Theory of political sciences
Grachev B.V. (2016). On correlation between the paradigms of international relation and classical theories of integration. Politics and Society, 7, 870–873.
This article is dedicated to comparison of the paradigms of the theory of international relations with the theories of classical integration. The principles of two main paradigms, political realism and liberalism, were taken as the basis for comparison with the two classical approaches to integration: federalism and functionalism. The goal of this work is determine whether or not there is a correlation between these theoretical constructs, as well as to test a hypothesis that the international concepts are located on a lower level of political research. This work provides a brief historical review of the establishment of paradigms of the theory of international relations, and determines their fundamental positions. As a result of this research the author demonstrates a secondary nature of the approaches towards integration with regards to the theory of international relations, which means that the theories of integration should be viewed as the byproduct of the highest political theories.
Theories of regional integration, Federalism, Functionalism, Integration theories, Liberalism, Political realism, International relations, Paradigms of international relations, Low-level theories, High-level theories
Theory of political sciences
Gudalov N.N. (2016). To the question of similarities between the political realism and postpositivism within the theory of international relations. Politics and Society, 7, 874–884.
The subject of this research is the features of political realism in the history of international relations, which demonstrate its similarities with postpositivism. The goal of this work is to determine and emphasize these similarities, but at the same time considering the differences between them. The author carefully examines the logical resemblances of realism and postpositivism, their common historical origins associated with the creative works of the same thinkers. The article also analyzes the approaches of the realists and positivists towards the fundamental issues of political knowledge, reality, values, as well as rationality. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the theoretical views of the realists and positivists, and bases himself upon their classical and contemporary works, alongside the critical research of other scholars. This work makes a new contribution into the research of the already existing similarities between realism and postpositivism within the theory of international relations. These common features are very deep, however there not enough studied and “violate” the accepted within the theory of international relations theoretical demarcations. The article complements and generalizes the arguments of Nicolas Guillot who pointed out at the correlation between realism with Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy of science, as well as with the theories that emphasize historicism, but deny progressivism and rationalism. The author determines that such connections confirm the existence of the significant similarities between realism and postpositivism. It is proven that for realism it is characteristic to have a narrow instrumental understanding of rationality; while postpositivism, in turn, limits or denies the notion of rationality. A generalizing conclusion is made that namely such attitude towards rationality lies in the foundation of other similarities between realism ad postpositivism – their accent upon pluralism and relativity of knowledge, reality, and values in politics.
Thomas Kuhn, paradigm, historicism, rationalism, epistemology, political philosophy, postpositivism, political realism, theory of international relations, structural realism
Transformation in political processes
Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. (2016). The improvement of scientific policy for the purpose of social development: the experience of Poland (2010-2015). Politics and Society, 7, 885–903.
This article presents the results of analysis of the modern scientific policy of Poland, which is one of the key instruments of the development strategy implementation on the innovational basis. Poland’s experience attracts Russian scholars not just because of the presence of similar features in the national systems of organization of science, but also because the contours of the Russian scientific reform in many ways resemble the Polish model, started in 2010. Special attention is given to the examination of the mechanism of development and realization of Poland’s scientific policy, as well to the assessment of the interval results of the Polish radical scientific reform (2010-2015). The authors make a conclusion that the radical scientific reform in Poland did not lead to significant changes in indexes of the innovational development of the country, which remain some of the lowest in the EU, and the possibility of meeting the planned by 2020 volumes of scientific budget (1.7% from GDP) is justifiably questionable. Despite the active absorption of general European recommendations, Poland’s scientific policy in fact develops by trial and error. The scientific reform has not yet become an organic part of the complex development policy; and a successful utilization of financial support from the EU funds did not produce synergetic effects, which contribute into the establishment of a sustainable scientific-innovation ecosystem.
Scientific policy, Social progress, Development strategy, Innovations, Innovation economics, Research and development, Research infrastructure, Science, European Union, Poland
Transformation in political processes
Kolomeytseva N.A. (2016). Investment potential of the Far East as a driver of political-economic cooperation of Russia with the Pacific Rim countries . Politics and Society, 7, 904–909.
The object of this research is activation of the Asia-Pacific political vector of Russia. Within the framework of this topic the author notes that the crisis irrupted in the system of international relations, caused by a so-called “Ukrainian crisis”, encouraged the accelerated development of the Russian Far East for the purpose of its integration into the Pacific Rim. Special attention is given to the investment opportunities of the Far East in the context of collaboration with the countries of Asia-Pacific region. The author carefully examines the economic, political, and social factors that define the current development of the Far Eastern Federal District. The article presents a complex analysis of the factors affecting the characteristics of Russia’s integration into the Asia-Pacific region. The author underlines the institutional and economic potential of Primorsky Krai as a prerequisite for the establishment of transboundary zone in the south of the Russian Far East, which in the future should result in the increase in business contacts in the Far Eastern region.
Economic development, Transboundary region, Transboundary cooperation, Foreign policy, Regional policy, Federal policy, Investments, Primorsky Krai, Far East, Pacific Rim
Social organizations and movements
Nesterova A.A., Slezin A.A. (2016). Komsomol as an organizer of the Pioneers’ activity at the brink of the 1950’s –1960’s. Politics and Society, 7, 910–920.
The authors thoroughly examine the Komsomol patronage over the Pioneers under the conditions of Khrushchev Thaw. The source basis of the article contains the archive documents, primarily the documents from the Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History and State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast. The originally introduced into the scientific discourse documents of the lower-level Pioneer and Komsomol organizations allowed adjusting multiple conclusions of the documents of the higher-level authorities, as well as eliminate the stereotypes established within the historical science. Komsomol is viewed as a certain Soviet “ministry of youth”, interlink between the government, youth, and children. The experience of Komsomol activity and Pioneer organization is being evaluated from human and state perspective. Summarizing the patronage Komsomol activity at the brink of the 1950’s –1960’s the authors determine the increase of its efficiency; there was an active search for the most efficient forms and methods of working with various age groups of Pioneers. At the same time, the success of any initiative completely depended on the subjective factor: wherever there were people capable (not just enthusiastic) to carry out difficult and important tasks, the children living in these towns received an opportunity to not just pass time, but to also acquire rather useful communication skills, and were becoming involved in socially beneficial projects.
Druzhina, Khrushchev, Youth, Children, Patronage, Pioneer levels, Summer camp, Joint detachment, Pioneers, Komsomol
Political technologies
Vasil'chenko O.K. (2016). Modern ideologies of fear management. Politics and Society, 7, 921–927.
This article is dedicated to the modern ideologies of fear management. The author examines the motive of fear within the foreign and domestic policy of a state on the example of national security, making an accent on it, and intentional exaggeration of fears in society for the purpose of legitimation of the important political decisions. In the author’s opinion, the authorities must legitimate their political decisions through the public support. This public support however, should not contradict the official policy, which in turn, generates the need for formation of public opinion. The author also reviews the topic of human security is called upon to overcome the negative consequences of the national security policy. A conclusion is made that the modern ideologies of fear management still remain a quite effective instrument of state policy. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to present a comprehensive outlook upon this problem by analyzing the emotion of fear in politics from various perspectives. This article can be used by the experts in the area of social philosophy and political science.
person, society, state, human security, homeland security, control, fear, policy, manipulation, rhetoric
Political communications
Kazakov A.A. (2016). The ability to understand the theories of framing and establishment of attributive agenda (on the example of the elucidation of the Eastern Ukraine by the “Novaya Gazeta” and “New York Times”). Politics and Society, 7, 928–938.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of elucidation of the Eastern Ukraine conflict by the Russian “Novaya Gazeta” and the American “New York Times”. The author analyzes the distribution of the articles dedicated to the events in the neighboring country, compares the subject matter of the publication and the broadcasted by the publishers framings and sources of the quotes. By dividing the materials of the newspapers into several informative blocs, the author gives special attention to the analysis of the most popular blocks on the events inside Russia and Ukraine, associated in one or another way with the aforementioned crisis. The conclusion is made that the simultaneous use of the framing theories and establishment of attributive agenda can be considered as one of the efficient mechanism of examination of the media texts. The author also notes the similarities in both newspapers regarding their approach towards the coverage of Ukrainian events. And moreover, it is interesting to observe that in certain cases, when talking about the assessment of the actions of Russia, journalist of the Russian “Novaya Gazeta” were at times more critical towards Kremlin than even their foreign colleagues.
conflict, USA, Russia, Ukraine, New York Times, Novaya Gazeta, attribute agenda establishment, framing, methodological potential, theory
Political psychology
Kurenkov I.G. (2016). The problem of intra-elite conflicts in modern Ukraine. Politics and Society, 7, 939–947.
This article examines the problem of intra-elite conflicts in Ukraine during the period of 1991-2005. Special attention is given to the trends and peculiarities of the establishment of political elites in Ukraine. Within the framework of this research, the author notes that the struggle of various actors for political power in Ukraine was determined by a number of factors, including the history of the country that explains the emergence of powerful actors of regional scale and fragmented elites and fairly high cost of crushing the opposition, which led to a series of punishing agreements, and limitations from the political institutions. The article demonstrates that the fusion of business and politics in Ukraine poses a threat to domestic security of the nation and undermines the authorities’ ability to democratically govern, since in majority of cases it is the economic interests that determine the political behavior, and interconnections between political players become hostages of agreements between oligarchs.
Political struggle, Political elites, Democratic transit, Democratic transit of Ukraine, Ukrainian political system, Political history of Ukraine, Post-Soviet transit, Regional elites of Ukraine, Façade democracy, Intra-elite conflict
International policy
Budaev A.V. (2016). Comparative analysis of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese foreign policy. Politics and Society, 7, 948–959.
The object of this research is the relevant aspects of Russian and Chinese foreign policy at the present stage. The object of this research is the instruments and technologies of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese diplomatic activity. The goal of this work is to reveal the sources of origin, specificities, differences and similarities of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese foreign policy, as well as to determine the role and place of the instruments of “soft power” in realization of foreign policy of these two nations. The author examines the main channels and vectors of implementation of “soft power” by Moscow and Beijing ; as well as its vulnerable sides, associated with the cultural-civilizational archetypes, achievements of Russia and China in various spheres, peculiarities of development of their economies, political systems, and civil society. The author comes to a conclusion that the content and manifestation of the “soft power” in Russian and Chinese foreign policy is based upon the multidimensional civilizational identity of these countries, as well as they have a particular institutional design which significantly differs from the traditional American and Anglo-Saxon cannons and standards. The role of “soft power” in the foreign policy of Russia and PRC will steadily grow, harmoniously complementing the methods and mechanisms of the traditional diplomacy in favor of ensuring their geopolitical positions in the world. The scientific novelty is defined by the insufficient scientific study of this topic. The work uses a new approach towards examination of the foreign policy of Russia and China that is based on the author’s hypothesis about the growing role of the “soft” diplomacy in realization of the foreign policy priorities of these two states.
diaspora, religion, sports, culture, diplomacy, economy, independence, “soft power”, China, Russia
Legal state
Akopdzhanova M.O. (2016). The impact of judicial interpretation on legislative and law enforcement activity. Politics and Society, 7, 960–965.
The subject of this research is to examine the role and importance of judicial interpretation for the development of Russian legislation and law enforcement (judicial and investigative practice). Judicial interpretation, clarification of the highest judicial authorities, the data on the application of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the current legislation allows to form the unified criteria and rules of qualification of crimes, sentencing, allowing, thus, to unify the law enforcement practice that is able to provide the most effective protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the legitimate interests of society and the state. The methodological basis of the study was a set of General scientific and special methods of attainment of objective socio-legal reality in the study area: methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, formal-logical method. In the research process were defined function or legal significance, the legal effect of judicial interpretations, explanations on the formation of a uniform judicial practice, the data of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The conclusions of this article can be useful for law enforcement agencies, students, graduate students, and all those interested in jurisprudence.
society, state, human rights, enforcement, legislative activity, court practice, judicial interpretation, legitimate interests, rights protection, fighting crime
State and civil society
Vlasenko A.A., Sazhnov A.N. (2016). The peculiarities of state regulation of the corporate social responsibility in the context of three-sector partnership of modern Russia. Politics and Society, 7, 966–971.
The subject of this research is the state regulation of the area of social responsibility of business. Special attention is given to the issues of cooperation between state, commercial, and noncommercial organizations in modern Russia. In this article such partnership is being examined as a resource for sustainable development of economy and civil society. Namely the social responsibility is a fundamental element of the inner consolidation of society, which results in the improvement of quality of life. One of the directions of implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility is cooperation with the noncommercial organizations that aggregate the inquiries of various social groups. This article explores some aspects of the work of such subjects of economy as state, business, and noncommercial organizations in the area of social responsibility. Based on the empirical data acquired during the course of this research, the authors determines the place of the corporate social responsibility within the framework of the three-sector partnership, as well as the level of involvement of the state into the process of establishment of the social responsibility of business in Russia.
social responsibility, three-sector partnership, noncommercial organizations, society, business, state, government regulation, NPO, Corporate social responsibility, stakeholder
Migration and adaptation
Igonin D.I. (2016). Ethnic-conflictological discourse on the migration policy in the situation of uncontrolled migration. Politics and Society, 7, 972–976.
This article explores the situation of replacement of the economic and culturological discourse of migration policy with the ethnic-conflictological. The author believes that the causes of this phenomenon lie in the global challenges of the international politics, increase of the illegal migration processes along with the demands for the legislative and political determination of ethnosocial communities and groups of immigrants of the same confession. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the problems of migration policy in the context of global changes of migration processes and intensification of the uncontrolled migration. In addition to that, the author justifies the inevitability of replacement of the economic-pragmatic and culturological discourse with ethnic-conflictological due to the challenges of the international politics and dominance of the illegal migration processes over the legal. Based on the content analysis over a period of 2013-2016, dedicated to the migration policy, we can observe that the scholars give closer attention to the ethnopolitical and etchnocultural issues of the uncontrolled migrations. This article presents different versions of the scenario of development of migration policy of the accepting countries due to the influx of illegal immigrants. The European migration policy is based on the “humanitarian intervention” doctrine, which virtually legalizes the development of the system of the new ethnic colonialism, as well as becomes the source of the growth of ethnopolitical conflict in the region.
migration process, European Union, national security, discourse of migration policy, uncontolled migration, multiculturalism, migration policy, Europe, migration, conflicts
Social studies and monitoring
Zamotaev D.Yu. (2016). The assessment of work efficiency of the public nongovernmental organizations: search of criteria and vectors of development. Politics and Society, 7, 977–984.
The goal of this work is to assess the work efficiency of the public nongovernmental organizations (NGO) in Russia: search of criteria and vectors of their development. The subject of the research includes 25 essential characteristics of work efficiency on NGO, the examination of which based on the mathematical modeling allowed evaluating the quality of their work from the perspective of various social aspects, as well as their work in general. The material for this article consists of the analysis of theoretical research along with the sociological data acquired by the author through the survey among the residents of Krasnogorsk district of Moscow Oblast in the amount of 100 people. The positions of mathematical statistics, probability theory, and design experiment theory are also being implemented during the course of this work. Using such approach, the author was able to determine the weighted values of characteristics that describe NGO and compare them, which will allow objectivize the data acquired in empirical research. By understanding the “strong” and the “weak” criteria of efficiency and concretization of the controversial moments discovered in the course of this research, it becomes possible to determine the most problematic among them, as well as to affect the vector of the work of a public organization.
society, world outlook, efficiency, statistics, criteria, opinions, assessment, NGO, personality, activity
Social studies and monitoring
Smelova A.A., Aleksandrova A.A. (2016). Socially responsible investment policy of the corporate pension funds: the experience of empirical research . Politics and Society, 7, 985–1007.
This article examines the investment policy of the corporate pension funds, which have emerged for the purpose of ensuring the employees of corporation alongside the ordinary citizens with the additional income as they reach the pension qualification age. The author determines the two main strategies used by corporate pension funds in the financial market: a financial strategy aimed at profit maximization; and a socially responsible strategy that suggests not only investments into the social projects, but also integration with the investors, consideration of their values and interests. As the main theoretical-methodological approach, the author chose the sociology of conventions; in March-April of 2016 he conducted an original empirical research in one of the northwestern branches of “Gazprom”. The subject of this study consisted in the question, whether or not the values of the corporation employees reflect the directions of the investment policy conducted by the Non-Governmental Pension Fund “Gazfond”. The acquired data reveals the attitude of the corporation employees, who are the real or potential investors into the work of the corporate pension fund. An essential part of the research became the examination of the spheres of social life that require the most investments. It is underlined that the institution of expertise of the investment projects within the corporate pension funds is in need of modernization. The author also defines the main criteria, which according to the employees’ opinion, should be considered by the management in selection of the socially responsible investment projects.
sociological research, transnational corporation, investment policy, theory of conventions, employees’ values, socially responsible strategy, financial strategy, investment of retirement savings, corporate pension fund, economic sociology
Social studies and monitoring
Korotkova M.N. (2016). The state policy in the sphere of healthcare: the problem of staff shortage. Politics and Society, 7, 1008–1017.
The object of this research is the state policy aimed at solution of the problem of staff shortage in the sphere of healthcare. The subject of this research is the attitude of the medical personnel towards this policy. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the reasons of choosing a medical profession, attitude of the medical personnel towards the problem of staff shortage, state policy aimed at solution of this issue, correlation between the employment conditions and place of employment (regional policy). This work used the method of sociological survey based on the 20 medical facilities of Perm Krai, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Sverdlovsk Oblast, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, and Udmurtia. The author makes the following conclusions: firstly, the main reason of choosing a medical profession is the “voice of heart”, which does not however remove the financial interest of medics; secondly, in the problem of staff shortage the medics usually blame the government; thirdly, the medics admit the presence of correlation between the conditions and the place of employment, in other words the regional policy; and fourthly, the medics have different opinions about the measures taken by the government. Thus, the medical personnel speak against the policy of optimization and implementation of an effective contract management system. On the other hand, they welcome the targeted reception, intensification of disease prevention, and various programs. According to the medical personnel opinion, in order to solve a problem of staff shortage, the government must pay attention to the financial incentives, social guarantees, and improvement of the status of medical profession in public eyes.
country doctor, target reception, effective contract, policy optimization, shortage of medical personnel, health, modernization, social policy, informatization and automation, sociological survey