People and work
Sokolova, M.V. (2018). The impact of 2014-2015 crisis on the social and labor mobility of population of Vladimir Oblast (the opinion poll data). Politics and Society, 11, 1–7.
The subject of this research is the social and labor mobility of population of Vladimir Oblast in the conditions of 2014-2015 crisis. The introduction of sanctions, devaluation of the Russian ruble led not only to escalation of the international climate and actual drop in personal income, but also the job market instability. The article examines the impact of crisis on the people’s professional fulfillment, determines the rate of negative influence on the quality of people’s life in form of the loss of employment, and earnings reduction. The main research method is the public opinion polling, which involved residents of different age and gender in majority of the municipal formations of the region. The acquired results allow making a conclusion on the prevalence of negative impact of the crisis on the social and labor mobility of population of Vladimir Oblast, as well as identifying the age group that suffered the most from the economic downfall. The age range of this population group is fairly wide – from 25 to 55 years old. The analysis of gender specificity underlines that the male population faced salary reductions more often and had to seek additional earnings, while the females were willing to take the lesser paying jobs. Although, on some part of the population the crisis had a positive effect. The male population demonstrated bigger chances to top up their qualification and get a higher-paid job than the female population or the age group from 25 to 34.
employment terms, sociological research, labor mobility, social mobility, salary, labor market, region, reeducation, wage rates, extra work
Social studies and monitoring
Neustroeva, A.B., Kharitonova, S.V., Khalyev, S.D. (2018). The problems of social adaptation of students with disabilities in the universities of Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Politics and Society, 11, 8–18.
Currently, the majority of universities in Russia are at the stage of preparing for the inclusive strategy of education development, as well as experience the difficulties of its implementation. The subject of this article is the educational, spatial and socio-psychological components of adaptation of students with disabilities to the conditions of higher education facilities in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors examine such aspects of the topic as the structure of disablement in the region, difficulties of implementation of inclusive education, problems in creation of accessible environment in the Northern and Arctic regions, shortage of qualified personnel with regards to inclusive education. Using the statistical, sociological and psychological methods, the author determines the peculiarities and problems associated with social adaptation of university students with health limitations and disabilitirs. Based on the data of sociological survey, the authors conclude that overall people with disabilities have low level of professional-qualification status, which results in the fact that they represent one of the most vulnerable social groups at the job market. The psychological tests conducted among the students with disabilities demonstrate that they experience severe barriers and obstacles in the course of their university education.
accessibility of academic buildings, barriers and restrictions, higher education, physical space, socio-psychological adaptation, accessible environment, disability, social adaptation, test, educational process
Political regimes and political processes
Egorova, O., Egorov, I.S. (2018). Specificity of the formation of personality of Mohammed VI as the Moroccan modern leader and reformer. Politics and Society, 11, 19–28.
The subject of this research is the set of factors that affected the formation of personality of the King Mohammed VI as a progressive and successful leader and reformer of Morocco. The goal of this work lies in demonstrating that the prosperous development and reforming of Morocco has become possible thanks largely to the persona of Mohammed VI, who formed under the influence of multiple endogenic and exogenic factors as a competent and farsighted leader and understands the need for gradual liberalization of the country, considering the level of readiness of the traditional Moroccan society to reforms and expectable response of the Islamist circles. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article is first to collect and analyze the key biographic factors of Mohammed VI till his coronation, as well as the establishment of the current Moroccan leader as a progressive and innovative leader capable of conducting timely reforms and retain power. A conclusion is made that the King Mohammed VI became a role model of a successful ruler in the Arab Region. He succeeds in implementing liberal reforms aimed at socioeconomic and cultural advancement of the country, not disturbing its fragile balance between the progressive and traditionalistic powers in the society, as well as preserving the bases of legitimacy of the monarchical system.
traditionalist forces, liberalization, reformer, progressive leader, Leader formation, monarchy, Muhammad VI, Moroccan society, personality in history, socio-economic development
International policy
Ralevic, D. (2018). Conceptual framework of “soft security” of the European Union in Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy. Politics and Society, 11, 29–36.
The subject of this research is the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy until 2016. The object of this research is the “soft security” of the European Union as the new form of security in the XXI century due to deviation from the traditional understanding of security exclusively in the military aspect and emergence of the new nontraditional aspects that significantly affect security – economy, energy, migration, cybersecurity, terrorism. The article provides the analysis of conceptual framework of “soft security” in the context of Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy until 2016. The method of induction allowed shifting from separate factors to general positions; content analysis of the EU Global Strategy until 2016 helped to determine the importance of “soft security” for the modern European system of security. The author analyzes the EU perspective on “soft security” for the modern system of European security, as well as draws conclusion on the substantial changes in the security environment of the European continent, significance of development of the new mechanisms, tools and vectors of ensuring soft security in the pan-European realm.
cooperation, soft power, challenge, threat, Global Strategy, soft security, security, European Union, neighborhood countries, European values
Legal state
Milaeva, O.V., Morozov, S.D., Siushkin, A.E. (2018). To the question of legal and regulatory framework of organizing postgraduate education in USSR in the late 1920’s – 1930’s. Politics and Society, 11, 37–54.
The relevance of referring to the history of establishment of postgraduate education as the scientific personnel training system is substantiated by the attempts of its reforming at the present stage. The object of this research is the establishment of postgraduate education as the system for preparing scientific personnel in the Soviet Union during the late 1920’s – 1930’s. The subject is the legal acts and regulatory documents aimed at maintaining the organization process of the system of postgraduate education. The goal of this work lies in determining the key stages in establishment of postgraduate education in the 1930’s and the role of state-legal mechanism of implementation of this process. The author examines the basic acts and documents that affecter the organization of the system of postgraduate education and the establishment of is regulatory framework; analyzes the documents aimed at resolution of procedural questions regarding the functionality of postgraduate education; considers the legal framework of performance assessment of the scientific personnel and supervision of scientific personnel training through postgraduate education. Methodological apparatus contains the historical-chronological method, analysis and synthesis of the legal and regulatory framework, historiographical analysis, exploration of the published and archival sources. The authors determine the key stages in organization process of preparing the scientific personnel through postgraduate education in the Soviet Union during the 1930’s; trends and mechanism of the legal and regulatory framework of this process during the three different periods (1929-1933; 1934-1938; and 1939-1941). The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the development of postgraduate education within the indicated chronological context has not been previously a separate subject of research.
training of scientific personnel, scientific personnel, Soviet scientific policy, the organization of science, Soviet science, Soviet postgraduate studies, Soviet law, science management, science in the USSR, state regulation of science
Law and human rights
Voronin, V.N. (2018). Criminal-legal policy pertinent to ensuring security of public health from illegal medical and pharmaceutical services. Politics and Society, 11, 55–66.
The object of this research is the combination of social relations associated with ensuring security of public health from rendering illegal medical and pharmaceutical services. The subject of this research is the norms of criminal legislation aimed at preservation of social relations, namely the Article No. 235 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that stipulates criminal responsibility for engaging in illegal private medical practice or private pharmaceutical activity without having a license. The author explores the evolution of such composition of an offence, as well as models the prospects for its modernization. Methodological foundation contains the principles of objectivity, Interdisiplinarity, determinism, historicism, systematicity, structuredness, functionality, hierarchy, pluralism, comparativism, explanation and comprehension of law; as well as the private legal methods of legal analytics, legislative technique, legal comparativism, legal modelling and forecasting. The article also analyzes the composition of an offence, effectiveness of penal prohibition, as well as quality of the norm of criminal law. The conclusion is made that in its current iteration, this norm cannot efficiently reflect such penal prohibition of the illegal realization of pharmaceutical and medical activities; therefore, the author suggest revising the Article No. 235 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
harm to human health, criminal liability, licensing, pharmaceutical activity, medical activities, public health, right to health, criminal law, medical education, pharmaceutical education