Ideology and politics
Lukarevskaia, E. (2018). Ideology of Seymour Martin Lipset’s “end of ideology”. Politics and Society, 5, 1–10.
The object of this research is the theories of deideologization and reideologization. The subject is S. M. Lipset’s concept of the “end of ideology”. The author analyzes the evolution of this concept on the example of the book by S.M. Lipset “Political man: the social bases of politics”, as well as considers the works of other representatives of deideologization theory. Special attention is given to the nature of the indicated concept and its origins, analyzing the factors of decline of the total ideologies, as well as the features of American society, which according to the opinion of deideologization theoreticians are natural for the open democratic society. The theoretical importance of this work is defined by the analysis of S. M. Lipset’s concept of the “end of ideology” as a product of the expert-ideological community. Examination of the specificity of works of the deideologization representatives encourages the more profound comprehension of the methods and key motives of foreign policy of the United States and European countries at the present time. One of the drawn conclusions implies that the deideologization theory was aimed at the criticism of value orientations of total ideologies.
reideologization, total ideology, The end of ideology, USA, deideologization, Seymour Martin Lipset, American culture, political man, democracy, Edward Shils
Democracy and political processes
Zarnitskaya, M. (2018). Rousseau and the theory of totalitarian democracy. Politics and Society, 5, 11–18.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of discussions on Jean-Jacques Rousseau as the author whose works served as a foundation for the origination and development of the theory of totalitarian democracy. The arguments are provided not only in support the indicated point of view, but also to against it; Rousseau’s ideas on “impelling to freedom” and the people’s right of revolution. Attention is also given to the contradictory concept of Rousseau regarding the mutual intention and subordination of private interests to common, as well as its interpretations by the critics. The author determines opposite views of the critics upon the paradox of freedom in Rousseau’s works. As an example of the frequent controversy and bias of the opinion of criticizing philosophers is used a modern analysis of the persona of Isaiah Berlin and reasons of his discountenance to the enlightener. Methodological foundation of the study is the historical and comparativist approaches that allow tracing within the framework of research the conception and content of the term “totalitarian democracy”, its correlation to Rousseau’s’ concept and evolution of views of the critics of French enlightener. The conducted analysis allows assessing the contradictory ideas of Rousseau and adduce arguments against the excessively judgmental assessment of his reasoning. The author gives credit to the rudiment of the theory of constitutional state in Rousseau’s works, for example, the idea of mutuality of rights and obligations of citizens and the state. Based on analysis of the historical situation, a conclusion is made on ambiguity but essentiality of Rousseau persona, as well as positive and negative impact of hit theory upon the evolution of philosophical thought.
The paradox of freedom, Coercion, Freedom, State, Totalitarian democracy, General will, Democracy, Totalitarism, Enlightenment, Social contract
Political regimes and political processes
Sanusi, H.A. (2018). African integration: Ghana's contribution through democracy and good governance. Politics and Society, 5, 19–24.
The subject of this research is the integration of Africa and Ghana’s contribution in its achievement. The object is Ghana’s impact upon African integration. The author examines such aspects as the goals of international organization of African Union and an efficient role played by Ghana in realization of the set by the Union goal of integration throughout certain period of time. Special attention is given to the practice of democracy in Ghana, legacy of the effective management characterized by the peaceful interparty transition and good leaders that hold the positions encouraging the promotion of Pan-African course as a result of their conscientious activity. The article considers the theoretical models of African integration and Pan-Africanism, which were explored by some authors, as well as applies the interpretation method for analyzing the utterings of political leaders, protocols of organizational summits and events on the continent, and particularly in the country which contribution is viewed in this research. The main conclusion lies in the fact that Ghana’s contribution into African integration and future of the continents cannot be underestimated. Moreover, despite the country’s experience in the area of military takeovers until 1992, it has established the strong political leadership and effective management that deserve attention. The author’s special contribution is defined by the practical and factual data that confirm Ghana’s position in Pan-Africanism, which can be relevant for the future African leaders and students of political science and international relations. The scientific novelty lie in consistency of specific events in Ghana, commitment of the country and its vision of the key factors of integration and development of the continent as a whole.
Governance, Pan-Africanism, Democracy, Regional integration, Integration, Ghana, African Union, Africa, Organization of African Union, Development
Political technologies
Rustamova, L.R., Frolov, M.E. (2018). Establishment of international image: the experience of Germany and Russia. Politics and Society, 5, 25–31.
The subject of this research is the formation of a proper and positive image of a country abroad. The authors meticulously reviews the experience of Germany and Russia in establishing an international image, comparing the strategies of both countries. An analysis is conducted on the components of strategies, particularly the application of the “soft power” concept that makes the expansion of country’s influence in the world contingent on the country’s attractiveness. Special attention is given to how successful is the achievement of their goals in the process of establishment of the international image, as well as what limitations can emerge on the way. A conclusion is made that Germany stakes on the economic development, while Russia holds itself ad a powerful state, particularly through converting the “hard” power into “soft”. For enhancing the international image, both countries implement the institutions of “soft power”. At the same time, it is determined that the concerns of the EU neighbors impede the accomplishment of foreign policy goals for Germany; while for Russia it is the weak conceptual framework on establishment of the international image alongside the domestic issues.
world politics, a great power, an economic miracle, the image of the country, hard power, soft power, Germany, Russia, international relations, domestic politics
Ideology and politics
Kalabekova, S.V. (2018). Ethnocentrism in modern realities. Politics and Society, 5, 32–38.
The object of this research is the phenomenon of ethnocentrism, while the subject is the manifestations of ethnocentrism in modern realities. The author examines the correlation of trends of universalism and ethnocentrism, place of ideology and psychology of ethnocentrism in the processes of global homogenization and standardization. The work also explores the factors that lead to the emergence of ethnocentric worldview and the corresponding to it orientations, as well as the place of ethnocentrism within the structure “global-local”. The author also analyzes the negative consequences of ethnocentrism, phenomenon of favoritism, role of ethnocentrism as a factor of social identity strengthening, and interrelation between ethnocentrism and extremism. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of a thesis on the relevance of ethnocentric ideology by the modern trends, which are characterized by the incoherence of development and the ambiguity of effect. The comprehension of ethnocentrism as the worldview, orientation, and instrument for the solution of diversified problems testifies to its complicated social nature that requires a multifaceted examination.
differentiation, tradition, cultural sample, cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, globalisation, xenophobia, nationalism, intensity, favoritism
Social studies and monitoring
Trofimova, I.N. (2018). The problem of training academic staff in the context of priorities of Russia’s socioeconomic development . Politics and Society, 5, 39–48.
The subject of this research is the dynamics and structure of training academic staff in the context of priorities of Russia’s socioeconomic development. As a hypothesis, is provided a thesis on the deficit of academic staff and weak coupling between the science and the branches of an actual production sector, which impedes the modernization and innovatization of the country’s economy. The goal of this work is the determination of the cause of shortage of academic staff, as well as low efficiency of their engagement in the development and promotion of innovations in the various economic branches. The theoretical-methodological base of research lies in the set of regulations that consider scientific capital as the key concept for analyzing the relations in academic sphere. A conclusion is made that the influx of highly-qualifies personnel encourages the growth of labor productivity in economic branches. The author underlines the importance of ensuring conditions for gradual development and realization of academic competencies and academic capital throughout the entire education period, professional training and further professional activity.
science, economics, socio-economic development, branches of the economy, scientific capital, scientists, education, sociology of education, innovative economy, innovation policy