State and civil society
Semina, T.V. (2017). Escalation factors of the social conflict between medicine and population in the conditions of transformation of the society. Politics and Society, 10, 1–9.
This article examines the factors of occurrence of social conflict between medicine and population in the context of transformation of the society, economic and legal reforms. The author highlights the objective reasons of emergence of the social conflict, which escalate under the influence of the factors of external and internal environment. The key factors imply the modernization and economic reforms in healthcare, impact of the world globalization, social stratification, information technologies, depreciation of individual value orientations, affordability of medical services, and degraded status of a physician in modern society. The article reveals a subject field of dynamics of the sociology of conflict in the area of medicine, as well as carries out a systemic analysis of the objective factors of macrosphere and microsphere that contribute into its development in the Russian society. The author determines the genesis of causal connections of the occurrence of social conflict and driving factors of its development during the period of transformation of the society. Preventative measures on reducing the escalation of social conflict between medicine and population are being proposed. The topic at hand is relevant because the rapidly progressing social conflict between medicine and society concerns each individual, and health of the nation is the foundation of wellbeing of the Russian society. The emergence of social conflict reduces the quality and promptness of rendering medical help to the population. Low quality of medical services, rudeness, neglect, and corruption in medicine cause particular alarm of the population. All of the above leads a sick person to self-treatment. Medical community also experiences crisis, which is reflected in the downgrade in prestige of the profession and inadequate motivation of labor in the conditions of social stratification.
society, healthcare, globalization, population, medicine, factors, escalation, Social conflict, stratification, transformation
Legal history
Gorban, V.S. (2017). The problem of “philosophy of law” in legal consciousness of Rudolf Stammler. Politics and Society, 10, 10–27.
The subject of this research is the interpretation by the renowned German social philosopher, legal expert, prominent representative of legal Neo-Kantianism R. Stammler (1856-1938) of the problem of “philosophy of law”, its disciplinary role and meaning in comprehension of law. The work accents attention on the problem of “philosophy of law” in Stammler’s legal consciousness due to the fact that through understanding and resolving namely this problematic have developed the most common features of its legal and socio-philosophical views. In reality, Stammler, having indicated the problem of “philosophy of law, on one hand encouraged the revival of interest towards the philosophy of law as such alongside the attempts to overcome the methodological monism in Kantianism manner; while on the other hand – using specific approaches towards substantiation of the personal legal understanding, Stammler rather contributed into the devaluation of the problem of “natural law” and strengthening of the positions of positivistic philosophy of law. The main conclusion lies in the statement that R. Stammler’s attitude to the problem of “natural law” and philosophy of law highlighted as central in the overall combination of his legal and socio-philosophical views, in terms of content of his major works did not encouraged the “revival of natural law” and overcoming of the methodological monism in comprehension and interpretation of the political-legal problematic, but instead, created the philosophical explanation for consolidating the position of positivistic philosophy of law and subsequent devaluation of the natural-legal type of legal consciousness, as a result requiring the occurrence of the “pure legal doctrine”.
Pure forms of legal knowledge, Principle of historicism, Social philosophy, Positivism, Natural law, Valid law, Philosophy of law, Critical theory of law, Legal doctrine, Stammler
Political participation
Kirechko, E.M. (2017). The project of participatory democracy in Latin America: key features. Politics and Society, 10, 28–36.
The subject of this research is the democracy in Latin American countries. The author examines the trends of democratization in the region, the circumstances under which it takes place, and the key features. The object of this research is the projects of democracy – authoritarian, neoliberal, and participatory. Special attention is given to such aspects, as the ideological and value grounds, ways of implementation, ability to solve the relevant issues faced by Latin America, as well as negative and positive sides. The author determines the main components of the projects of democracy in Latin America, comparing and assessing its positive and negative aspects. The discourse on democracy seems most essential in the context of political thought of the Latin American region and political processes within. Conclusion is made that the project of participatory democracy in more ways than the other trends of democratization existing in the region meets the desire of the states and population towards freedom, equality, and prosperity.
citizenship, equality, autoritarism, neoliberalism, participatory democracy, democratization, democracy, delegative democracy, liberalism, civil society
Question at hand
Ivanov, O. (2017). Russian legislation about the public supervision and management of sociopolitical conflicts. Politics and Society, 10, 37–47.
This article examines the intrinsic side of people’s interaction in the society – conflict, particularly the sociopolitical conflict. Representing a social process, the sociopolitical conflict is characterized by manageability, in other words, susceptibility to the external organizing beginning. The contemporary Russian society is exemplified by the gradual increase of the amount of citizens who actively expresses their discontent with the forms and methods of government’s response upon the social requests. This work is an attempt to analyze the relevant state, main trends, and most probable development prospects of the existing sociopolitical conflicts. The author examines the specificity of relationship between the state and civil society in modern Russia in the context of their participation in the political management. It is demonstrated that the conflict state of society is a results of realization and understanding of the surrounding social environment, a distinct form of the response of population upon the activity of the government. Legislative recognition of the priority of human rights and establishment of state responsibility for their protection does not ensure the actual discharge of constitutional obligations by the government authorities. The scientific novelty and practical importance of this research consist in systemic analysis of the social and political conflicts and their interconnection pertinent to the modern Russian reality, as well as the analysis of the status of institution of public supervision, application of its potential in managing the sociopolitical conflicts. The author indicates that Russia has created an essential legislative base, but the authorities attempts to institutionalize the sociopolitical conflicts, develop and implement the new managing methods. At the same time, the legitimate status of the institutions of public supervisions as a whole, including their functions in managing the sociopolitical conflicts, does not correspond with the established relations and expectations of the society. Thus, if the government will not actively develop the alternative institutions for managing the sociopolitical conflicts, the existing level of protest moods in Russia can significantly increase and create a perceived threat to the sustainability of the acting government.
civil protest, human rights, conflict management, political management, civil society, power, public supervision, Conflict, protest activity, legislation
Theory of political sciences
Khokhlova, D.D. (2017). Reinterpretation of politics in the context of metamodernism. Politics and Society, 10, 48–58.
The object of this work is the relevant philosophical grounds of politics, while the subject is the deliberative, post-anarchic, and postmodern impact upon the modern political theory. For achieving the set goal the author specifies the following tasks: determine the prerequisites for new political theory; examine the direct phenomenon of metamodernism; identify its influence on the politics; define the key terms of new politics. Special attention is given to consideration of the growing importance of the political influence (substituting violence), cooperative management (management on the basis of cooperation), horizontalization of connections, deideologization of politics, desacralization and demythologization of the absolute power. The author reviews the modern political concepts that qualify for the development of alternative political reality during the new postmodern era. The scientific novelty of this article consists in the fact that the examined phenomenon revealed itself only by 1990’s, the language and conceptual apparatus that reflect the specificities of metamodernism are just developing, thus this topic can manifest as invitation into the new discursive practice. Author’s special contribution lies in appealing to the post-anarchism as a new and timely political phenomenon reflecting the relevant sociopolitical trends. The study reveals not just the linguistic foundation of the new theory, but also the currently developing applied political models, the implementation of which can be observed on the example of the global political processes. The conclusion is made on the efficiency of cooperative model of political management (as a leading concept of political metamodernism) in comparison with other democratic models. Elitism, vertical connections, and absolute power gradually fade to the populism and massiveness, horizontalism and influence. The boundaries of the political blur in the context of political processes, institutions and actors, as well as ideas. Metamodernism in essence has a liminal nature and high level of uncertainty as its natural state, in terms of which the post-truth comes in full force. All of the aforementioned factors affect the politics that transforms at the level of language, as well as ideology and realization of political will.
horizontalism, partisipism, post-politics, minarchism, influence, post-truth, post-anarchism, metamodernism, participative economy, politics of participation
Theory of political sciences
Myurberg, I. (2017). About the impact of modern philosophical discourse upon the development of political theory (on the example of comparing the continental and insular doctrines on free will in Western philosophy of the XX century). Politics and Society, 10, 59–69.
This article reviews the modern philosophical interpretation of the concept of free will. Majority of these works are published in foreign books and periodicals, which reflects that the Russian philosophical discourse lacks the tradition of relation to free will as a notion that holds a rightful place in the modern (including the modern politological) research. Special attention is given to consideration of most typical for the European thought topics and theoretical grounds for attracting the concept of free will into the discourse of popular Western philosophical movements. The key methods and approaches of the work correspond with the established in Western European philosophy of the XX century division into continental and insular philosophy. The scientific novelty consists in the task of overcoming the historically entrenched within the national thought trend of identification of the concept of free will with liberum arbitrium. The article reveals the characteristic to the concept of free will contemporary relevance; the political-philosophical potential of this concept is explained using the material of phenomenological doctrine of Merleau-Ponty, which in terms of this research is interpreted as a particular case of continental (nonclassical) European philosophy.
philosophical phenomenology, incompatibilism, compatibilism, freedom as responsibility, analytical school of philosophy, nonclassical European philosophy, free will, pre-objective knowledge, political theory, modernity
Popandopulo, O. (2017). The problems of adjustment of an individual towards the current social-legal changes in modern Russian society. Politics and Society, 10, 70–77.
The subject of this research is the legal socialization of an individual in modern Russian society. The subject is the social adaptation as a combination of particular framework properties that allow an individual to build his legal behavior in the state and society. The author determines that the problem at hand requires interdisciplinary approach because it will contribute into considering the entire complex of factors and effects upon the statistical and dynamic characteristics of the individual socializing process that forms a model of lawful behavior. The scientific novelty consists in specification of the ontological status of social adaptation of a developing person in the context of the problem of its legal socialization. As a result of the theoretical study, the author expresses a though about the need for purposeful formation by the agents of legal socialization of a particular type of interaction, relation between an individual and social-legal environment that resolves contradictions emerging between them during interaction.
civil society, legal culture, Russian state, education, social-legal adaptation, adaptation, social-legal evolution, training, legal socialization, institutions of civil society
Ideology and politics
Soboleva, A.N. (2017). Formation of the image of hero and image of enemy among Soviet youth during the period of 1920’s – 1930’s. Politics and Society, 10, 78–87.
This article examines the process of formation of such phenomena of public consciousness as the “image of hero” and “image of enemy”. Referring to this topic is dictated by the fact that in 1920’s – 1930’s the antithesis of "hero-enemy" was one of the key moments of Soviet reality, since the Bolshevik leadership from the very beginning of coming to power actively sought to strengthen the new socialist state and the need for its protection from the external and internal interventions. The propaganda became the main mechanism in creating the pantheon of heroes and antiheroes. Certainly, the propaganda machine affected the entire population of the country, but the attention was particularly focused on youth due to their emotional susceptibility and activeness. The article analyzes the most significant ideological and practical methods applies in the compiling of the image of hero and image of enemy, as well as emphasizes its role in establishment of the patriotic mentality. The author identifies the varieties of the image of hero alongside the image of internal enemy, noting that the political transformations in the international arena throughout the late 1920’s – 1930's often led to a shifting the accents in depicting the image of external enemy. It is concluded that the official propaganda made fairly successful steps in the area of military-patriotic upbringing of the Soviet youth.
public consciousness, political propaganda, ideology, youth, image of enemy, image of hero, militarization, patriotism, Komsomol, education
National policy
Roslyakova, M.V. (2017). Participation of the social councils of municipal divisions in implementation of national policy . Politics and Society, 10, 88–104.
The object of this research is the social councils under the municipal authorities, while the subject is the potential forms of participation of the social councils of municipal divisions in development and implementation of the national policy. Main attention is focused on the analysis of the tasks, goals, and functions of the social councils that are on record in the normative acts that regulate their activity. The article establishes the specificity of regulation of the activity of social councils in the area of harmonization of interethnic relations in the territory of municipal divisions of the region. Social councils are characterized from the perspective of presence of the representatives of ethnocultural and religious organizations. The information foundation for this study became the official websites of municipal divisions of Ivanovo Region, the compulsory sections of which contain the data on the social councils. The author reveals the formally enshrined role of social council under the municipal authorities in solving the issues that emerge within the interethnic sphere at the local level. Presence in the regulatory documents of special reference to the tasks of social council in the area of harmonization of interethnic relations demonstrates the priority of the problem for the specified territory. The distinct feature of the majority of councils lies in the existence of the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is explained by the maintained ethnic uniformity of the region. The system of social councils is currently in the process of establishment; therefore, it is essential to identify the directions for development of the public and local administration, in which the deliberative bodies with participation of public representatives will be most effective. The new institution creates the additional opportunities for the participation of population in realization of local self-governance, but the choice of the form of cooperation in solving the local issues, including the ethno-confessional relations, remains with the public organizations and citizens; efficiency of the process in general depends on the readiness and motivation of the participants.
Local self-governance, National policy, Civil society, Public participation, National cultural autonomies, Religious organizations, Local community, Municipal formation, Interethnic relations, Social council
Conflict and consensus
Sokolova, A.N. (2017). Prevention and overcoming of conflicts in culture of the Adygea Kurds: past and present. Politics and Society, 10, 105–113.
The object of this research is the culture of Kurdish migrants that currently comprise over 13% of the population of Krasnogvardeysky District in the Republic of Adygea. The subject of this research is the prevention and overcoming of conflicts exercised within the ethnic group as one of the adaptive forms of the “nomadic nation” and simultaneously as a method of self-defense, acquisition of relative social stability in the accepting community. Based on “cultural portrait” of the Adygea Kurds, the author examines the forms of prevention, overcoming or solution of the ethnic conflicts that are defined by the traditional culture. The adherence to it, preservation of canons make the life of an ethnic group well-ordered and predictable. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the scientifically authentic description of the modern status of the ethnic group of Adygea Kurds, comparative analysis of the archetypical and contemporary sociocultural images that bring new colors to the ethnic picture of the world. The author determines the two forecasting scenarios of the development of ethnic group. The first claims the increase of Kurds who attend high school, obtain higher education, demonstrate reasonable Russian language skills, as well as oriented towards the intercommunal and interethnic resolution of conflicts. The second possible scenario is defined by the diasporic status of the ethnic group, readiness to move to Kurdistan in case of the official proclamation of such state. The author believes that the responsible explanation of the cultural values, symbols, and behavioral codes of all national cultures that are the part of the Republic of Adygea will result in fewer conflicts.
traditional culture, Hofstede, overcoming conflicts, prevention of conflicts, ethnic group, Adygheya, Kurds, adaptation, archetypal images, diaspora
State and civil society
Kosorukov, A.A. (2017). Electronic civil society in public space of the political regime. Politics and Society, 10, 114–126.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of historical evolution of civil society within public space of the political regime; impact of the new media upon the expansion of political participation and establishment of the electronic civil society that intensifies the external and internal challenges of destabilization with regards to the hybrid political regimes worldwide; development problems of the electronic civil society in Russia as a factor of activation and institutionalization of the public political participation (on the example of electoral cycle of 2011-2012). Methodology of the work contains the application of historical and comparative methods, analysis of statistical and expert data with further graphic comparison. The scientific novelty consists in development of the theoretical model of establishment of civil society and hybrid political regime that allows evaluating the possible conflict between the diverse elements of political system, caused by the increased potential of new media in the area of mass political mobilization.
political participation, public sphere, new media, information and communication technologies, hybrid political regime, electronic civil society, democracy, modernization, mass political mobilization, political parties