Demography and statistics
Fomina, N. (2017). The focus of using information for shaping public opinion as an instrument of demographic policy implementation . Politics and Society, 11, 114.
The subject of this research is the impact of information with the use of information technologies upon the improvement of demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the tasks of demographic policy, the implementation of which is one of the directions of public administration. Special attention is given to the criteria of assessing the existing demographic situation among the multiple factors affecting the demographics, such as the total fertility rate. The author examines and generalizes the similar problems of modern demographic situations in the Russian Federation and countries of the European Union. Using the analytical study, the article analyzes the impact of information as an instrument of public administration in the area of demographic policy implementation upon the demographic situation over time. The author’s special contribution consists in proposition on using the separate instruments of information technologies as the method of improving the existing demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty lies in suggesting as a scenario of the process of influence of information upon women for further understanding by the government of providing the new or modified information for the purpose of increasing the birthrate. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the realization of systemic and target demographic policy upon the shaping of public opinion with the use of information technologies will affect the improvement of demographic situation in the Russian Federation.
information technology, public administration, sociology of management, total fertility rates, depopulation, demographic situation, demographic policy, Internet, Russian Federation, European Union
Political regimes and political processes
Avatkov, V.A., Tarasenko, D.A. (2017). Perception of the concept of revolution in Arab world. Politics and Society, 11, 1534.
This article focuses on the problem of perception of the phenomenon of political protest in the Arab East. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of interpretation of the concept of revolution by the representatives of the Arab political elite, journalism, and academic circles. The attention is centered around the nuances of differentiation of the forms of protest culture – the dissimilarities between such notions as rebellion, revolt, uprising, turmoil, and revolution. The work also considers the dichotomy between the conceptual and applied content of the revolutionary process, problematic of using the religious symbols and names in protests in the Arab East, perception of the factor of foreign interference into the revolution on the territory of Arab states, etc. The scientific novelty is formed by the meticulous analysis of the accessible speeches, addresses, and commentaries of the two axis powers for the Arab world – Syria and Egypt. The unique history of development of the protest culture in the aforementioned stated, the remarkable civilizational and cultural heritage complemented by the factors of geostrategic importance, allows extrapolating the results of research onto the others societies and states. The presented in the article scope of data and detailed list of the sources allow verifying the quantitative side of the analysis, as well as provide the foundation for further research on the topic at hand.
Coup, Protest culture, Syria, Egypt, Arab world, Revolution, Revolt, Turmoil, Bashar al-Assad, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Social studies and monitoring
Shiryaeva, Y.S., Petrova, O.V., Patino, J., Pertseva, L.N. (2017). Assessment of performance of the local self-governance in the context of considering public opinion: the experience of Nizhny Novgorod Region. Politics and Society, 11, 3543.
The subject of this research is the methods of assessing performance of the local authorities and consideration of public opinion in terms of implementing such method. The authors examine the indexes of assessment of performance of the local authorities and their correlation to the criteria of population content with the organization of activity of the population of municipal formation. The article observes the experience of Nizhny Novgorod Region in the area of assessment of performance of the local authorities and organization of the population opinion poll with regards to their content with the work of the authorities. The materials of the contemporary authors on this matter are being examined. During the course of this research has been determined the discrepancy between the calculated rate of the performance of local authorities and the population content. Thus, the district of Navashino and Tonshaevsky hold the leading position, while the urban districts of Shakhunya holds the outsider position upon two indexes. The urban district Sarov and Volodarsky district have the completely opposite rating upon the indexes under consideration. The work identifies the possible reasons of discrepancy of the analyzed indexes.
efficiency, credibility of government, quality of municipal management, population content, municipal authorities, municipal management, consideration of public opinion, effectiveness of local government, local government, management
Social studies and monitoring
Timkuk, J.A. (2017). Development prospects for the institutions of political dialogue in countries with ethnocultural diversity: experience of comparative analysis in Russia and Nigeria. Politics and Society, 11, 4454.
This article using a comparative aspect provides the results of prospect analysis of development of the institutions of political dialogue in Russian and Nigeria, which are the countries known for their ethnocultural diversity. In this context, from the sociopolitical perspective, the author examines the categories of “ethnocultural diversity” and “multicomponent society”, analyzes certain ethnopolitical peculiarities of the indicated countries, as well as suggests an original interpretation of the concept of political dialogue. The results of the conducted empirical research using the method of expert interview are provided. The methodology leans of the authorial questionnaire “Prospect of political dialogue in societies with ethnocultural diversity” (S. P. Potseluyev, D. A. Timuk). The experts from Russian and Nigeria – reputable scholars, state, religious, and public figures, took part in the research. Based on the acquired results, the author proposed the recommendations aimed at efficient development of cooperative institutions of political dialogue in the multicomponent societies and constructive collaboration of various ethnocultural groups.
Cooperation, Cohesion, Political stability, Nigeria, Political dialogue institutions, Russia, Ethnocultural diversity, Political diaogue, Nation-building, Trust
Political aspects
Osipov, E.A. (2017). Between unhappy and happy identity. France in quest of itself. Politics and Society, 11, 5562.
The topic of preservation of national identity gradually becomes central in life of the modern France. Emmanuel Macron during the presidency campaign of 2017 drew a veil over this subject, having no desire to play in field of his major adversary – the leader of National Front Marine Le Pen. However, considering the importance of the problem and heightened attention of mass media towards her, throughout his presidency will be forced to clearly formulate his position and conduct national and religious policy. The article analyzes the situation established after the presidential and parliamentary elections of 2017 in France, as well as the first decisions adopted by Emmanuel Macron as a President of France. The author comes to a conclusion that Macron’s policy pertinent to the question of preservation of national identity will gradually approach the ideas of the moderate right-wing parties and movements, and take its place between the well-known legal concepts: “unhappy identity” of Alain Finkielkraut and “happy identity” of Alain Juppé.
Marine Le Pen, French Fifth Republic, Macron, France, Multiculturalism, Integration, Islam, Identity, Alain Finkielkraut, Alain Juppé
International policy
Zubkov, S.A. (2017). The experience of global federations of trade unions in solving the social dumping issues. Politics and Society, 11, 6373.
The subject of this research is the opposition of global federations of trade unions that are an industry branch of the world trade union movement to the practice of implementation by the multinational corporations of precarious work and other forms of social dumping, which represents a threat to exercising of the socioeconomic rights of employees. The object of this research is the world trade union movement as a participant of international relations. The author analyzes the experience of holding by the International Transport Workers' Federation – the leading global federation of the transport workers of campaigns against the “flags of convenience” as a form of counteracting the social dumping in the branch of maritime traffic. The article also examines the evolution of applied forms and methods of work throughout over 50 years of experience in holding the campaigns. The main conclusion lies in the need for expanding the range of countermeasure of all branches of the world trade union movement against social dumping considering the acquired experience. The author’s special contribution consists in generalization of practice of opposition of the International Transport Workers' Federation in the course of running campaigns against the “flags of convenience” to the forms of social dumping by the multinational corporations.
Maritime traffic, Social partnership, Socioeconomic rights, Social dumping, Precarious work, Multinational corporations, Trade union campaigns, International Transport Workers Federation, Global federations of trade unions, World trade union movement
Local self-government
Mokhov, V.P. (2017). Political factor of gender asymmetry in the local self-government bodies. Politics and Society, 11, 7481.
The subject of this research is the gender distribution in the local self-government bodies at the current state of Russian development. The author thoroughly analyzes the gender representatives in various structures of the local self-government and municipal authorities. The article defines the political component of gender asymmetry in the local government, as well as identifies five key forms of gender asymmetry in the local self-government bodies, including hierarchical, position, role, territorial-status, power asymmetry. The author formulates the social and political factors of establishment of gender asymmetry, and reveals the difference in gender distribution between the municipal posts and positions of municipal service. The research leans on the statistical analysis of the data published by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the personnel of municipal service and municipal positions as of October 1, 2016. In the course of this work, it is determined that the gender asymmetry in the local self-government bodies carries institutionalized character; it is entrenched in social practices that have been reproduced for over decades in the election processes, formal and informal interactions at the local level. The movement up the ladder of official positions increases the role of political factor: the positions of municipal service of senior and chief groups in power relations manifest as the transitional stage from management to power positions, where takes place the gender inversion.
territorial-status asymmetry, group of posts, gender asymmetry, local political elite, municipal positions, gender factor, municipal employees, gender gap, male character of power , institutionalization of gender asymmetry
Migration and adaptation
Gromoglasova, E.S. (2017). Challenges of forced migration through the prism of concept and practice of global management. Politics and Society, 11, 8295.
The subject of this research is the most recent trends in development of the legal, institutional, and financial instruments of the international response policy upon the challenges of forced migration. The goal of this work is to determine whether the global management had expanded onto solution of the issues of involuntary displacement of the large groups of people. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the phenomenon of forced migration has been analyzed as a planetary problem. The article leans on the principles of historicism and objectivity, as well as historical-genetic method. Based on the analysis of decisions of several international forums and conferences, it is demonstrated that forced migration that expands beyond national boundaries or stays within, is more often recognized as a global issue. Such realization is a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of all-encompassing and involving all interested sides process of global risk management caused by forced migration. However, due to a number of factors, mostly because of the “sensitivity” of the questions on the domestic forced migration for the national states, the global management in such problem-thematic direction remains at the initial stage of establishment. Nevertheless, activation of the process of searching the general answers to the unprecedented in scale and complexity challenges of forced displacement, increases the relevance of conclusions of the conducted research about the gradual occurrence of the new spheres of global responsibility applied not only to refugees and individuals looking for asylum, but also the domestically migrated persons.
New York Declaration, environmental refugees, UN, global governance, domestically displaced persons, refugees, forced migration, development, World Bank, protracted displacement
Main human rights and liberties
Tkhakushinov, A., Siiukhova, A., Kueva, E.M. (2017). Human life as social value in the modern scientific discourse. Politics and Society, 11, 96109.
The subject field of this research is life as the social value from the perspective of the modern scholars in humanitarian sphere. The authors examine the problem of value of the human life based on the scientific works of philosophy, sociology, and law that comprise a single ethical discourse. The article traces the attitude of society towards the value of human life, beginning from the period of Antiquity until the current situation in culture accepted as the situation of postmodern, when in society takes place the distortion of spiritual values, shift of the value system towards the utilitarianism, destruction of the traditional social ties that led to the phenomenon of atomization of personality. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the following thoughts: the necessity of presence in society of the important sociocultural idea that derives from the spiritual content of collective consciousness; the need of government participation in the process of establishment of spiritualty and ethical education of the oncoming generation; need for the rigorous support of the principle of human dignity, without which human life is devaluated. Realization of irrevocability of human life is an essential condition and ideological foundation for functioning of modern society, state, all of its structures, institutions, and organizations.
health, moral, immortality of soul, spirituality, philosophy, death, value of life, human resource, right to live, state
Butba, S.R. (2017). Loyalty of dual citizenship holders in the Republic of Abkhazia. Politics and Society, 11, 110128.
The author underlines that currently the majority of citizens in the Republic of Abkhazia have also have citizenship of foreign state. The object of this research is the analysis of loyalty to the Republic of Abkhazia of its citizens who have foreign citizenship alongside the identification of factors that affect it. The subject is the international treaties and normative legal acts of the Republic of Abkhazia that regulate the questions of dual citizenship and predetermine the loyalty of the dual citizenship holders pertinent to the Republic of Abkhazia, as well as works of the scholars dedicated to the question of loyalty of the dual citizens. Special relevance is given by the fact that the project of agreement of the Republic of Abkhazia and Russian Federation about the regulation of dual citizenship issues is currently at the stage of approval. Conclusions drawn in the course of this research could be used in formulation and signing of the indicated international treaty. Based on the existing scientific views, the author attempted to provide characteristic to the category of loyalty, define loyalty as a component of citizenship, highlight the categories of dual citizens in the Republic of Abkhazia along with the factors that can affect their loyalty, as well as make a suggestion on how the loyalty of dual citizenship holders is taken into account in terms of establishment in legislation of the Republic of Abkhazia of the admissible cases of dual citizenship (dual citizenship de jure).
Citizenship of the Russian Federation, Citizenship, Legislation of the Republic of Abkhazia, Dual citizenship de facto, Dual citizenship de jure, Dual citizenship, Patriotism, Republic of Abkhazia, Dual citizenship holders, Loyalty
Demography and statistics
Kuchumov, I.V., Abramova, S.R. (2017). Trends of demographic development of the Russian in Bashkortostan over the period of 1979-2010. Politics and Society, 11, 129136.
The subject of this research is the demographic processes in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The object is the Russian ethnic group residing in the region. Russian is the largest population group of the Republic, dominating in the key branches of economy and affecting the social and cultural processes. The article examines the questions of territorial displacement of the indicated ethnic group. Due to the high level of urbanization of the Russian population, special attention is given to the dynamics in the size of urban community in the region and its correlation with the number of rural residents. Based on the comparative analysis of the census of 1979-2010, the author analyzes the dynamics of territorial displacement of the Russians, change in their number by reference to various regions of the Republic, as well as city and rural areas. A conclusion is made that despite the negative events in the sphere of population increase among other ethnoses, the number of Russians in the Republic continues to rapidly decrease. Such decline was not just natural, but in certain cases identification that is common to the polyethnic regions: because of growth of the national self-consciousness in post-Soviet time, part of the population that previously considered themselves Russians, has “returned” to their “own” ethnic groups. The presented material can be valuable in further research in this area, as well as allows determining the vector of scientific search on this matter.
Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, Interethnic relations, Tatars, Bashkirs, Russians, ethnic demography, ethnic composition, urbanization, population census
Demography and statistics
Alekseenko, S.S., Abramova, S.R. (2017). Ethno-language identity and bilingualism of Russian population in Bashkortostan. Politics and Society, 11, 137145.
The subject of this research is the ethnolinguistic identity and language behavior of population in the multinational region. The object is the Russian population of Bashkortostan. The authors thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the development trends of the Russian-national bilingualism in the Republic. Special attention is given to the dynamics of establishing as native the language of nationality, because among Tatar population familiarization with the Russian language spreads more actively than among Bashkirs. These processes can be explained by the earlier involvement of Tatars in the urbanization processes and a significant portion of Tatar population as city residents of the Republic. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the fact that the Russian population in Bashkortostan, beginning from the All-Union Census of 1989 does not absolutely considers the language of their nationality as native, while insignificant number of people indicate Tatar or Bashkir as such. Authors underline that among the non-Russian peoples the number of those knowing the Russian language is higher than knowing their native. This article is first to accept the thesis regarding the development of the Russian-national bilingualism during post-Soviet period within the polyethnic national republic.
assimilation, ethnolinguistic process, maternal ethnos, identity, ethnicity, bilingualism, native language, mother tongue, population, Bashkortostan
Religion and politics
Drinova, E.M., Morozov, S.I. (2017). Russian Orthodox Church as an element of statist model of modernization and institutional design of public policy in Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 146154.
The subject of this article is the role of the institution of Russian Orthodox Church in evolution of the institutional design of public policy in Russian in the late 1990’s – 2017. The object is the goals and tasks of the state and Orthodox Church in the course of implementation of the statist modernization in the country. The attention is given to the key stages of statist modernization in Russia, evolution of the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the civil society structure and national public policy. The authors analyze the establishment of sustainable subject-object relations within the framework of institutionalization of cooperation of state and civil society in the Russian Federation. Results of the work can be valuable in activity of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in organization of the communicative interaction with the authorities. This allowed focusing attention on the functional specificities of involvement of the Russian Orthodox Church in the current Russian political processes, as well as structural peculiarities of the institutional design of the national public policy. Scientific novelty lies in substantiation of role of the Russian Orthodox Church in realization of the present stage of Russian political modernization. The authors conclude that there is a need for the inclusive dialogue between various religious confessions; institutionalization of the structures of civil control for determining the value-ideological vector of Russia’s modernization. The relationship between the state and religious structures, including the Russian Orthodox Church, must be structured on the basis of all-round control over the form, content, and quality of spirituality that in the modern secular Russian state must not be based on the monopoly of the transcendental.
political ideology, political modernization, political values, civil society, Russian Orthodox Church, institutional design, public diplomacy, statist modernization model, political institutions, state
Religion and politics
Sardaryan, G. (2017). Political doctrine of Pope John XXIII. Politics and Society, 11, 155162.
The subject of this research is the doctrinal position of Vatican pertinent to the question of preference of the various political regimes, forms of government, and mechanisms of exercising of power. The object is the Catholic political doctrine during the pontificate period of John XXIII in the context of the proclaimed by him policy of renewal of the Church and its place in the world – “aggiornamento”. Particular attention is given to the criticism of approach of the number of foreign authors aimed at presenting of the current political doctrine of Catholicism as the denial of previous teaching and return to liberalism. The author believes that the reason why some scholars consider the renewal of principles of the existence of Church in the world as a liberal return lies in the erroneous attempt of identifying democracy as the political regime and liberalism as the political ideology. John XXIII, noticing in democratic institutions the possibility of the Church to constrain and limit the government, nevertheless adheres to the reasonably traditional conservative ideology.
Second Vatican Council, liberalism, democracy, Pope, John XXIII, Vatican, Catholic political doctrine, globalism, aggiornamento, political ideology
History of political thought
Zhukova, E.A. (2017). Concept of the rational in ideological discourse. Politics and Society, 11, 163171.
This article considers the insufficiently studied problem of the rational in political ideologies. The author provides definitions to the notions of rational and ideology in political discourse, as well as meticulously examines the problem of rational in the originated liberal, social and conservative concepts. The timeframe covered in the research includes the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XIX centuries. The author is convinced that the problem of rationality is one of the crucial and simultaneously the most unexplored aspects of study of the political ideologies. Thus, it necessitate the development of critical view upon the comprehension of rational in political ideologies. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the rational in ideologies of liberalism, conservatism, and socialism of the indicated period. The main conclusion consist in the proof that all of the political ideologies in their essence are rational. But it worth emphasizing that the liberal and social concepts were built within the framework of classical type of rationality, unlike the evolvement of conservative ideology.
French Revolution, Age of Enlightenment, Philosophy, Politics, Socialism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Ideology, Rationality, Rational