Ideology and politics
Lukarevskaia, E. (2017). Finalist theories. Concepts of ideology of the last quarter of the XX century. Politics and Society, 12, 1–7.
The object of this research is the processes of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaton. The subject is the finalist theories, namely the theories of the “end of history and “and of ideology”. The goal of this work consists in demonstration of peculiarities of the concept of ideology of the last quarter of the XX century, determination and revelation of the processes of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaiton, as well as analysis of the views of separate representatives of the indicated directions respectively. Special attention is given to the works of Daniel Bell, Seymour Lipset, Eugen Lemberg, Jakob Barion, and Francis Fukuyama. The main scientific methodological approaches of this work are the comparative and system. Comparative method was implemented for pursuing correlation between the theories and concepts of ideology of the last quarter of the XX century. For analysis of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaton as a single process associated with the relevant for that time historical events, the author applied the system approach. Theoretical importance of this research is defined by the more profound comprehension of the origins and specificity of the processes of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaton upon the formation of the concepts of ideology. The author concludes that the theories of the “end of history” represent a vivid example of the ideological confrontation of the XX century, rather than rejection of the ideology as such; the objective scientific knowledge called by the de-ideologizators to replace the ideology, became an instrument (especially sociology) in political struggle.
liberalism, Communism, Daniel Bell, information society, re-ideologization, de-ideologization, end of ideology, end of history, Francis Fukuyama, Eugen Lemberg
Political power
Ndayishimiye, T. (2017). The meaning of Russian political traditions as a source of power in the process of initiation of political communication. Politics and Society, 12, 8–15.
The subject of this research is the Russian political traditions turned into government resources as one of the ways for creating political communication. The object is the examination of the role of Russia’s political traditions during the post-Soviet period. The author meticulously reviews such aspects as the importance of political traditions in the process of establishing political communication. Particular attention is paid to examination pf the proper choice of tradition as the resources of government for converting communication from the customary monologue into the dialogue, or even polylogue. Using the methods of comparison, historical-genetic, and retrospective analysis, the author was able to identify the traditions and demonstrate their current implementation. The main conclusion implies that the process of political communication becomes successful if one of the resources of formation of the agenda is the traditions capable of inducing the response of the recipients. Author’s special contribution into this research consists in revealing the importance in the process of initiation by the government of political communication not only stated by the law methods, but also the settled elements of political culture. The scientific novelty lies in determination of correlation between the flexible political communication and practically unchanged political traditions.
method of communication, language of communication, achievement of the goal, efficiency, tradition as a resource, political dialogue, political communication, political traditions, channels of communication, government resources
The heritage of transformation
Zarnitskaya, M. (2017). Impact of the ideas of French Enlightenment upon the formation of modern concept of the nation. Politics and Society, 12, 16–22.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of correlation between the modern concept of nation and its origins within the philosophy of French Enlightenment. The author attempts to determine the key characteristics of nation among the French representatives of Enlightenment, as well as compare them with the characteristic of this notion accepted at the present time. In the course of this work, a conclusion is made that due to the Enlightenment, the nation is defined as a cultural commonness and political formation, and strict pursuit of only one of the indicated interpretations generates cultural or civil nationalism. Methodological basis of this research first and foremost lies in the historical and comparative approaches, which help tracing the emergence of the concept of “nation” and its transformation with the passage of time affected by various factors. A conclusion is made that the French Enlightenment encouraged the establishment of the modern perception of nation, and produced both, positive and negative impact upon this process. The optimal way of working with different ideas of the Enlightenment is their synthesis and subsequent adjustment to the current realities of life. The growth of nationalistic moods and controversial cult of patriotism in Russia and the world confirms the importance of study of the concept of “nation” for its proper and utmost efficient application in theory and practice.
Social contract, General will, Racism, Orientalism, State, Nationalism, Nation, Enlightenment, Culture, Citizenship
Question at hand
Yanik, A.A., Popova, S.M. (2017). Social focus of the national science-innovation policy: problems and solutions. Politics and Society, 12, 23–34.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of foreign experience of managing academic development applicable to augmenting of social focus of the national science-innovation policy. Particular attention is turned to the conceptual approaches underlying the modern system of government administration over the scientific sector in the economically developed countries, primarily the idea of justification of the existence of science by the social importance of its results. The goal of this work consists in critical examination of the key achievements and issues associated with the attempts of establishing the “feedback” systems between science, government, and society for increasing the social focus of scientific research. The authors demonstrate the essentiality of increasing the social focus of scientific policy due to the fact that an objectively limited amount of resources aimed at scientific development, can be considered as a certain critical level of social agreement with the development rates of specific academic disciplines and projects. The article also underlines the problems that emerge due to the utilitarian understanding of the idea of social responsibility of scientific research and expansion of neo- managerialism into the academic sphere. This particularly concerns the disparity between the accountability and freedom of the scientific inquiry. Moreover, the increase in bureaucratic objections to the role of the “sole representative” of public interests (moral agent) in relations with science can lead to distortion of the quality of feedback, and as a result, decrease in efficiency of control over the academic development for achieving the socially important goals.
European Union, Managerialism, Scientometrics, Innovation, Societal Impact, Big Science, Moral agent, Science Policy, New Public Management, Research and Development
Political aspects
Lomova, A. (2017). Phenomenon of humanitarian security in the policy of European Union. Politics and Society, 12, 35–45.
The subject of this article is the phenomenon of humanitarian security. The author examines its evolution, theoretical implications, and practical implementation on the empirical material of the European Union. Hypothesis of this work consists in the fact that EU due to the reason of normative character of its political essence in foreign policy strategy and solving the domestic issues and crises, first and foremost focuses on the policy of humanitarian security. The author argues that humanitarian security has a significant potential for development of the political narratives of the European Union. The principles of humanitarian security are considered in the EU official documents, works of the European experts, as well as EU foreign policy in the area of security and development. The author comes to a conclusion that in various interpretations, the main content of the humanitarian security concepts lies in concentrating attention on the individual as the prime object of security. Such approach has become the standard of policy, marker for the European diplomacy and Common Security and Defense Policy. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the EU policy through the prism of ensuring humanitarian security becomes the subject of special political analysis in the national science for the first time.
fragile states index, human development index, UNDP, UN, ESDP, CSDP, human security, European Union, liberalism, security
Political communications
Demenchuk, P.Y. (2017). Political realm of the idea of multinational university. Politics and Society, 12, 46–54.
The subject of this research is the idea of multinational university in the context of political impact of the globalization processes of higher education. The author examines the prospect of expansion of the international impact of the states exporting educational services that became the centers of development of multinational educational institutions, as well as increase of their economic and scientific potential in terms of reduction of political control and volume of economic resources of the states exporting the educational services. The article points at the key aspects of establishment and approaches to overcoming the educational inequality of the states by the developing countries. Methodology includes the historical-philosophical approach, socio-philosophical analysis, method of consideration of political processes within the framework of “center-periphery” model. The scientific novelty consists in examination of multinational university as the means of international political impact that can significantly affect the societies of other states. The main conclusion lies in the statement about the emergence and development of educational inequality, the overriding of which requires great effort from the developing countries.
higher education, government, inequality, multinational university, globalization, ideology, education, political impact, human capital, transnational education
Political communications
Negrov, E.O. (2017). Specificities of the discourse of politically active subjects offline and online: the experience of empirical analysis. Politics and Society, 12, 55–65.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities of the collective and individual discourses of the politically active subjects in comparative aspect of public presence in the Internet resources Web 2.0 and public activity “offline”, in other words, through the traditional methods of mass information. The author examines the phenomenon of political activeness, demonstrates the substantial differences between the political actors as the subjects of action and decision-makers, and politically active subjects that not quite always have sufficient powers and real authority. The peculiarities of individual discourse of the politically active subjects alongside their representation within the virtual space are being determined. Methodology implies the elements of discourse analysis within the framework of normative and institutional approaches, as well as historical and comparative methods, critical discourse analysis, cognitive analysis of political discourse, linguistic discourse analysis, and content analysis. In conclusion, the author reveals the similarities and differences between the presentation strategies within the real and virtual public space. The empirical base for this research lies in the cumulative data on representativity of the politically active subjects in TOP-100 of the leading social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, YouTube, and Instagram).
social networks, virtual reality, politically active subjects, political actors, individual discourse, political discourse, political activity, public place, translators, self-identification
State and civil society
Kosorukov, A.A. (2017). Civil society in the conditions of establishment of the virtual public sphere. Politics and Society, 12, 66–79.
The subject of this research is the civil society in the conditions of development of the information and communication technologies, which displace the traditional forms of social interaction in public sphere. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of establishment of the virtual public sphere that allows indicating the ways of solving the crisis of limited publicity and weakness of civil society. Special attention is given to activity of the largest Internet corporations that create the alternative space foe publicity and participation, commercialize and privatize the virtual private sphere, as well as movements of the Internet users and nonprofit organizations asserting the citizens’ rights on the web platform. An important aspect of the subject of research is the scenario of creating technology that controls publicity and civil participation with the help of information technologies. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the development peculiarities of the virtual public sphere, the realm of which is substantiated by the algorithmic codes of Internet corporations (Google, Baidu, Yandex) that design technologies of reference arrangement, actions of nonprofit organization on advancing the open public licenses (Creative Commons), and civil Internet activism.
algorithmic code, mass culture, mass media, information and communication technologies, public sphere, civil society, democracy, Internet corporations, open source movement, technopoly
National security
Fedorov, V.M. (2017). Climate policy and national security questions of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 12, 80–89.
The subject of this research is the scientific substantiation of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation. The problem of global climate change, primarily its temperature characteristics, is relevant for the modern science and practice. It is defined by the need for forecasting of consequences of the climatic changes for the natural environment and society. The crucial in examination and forecasting of climate change is the question about the factors causing such changes. The basis of the Russian climate policy lies in the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation that includes the acknowledgment of capability of the anthropogenic factor to influence the climate system of the Earth. The publication leans on the analytical studies of the conducted by the author calculations of the impact of solar radiation upon Earth, results of geophysical research, and analysis of the normative documents pertinent to the climate policy of the Russian Federation. It is demonstrated that the global climate change are determined by the natural factor, the key of which is the shift in the angle of Earth’s axis. Due to receiving of new data about climate, the accepted as a scientific substantiation position on capability of the anthropogenic factor to influence the climate system, appears to be erroneous and constituting a threat to sustainable development and security of the Russian Federation. Thus, necessitates making corrections in the scientific substantiation of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation.
National security, sustainable development, adjustment, scientific justification, climate doctrine, causes of climate change, global climate, Climate policy, ecology, Environment
People and work
Milkina, E.V. (2017). Mechanisms and methods of labor rights of the pedagogical workers. Politics and Society, 12, 90–95.
The topic of this article gains particular relevance due to the fact that in modern Russian the cases of labor rights violation of pedagogical workers became more frequent. The author examines the main mechanism and methods aimed at protection by pedagogical workers of their rights. Moreover, it is worth noting that pedagogical workers, because of the low remuneration of labor, are the hostages of certain circumstances, and do not always have an opportunity to receive competent legal assistance pertinent to protection of their labor rights. The author reveals the problematic of the indicated question and suggests particular solutions from the perspective of the employee of the system of higher professional education. It is proposed to examine the jurisdictional method of protection of personal rights and self-protection of the violated rights by the employee. The article underlines the need for active use of the legislative base by the pedagogical workers, as well as involve not only the pedagogical workers of the higher educational facilities themselves, but also the trade union organizations.
legal clinic, professional unions, education system, self-protection of labor rights, labor relations, labor rights, methods of protection, protection mechanisms, pedagogical workers, remuneration