Theory of political sciences
Zobnin A.V. (2016). American intellectuals who changed the paradigm of rational choice of the XX century. Politics and Society, 8, 1029–1038.
This research is dedicated to the analysis of contribution of the accomplished American scholars into the study of the problem of rational choice of the XX century. The problematics of the rational choice covers an extensive circle of disciplines of the modern scientific knowledge: from mathematics to economics, and all the way to psychology and philosophy. Therefore the author examines the works of the American mathematician K. Arrow, economist P. Samuelson, political scientist H. Simon, psychologists D. Kahneman and B. Schwartz, philosopher A. Gibbard, and sociologist O. Holsti. The main method of this work consists in biographical approach in combination with comparative analysis of the views and concepts that belong to the aforementioned scholars. During the course of this research, key trends of development of the American scientific thought within the frameworks of the paradigm of rational choice were being determined. The author underlines the methodological transition from the concept of universal rationality, which is based on implementation of mathematical and economic scientific apparatus, to the concept of limited, situational rationality based on the psychological and philosophical theories.
rational choice, rationality, P. Samuelson, D. Kahneman, A. Gibbard, B. Schwartz, O. Holsti, H. Simon, K. Arrow, American intellectuals
Political process
Karpovich O.G. (2016). US interests in the Ukrainian crisis of 2013-2014: main benefits and advantages . Politics and Society, 8, 1039–1048.
This article is dedicated to the examination of interests of the United States in the Ukrainian crisis of 2013-2014, in instigation of which they were directly involved. The object of this research is the Ukrainian crisis of 2013-2014 dubbed as “Euromaidan”, which resulted in the forceful toppling of Yanukovych’s regime, as well as seizure the power by the pro-American and pro-Western oppositionists who has the support of the local nationalists and extremists. The subject of this research is the role of the United States in the Ukrainian crisis, their interests, main advantages and benefits gained from participation in this conflict. The author notes that at the end of February of 2014, during the so-called “Euromaidan” and with support of the United States, took place the government overthrow that became a culmination of the new color revolution in Ukraine. As a result, the pro-Western and anti-Russian in its essence powers, supported by the United State and European Union, came to power. Ukraine is not the first country bordering Russia that had experience the government coup, but it is one of the largest and most important countries from geopolitical perspective. Due to the victory of the color revolution, an aggressively oriented unfriendly regime has emerged on the Russian-Ukrainian border, which became a direct challenge for Russia and a threat to its national security. This is namely why Russia must develop an effective strategy for struggle against the color revolutions – a major threat to security and stability of the modern nations, a so-called “color plague” of the XXI century.
security, interests, state, political regime, international relations, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, global information space, political system, risks
Political communications
Kul'nazarova A.V. (2016). Restriction of the access to the Runet content: current situation and prospects. Politics and Society, 8, 1049–1058.
This article presents the results of monitoring of the Unified Register of the banned websites. The author determines the dynamics of placing websites on the register, defines the main categories (themes) of the blocked content, as well as examines the legislative base of restriction of access to the Internet sources. An analysis is conducted on the popularity of the services of circumventing of the blocks that significantly lower the efficiency and the point of existence of the Register. The author determines the main problems and trends in the limitation of the access in the Russian Internet, as well as the possible scenarios of further government control over the Internet. The goal of this research is to determine the dynamics, regularities, and prospects of restriction of access to the Runet content. In order to achieve the set goal, the author conducted monitoring of the Unified Register of banned websites, classification of the prohibited content, as well as qualitative and statistical analysis of the data. The conclusion is made that the theme of the blocked websites matches the most acute sociopolitical problems (terrorism, Islamism, Ukrainian and Crimean questions, etc.); the majority of the blocked websites belongs or dedicated to the activity of the prohibited in Russia nationalistic, terrorist, and extremist organizations, whole the portion of the oppositional resources comprises just 11% of the websites. Considering the existing trends, we can suggest the further strengthening of control over the Internet environment with preparation of the corresponding legislative base and implementation of new techniques, which would hinder the unauthorized access to the banned materials.
extremist materials, government regulation, Internet technologies, blocking, Internet content, restricting access, banned websites, Unified Register, Internet communication, oppositional websites
Political psychology
Lestev A.E. (2016). Influence of the knights of the Order of St. John upon the cultural and economic development of Malta. Politics and Society, 8, 1059–1065.
This article examines the vector of influence of the knights of the Order of St. John upon cultural and economic development of Malta and Maltese Archipelago. Status of the island before the arrival of the Order is being reviewed. The author demonstrates the process of development of Malta during the ruling of the Order, as well as main changes that turned the poor and struggling from pirate raids island into a pearl of European Christian culture of the Mediterranean world. Among the main changes are the following: growth of population, construction of new cities and ports, development of trade, medicine, and social wellness in general. The conclusion is made about the extensive role of the system of political administration and composition of political elite of the country from the perspective of its cultural and economic development. The knights, who perceived the island as citadel of Christianity and their struggle against the unfaithful, did all possible and necessary for its strengthening and progress.
European history, Christian culture, The Order of Malta, Political elite, History of Malta, Cultural development, Economic development, Military culture, Knights ruling, The role of elite
National policy
Fedorova E.N., Egorova T.P. (2016). Territorial organization of Yakutia in the XVIII century based on the territorial-administrative transformations of the region. Politics and Society, 8, 1066–1076.
This article examines the questions of territorial structure and administration in the XVIII century of one of the largest regions in the northeast of Russia – Yakutia. Immensity of the territory, geographic and geopolitical location along with rich natural resources, all were of special r importance for Russia. The need for political, economic, and ideological securing of the territory can be seen in the events of the territorial-administrative organization of Russia. Territorial expansion of the borders in the XVIII century that affected both, Siberia and Yakutia, caused multiple administrative transformations. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive examination of the questions of territorial-administrative transformations of the northeast of Russia, which allow following the emergence of administrative units, their adjustment to the realities of the joint territories, establishment of administration, and subordination to the tasks of the future development of the region. Administrative reconfiguration was cause by the attempt to find the most optimal forms of administration of the remote territory, as well as integration of Siberia into a unified administrative, legislative, and economic space of the Russian Empire.
volost, Commission for tribute, management of the territory, administrative-territorial transformation, organization of the territory, Yakutia, nasleg, county, state governance, population
Legal state
Tsurikov V.I. (2016). Economic approach towards the question of decriminalization of victimless crime. Politics and Society, 8, 1077–1085.
The subject of this research is the excessiveness of the criminal law in modern Russia, as well as the problem of decriminalization of victimless crime. Based on the examples of several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the author demonstrates a noticeable excessiveness in criminalization of certain types of behavior, and conditionality characteristic to the notion of “crime”. The main method of this research is the economic approach. Using the example of the illegal market of sex services, the article analyzes the correlation between the gains and costs justified by the existence of such ban for society as a whole, or specific social groups. It is highlighted that decriminalization of victimless crimes can be hindered due to the following factors: legislators, who are elected officials, can be dependent upon the senior (the most active) part of the electorate, which mainly supports traditional values; violators of the norms are not interested in legalizations of any actions, since the legalization will result in the growing level of competition, which in turn, leads to decrease of their income.
Decriminalization, Legalization, Market of sexual services, Gains, Costs, Sexual moral, Prostitution, Victimless crime, Excessiveness of criminal law, Economic approach
State and civil society
Don D.S. (2016). Relation between President's rating and living standards research . Politics and Society, 8, 1086–1103.
Under the conditions of economic recession and sanctions the living standards of Russian citizens since 2014 was descending . But the President's rating is still extremely high. In connection with this a study of a relation between President's (or another first person) rating and living standards research was undertaken for several countries (Russia, USA, UK, Germany, France). The hypothesis about priority of nation-wide achievements over improvement of private welfare for citizens at the President's performance appraisal was checked. Also it was suggested and disproved the assumption that priority of nation-wide achievements is Russian national spirit.Research was performed by statistical methods. The correlation and regression analysis of statistical and sociological indices was used to describe the connection between the President's (or another first person) rating and living standards.On the basis of latest statistical and sociological indices it has been established that relation between the President's ratings and living standards is weak or lacking at all. Presidential approval ratings is more dependent from the country's political and economical background. And there isn't only Russian citizen's attribute. It was established that during 2008–2015s the main criteria for assessment of the President's activity in Russia was the international policy. A model in which availability or absence of relation between the President's rating and living standards depend on society's position in two dimenisions both «consolidation of society and governance» and «living standards» was suggest.
living standards, government, President, rating, regression model, sociology, correlation, statistical analysis, wellness, consolidation of society
State and civil society
Trifonov D.S. (2016). Municipal filter as one of the legal mechanisms of government influence upon the regional policy. Politics and Society, 8, 1104–1109.
The subject of this research is the norms of the current legislation that establish legal interactions of the state and regional authorities with the local self-governing bodies. The object of this research is the legal relations and political communications in the area of functioning and interaction of the institutions of public authority. The article examines the question of assignment of authority to the highest officials of the constituent of Russian Federation, particularly the problem of application of municipal filters during the electoral campaign. The author studies the essence, place and role of the municipal filter as one of the restrictive political-legal institution. The author’s main contribution lies in consideration of the negative and positive consequences of the use of municipal filter in the Russian political-legal reality. Scientific novelty consists in the relevant analysis of the Russian application of the legal techniques of electoral process for the purpose of assignment of authority to the highest official of the constituent of Russian Federation. The author concludes that it is inexpedient to implement the municipal filter, as well as points out that it may contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
federal intervention, political parties, elections, public authorities, highest official, political institution, municipal filter, passive electoral law, suffrage, pre-election
Local self-government
Velikzhanina K.A. (2016). To the question of integration of science and social policy in the Russian Federation at the municipal level. Politics and Society, 8, 1110–1114.
This article examines the laws of formation and a trajectory of development of social policy through the prism of scientific-technical and socio-scientific activity of the subjects of public administration of Russia. The author thoroughly studies the theoretical-methodological aspects of integration of science and social policy for the purpose of realization of the main directions of government activity aimed at improvement of social wellness of population of the Russian Federation. The accent is made on the role of municipal administration with regards to their assistance in realization of the grant forms of support of social and scientifically important activity of a city. The analysis of the normative legal activity in the area of the state scientific-technical policy is being presented. Scientific novelty consists in determination of the main trajectories of the joint development of social policy and science in modern society, as well as in generalization and description of the key stages of establishment and development of the system of provision of grant technologies in the Russian Federation.
non-profit organizations, social sphere, competitive technologies, scientific and technical progress, local self-government, science, grant, social policy, city, integration
Social studies and monitoring
Kaplunova K.A. (2016). The development of Russian sociology during the period of 1920-30’s . Politics and Society, 8, 1115–1123.
This article examines the problem of development of the Russian sociology during the period of 1920-30’s. Special attention is given to the peculiarities typical for the post-revolutionary period, as well as their effect upon the process of expansion of sociology in Russian society. The author determines the pattern of influence of the party elite upon the character and purpose of theoretical doctrines in sociology, as well as points at how it conforms to the theme of the conducted sociological research. The theory of historical materialism as a doctrine, which forms the basis of the state ideology and spreads its influence over all spheres of social life, is being thoroughly examined. The author reveals that the situation formed in the first decades after the revolution, was not favorable for the development of the objective sociological knowledge in Russia. But despite this fact, sociology was able to advance its own methodological base, gain rich experience in the field of sociological research, as well as gather an extensive statistical material.
Party elite, Society, Historical materialism, State ideology, Methodological base, Post-revolutionary period, Marxism, Positivism, Russia, Sociology
Social studies and monitoring
Omel'chenko D.A., Maksimova S.G., Noyanzina O.E., Goncharova N.P., Avdeeva G.S. (2016). Social Capital, Trust and Civic Participation of Modern Russian Youth. Politics and Society, 8, 1124–1135.
The article is dedicated to the analysis of social capital of the youth in form of institutional trust and social networks of support as factor of participation in sociopolitical life of society. Based on the statistical data and surveys, the author determines the level and peculiarities of formalization of social capital of the youth, level of their involvement into politics, etc. The empirical foundation of this research consists in the data of sociological survey, performed by the members of Altai State University in the six regions bordering Russia. In order to build the forecasting models of behavior based on the hierarchical regression analysis, the author uses the simple and summary indexes of institutional and public trust, as well as civil and political participation. The results acquired during the course of this research allow claiming that the lack of importance of the traditional informal connections in establishment of potential of civil participation of the youth is characteristic to the current state of regional society. A determining factor for the youth is trust towards institutions of civil society (especially charitable), as well as environmental-oriented and legal organizations. The opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process through the civil unions and initiatives, respect for the freedom of speech alongside the cultural and political multiplicity, are the most appealing values for youth in the modern world.
nonprofit organizations, cvil society, political parties, youth activism, political participation, youth, civic engagement, trust, social capital, informal support networks
Kas'yanova T.I. (2016). High school “Academy of Power”. Politics and Society, 8, 1136–1144.
The subject of this research is the professional self-identification of high school students, as well as the issues of professional orientation support. The author also touches upon the problems of problems of professional orientation work in Russia. There is an acute necessity for preparation of the self-determining personality to an independent and conscious choice of career under the changing circumstances. The project “Academy of Power” implemented in Ural Federal University can be considered an attempt to establish the system of values and search of the meaning of a specific professional labor among the modern high school graduates. The content of the educational plan, various types of professional probes and forms of classes caused interest of the audience of “Academy of Power”. Classes on professional orientation have gained special importance among the students. Getting familiar with the system of state and municipal administration and communication with the professional allow the students to understand the essence of such activity more clearly. Professional orientation work is based on the principles of humanistic psychology, as well as techniques of activation professional and personal growth. Listeners of the “Academy of Power” underline the following essential features: the quality of education; help in professional self-determination; professionalism of the educators; forms of classes; friendly atmosphere in groups, and teamwork.
Values of professional labor, Activation of personal growth, State administration, Professional probes, Professional training, Humanistic psychology, Testing, Survey, Professional self-determination, Professional orientation
People and work
Khusyainov T.M. (2016). Sociological analysis of social interaction on the Internet labor market. Politics and Society, 8, 1145–1151.
This article analyzes and systematizes the theoretical approaches on sociological study of social interaction on the Internet labor market. Despite the rapid growth of atypical employment, including Internet employment, the theoretical study of this issue is currently insufficient and requires further research. The author discusses such foundations, which justify the specificity of the Internet labor market, as well as peculiarities of social interaction of the major actors, in the conditions of virtual communication. The method of this research lies in theoretical analysis of sociological theories of social interaction and comparison of the basic aspects of Internet employment. During the course of analysis of the Internet labor market, the author examines the system of interrelationship between the Internet employee and the hire. The use of several sociological approaches reveals various aspects of interaction on the Internet labor market from the moment of mutual search until the end of partnership.
structural and functional analysis, subjects of social interaction, Sociological theory, Post-industrial society, social space, social interaction, atypical employment, Internet employment, theoretical analysis, sociological analysis
Religion and politics
Nunuev S.M. (2016). Radicalization of political Islam in Dagestan: actors, institutions, new directions. Politics and Society, 8, 1152–1162.
The subject of this research is the parameters of radicalization of political Islam in Dagestan. The actors, institutions, and new manifestations of radicalization of political Islam in Dagestan during the period of 2007-2016 are being revealed. Special attention is given to the correlation and manifestations of the factors of radicalization of Islam: the level of economic development and quality of life, social differentiation, birth rate, and migration. Based on the analysis of the surveys, the author underlines the indication of the low level of trust to the government authorities, as well as consolidation of Islamic identity. The author explores the dynamics in the level and forms of terrorism, as well as suggests recommendations in the area of counterterrorist policy. The constructivist paradigm of religiousness was being applied in this work, which allowed revealing purposefulness and discursive concept of the established Islamic identity by the elites. The author determines the group of actors of radicalization of political Islam in Dagestan: regional ruling elites, traditional clergy, Sufi religious brotherhood, Salafi communities, and transnational terroristic organizations. During the course of this research, primarily the network type of institutionalization of political Islam was being detected. The author determines the new manifestations of radicalization of political Islam during the period of 2007-2016: transnationalism of terrorist groups, dissociation of the moderate and radical Salafi movements, as well as growing influence of the Hizb ut-Tahrir terrorist organization.
counterterrorism, causes, terrorism, factors, new manifestations, institutions, subjects, Dagestan, radicalization, political Islam
History of political thought
Demetradze M.R. (2016). Specificity of the establishment and formation of intellectual capital. Succession of the created in Antiquity intellectual networks and laws of intellectual activity. Politics and Society, 8, 1163–1169.
This work examines the conception of intellectual capital in Antiquity, as well as determines the specificity of intellectual activity and succession of intellectual capital. The author explains when and under what conditions the intellectual capital became the capital of primary importance in the state, and which labor can be considered as intellectual capital. The most important is the sociocentric core of intellectual capital that does not allow deviation, because in this case it becomes biased, and its projects – conjunctural, which inevitably leads to loss of the status and falling out of an individual from the intellectual networks. The author determines the criteria of mental labor: novelty of the idea, social importance and social value of the projects, interrelation between the mental labor and social problems or requests. The foundation and pivot of intellectual capital is the freedom of thought and actions, pluralism, intellectual rivalry, opposition of power, secularization, avant-gardism, reformations, constant search for the new, and experimentalism. The established intellectual capital represents the concept and theoretical ground of the order of social life, and is directly associated with the individual and their interests.
Sophists, Roman law, sociocentrism, secularization, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, intellectual work, intellectual capital, sociocentrism, Pythagorean brotherhood