The heritage of transformation
Zakharchenko G.V. (2016). To the question on periodization of the revolutionary paradigm in the history of Russia of the XX century. Politics and Society, 3, 275–284.
The goal of this article is the attempt to reconsider the historical framework and ideas about the ontological characteristic and historical consequences of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917. The author demonstrated and substantiates the reasoning that the entire period of the existence of Soviet Power in Russia and USSR represented a unified revolutionary process that was developing upwards approximately until the mid-1950’s, and since the beginning of 1960’s all the way until 1991 – downwards. In the author’s opinion namely this approach allows comprising an integral, logically connected picture, necessary for understanding the more important phenomena and processes which are characteristic to the entire history of the Soviet society. The author tries to define the place for both, positive, as well as negative manifestations of the Soviet structure; based on the analysis of the well-known historical facts, he tries to have a somewhat different look upon the historical-political development of the country in the XX century. The proposed in this article author’s interpretation of the revolutionary paradigm in the history of the country provides a better understanding of the specificity of the historical development of Russia in the XX century, as well as defines the more acceptable and corresponding with the historical logic ways and forms of paradigm remodeling of the entire complex of connections and relationships inside the modern Russian society.
Revolution, Radicalistic stabilization, Revolutionary paradigm, Revolutionary radicalism, Post-revolutionary society, Red terror, Ascending development of revolution, Soviet project, Change of style, Descending development of revolution
Political conflict
Filippov V.R. (2016). France Secret War in Biafra. Politics and Society, 3, 285–300.
Using the method of historical reconstruction, the author finds out the cause and nature of the Nigerian civil war in 1967-1970. It is one of the bloodiest conflicts on the African continent for the entire post-colonial period. Comprehensive analysis of historical sources, including materials of mass media, memoirs of participants of events, investigative journalism, interviews with famous politics and diplomats, allows you to bring to light the explicit and implicit motives and goals of all parties of the conflict in this bloody confrontation. Particular attention is drawn to elucidating the role of the UK, France, USA, Soviet Union, as well as a number of African countries (such as Gabon and Ivory Coast) in the outbreak of the Civil War in Republic of Nigeria, on the specific manifestations of the geopolitical doctrine of "françafrique" in this conflict. The close connection has been shown between the events in the Republic of Nigeria and the Igbo genocide sociolinguistic groups in the Nigerian region of Biafra. The conclusion that the Elysee Palace for three years supported the Biafran separatists, providing them with logistical and military aid, providing political and diplomatic support to the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra in order to maintain economic and political preferences of Paris in this oil-rich region. The author believes that the civil war in the Republic of Nigeria has been clear evidence of latent confrontation between France, on the one hand and Anglo-Saxon (US and UK), on the other. And, also, the following conclusion is substantiate – that the assistance of the Soviet Union rendered to the Federal Government of Nigeria was due to the desire to extend the influence of communist ideology in the countries of tropical Africa.
risks, sequrity, state, international relations, diplomacy, interests, world politics, global insecurity, global information space, France
Political communications
Rozin V.M. (2016). Plausible conspiracy theories (discourse analysis). Politics and Society, 3, 301–310.
This article analyzes one of the types of conspiracy discourse, to which the author refers as “plausible”. These discourses can be quite complicated, thus for their argumentation use modern scientific knowledge, namely economic, social, political, and psychological. They are addressed to the more educated audience, who is at least partially acquainted with these scientific disciplines. The author demonstrates the examples of plausible discourses and the possible attitude towards them. It is illustrated that such theories help the contemporary individual build the world, where one can live and solve their problems – a world that meets the interest of the specific person. In the end, the author examines the social, hermeneutic, and axiological peculiarities of the plausible conspiracy discourses. The author introduces and analyzes the new type of conspiracy theory, as well as demonstrates that a conspiracy discourse suggests interpretation, and due to the latter this discourse gets various evaluations. The plausible conspiracy theories should be considered in two aspects – psychological and social.
interpretation, explanation, management, world, elite, conspiracy, theory, discourse, audience, awareness
Political communications
Kshemenetskaya M.N. (2016). Peculiarities of transformation of electronic government in the modern world: mobile government. Politics and Society, 3, 311–319.
The subject of this research is the process of transformation of e-government in the modern world, as well as the examination of its stages – transforming, electronic, and universal government. At the same time, mGovernment is reviewed as an element of development of electronic and universal government and is referred to both: in the first case as technique, and in the second case as strategy that activates the establishment of universal society. On the example of the Republic of Korea the author illustrates the peculiarities and problems of the use of information technologies in the process of formation of the universal government and universal society. Scientific novelty consists in the gradual examination of the key stages in the establishment of e-government – transforming, electronic, and universal government; and on the example of the Republic of Korea the main peculiarities and challenges faced by this process, are being demonstrated. The novelty also includes the analysis of electronic tools of mGovernment and universal government.
Internet, Republic of Korea, universal society, mGovernment, universal government, transforming government, e-government, State services, Information-communication technologies, e-democracy
Political mentality
Ndayishimiye T.G. (2016). Is democracy possible in the society without democratic traditions? . Politics and Society, 3, 320–325.
One of the most important conditions, which form the character of political regime and its legitimacy, is the political traditions of the society. It is obvious that traditions of democratic nature encourage the consolidation of democracy. Therefore, this work analyzes the research discussions about the presence or absence of the democratic traditions within the Russian political culture. Predominance of the authoritarian traditions in the political culture of Russia and strive of our government to become democratic, require searching the effective ways on eliminating from the political culture such elements that hinder this process in practice. Using a comparative method the author formulates a list of traditions, which have formed the foundation of the political culture of modern Russia, as well as determines a number of traditions necessary for the formation of democracy, but which are absent in the Russian political practice. The author scientifically substantiates the established deficit of democratic traditions, and proposes rational ways on consolidation of the democratic values and traditions based on the corresponding political practice enriched with democratic elements; he also expresses the caution that in practice we often can see a manifestation of so-called selectiveness (in this case – traditions) in creation and implementation of the artificial elements into a such natural institution as political culture, thus, this process requires succession, continuity, and approbation of all of the democratic traditions which are able to establish a true democracy.
Democratic traditions, Authoritarian traditions, Political culture, Conditions for democratic transition, Political regime, Society, Government, Succession, Changes, Elimination of authoritarian traditions
State and civil society
Gasymov N.A. (2016). Impact of the traditional Arab political culture upon the political processes of the state. Politics and Society, 3, 326–334.
The subject of this research is the government institutions, the characteristic to Eastern countries peculiarities of political culture, as well as its influence on the political process. Elevation of the Islamic dispositions and activation of terrorism in the Middle East abs North Africa causes anxiety and alertness among the entire global community. The recent events of “Arab Spring” and the followed growth of instability within the region raise the questions – why even despite the overthrow of authoritarian regimes in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and Tunis, we did not observe a triumph of democracy in its Western understanding? Why Arab world having successfully borrowed the scientific and technological wealth from the West, barely implements the Western liberal-democratic institutions into the societies of the Middle East countries? The article presents the main factors of establishment and development of the political culture of the population in the countries of Arab East through the work of the government and institutions of political socialization. The author determines the specificity of political culture between the people of West and East, and attempts to answer the questions, which objective factors hinder the establishment of the Western liberal-democratic principles of democracy in the countries of Middle East.
Democracy, Political culture, Political process, Middle East, Islam, Ummah, Modernization, East, West, Civilization
Migration and adaptation
Noyanzina O.E., Goncharova N.P. (2016). Expert evaluation of state migration policy and job marker regulation. Politics and Society, 3, 335–344.
This article presents the results of sociological research in a form of expert interview, the goal of which was the examination of the illegal work migration as a risk to social exclusion on the Altai Krai job market, and the development of propositions on optimization of regional policy of regulation of the migration processes and the employment of population. The conducted analysis is aimed at the determination of peculiarities by the work migrants of the individual perception of the state and situation of social exclusion/inclusion on the job market (including the illegal work migrants and population of the Krai), the relationship between the illegal work migrants and the government authorities and other actors of job marker, as well as the assessment of the migration policy and the vector of its effect upon the state and development of the regional job market. The conclusion is made that currently, due to the low level of legal culture among population and low level of legal responsibility among the employers, as well as “loyal” attitude of the supervisory authorities, inability for government authorities to have control over situation, absence of real mechanisms of the normative-legal regulation, are created the favorable circumstances for using the mechanisms of informal (undocumented) employment. According to the expert evaluation, migration currently is not a real threat to the regional security, because the migrant flow is still moderate. However, if not apply additional measures of legislative regulation and not control the migration behavior of the population, it can in future be dangerous for the bordering regions.
Expert, Expert evaluation, Job market, Exclusion, Migrant, Migration, Work migrant, Migration policy, Social exclusion, Exclusion of the job market
Social studies and monitoring
Moroshkina M.V. (2016). Comparative analysis of the economic and social differentiation on the example of bordering regions of the Russian Federation and Finland. Politics and Society, 3, 345–352.
This article explores the socioeconomic development of the bordering regions (on the example of Russia and Finland). Within the framework of this work, the author considers a number of economic and social indexes, which will allow assessing the level of regional development and the level of regional differentiation. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the bordering regions and detects the factors that define the differences in dynamics of its fundamental indexes. The object of the research is the economy of the bordering regions of Russia and Finland, while the subject is the process of differentiation of economic development of the regions. The work is based on the works of Russian and foreign scholars in the field of dynamics of the processes of spatial development and regional economy. Scientific novelty consists in the following:
The peculiarities of economic development of the bordering regions of Russia and Finland are being determined;
A comparative analysis of a number of economic and social factors, which significantly affect the level of economic development of the bordering regions, is being conducted;
It is determined that that the factors affecting the economy of the bordering regions of Russia noticeably differ from those of Finland;
The interregional differentiation of the bordering regions is being detected on both, the federal level, as well as the international level.
The author concludes that the specificity of differentiation of the bordering regions of the Russian Federation is the strengthening of inequality of the territories associated with the differences in the production structure, and the trends of differentiation of the Finnish territories to the most extent are characterized by the concentration of the resources.
Economic differentiation of the regions, Bordering regions, Regional development, Economic potential, Gross regional product, Comparative analysis, Social differentiation, Theory of administration, Dynamic of economic development, Average nominal rate
Main human rights and liberties
Polyanina A.K. (2016). Dignity as a substantial beginning of the principle of personal autonomy. Politics and Society, 3, 353–359.
The scientific research of the problem of personal dignity is widely spread. This article reviews dignity as the origin of the majority of legal principles, including the principle of personal autonomy, which to the most extent reflects the essence of the aforementioned anthropological phenomenon. The author suggest to review autonomy, which is generally understood as self-regulation of a person based on the moral and ethical dogmas and ability to make independence choice, as a main idea of the concept of interrelations between person and state. Ensuring the security of personal autonomy, by analogy with dignity, is proposed to acknowledge as responsibility of government. The article contains conclusions about the existence of a serious issue of personal realization in the modern society, threats to the inner self-identification of an individual, as well as development and application of volitional qualities with regards to free choice. The author suggests accepting the principle of personal autonomy that is directly based on dignity, and at the same time concretizes its separate types of state legal influence, the goal of which is to secure the personal development and protection of its psychological resources for the unsanctioned influence.
Identity, Constitutional principles, Dignity, Autonomy, Subjectivity, Moral autonomy, Freedom, Expression of will, Individualization, Security
People and work
Potravnaya E.V. (2016). Job market: peculiarities of behavior of young professionals based on the self-evaluation of their competencies. Politics and Society, 3, 360–368.
This article reviews the peculiarities of behavior and employment of the young professionals based on the self-evaluation of the existing competencies. The subject of the research is the economic behavior on the job market, which means the type of behavior associated with the realization and development of personal human capital by finding the optimal ratio of expenses and income. Such type of behavior implies the subjective perception of wages with consideration of the level of realization of human capital, motivational orientations, as well as cultural and educational competencies of an individual. Special attention is given to the analysis of self-evaluation of the young applicants on the job market. Among the assessing parameters it is suggested to review the communicative skills, knowledge of foreign languages, creativeness, organizational abilities, etc. It is noticed that the issue of the behavior of the modern youth on the job market is manifested in the contradiction between the desired and the actual behavior. The author proposes classification of the main factors affecting the formation of the youth job market, as well as determines the influence of environmental factors, the needs and interests of the youth in choosing the places of future employment, alongside such factors as wages, location, brand of the company, and others. The results of this research are aimed at the improvement of the work of the higher educational facilities under the conditions of transition to the new educational standards, as well as at the creating the model of collaboration between the universities, employers, and specialists on the job market, which meets the modern economic demands.
Job market, Competent approach, Self-evaluation, Employment, Young professionals, Students, Graduates, Employers, Competencies, Economic behavior
Family and society
Yanak A.L. (2016). Practices of post-divorce fatherhood: some problems in realization of parental role . Politics and Society, 3, 369–373.
This article reviews complications in realization of paternal role among the representative of one if the most important and interesting from the social and scientific points of view forms of post-divorce fatherhood: fathers who independently bring up child/children after the divorce, as well as fathers who live separately from their children after the divorce. The relevance of this problem is substantiated by the fact that despite its growing demand in the scientific discourse, there is a lack of theoretical and empirical data with regards to the obstacles in realization of the paternal functions after the divorce, motives of continuing a parental role, individual issues of fathers on different stages of the divorce process, and the typologies of the post-divorce fatherhood. This work demonstrates that there are differences in the structure of problems itself that are associated with the realization of the paternal role after the divorce among the single fathers, and among the non-resident fathers, as well as in their studies. For example, when considering the post-divorce paternal families, as a rule, the attention is focused namely of the general family issues and disbalances (material, psychological, household, pedagogical, and the problem of family balance and single father employment); while in studying the relationship between the separately living father and children, the attention is drawn to just certain aspects of parents-children relations: presence and regularity of visits, and alimony payments. Thus, the acquired results have a high theoretical and practical importance.
Divorce, Post-divorce fatherhood, Single father, Non-resident father, Parents-children relationships, Parental role, Family issues, Family, Paternal family sub-institute, Parental functions
Religion and politics
Sorokina Yu.V., Kostennikova E.A. (2016). Pope Francis and modern policy of the Catholic Church. Politics and Society, 3, 374–385.
The subject of this article is the doctrinal and sociopolitical views of the Pope Francis, as well as the modern policy of the Catholic Church demonstrated through the prism of the persona of the Pope. The authors conduct the analysis of the main stages of Papal duties on the various hierarchical posts of the Catholic Church in Argentina. The question of how the historical events and historical figures affected the positions of the Pope as a prelate of the Catholic Church is being examined. Special attention is given to the position of the Catholic Church within the modern society, and illustrated the expectations which accompanied the election of the Cardinal Bergoglio for the Papal post, as well as how he met these expectations. An assessment is given to the first year of the pontificate of the Pope. The authors are first to introduce into the scientific circulation a number of official documents of the Catholic Church of the first year of the pontificate of Pope Francis, as well as the texts of his sermon, speeches, and interviews; it is also considered the first attempt to give a comprehensive analysis of this event in the Russian publishing. The conclusion is made about the reasonable conservatism of the Pope and the stabilizing role of the Catholic Church in the modern society.
Culture, Culture, Politics, Tendencies, Church, Persona, State, Society, Religion, Reforms
The dialogue of cultures
Kosinova M.I. (2016). Soviet cinematic diplomacy and relationships between the cinematographies of the Soviet Union and the United States during the World War II. Politics and Society, 3, 386–394.
This article is dedicated to the relationships between the Soviet Union and the United States in the area of cinematography during the World War II. Political and military alignment that took place in this difficult period, and later the newly formed cooperation between the two countries contributed into the strengthening of cinematographic connections. A film director and stereo cinematography specialist A. N. Andriyevsky became the head of “Soyuzintorgkino”; the representative of the U. S. cinema committee became a well-known film director became M. K. Kalatozov, whose responsibilities consisted in propagation of Soviet cinema in the United States, selection of American films for USSR, as well as taking the business connections between the two countries in the area of cinema on the quality new level. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the selected topic; it combines the “historical narrative” of encyclopedical character, which thoroughly renters the material with regards to the history of development of international relations in the cinema sphere during the World War II, the method of philosophical understanding of the covered events, and the art history analysis of the representative material. The relations between the USSR and the United States in the area of cinematography of the XX century were developing erratically, and in many aspects depended on the foreign policy of the countries. However, namely during the Great Patriotic War, especially in the most difficult initial period, the Soviet cinematography significantly strengthened its positions in the international arena, thus this period represents a special interest. It was a real breakthrough in the sphere of international relations of the Soviet cinematography. The reasons of this breakthrough are being examined in this work.
Cinematography, International relations, World War II, USSR, United States, Soyuztorgkino, I. G. Bolshakov, M. K. Kalatozov, Movie rental, Cinema repertoire
Legal history
Beshukova Z.M. (2016). Responsibility for extremis by the Criminal Code of RFSR of 1922. Politics and Society, 3, 395–401.
This article is dedicated to the examination of the fundamental positions of the Criminal Code of RSFSR of 1922 that establishes responsibility for actions, which in accordance with the current legislation, fell into the notion of extremism (extremist activity). Actions that qualify for the legal definition of extremism are included into various chapters and sections of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to that, the majority of them is referred to as crimes against the foundations of the constitutional structure and state security, as well as against public safety and order. The author conducts a complex analysis of legal norms of the Criminal Code of RSFSR of 1922 that regulate the responsibility for state crimes. The conclusion is made that the first codified source of criminal law of RFSR In defining the criteria of criminal-legal security was guided by the priority of securing the government authority and its interests. At the same time, in the 1922 Criminal Code, state crimes did not attain the parameters of thoroughly developed and constructed with consideration of the object of a crime system of the corresponding infringements. The notion of “counterrevolutionary crime” was formulated in the Criminal Code of 1922; based on this notion, the legislators also constructed separate components of such crimes. A complex analysis of these crimes allows concluding that they contained signs of extremist activity in its modern perception.
Extremism, Counterrevolutionary crime, Incitement of animosity, Soviet government, Criminal Code, Agitation, Propagation, State crimes, Criminal liability, Punishment