The heritage of transformation
Bazhenov A.A., Lylov A.S. (2016).
Electric power industry as a factor in the regional sustainable economic development (on the example of Vladimir Oblast)
. Politics and Society, 5, 579–585.
This article examines and analyzes the role and place of the electric power industry organizations in formation of the gross regional product (GRP) of Vladimir Oblast. For the assessment of contribution made by the power energy plants into the GRP of the region, the authors conduct a structural analysis of GRP and revise its dynamics over the last 15 years. Considering that Vladimir Oblast is an energy deficient region (it is justified by the absence of large generating power stations), the electric power plants however, are regarded as a factor in sustainable development of the region. During the course of this research, the authors determined that electric energy is an important factor of the main socioeconomic processes in the modern world: life support of the population and household consumption, production of goods and services, environmental protection, and national security. In this regard, the role of this industry in Vladimir Oblast is not sizable, but nevertheless, the portion of this industry on the GRP is higher than an average index across Russian Federation. The authors also conclude that the stable functionality of electric power plants produces substantial impact upon the functionality of other industries in Vladimir Oblast, and acts as a factor in sustainable development of the region’s economy.
Analysis, Assessment, Region, Security, Development, Sustainable, Industry, Regional product, Gross, Electric energy
Political technologies
Kvashonkin A.V. (2016). The technology of “red revolutions” in Transcaucasia in the early XX century. Politics and Society, 5, 586–610.
In the modern world along with the classical instruments of foreign policy, the leading states use the technologies of so-called “color revolutions”, the essence of which consists in removal the governments of other countries that do not support their national interests, and placement into power of their own puppets. It is a known fact that all new is a “well-forgotten old”, but with adjustment for modernity and tactical methods. The subject of this research is the mechanism of organization and realization of the “red revolutions” in Transcaucasia through the prism of correspondence of the Soviet State leaders during the 1920’s. Within the framework of this work the author set the following tasks: give an analysis to the theoretical and practical aspects of the “red revolutions”; demonstrate their basic model on the example of Sovietization of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia; illustrate the model of organization of the new government structures in these countries. The novelty of this article is determined by introduction into the scientific circulation and analysis of a large amount of unpublished archived material from the compilations of documents of J. S. Stalin, G. K. Ordzhonikidze, as well as from the fund of the Council of People’s Commissars of RSFSR of the Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History on the problems of organization of “red revolutions” in Transcaucasia. The personal correspondence of the representatives of the party, military, and Soviet authorities of Transcaucasia with the Soviet government and among themselves, contains rich material that allows restoring the real picture of organization in the 1920’s of the “red revolutions” in this region, as well as understand and clarify the role of the separate representatives of the Bolshevik elite in this process.
Georgia, Sovietization, Communist Parties, establishment of Soviet government, coup, Armenia, Bolshevik leadership, Transcaucasia, Azerbaijan, Sovietization
Political communications
Karpov V.V. (2016). Political communications within the structure of the regional political PR (on the example of executive authorities of Omsk Oblast). Politics and Society, 5, 611–625.
The subject field of this research covers the processes of political communication on the regional space in the aspect of the work of executive authorities. The dialogue character of communications provides the achievement in realization of the participatory democratic model. Due to the fact that mass media of diverse political orientation, views, and ideas act as the most complete and systemic source of information about the political PR strategy realized by the government authorities, thus one of the most representative methodologies of the assessment of political PR on the level of regional level consists in content analysis. The subject of this research is situated in the intersection of several scientific disciplines, by adding to the latter completeness and integrity of the process of implementation of the author’s idea. The scientific novelty consists in the introduction of a theoretical applied method of content analysis for the purpose of assessment of the work of Omsk Oblast representatives of executive branch. The attraction of content analysis is being realizes via determination of the main indexes that reflect the peculiarities of mass media perception of the work of the government authorities. The channels of political communication used by the government authorities are considered to be insufficient, because they testify to the mobilization character of the PR policy, rather than strategic. The dialogue character of communication requires inclusion of a number of political actors into the government administration as equal partners, as well as suggests the processes of mutual communication, true dialogue, and mutually developed agreement. It means that the regional government not just delivers the already developed solutions and programs to the citizens, but attracts them to participation in the entire process itself. And not necessarily the government acts as the initiator of dialogue. Only in the conditions of the equal dialogue we can talk about the network structure of the political PR.
Political actors, Political communications, Political culture, Semantic scale, Political image, Executive authorities, Political system, Political process, Content analysis, Political PR
International policy
Kurbanov R.A. (2016). Scientific and technological cooperation within the Eurasian space in the historical-legal retrospect: experience of the socialist countries. Politics and Society, 5, 626–643.
This article is dedicated to the examination of experience of socialist countries pertaining to the interstate cooperation on the questions of scientific and technological development during the existence of USSR. It is underlined that the interstate relations of socialist countries in the area of science and technology covered the exchange of scientific and technological ideas and experience, execution of scientific research and construction projects based on the various forms of cooperation and labor division, personnel training in the scientific field, etc. The author reveals the peculiarities of classic interaction in the reviewed sphere and cooperation of the socialist countries within the framework of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon). Special attention is given to the direct interaction (both, bilateral and multilateral) between the scientific academies of the socialist camp countries in the area of fundamental natural and social sciences. The article analyzes the main agreements enacted in the scientific and technological sphere, as well as examines the institutional specificities of the created scientific facilities and joint authorities. The author concludes that by 1980 an international institutional structure of scientific cooperation between the scientific academies of socialist countries has been formed within the Eurasian space.
natural sciences, social sciences, Academy of Sciences, socialist countries, historical-legal aspect, scientific and technological cooperation, integration, joint research, scientific center, Eurasian space
State and civil society
Zamotaev D.Yu. (2016). Political activity of Internet audience at regional level and its relation to non-governmental organizations activity. Politics and Society, 5, 644–649.
The purpose of work is the analysis of the Russian Internet audience as participant of political communication at the regional level and its relation to activity of non-governmental organizations as important subjects of civil society formation. Selective questioning data of the population of Krasnogorsk region in number of 300 people served as material of the research. The object of research included the following components: 1. Sociopolitical analysis of the Russian Internet audience features; 2. Features of respondents network activity ; 3. Population idea on a role of non-governmental public organizations in Russia; 4. Classification of public opinion concerning a role and influence of NGO at the regional level. The analysis of the received results testifies to increase of number of the Russian Internet audience, and on the other hand low activity and citizens participation in the processes happening in modern political life is noticed. Increase of citizens social activity can be raised at the expense of "moderate" and "inconsistent" supporters when strengthening the state information policy directed on a wide explanation of activity principles, functions and tasks of public institutes and formation of the positive attitude towards them. Scientific novelty the author's contribution are defined by the changing structure of development of Internet communications in Russia. The wide representation of information platforms is necessary for formation of political culture of society for bilateral communication, including regional level, involvement of citizens to dialogue, public discussion of a state policy on the Internet.
policy, region, non-governmental organizations, civil society, Internet audience, activity, interests, opinion, awareness, participation
The nationality issue
Dubrovskiy O.N. (2016). Protection of the ancestral habitat and the traditional lifestyle of indigenous people of Russia on the example of the Republic of Tuva. Politics and Society, 5, 650–657.
The subject of this research is the issues of protection of the indigenous people (Tuvinians-Todzhinians), as well as their original habitat and traditional lifestyle. The author reviews the negative factors that affected their traditional lifestyle and the complex of measures aimed to protect their original habitat for the purpose of preservation of the traditional style of living, development of deer farming, husbandry, and production. The article examines the questions of cooperation between the self-governance authorities and the communities of the indigenous people residing on the territories of the constituents of the Russian Federation, on the example of Tuva Republic. The author’s contribution into the research of this topic consists in determination of the negative factors and causes of the “sorrowful” situation of the Tuvinians-Todzhinians in Tuva Republic, as well as in development of specific propositions aimed at protection of their ancestral habitat and preservation of the traditional lifestyle.
ancestral habitat, ethnic culture, deer farming, traditional activities, the Tuvans-cogency, small peoples, Indigenous peoples, ethnic model, self-organization, farming and crafts
Local self-government
Tokarev N.V. (2016). Participation of municipal institutions of Tambov governorate in realization of Stolypin agrarian reform. Politics and Society, 5, 658–666.
The subject of this research is the work of municipal institutions under the conditions of modernization of late-Imperial Russia, and the level of efficiency of their cooperation with the governorate government authorities. On the example of Tambov governorate, the author examines the types of cooperation of municipal and government authorities in the context of Stolypin agrarian reform: propaganda of agrarian laws, stimulation of plot land ownership, and development of educational system in place of individual settlement. After 1909, the mutual efforts of Tambov municipalities and the government in execution of Stolypin modernization have revealed in implementation of the new agricultural technologies among peasants. The author uses the principles of objectiveness of historicism and scientificity applied by the virtue of systemic approach, which was implemented in determination of the role of municipalities within the framework of the country’s agrarian reforms. It is stated the municipalities of Tambov governorate entered the path of cooperation with the government by promoting the agrarian laws, providing financial support to the individual peasant farmers, developing education in the areas of isolated farmsteads. The conclusion is made that there were disagreements between the government and the public workers related to the goals, priorities, directions and subjects of agrarian reformation, as well as to the character of participation of the local self-governance in implementation of the Stolypin reforms.
Public, Individual peasant farmers, Peasant proprietor, Divisional agronomy, Tambov governorate, Stolypin agrarian reform, N. O. Muratov, P. A. Stolypin, Municipality, Peasants
Migration and adaptation
Eseva E.Yu. (2016). Labor rights of foreign citizens in Russia. Politics and Society, 5, 667–671.
This article reviews the changes introduced into the Federal Law No. 92-FZ dated 05.07.2013 “On Road Traffic Safety” pertaining to the ban the ban on driving vehicles using foreign national or international driver’s licenses the ban on driving vehicles using foreign national or international driver’s licenses the ban on driving vehicles using foreign national or international driver’s licenseson driving vehicles using foreign national or international driver’s licenses when conducting professional activities. The author’s goals is to research whether these amendments are legal and do not violate the labor rights of human and citizen, specifically drivers, who have a foreign national or an international driver’s license issued by a foreign state. The author analyzes the legitimacy of introducing such amendments into the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety”, as well as examines the norms of the Russian legislation: Constitution and Federal Laws, as well as correspondence of the amendments with the international law. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the law was passed, but practically no one has conducted research on this topic. The author concludes that the changes to the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety” contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and particularly the principle of supremacy of international law; it also does not correspond with the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, thus the international law itself.
Violation of labor rights, Commercial transportation, Civil rights, Human rights, International law priority, Right to work, International driver’s license, Foreign national driver’s license, International law, Constitution
Social studies and monitoring
Lavrent'ev D.S. (2016). Social justice in regional population assessment as a factor of political agenda formation. Politics and Society, 5, 672–679.
The article gives assessment to the role of “social justice” as a political factor which composes a system of social, political, and economic relations in the region. The role of conflict potential, formed by the differences in assessments of social justice among the groups of local community, is being analyzed as an instrument of sociopolitical development of local communities. The author pursues correlation between self-identification of the residents according to social, political, and economic status, as well as between dominant political practices. The role of sociopolitical monitoring in the political management system is revealed on the regional level. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the ability to analyze the following correlations: a) between the views on the social justice and dynamic of political ideas amongst the members of local and/or regional community; b) competition/rivalry of opinions and ideas about the social justice; c) connection between political moods dominating in the society, and the views and ideas of marginal communities that are able to affect the existing social dynamics, and as a result, lead to political and social conflicts.
legitimacy, political mobilization, political struggle, social policy, social justice, region, political regionalism, political forecasting, political institutions, sociological monitoring
Social studies and monitoring
Korotkova M.N. (2016). State social policy: about the prospects of targeted admission into the medical universities of Russia. Politics and Society, 5, 680–687.
The object of this research is the state policy aimed at solution of the issue of personnel deficit in the healthcare system. The subject of this research is the targeted admission into the medical higher education facilities in Russia. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as sources of distribution of information related to targeted admission: attitude of the respondents to the conditions of agreement; causes that instigate breaking of a contract; factors that can remedy the situation. Special attention is given to the general assessment of state policy in this direction, as well as to the development of recommendations. The author made the following conclusions: firstly, we can observe a clear conscious decision of the choice of doctor profession, and a huge influence of the relatives engaged in the medical sphere towards making this decision; secondly, the variety of source of acquiring information about the targeted admission; thirdly, a low admission score as a main reason of choosing a targeted form of education; fourthly, presence of correlation between the desire to break an agreement and the region on employment, whether it was an independent decision or a reason to choose a targeted form of education; and fifthly, a low level of state policy efficiency in this direction. Besides the obvious factors that are capable of changing the situation, such as increasing salaries, creating conditions for professional growth, solution to the housing issue, the author suggests to consider the new recommendations: give an opportunity for free tuition in residency or post-graduate school; revision of the terms of contracts towards reduction; ability to choose a place of employment, etc.
young professionals, applicants, target reception, budget reception, shortage of medical personnel, health, breaking a contract, modernization, social policy, sociological survey
People and work
Zinkin V.N., Sheshegov P.M. (2016). Analysis of morbidity due to professional aircrew state aviation and recommendations for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Politics and Society, 5, 688–696.
Reports on materials medical-flight examination studied the incidence of aircraft lifting of the state of aviation in conjunction with the results of medical and social studies (sample size 242). It was found that the structure of morbidity significant place (maximum weight) are diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis and primarily scoliosis of the spine) of the circulatory system and metabolic diseases that affect the reliability of professional work and causes a decrease in professional longevity representatives of socio-professional group. The research methodology is based on the methods of occupational medicine, sociology, medicine, aviation medicine, occupational health, psychophysiology of labor. It is shown that prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system should be carried out with the stage of selection of candidates for training cadets and flight schools with the help of X-ray and ultrasound. The proposal for a system of professional selection and dynamic medical examination of flight personnel, the introduction of which into the practice of aviation medicine will lead to earlier detection of diseases of the spine, reduce morbidity and increase career longevity aircraft lifting of the state of aviation.
medical-flight expertise, aviation psychophysiology, Psychology Flight labor, locomotor apparatus, flight physiology of labor, Sociology of Aviation Medicine, morbidity flight personnel, occupational medicine, working conditions, flight personnel
Religion and politics
Sardaryan G.T. (2016). Concept, essence and main stages of Catholic social doctrine development. Politics and Society, 5, 697–703.
The subject of the research is the conceptual framework and the essential content of Catholic social doctrine as a factor of political influence in the world. Particular attention is paid to the periodization of the doctrine's stages of development, the importance of the doctrine in conditions of apparent increase of the influence of religious factors on the political processes in the world. On the background of global political, economic and social change throughout the world, it becomes obvious that the religious factor plays a key role in trying to determine the cause of succesfull building of democratic countries in some parts of the world, and the inability to establish basic institutions of public authority in another. Catholic church, with the largest number of adherents in the world is certainly a factor that significantly influenced the modern political map of the world. The novelty of the research consists in a number of fundamentally new approaches offered by the author. In particular, the author introduces the concept of periodization of the development of Catholic social teaching that is different from the traditionally accepted in the Western scientific community.
French Revolution, Social doctrine, Christianity, Rerum Novarum, Catholic Church, Encyclical, Second Vatican Council, Politics, Religion, Catholic social doctrine
The dialogue of cultures
Sidorova E.P. (2016). Multiculturalism as a methodological principle and scientific category in US and Canadian policy. Politics and Society, 5, 704–709.
The author examines the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism, as well as its main concepts. The definitions of the notion “multiculturalism” and its main forms are being reviewed: relationship between the government and indigenous people; subgovernmental nationalism or nationalism of minorities; interaction with groups of immigrants. In this research multiculturalism is being analyzed through the prism of globalization; the author points out the possibility of its transformation into the stage of “creolization”, as well as describes its negative aspects that are highlighted by the successive critics of multicultural policy. It is also noted that a doctrine based on presumption of the equality of cultures can become an alternative to multicultural policy. Scientific novelty consists in determination and solution of specific tasks of the complex assessment of multiculturalism as a methodological principle and scientific category in the policy of the United State and Canada, particularly through the prism of globalization. The author gives an original vision of the existing form of multiculturalism in countries benefitting ethnical differentiation as long as it does not contradict the state interests. A comprehensive study of the works of successive critics of the multiculturalism policy is being conducted.
globalization, integration, ethnic groups, positive discrimination, immigration, multiculturalism, cultural diversity, indigenous minorities, creolization, liberal society