The heritage of transformation
Anisimtsev N.V. (2016). History and current problems of modernization of civil law system of the PRC. Politics and Society, 4, 413–421.
The article presents a brief outline of the history, stages, directions, analysis of the logic of development of the civil law of present China. After the establishment of PRC the new leadership of China has begun to develop a new system of civil law. Attempts for adoption of the Civil Code (CC) were made in 1954, in 1962, but were unsuccessful. A new stage in this work began with the proclamation of "the course of reform and opening" in 1978. Civil system developed in two directions - the adoption of some of the most actual laws urgently demanded by the country's development objectives, and at the same time, in parallel it was the development of a comprehensive Civil Code. Formation of a new system of civil law after 1978 went through three stages: the initial period of the construction of a market economy (1978-1992), the construction of a "socialist market economy" (1992 -1998 ). A new stage in China's broad modernization began at the turn of centuries.The work is based on a wide range of sources and literature in Chinese, English, Japanese, and offers a brief analytical overview of the historical, political and legal aspects of the modernization of the civil law of China today. Article for the first time offers a comprehensive systematic analysis of the logic of construction of civil system of China. Chinese lawmakers have achieved significant results in the construction of civil law. The most important achievement in this direction was the adoption of "General provisions of civil law" in 1986. But the task of forming a comprehensive Civil Code is not solved yet. The very deep root of difficulties in the preparation of CC is due to the dialectical nature of social development of the country - how to combine the purposes of market economy with the leading role of the national state, socialists values.
Real rights law, Deng Xiaoping, Peng Zhen, Provisions Civil law, Civil Code, modernization of PRC, Civil law of PRC, Law of contracts, universalism, particularism
Parties and party systems
Derkach M.A. (2016). Populist Parties in the political history of Finland in the second half of the XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries. Politics and Society, 4, 422–431.
This article examines the question about the role and place of the Populist Parties in the political history of Finland in the late XX – early XXI centuries. The attention is focused on the Rural Party of Finland and the “True Finns” party, analyzing the history of their emergence, establishment, and development. The author also explores such issues as cooperation of the Populist Parties with the traditional political establishment, as well as factors that positively and negatively affected the electoral popularity of the populists. The conclusion is made that although in the Finnish political system the Populist Parties played a significant role throughout the long period of time, in the medium-term perspective Finland can become a country, in which these powers will be located on the sidelines of political life. The author’s contribution into the development of this topic is the conclusion that remaining in the executive authorities negatively reflects on the level of electoral popularity of the Populist Party.
Veikko Vennamo, True Finns, populism, radical right parties, populist parties, political history of Finland, nationalism in Finland, Fennoman movement, Finnish Rural Party, Timo Soini
Political technologies
Kvashonkin A.V. (2016). The technology of “red revolutions” in Transcaucasia in the early XX century. Politics and Society, 4, 432–456.
In the modern world along with the classical instruments of foreign policy, the leading states use the technologies of so-called “color revolutions”, the essence of which consists in removal the governments of other countries that do not support their national interests, and placement into power of their own puppets. It is a known fact that all new is a “well-forgotten old”, but with adjustment for modernity and tactical methods. The subject of this research is the mechanism of organization and realization of the “red revolutions” in Transcaucasia through the prism of correspondence of the Soviet State leaders during the 1920’s. Within the framework of this work the author set the following tasks: give an analysis to the theoretical and practical aspects of the “red revolutions”; demonstrate their basic model on the example of Sovietization of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia; illustrate the model of organization of the new government structures in these countries. The novelty of this article is determined by introduction into the scientific circulation and analysis of a large amount of unpublished archived material from the compilations of documents of J. S. Stalin, G. K. Ordzhonikidze, as well as from the fund of the Council of People’s Commissars of RSFSR of the Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History on the problems of organization of “red revolutions” in Transcaucasia. The personal correspondence of the representatives of the party, military, and Soviet authorities of Transcaucasia with the Soviet government and among themselves, contains rich material that allows restoring the real picture of organization in the 1920’s of the “red revolutions” in this region, as well as understand and clarify the role of the separate representatives of the Bolshevist elite in this process.
establishment of Soviet authority, Communist Parties, coup, Bolshevik leadership, Transcaucasia, Azerbaijan, Sovietization, Armenia, Georgia, red revolutions
Political communications
Kshemenetskaya M.N. (2016). Contemporary mechanisms and techniques of political communication in the state administration of Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 457–465.
The subject of this research is the contemporary mechanisms and techniques of political communication as the process and structure of information exchange between the key political actors in the state administration of Russia. The article examines such mechanisms of political communication as: 1) mechanism of long-term and trustworthy communication between the bodies of government authority and society; 2) mechanism of political communication on the central, regional, and local levels of making state decisions; 3) mechanism of electronic government communication; 4) mechanism of electronic political participation in state administration. Within the framework of the highlighted mechanisms, the author reviews such the electronic techniques of political communication in state administration, which transform the nature of communication between the government, mass media, and society. The scientific novelty consists in consideration of the modern models of e-democracy and its techniques (electronic petitions and consultations, involvement into the conducted political course, public diplomacy, increase of transparency of the government activity, overcome of the digital gap), as well as in the mechanism of political communication on the central, regional, and local levels of making state decisions, models of e-government, and peculiarities of electronic political participation.
electronic participation, e-government, e-democracy, levels of state decision-making, public administration, political communication, technology, mechanism, mass media, Russia
Ideology and politics
Beskov A.A. (2016). Degradation of mass historical consciousness of the Russian people as a threat to national security: causes, trends, and ways of overcoming. Politics and Society, 4, 466–479.
The subject of this research is the processes, which characterize changes of the specificity of mass historical consciousness of the Russian society. The recent government initiatives in the area of historical education, as well as the noted by sociologists changes in the structure and content of the historical memory of the Russian people, are being examined during the course of this work. The author analyzes the differences between the specificity of the mass historical consciousness of Russian during the Soviet and post-Soviet time, as well as the processes which led to the emergence of such differences. Special attention is given to the formulation of the concrete practical recommendations, the realization of which will allow turning our mass historical consciousness into a self-regulating system and prevent Russians from the new drastic sociopolitical disturbances. One of the methodological prerequisites for this research became Jan Assmann’s concept about the two varieties of collective memory: communicative and cultural. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that although within the Russian scientific periodicals the topic of mass historical consciousness is being touched upon quite often, and the appeals towards its purification from the corrupted ideas of the past, very little attention is given to the questions why these ideas are being corrupted, and how this process can be counteracted. In the author’s opinion, this is because of insufficient attention of the researchers towards the interconnection between the functioning of mass historical consciousness and the issues of the Russian historical science and historical education. This article demonstrates that during the post-Soviet period, mass historical consciousness stopped progressing, thus it currently does not meet the level of development of the historical science. Its degradation is substantiated by the fact that the knowledge of the historical past became less scientific, rather than the fact that Russians know less about the history. It makes the mass historical consciousness more vulnerable and subjects the society to the targeted negative information influence, the danger of which increases in the era of global information warfare.
historical consciousness, history, collective memory, memory wars, historical education, falsification of history, national security, pseudohistory, positivism, digital diplomacy
Ideology and politics
Sulimin A.N. (2016). The role of social ideas in organization of political order in Western and non-Western societies. Politics and Society, 4, 480–485.
The object of this article is the constructive role of ideology in organization of the political order. It is claimed that in all societies the political process is organized on the fundamental ideas of social justice. The author points out that the individualistic ideas are common for basic institutions of the Western countries, while the collectivistic ideas define the genesis of non-Western civilizations. The author determines the regularity that the political orders based on the collectivistic ideas are more sensitive to degradation, because the ideological enthusiasm is a necessary condition for the political stability in non-Western societies. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the Russian political order genetically ascends to collectivistic institutional matrix, which existed in the form of Orthodox monarchy and Russian Communism. It is demonstrated that the attempt to dictate to the Russian society the individualistic ideas of liberal democracy turned out to be unsuccessful due to the absence of the principles of social justice in the modern politics. Thus, the organization of stable political order in Russia is impossible without implementation of the ideas of social justice within the modern political practices.
political order, social justice, collectivism, individualism, self-organization, chaos, ideology, nonlinear dynamics, synergetics, ruling class
National policy
Leonov Yu.S. (2016). On realization of state national policy of the Russian Federation: trends, problems, and prospects. Politics and Society, 4, 486–492.
This article examines the questions of realization of the state national policy of the Russian Federation during the period of 2005-2015. The object of the research is the relevant issues in the area od interethnic relations and the introduced administrative solutions within the framework of implementation of the state national policy. The subject is the general and specific trends on the formation of strategy of political actions in the sphere of interethnic relations in Russia. The goal of this research is the determination of the dynamics, regularities, and specificity of the work of the main political actors (government, political parties) in the area of interethnic relations. Considering the international situation (intensive migration flows from the conflict zones and associated with it sociopolitical changes), the actualization of the ethno-political problematic in the public consciousness is a stable and long-term tendency. A special attention is given to the modernization of the federal legislation in the sphere of state national policy, as well as to the questions of counteraction to the interethnic conflicts.
Russian civil identity, migration, regions, international (interethnic) relations, State national policy, Russian nation, conflict, political parties, ideology, values
State and civil society
Zamotaev D.Yu. (2016). Sociopolitical analysis of the joint activity of the regional population with the non-governmental public organizations. Politics and Society, 4, 493–499.
The goal of this research became the sociopolitical analysis of the joint activity of the regional population with the non-governmental public organizations. The data from the selective polling of the population on the region in the amount of 300 people served as the material for this work. The subject of the research consisted of the following components: 1. Information awareness of the population about the work of NGO; 2. Public opinion about the character of relations between NGO, government authorities, and population; 3. Expectations of population concerning the priority directions of NGO regional activity; 4. Typology of the public opinion with regards to the future role and impact of NGO upon the government and society. The author determined that the information awareness of population about the NGOs is quite low; it exists in a form of general idea, rather than the established relationship. The majority of population treat the international non-governmental organization with suspicion, thinking that they produce a negative effect upon the social life. At the same time, 15% of the respondents remain loyal, and 6% consider NGOs to be their alliances. Thus, the low information awareness of the population about the actual activity of NGOs testifies to the insufficient political maturity of the majority of the residents, as well as to the weak influence of the government structures upon the formation of their active life stance. This can produce a potential possibility of the manipulative effect on the consciousness of the residents from the side of the actors of political process, as well as the formation of a negative image among population.
activity, participation, expectations, opinion, awareness, organization, population, maturity, position, safety
State and civil society
Ndayishimiye T.G. (2016). The traditions of legitimacy of power in Russia: from obedience to anarchy. Politics and Society, 4, 500–509.
The subject of this research is the analysis of traditions of legitimacy of political power in Russia. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the lack of effectiveness and productivity of the linear approach that is common to scientific literature, therefore, the author suggests his own approach, which consists in the analysis of traditions that directly contradict is other. In examination of the political traditions affecting the establishment of legitimacy of power in Russia, the author used a comparative method with regards to traditions, culture, and worldview of the Russian people, as well as considered the influence of such peculiarities upon the problem of formation of the political dialogue in the Russian practice. The author analyzes only those traditions which are simultaneously present in the Russian political culture, participate in the establishment of the legitimacy, but at the same time hinder the formation of its unambiguous nature. It is noted that quite often, the legitimacy in Russia (an approval of the government work by the society) is contextual, irrational, and servile, thus it is important to overcome the polarity of the political traditions of the legitimacy of power in Russia. The author underlines that without overcoming the multiple polarity, common to the political traditions of legitimacy of power in Russia, the collaboration between the society and the state would be objectively impossible.
anarchism, statism, paternalism, democratic traditions, authoritarian traditions, political culture, traditions of legitimacy, personification, collectivism, political figure
The nationality issue
Mamedov E.F. (2016). The issues of using the term “diaspora” in the Russian legislation. Politics and Society, 4, 510–516.
This article is dedicated to the category of diaspora and its conceptual characteristics. This question is being explored based on the normative material. The author notes that despite the extensive study of the phenomenon of diaspora on the normative level, the precise definition is yet to be developed; and this leads to existence of multiple approaches towards understanding of this category. It is also highlighted, that currently we can observe a problem of legal regulation of the peculiarities of status of separate ethnic congregations and their representatives. A special attention is given to the legislative terms and definitions used in legal regulation in this field. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this work is first to present a comprehensive approach towards the examination of diaspora as a legal category, The current legislation of the Russian Federation with regards to the use of the term “diaspora” is being analyzed, as well as the correlation of this notion with such categories as “ethnos”, “ethnic society”, “national minority”, and “national cultural autonomy”. The author notes that the existing legislative definitions of the term “diaspora” does not correspond with the scientific views of the representatives of various disciplines that are involved into the study of this category, as well as they do not to the fullest extent reflect the essence of diaspora as an institution of national relations in Russia. The author substantiates the conclusion on the need to introduce the new definition of “diaspora” and its unified use on the federal and regional levels into the normative space.
diaspora, civil society, national relations, state, legislation, right, definition, term, ethnic community, national-cultural autonomy
Social studies and monitoring
Radchenko S.N., Shishov A.A., Fadeev A.V. (2016). Medical social monitoring of the flight crew with illnesses in the digestive system. Politics and Society, 4, 517–524.
The subject of this research is the issues of medical social research on the correlation between the quality of life of a human with regards to health, and the professional health and professional longevity. The questions about the need of the expanded practical implementation of the medical social monitoring as an effective instrument of the personified (personalized) adaptive medicine is being examined in the course of this work. Based on the example of a flight crew with the digestive system illnesses, the authors demonstrate the practical importance of the medical social monitoring as an instrument for preservation and strengthening of health by the means of development and implementation of a complex of personified preventive care measures. The methodology of this research is based on the methods of medical sociology, aviation medicine, work hygiene, gastroenterology, qualimetry of life, and risks of health. The scientific novelty consists in the establishment of the importance of the life quality monitoring for the timely decision-making aimed at decreasing of the professionally diagnosed diseases of a flight crew. The article illustrates the applied possibilities of realization of such monitoring in order to preserve and strengthen the health of a flight crews, as well as increase their working efficiency and professional longevity.
preventive care, aviation medicine, medical social monitoring, sociology of medicine, qualimetry of life, occupational medicine, personalized medicine, health risk management, adaptive medicine, public health
People and work
Volovskaya N.M., Plyusnina L.K., Rusina A.V. (2016). Self-employment as one of the main directions of the active policy of employment of population. Politics and Society, 4, 525–533.
The subject of this research is the possibilities of development of self-employment within the framework of realization of the active employment policy of population. The empirical base became the results of three sociological researches of unemployed people, who enquire within the employment agencies, conducted according to the unified methodology in Novosibirsk Oblast. Among the examined areas are: desire and readiness of the unemployed citizens to become self-employed; their strategic orientations upon the separate forms self-employment (starting business, development of self-employment in household plots, organization of farming); and also types of help necessary for the realization of self-employment. A two-stage selection has been applied to this survey: the first one included the district or city of regional subordination, and the second one included the unemployed population of these areas who enquire within the employment agencies. In order to become self-employed, the respondents require first and foremost financial credits, tax benefits, as well as necessary knowledge and education. The main conclusion consists in the need to advance the status of self-employment to the issue on the national level, which will allow to simultaneously influencing the development of entrepreneurship, and eliminate unemployment.
personal subsidiary plot, active employment strategies, Active employment policy, unemployment, unemployed population, self-employment, help, benefits, directions, support
Religion and politics
Shapkin M.N. (2016). Islamic vector of Kazakhstan development. The Turkish factor. Politics and Society, 4, 534–541.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of Kazakhstan in the most dominant international organizations with the workflow based on confessional and ethnic unity of Turkic countriesThese organizations are becoming significant on the international arena in terms of the new global geopolitical realities and the pace of regional development. Prospects of development of the Islamic integrative vector in Kazakhstan are examined in the context of the prospects of its influence on the Russian-Kazakh relations. The novelty of research lies in the consideration of Kazakhstan and Turkey as a new alternative of the integration center of the Eurasian region. The main finding of the study is the set of arguments in favor of considering not only pragmatic economic factors, but also cultural and civilizational, and religious issues while creating the model of Russian-Kazakh relations.
pragmatic economic factors, regional development, international organizations, Islamic factor, Kazakhstan-Turkey relations, Russia-Kazakhstan relations, cultural aspect, integration, identity, external factor
The dialogue of cultures
Egorova M.A. (2016). Human in a multicultural society: the problem of self-identification. Politics and Society, 4, 542–556.
The subject of this research is the examination of the process of self-identification taking place during the formation of multicultural society with its diversity, and at the same time, specific issues common to such type of social structure. The author touches upon the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of multiculturalism and self-identification within the multicultural space. Multiculturalism is also being views as the scheme of social structure in different countries of the world, particularly in the countries of Western Europe and European Union. An attempt is made to pursue correlation between the various groups within the framework of multicultural societies in other regions of the world, namely in Asia (accent is made on China and Taiwan). The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to explore the nature of multiculturalism and the problem of self-identification of a human in the multicultural society on the macro-level, and simultaneously on the micro-level, in other words, on the level of separate individuals. The conclusion is made on the necessity to search a comprehensive approach from the side of the hosting societies on integration into the society, as well as with regards to specific individuals (on the level of schools, colleges, language centers, etc.).
conflict, self-identification, nation, religion, culture, identity, globalization, multiculturalism, integration, dialogue of civilizations
Spektor D.M. (2016). Cultural dimensions of sovereignty. Politics and Society, 4, 557–567.
This article examines the question of origin and nature of sovereignty in the historical and culturological aspects. The common interpretations that connect power with the balance of interests (representativeness is its particular case) are complemented by the outlook upon authority, which originates from its initial functions. Those are justified by cultivating the specific state (pathos). In this connection power is being defined through the two fundamental and at the same time contradictory tasks: initiation of the specific elevation (revival) that affects the elites, and regulation of activity of the rest of the community. The method of this research is predominantly based on the impartial pursuit of the fact, presented by anthropology and ethnology. On this path, a number of circumstances, in essence ignored by the political science (for example the “sacred nature” of power) attain new interpretation. The scientific novelty consists in the reconceptualization of the established ideas that define power as a organizer of “zero game”, which regulates collisions and the opposing interests of states, groups and individuals, or coordinator who pursues the shared benefits.
Balance of interests, Dominating systems, Public agreement, Invisible reality, Mobilization, Human nature, Reflective reactions, Sewer of aggressiveness, Sacred insanity, Initiation