Social studies and monitoring
Pronchev, G.B., Monahov, D.N., Proncheva, N.G. (2018). Information and communication technologies as a factor of social inequality. Politics and Society, 2, 1–10.
This article examines the questions associated with the problems of social inequality. The scientific progress alongside the advancement of information and communication technologies is currently accompanied by the emergence of the new virtual social environments, which in many cases encourage the levelling of the existing types of social inequality. At the same time, different access opportunities to such technologies for various social groups is the source of appearance of the new types of social inequality. The work analyzes the most common factors: limits of physical assess to the information and communication technologies; differences of information and communication competencies of the users; physiological nuances of a person; information threats. Methodological foundation includes the system-structural method that represents a sequence of actions of establishing the structural links between the variables or elements of the explored system. For conducting the analysis were applied the secondary data of the results of the national and foreign sociological research, official documents of the state programs of the Russian Federation. The authors proposed the mechanisms for levelling the factors that lead to emergence of the new types of social inequality, as well as analyze the actions of the Russian Federation in this regard.
disabled people, the Internet, electronic device, virtual social environments, information and communication technologies, the reasons of social inequality, social groups, social inequality, information and communication competences, information threats
Political regimes and political processes
Novikov, A.V., Panasyuk, E.A. (2018). Influence of the type of political regime upon the choice of targets of suicide bomb attacks. Politics and Society, 2, 11–22.
This article is dedicated to examination of the influence of the type of political regime upon the logics of choosing the targets of suicide bomb attacks. It is claimed that the choice by suicide bombers of the objects of attack for the purpose of coercing the government to adopt the profitable for terrorist decisions leans on the expectation of increasing the costs and expanses of conflict for the state. The increase of expanses can request from terrorist to attack diverse types of objects depending on the type of political regime, through which can be attained the change of political course. The research is based on the statistical method, with application of regression analysis, particularly probit regression. The acquired results testify to the fact that the more authoritarian is the regime, the higher is the probability that the suicide bombers will attach the governmental rather than civilian objects. In an attempt to create the maximally possible pressure on the government, the logics of terrorism adjusts to the type of regime, affecting the choice of objects within the states being targeted.
civilian target, autocracies, democracies, rational choice, the targets of the attacks, suicide bomber, terrorism, political regime, government objectives, regression analysis
Political communications
Kosorukov, A.A. (2018). Algorithms of search engines and social networks as a factor of establishment of the digital public sphere. Politics and Society, 2, 23–31.
The subject of this research is the algorithms of search engines and social networks that underlie the establishment of communication space of the digital public sphere. An important element of the subject of research is the practice of implementation of algorithms for personalizing the flows of search and news information tailored profile of a specific user that depends on the universal information platforms (Google, Facebook, Twitter and others), which due to the latent algorithmic mechanisms allow realizing the political-administrative and corporate control in the Internet. Particular attention is paid to the manipulative potential of the algorithms, integrated into the information platforms of new media and affecting the social interactions between the users alongside their political preferences. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that based on consideration of the contemporary sources, the author researched the innovative practices of algorithms application, including generation of the natural language, practice of “robo-journalism”, and implementation of robots for scanning and producing the information message, as well as impact upon the results of political elections and social interactions.
media, personalization, Internet, digital public sphere, social network, search engine, algorithm, communication space, robot, discrimination
Democracy and political processes
Khimichuk, E. (2018). Blog: prerequisites and prospect of development of the new instrument of virtual democracy. Politics and Society, 2, 32–38.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of blog in its diverse manifestations and place among the forms of exercising of citizens’ rights to participation in administration of affairs of the democratic state, as well as determination of the theoretical and relevant practical prerequisites for its development. The Russian constitutional law does not limit the possible methods of expression of will of the citizens that affects the work of such resources as the “Open Government” portal and “E-Government” portal. The experience of foreign countries demonstrates the existence within the Internet environment of the successful platforms for communication between citizens and government authorities. The author comes to a conclusion that the website that accumulates the regular entries of the users, addressed primarily to the concerned government authorities, is characteristic to the deliberative democracy. At the same time, with the development of e-democracy, escalates the importance of blog as an instrument for expressing the opinion of an individual. Whether such instrument will be demanded by the government, will become evident in the nearest future.
the concept of deliberative democracy, direct expression of will, freedom of speech, blog, Information Technology, e-government, e-democracy, Internet culture, Information society, public administration
National security
Zaborovskaia, I. (2018). Providing employment and social protection to disabled convicts as key means of prevention of recidivism. Politics and Society, 2, 39–46.
Exercising of the general legal principle of “humanism” in penal system with regards to the disabled convicts is one of the conditions that promote the prevention of recurrent crimes among them. This article is dedicated to implementation of the federal program “Accessible Environment” for disabled persons in detention facilities. The author considers the practice in certain subjects of the Russian Federation on increasing indexes of accessibility of the objects of penal system pertinent to disabled persons. The article analyses the issues of rehabilitation of the disabled, treatment facilities, employment and education within the correctional facilities. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the overall count of disabled convicts kept in the correctional facilities and serving sentence from 2006 to 2017, including those capable to work on medical authority and the number of the employed disabled convicts. As a result of this study, the author determines the key problems emerging in employment of the disabled convicts that serve sentence; suggests the methods for preventing crimes among the disabled convicts; concludes that correctional impact with regards to disabled convicts must be exercised with consideration of international standards and lean on the need for providing assistance under the conditions of isolation and after discharge for the purpose of preventing recidivism.
humanization of legislation , social protection, abilitation, rehabilitation, employment of convicts, detention, accessible environment, disabled convicts, resocialization of convict, prevention of crimes
The nationality issue
Khaliulina, A.I., Mukhtasarova, E.A. (2018). Preservation of ethnicity and transformation of ethnolinguistic identity in multinational region (on the example of Tatars in Bashkortostan). Politics and Society, 2, 47–56.
The subject of this research is the mechanisms of preservation of ethnicity and transformation of ethnolinguistic identity among Tatar population in the multinational republic under the altered socioeconomic conditions that affect the ethnolinguistic and ethnocultural development of the indicated ethnic group. The pointed mechanisms are viewed in comparative aspect with other ethnic groups. The object of this research is the Tatar population of Bashkortostan. The authors set a task to examine the preservation and transformation of the ethnic and linguistic identity of ethnic groups in the multinational region. Methodological foundation implies the historical-chronological method that allows revealing the aforementioned processes in diachronic cut, as well as sociological method that considers social grounds of ethnolinguistic development in synchronic cut. The scientific novelty consists in the fact, that for the first time with involvement of the results of the two All-Union and All-Russian censuses, the authors attempted to reveal the ethnic and linguistic identity of Tatar population in the Republic of Bashkortostan, in which a certain part of the indicated ethnic group does not have a sustainable identity. A conclusion is made that in the multinational republic, despite the prioritized implementation of language of the title ethnic group as a compulsory course for studying, the non-title part of population remains the adherers of advancement of their native languages. At the same time, takes places the process of adaptation of the non-Russian population to the Russian language. Most vividly in manifests among Tatar population that has the highest rate of preservation of their native language on one hand, and excellent command of Russian language on the other.
sociological survey, Tatar-speaking population, inter-ethnic relations, Tatars, Russian language, mother tongue, multi-ethnic region, census, ethno-linguistic identity, ethnicity
Moshkova, T. (2018). Political-electoral structure of the Russian speaking community of Israel. Politics and Society, 2, 57–65.
The subject of this research is the status and role of the “Russian” political movements and parties in the State of Israel. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the topic as the establishment of the communal party policy in the State of Israel, formation of the “Russian lobby” and its activity during the first decade of its existence (1992-2003), new generation of the “Russian lobby” (2004-2013). Attention is given to the analysis of the role of Russian speaking community within the political processes in Jewish state in the early XXI century. The specific feature of this work is the application of hermeneutic approach; the author also refers to the general scientific procedures, including analysis and synthesis, inductive and deductive conclusions. The scientific novelty consists in implementation of the comprehensive analysis of the “Russian lobby” phenomenon in Israel. The key conclusion lies in the statement that at the present stage there are the following models of lobbying of interests of the “Russian street” of Israel: creation of narrow-sectoral communal party, development of the “Russian” parties with Israel accent, and use of resources of the national parties.
political party, Russian lobby, repatriates, Russian street, Russian speaking community, Russian language, State of Israel, political movement, Knesset, electoral barrier
Religion and politics
Osipov, E.A. (2018). Secular education in the conditions of the advancement of religion: the example of France. Politics and Society, 2, 66–73.
This article demonstrates the factors of the advancement of religiosity in radical forms among the youth in outskirts of large French cities, as well as the impact of this process upon the development of education system in the country. The author minutely analyzes the issues experienced by the teachers in secular schools and colleges under the conditions of actual penetration of the religious questions and dogmas into educational process. The article also presents the possible ways out of the crisis of national and religious identity that has developed in France. This work is prepared based on the contemporary French literature and primarily the recently released book “Director of College or Imam of the Republic”, which rapidly gained popularity in France. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the text provides an “inward glance” upon the problems of the French secondary education. Considering the popularity of religious organizations among youth worldwide, the presented in the article solutions to the problem carry universal character and are suitable not only for the Fifth Republic.
Identity, French Fifth Republic, Secular, Islam, Religion, Education, France, Crisis, Radicalization, Educational process
Legal history
Lidzieva, I.V. (2018). Peculiarities of the foreigner management system in the Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX centuries. Politics and Society, 2, 74–82.
Within the social structure of Russian society of the XIX century was allocated the population group of foreigners, who in accordance with the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, contained the non-Slavic nationals, primarily Mongolian, Turkic, and Finnish were given a special status. The goal of this article is the determination of peculiarities of management system of the indicated social group. The subject of research is the main segment of foreigner public administration in the Russian Empire that includes the government structure, judiciary, and taxation in the XIX – early XX centuries. Method of comparative jurisprudence and historical-political research allowed examining the normative content of the indicated legal acts, as well as define the specificities of foreigner management system in the XIX – early XX century in the context of the existed socio-historical and political factors in chronological sequence. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the government authorities through integrating the outskirt territories into the national government power structure, aimed to standardize their management, but at the same time, introduce the polyvariant management models, taking into account the local peculiarities. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive analysis of the imperial normative legal acts that regulate the life of foreigners in Russia.
government taxes, selfgovernment, management system, taxation, judicial system, Russian empire, integration, foreigner, yasak, customary law