Local self-government
Savelev, D.L. (2017). Models and mechanisms of interaction of territorial public self-governance with the bodies of local self-governance (on the example of Tyumen). Politics and Society, 3, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22238
The subject of this research is the mechanisms of organizational and legal regulation of interaction between local self-government state and state of territorial public self-government (TOS) within the boundaries of the city district. The goal of the article consists in analysis of the existing scientific and theoretical approaches that describe the organizational and legal models of interaction of municipal authorities with TOS state, as well as the implementation of mechanisms of citizens' initiatives through TOS structures. Based on the use of theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, system method, and modeling) and regulatory legal analysis of municipal legal acts, the author identifies the factors influencing the dynamics of TOS development as one of the forms of citizens' participation in solving local issues. The scientific novelty of the article lies in assessment of work of the TOS in one of the largest municipal okrugs of the south of Tyumen Oblast, as well as development of the proposals for further improvement of the mechanisms of interaction between TOS and public authorities. The author carries out the analysis of legal and organizational mechanisms of interaction between the administration of the city of Tyumen and TOS state alongside ways of their further improvement proceeding from the specifics of the territory. The role of TOS in the system of local self-government of Tyumen in the framework of solving issues of local importance and the development of civil initiatives was determined.
participation model, municipal grant, cultural and leisure activities, civic initiatives, technologies of municipal management, territorial public self-governance, local self-governance, agency model, local issues, local area
Legal history
Gorban, V.S. (2017). The teaching of Rudolf von Jhering on law and the Marxism: problem of correlation and interpretation. Politics and Society, 3, 16–34. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22193
The subject of this research is the problem of comparison, correlation, and interpretation of the link between the sociologically oriented teaching of Jhering on law and the social theory of Marx. Both thinkers, being contemporaries, have developed and formulated the original social theories, in which they referred to the discussion of similar sociopolitical problematic, theoretically substantiating social development and social changes by the use of analogous categories and notions: struggle, interests, and active participation of the contemporaries. However, they remained antagonistic in the initial positions, as well as the answers to the raised questions, thus interpreted the factors of social development very differently. The article analyzes the commonness of the ideological origins of both thinkers in Hegel’s philosophy and their desire to make sense of things. The scientific novelty of this research consists in determination and substantiation of the general and peculiar aspects of social theories of Jhering and Marx. The author demonstrates the complete opposition of the aimed at constant radical reformation of reality socio-revolutionary theory of the Socialist Marx and the liberal -evolutionary, based on the recognition of law as the key factor of development and suggesting the liberal program, of socially active processes of contemporaries, social theory of Jhering. The author concludes that the views of both thinker developed in parallel from the general ideological origins, and did not produce a significant impact upon each other.
Social structure, Interests of classes, Interests, Progress of law, Class warfare, Living conditions of society, Struggle for law, Social development, Marx, Jhering
International policy
Rong, Y. (2017). Modern aspects of the activity of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in the context of establishment and development of the economic and political space. Politics and Society, 3, 35–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22416
The subject of this research is the Eurasian economic and political organizations, such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasian Economic Union. The object of this research is the modern aspects of their activity in the context of growing importance of the Eurasian economic and political space. The author thoroughly examines the importance of Eurasian integration since it reflects the unity of the Eurasian nations, their interethnic solidarity, and multiculturalism. It is specifically underlined that the similar to SCO and EAEU organizations can be named as innovation cultural-economic and political program, which predicts the future state of social life that actively influence the social sphere they emerge in. The article determines that Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasian Economic Union solve the analogous economic and political tasks, however the composition of the member-state alongside the direct goals of these organization differ in many ways. This work represents a brief comparative analysis of the SCO and EAEU activity within the framework of establishment and development of the Eurasian economic and political space. The conclusion is dame that currently, within SCO and EAEU, there have been forming the new projects carrying the integration potential. In future, if keeping the same development rate and accepting the new member-states, these organization can move to a new level of geopolitical and economic impact in the multipolar world.
Integration potential, Multipolar world, Multiculturalism, Eurasian choice, Geopolitical union, Eurasian political space, Eurasian economic space, Eurasian integration, Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Conflict and consensus
Solomatina, E.N. (2017). Modern theoretical approaches to the settlement of conflicts. Politics and Society, 3, 42–48. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22602
The subject of this research is the main theoretical approaches to the settlement of modern conflicts. The article reveals the methodological principles of the termination, resolution and transformation of conflicts. Particular attention is paid to the basic characteristics of contemporary social conflicts, conflict behavior and to the creation of new social norms and institutions with high level of conflict management. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the following: it is proven that conflict transformation is a central process in the contemporary conflict resolution field. There is the core idea that constructive conflict approach is the most effective way for studying the dynamics of modern social conflicts within conflict transformation field. A special role in the conflict resolution process is assigned to the conceptual capabilities of existing intermediary technologies.
conflict interaction, resolution, transformation, settling, theory, modern conflict, actors, peacemaking, mediation technologies, mediation
Theory of political sciences
Naryshkina, M.V. (2017). Main theoretical approaches towards examination of content of the notion of “political risk”. Politics and Society, 3, 49–61. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22064
The subject of this article is the examination of the notions of “risk” and “political risk”. Special attention is given to the origin of the term “risk”. The goal of the article is to best define the content of the term “risk”. The author analyzes the various theoretical approaches to the study of the notion of “risk” within the framework of multiple sciences: philosophy, mathematics, economics, psychology, sociology, and politology. The work provides definitions of the term “risk”, as well as makes conclusions in the context of each scientific approach. The need is substantiated for comprehensive and multi-aspect examination of the political risks for the purpose of minimization of negative consequences of the made political decisions. The main conclusion of this research lies in the fact that each of the sciences suggests its own interpretation of the examined issue. This, in turn, is rather favorable, because each science offers something new, allowing to realize an integrative, complex, and systemic research.
Risk society, Losses, Profit, Chances, Danger, Threat, Probability theory, Uncertainty, Political risk, Risk
Transformation in political processes
Kukartseva, M.A., Surma, I.V. (2017). Political chimeras and deformation of the modern sociopolitical space. Politics and Society, 3, 62–75. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.21142
This article examines the deformations of the modern sociopolitical space alongside the entire sphere of the political, which result in the phenomenon of political “chimeras” and “phantoms”. The definition of the sociopolitical “chimer” and their possible classification is provided. The authors demonstrate that establishment of the new historical or local status of the political and crisis changes in politics and society takes place mainly under the influence of political “phantoms” and “chimeras”, which form the unpredictable meanings and connotations within the traditional interpretations of the sociopolitical and ideological space. It is described that the value and danger of the political “chimeras” consists in the fact that the fantasy and reality are inseparably intertwined within them, and the created by such “chimeras” philosophical-political sense of the imaginative formats of society is multilayer. The authors note that the social role of political “chimeras” is not always unambiguously negative; they can be applied in various political technologies, as well as able to create and consolidate diverse political and social traditions. As the empirical material, the article used the information field of the Internet. The authors review such phenomenon of the present time as trolling, or a specific type of dialogue that has emerged within subcultures of the social networks, and currently becomes de facto an ordinary language of political communications. The conclusion is made that modern society needs to learn to create a defense mechanism from the sociopolitical “chimeras”, which is able to prevent the extensive disturbances of today, and simultaneously, begin the process of formation of the tools for positive application of abilities of the sociopolitical “chimeras” to comprehensively affect the everyday life and consciousness of all social groups and layers.
information-psychological confrontation, national security, space of the political, trolling, social traditions, political chimera, philosophy of the political, sociopolitical space, political institutions, Internet
Transformation in political processes
Teteryuk, A.S. (2017). Specificities of development of Government Relations in Russia in context of corporate citizenship. Politics and Society, 3, 76–91. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22234
The subject of this research is the political-administrative interaction between business and the state in Russia at present stage. Difficult economic conditions and frequent changes in the legislation induce business to interact with state bodies for protection of their interests. Since 2000’s, the Government Relations were used as a mechanism for maintaining the dialogue with the state. However, today the institution of GR evolves into the new system of relations between the state and business – corporate citizenship. The author thoroughly analyzes such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities and characteristics of the phenomenon of corporate citizenship, its role in the dialogue between business and the government. Special attention is paid to the analysis of a question of correlation between the corporate citizenship and government relations in the context of business’ social activities. The specificity of corporate citizenship and it characteristics as a form of relationship between business and the state is viewed from the perspective of approach that includes the managerial science (stakeholders theory and the enlightened egoism) alongside the concepts of political science (Stokes' models of citizenship). The scientific novelty lies in consideration of the peculiarities of corporate citizenship through the prism GR management. As a result of the analysis, the author determines the interrelation between corporate citizenship and GR as the complementary phenomena, which ensure the involvement of corporations into the public sphere. Author’s special contribution consists in substantiation of the role of GR-function as a form of implementation of the corporate citizenship due to its status between the corporate and state environments.
political process, government, lobbying, political decisions, interaction, business, government relations, corporate citizenship, GR-management, communication
Political regimes and political processes
Novikov, A.V. (2017). Terrorism and age of political regime. Politics and Society, 3, 92–103. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.19596
This article examines the influence of age and type of political regime upon the amount of terrorist acts in the country. An opinion is provided that majority of “young”, as well as “old” democracies are more subject to the influence of terrorism than all types and age groups of the non-democratic types of regime. The author thoroughly review how the age and type of political regime affects the various types of terrorism: international, national, and overall level of terrorism in each separate country. Special attention is given to the differences in immunity to terrorism of the young democracies and non-democratic regimes. The article revises the interconnections between the level of terrorism, type and age of the regime with the use of updated information, regression analysis, modelling, and large timeframes. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the thesis that the young democracies have more risk to face terrorism that the old democracies. It was also determines that the non-democratic regimes in any age experience lesser influence of terrorism than any other type of political regime.
regression analysis, dictatorship, democracy, age of regime, terrorism, type of regime, political regime, model, national terrorism, international terrorism
Lebedev, S. (2017). Pressure groups and regulation of financial markets. Politics and Society, 3, 104–110. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22271
The object of this research is the financial markets pressure groups, in other words, associations of influential financial experts and industrialists that attempt to affect the regulatory rules established in the financial markets. The subject is the motivation of pressure groups towards limitation of the financial development, tools applied for introduction of the anti-market legislation, as well as the political climate used for adoption of laws that restricts the financial development of one or another country. Global statistics demonstrates that the financial sector manifests as one of the most “regulated”, which substantiates the relevance of this work. Theoretical base of the research contains the political economy paradigm alongside the rational choice theory that view the political actors as economic agents that maximize their value. The article explains why the restriction of financial development can be profitable for the large industrial and financial corporations. The author systematized the theoretical positions of the rational choice theory in application to the pressure groups. Based on the example of the Japanese financial markets, it is described the precise mechanism of the pressure groups used to constraint the financial development.
free rider problem, profit margins, lobbying, bonds, Zaibatsu, political economy, rational choice, financial sector, pressure groups, market competition
Political communications
Bogomolova, E.S. (2017). To the question of vector of the state communication policy in modern Russia. Politics and Society, 3, 111–118. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.19441
The central subject field of this research is the character of communication vector of the modern Russian political elite. Special attention is given to the conceptual models of administration of public relations by means of communication. The author detects antagonism in the approaches towards the public communication. In the aspect of the question at hand, the author underlines a trend towards universalization of the general principles and approaches in the area of state administration; however, accent is made on the need to consider the substantial differences of the cultural-historical and political-institutional specificities of the Russian statehood. The author’s contribution consists in revelation of dualism in structuring the coordinates of communication vector, on one hand – under the influence of the conjuncture systemic changes, while on the other – under the guidance of examination of the extra-institutional aspects in the political process. During the course of research of the character of modern public orientation, was highlighted the bifurcation of the communication policy vector, as well as absence of the clear gradient of political elite in administration of public relations. Suggestion is made that not so much the ideological adherence to conceptual approaches, at times radical and illogical in their positions, as the acceptance of traditions of the national statehood and consideration of its exclusiveness within the historical experience, allow to properly determine the new organizational-political forms of the development of Russia.
Symmetric dialogue, Dialogue model, PR-communication, Manipulation of public opinion, Social connections, National statehood, Social relations, Public policy, Public relations, Political communication
Political psychology
Vorontsov, S.A., Mamychev, A.Y., Ponedelkov, A.V. (2017). Elites as the driving forces of political processes in modern Russia: based on the materials of sociological (field) research. Politics and Society, 3, 119–131. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22032
The object of this article is the political process in modern Russia, while the subject is the role, place, and qualitative characteristics of the modern Russian federal and regional elites as the driving force of sociopolitical processes. Based on the sociological (field) research, the authors examine the general perception of the Russian elite; systematize the ideas on the dynamics of elite; as well as assessment of its qualitative state within the post-Soviet political processes. Special attention is given to the measures that encourage the development of interaction between the elites, and forms of the quality improvement of political leadership in modern Russia. The work applies the result of the panel expert surveys conducted during the preparation for the First All-Russian Elitological Congress (2013) and Second All-Russian Elitological Congress (2016). The theoretical-methodological vector of this work consists in the following: 1) generalization, systemic examination, and sociopolitical interpretation of the overall comprehension on the Russian elites and its perception by the expert community; 2) generalization of the system of evaluation of the dynamics of qualitative changes within the elites, and determination of the complex of measures that in the experts’ opinion must encourage the development of interaction between the elites, as well as development of the political leadership. The article carries out the political modeling of the general sociopolitical trends, which manifest and develop within the current ruling class. Based on the acquired empirical and analytical data, the author confirms the prevalence of certain stereotypic ideas about the political and business elite. At the same time, it is demonstrated that the public and expert opinion still give low assessment namely to the elite capital of the modern ruling class. The article concludes that within the political process of modern Russia, we can observe the trend towards estrangement of the elite groups, their desire to preserve the ruling positions and commercial preferences, as well as the overall reduction in mental activity of the elite groups and individual leaders, value of the national interests, problems of national security and sociocultural integrity of the Russian society. The authors also discuss the forms, directions, and measures that are called to correct the negative trends in modern elitogenesis.
political elite, political process, political leadership, panel expert poll, society, security, state, power, transformation, elitogenesis
Ideology and politics
Dashkin, Y.A. (2017). Genesis of political content of the military-patriotic education of servicemen. Politics and Society, 3, 132–142. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.21914
The subject of this research is the politological aspects of patriotism. The object is the national security of the Russian Federation. The author examines the political aspects of patriotism within the armed forces, taking into account the present political situation in the world. Particular attention is paid to the urgent need for joint efforts of all patriotically oriented forces - government bodies and political parties, social organizations and religious associations, scientists and cultural figures in terms of the defense of the country and military security. Methodology of the research is based on the systemic approach and integrates the methods of political science, military strategy, pedagogy, historiography, and source studies. The main conclusions of the work consist in the scientifically substantiate positions regarding the need to restore the experience of political work in the army and navy by adjusting it to the current realities of the military-patriotic education of Russian army servicemen. The author’s special contribution into this work lies in the emphasis on the need to restore the training of the officers and sergeants to the preparation and education of the subdues, basing on the best national traditions of the country’s armed defense.
traditions of Russian patriotism, military training, military education, military and political work, formation of patriotism, national security, patriotism of the Russian army, patriotism bases, patriotism, experience in military and political work
National security
Maleev, A. (2017). The national language as a tool of Russian soft power. Politics and Society, 3, 143–148. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22079
The object of this research is the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of soft power. The subject is the use of the Russian language as an instrument of increasing the country’s soft power abroad. In modern realities, the cultural influence of the nation is one of the most important factors of soft power. The paramount part of cultural influence lies in the impact of national language abroad. Therefore, its proliferation is the task of utmost importance, which is executed by such governmental structures RSMD and Rossotrudnichestvo. During the course of this research, the author conducts a comparative analysis of the successful experience of France, Germany, Great Britain, China, and Spain in this field of similar activity, as well as reviews the situation in Russia, considering the “Russian World” concept that creates ideological foundation for such activity. The main conclusion is consists in the need to enhance activity in this direction, which includes the author’s concrete proposal on this matter. It is suggested to expand the financing if Rossotrudnichestvo, and make the basic courses of Russian language for foreigners free. Another suggestion consists in the use of resources of the state mass media for teaching Russian language to the foreigners through Internet, as in Great Britain and Germany. Combination of the proposed measures can strengthen the international cultural influence of Russia, and, hence, increase its soft power. The relevance of this research lies in the importance of soft power of the actors in the modern international arena.
international security, national security, cultural security, managed proliferation of language , international influence, national language, national prestige, Soft power, Rossotrudnichestvo, cultural aspects
History of political thought
Khelik, A.S. (2017). Ideological sources of the Russian sociopolitical publicism of the late XV – early XVI centuries. Politics and Society, 3, 149–154. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.19532
The subject of this research is the Russian sociopolitical publicism of the late XV – early XVI centuries. The article makes an attempt to analyze the content of several key monuments of this phenomenon, as well as determine the main sources, which the Russian bookmen leant upon during composing their works. Ideas contained in the examined texts, became the foundation for establishment of valuable and influential fort the ideology of the Muscovite State ideals and images, as well as political concepts. Analysis of such texts as “Message to Ugra of Vassian Rylo”, “Message of the Elder Philotheus”, “Message on Monomakh’s Gifts” (“Message of Spiridon Savva”) prove the high value of the biblical text as a source of principal ideas and images of the publicism in the brink of the XV-XVI centuries. Based on the biblical text and its interpretations, the compositions contained a number of spiritual-political images and concepts that later have been applied in structuring of the ideological concept of government of Tsardom of Muscovy, which has not been previously examined within the framework of political science.
Third Rome, Holy Rus, Russian Middle Ages, Ideology, Message, Library, Holy Scripture, Bookmen, Publicism, Tsardom of Muscovy