54. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.31714
This article demonstrates the results of study of the relevant experience of Netherlands with regards to management of scientific development. The subject of analysis is the valuable practices applicable for transfer. It appears that the search of effective balance of the instruments of national scientific policy can and should take into account experience of the countries, which have undergone such stages that are currently getting adapted by the Russian Federation, since the mistakes of others help to avoid the irrational use of resources. In particular, there has established the idea of counterproductivity of managerialistic approaches, when the main criterion of management efficiency becomes the maximum reduction in response time of the managed system. It is underlined that the experience of Netherlands may be useful for the Russian Federation as an example of successful involvement of the entire society and the key stakeholders into determination of the priorities of “scientific agenda” alongside the priorities of scientific and technological development. Special attention is given to the Dutch principles for assessing the efficiency of scientific research that suggest shifting the emphasis from the formal scientometric indicators to consideration of social importance of the acquired results.
Agile Project Management, New Public Management, Dirigisme, Managerialism, Science Management, Science Policy, Science, Netherlands, Societal Relevance, Research Quality
Political power
Sannikov, G.G. (2019). Legitimation of political power: myths of the Russian politics. Politics and Society, 6, 55–66. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.26221
Scientific interest towards legitimation of political power is caused by paradoxical behavior of the Russian society over the recent years, which on the background of crisis consequences in economic sphere, demonstrates high degree of trust to the conducted of political course of the Russian government. Therefore, the goal of this research is the consideration of fundamental factors affecting the legitimation of political power in modern Russia. The subject of this article is the substantive attributes characterizing legitimation of political power within Russian society at the current stage of development. Methodology leans on the phenomenological approach that mainstreams the realities of everyday life. It suggests that the focus of attention is aimed at the political processes within the framework of actual social practice. The article proves that in the Russian society legitimation takes place in the context of mythological perception of political sphere, processes and actors. The author analyzes and substantiates the correlation between the prevalent in the social space “heroic” political myth and legitimation of the political elite. The drawn conclusions signify the results and consequences of the political mythmaking for the economic and social spheres of life.
liberal, a political label, modern political culture, traditional values, political myth, traditional society, legitimating of power, patriot, heroic myth, political ideal
Political conflict
Santos, R. (2019). Reasons for the emergence of terrorism in Nigeria on the example of terrorist group Boko Haram. Politics and Society, 6, 67–73. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.26821
This article explores the problem of terrorism as the utter evil of modernity; determines and substantiates the reasons for the emergence of terrorism in Africa overall, and Nigeria in particular. The author reveals the establishment of one of the most sanguinary terrorist organizations Boko Haram and its initial goal; describes the personality of its leader Mohammed Yusuf, his impact upon people and becoming a politician, key events that influenced the creation of terrorist group, as well as taking the leadership over by Abubakar. The conclusion is made on the essential measures for counteracting terrorism: in order to overcome the utter evil of modernity, the Nigerian authorities, first and foremost must invest into social structure from the perspective of overcoming imbalance of interests between the elites and mainstream of society. Moreover, it is necessary to conduct policy aimed at achievement of social equality, at least with regards to majority of population. And finally, there should be the uniform law for preventing the incidences of corruption. Only then, the country would be able to reach high level of economic and social development, and government could efficiently counteract terrorism on the level of international organizations, as well as in bilateral relations.
Abubakar, conflicts in Africa, terrorism in Nigeria, Mohammed Yusuf, «Boko Haram», Nigeria, terrorism in Africa, terrorism, conflicts in Nigeria, terrorist group
Political system in society
Vei, V. (2019). Socioeconomic stratification of Russian and Chinese society: the definition of middle class. Politics and Society, 6, 74–82. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.26934
This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of establishment and development of middle class in China and Russia at the present stage. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of socioeconomic development of middle class in China and Russia under the current conditions. Any crisis occurrence, within or outside the country, affect the society and lives of separate individuals. The creation of social structure of middle class is essential for maintaining stability of economic development and ensuring the need for conducting socioeconomic reforms. In the course of this research, the author leans on the works of foreign, Russian and Chinese scholars in the area of sociology and political science. The comparison of middle class in two countries is demonstrated. The main criteria of affiliation to a social class are determined. The author examines the economic approach in determination of qualification criteria for the middle class in accordance with the size of income and structure of expenses. The scientific novelty consist in the need for the development of state policy for creating a fair socioeconomic structure of the society in the indicated countries.
social structure, social justice, Russia, China, middle class, social and economic stratification, social society, policy, political society, level of living