The heritage of transformation
Napso M.D. (2016). Risks of globalization for the national tradition. Politics and Society, 2, 129–134.
The object of this article is the phenomenon of tradition, while the subject is the globalization as a risk factor for the development of the national tradition in its broad understanding. The author explores the specific peculiarities of the process of globalizations that affect the concept of tradition, as well as examines the tendencies of universalization, unification, diversification, and their contradictory influence upon the national tradition and the forms of its manifestation. The article analyzes the questions of evolution of the tradition, the correlation between tradition and innovation in the conditions of post-modernity, the interrelation of global and local, as well as the risks of globalization for the national-cultural identity. The scientific novelty consists in the grounds of the position of justification of tradition by the modern processes of globalization. The author substantiates the thesis on the necessity of the comprehensive analysis of the impact of the globalization risks upon the development of the national tradition, and claims that the research on correlation between the global and local becomes most demanded.
globalizatsiya, glokalizatsiya, traditsiya, innovaniya, universalizatsiya, unifikatsiya, diversifikatsiya, risk
Transformation in political processes
Papush A.A. (2016). The role of political positioning under the circumstances of development the network “Internet”. Politics and Society, 2, 135–142.
This article reviews the political positioning as one of the most important technologies of the political marketing applied within the political communication. The author examines the new technical opportunities for the political positioning that exposed with the expansion of the Internet, which became the instrument of virtualization of the personal, public, cultural, and economic space of the human life. This work analyzes the current mediatization of politics and defines the role of the political positioning within the network “Internet” in formation and advancement of the political symbolism. The goal of this research is the analysis of implementation of the concept of positioning in politics and its impact upon the establishment of the binary models of democracy. The author concludes that the development of Internet and the associated with it technologies, such as political positioning, is able to replace politics with its computer emulations. The network contributes into the formation and the effective control over the conceptual environment, but simultaneously affects the choice of the line of behavior of the objects of influence.
politicheskoe pozitsionirovanie, simvolicheskaya politika, imidzhmeiking, Internet, politicheskii marketing, mediapolitika, politicheskie tekhnologii, politicheskaya kommunikatsiya, mediatizatsiya politiki, demokratiya
Social organizations and movements
Zhuravleva A.M. (2016). Public organizations in the language policy of the three cantons of Switzerland. Politics and Society, 2, 143–149.
The subject of this research is the role of public organizations in formation of the language policy of the following cantons of Switzerland – Fribourg, Valais, and Graubünden. The multilingualism of the said cantons is officially codified in their constitutions and legislations; however, de facto the equality of rights among the language groups of the populations took some time to establish. It is assumed that such public organizations as “The Society of German Catholics” of Fribourg, “The Roman League” of Graubünden, etc. working with the language minorities, have affected the development of the language law and policy within the cantons. This article recites the data from the Swiss and international researches on the stated topic since the end of the XIX century until today. The work of these organizations resulted in the development of the indigenous identity among the language minorities, as well as in the consolidation of their efforts. By means of public campaigns, the organizations were attempting to attain the equality of language rights, as well as referendums on the introduction of changes into the language legislation.
yazykovaya politika, obshchestvennye organizatsii, Shveitsariya, referendum, yazykovoe pravo, kantony, mnogoyazychie
Political communications
Kshemenetskaya M.N. (2016). E-government as an element of establishing the information society: indexing experience. Politics and Society, 2, 150–163.
The subject of this research is the development of e-government and the experience in creating the international indexes that evaluate the progress in the area of establishing the information society (Index of readiness of the UN e-government, Index of network readiness of the World Economic Forum, Index of development of the information and communication technologies of the International Telecommunication Union). The article analyzes the international and Russian experience of implementation of e-government, types of the applied electronic communications (intergovernmental, between government and business, and between government and citizens), stages of its establishment (transforming, electronic, and ubiquitous government). The major vectors of the successful realization of e-government, including the elements of the U-government construction strategy on the example of the Republic of Korea are being determined. Methodology of this research includes the use of the methods of theoretical analysis of the e-government and information society, carrying out the legal analysis of the government initiatives in the area of introduction of e-government, as well as the implementation of the applied methods in evaluation of the e-government indexes, types of electronic communications and peculiarities of establishment of the ubiquitous government. The scientific novelty consists of the conducted research consists in the comprehensive examination of e-government with the use of international indexes and its main stages.
informatsionnoe obshchestvo, gosudarstvennye uslugi, elektronnye kommunikatsii, Indeks, informatsionno-kommunikatsionnye tekhnologii
Karpovich O.G. (2016). “Soft power” of the Brazilian model of federalism. Politics and Society, 2, 164–171.
This article is dedicated to the research of the essence, content, and main peculiarities of the Brazil model of federalism. The object of this work of this work is the Brazilian model of federalism, while the subject is the structure, concept, and specific aspects of the functioning of the Brazilian model of federalism, as well as its attractiveness (soft power) in the eyes of the other Latin American countries. Being a country with the multidimensional identity, Brazil was able to establish a unique model of the federative relations, which allows supporting an ethno-confessional balance within the initially very diverse ethnic environment and avoiding interethnic and interconfessional conflicts. The author notes that the “soft power” of the Brazilian federalism first and foremost manifests in the unconditional successes achieved by the country in formation of its own unique multidimensional identity, and seems very appealing for the entire Latin America. The constituents of Brazil – the states – are endowed with a certain level of freedom and independence, but it does not become the stimulating factor for spreading separatist activities in the country. Brazil does not have separatism in its modern political life. For the purpose of prevention of the possible conflicts between the states, the institute of the federal intervention is codified in the Brazilian Constitution. The Brazilian model of federalism is one of the most essential sources of the soft power and is being promoted for export.
geopolitika, mirovaya politika, mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, diplomatiya, interesy, gosudarstvo, riski
International policy
Korneeva E.Yu. (2016). Comparative analysis of the main modern regional integrational unions. Politics and Society, 2, 172–185.
The subject of this research is the regional integrational processes and the key regional integrational unions in the modern world: European Union, MERCOSUR, CIS, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and North American Free Trade Agreement. A constructive theoretical understanding of the integrational processes is closely connected to the analysis of the European integration which for a long time was an example followed by other integrations. However, with the appearance of the new regional integrational unions in the other parts of the world and the established political and economic issues of the EU, emerges a question of canonicity of the said integrational project. The author makes a conclusion that integration should not be narrowed down to the only EU style and consider the rest as an unworthy “initiative” that is doomed to assimilate with the European type of integration or die before being accomplished. The absence of the canonic standard of integration can serve as alternative option. This analysis represents an applied importance for the post-Soviet space with such dying integrational union as CIS and the newly formed Eurasian Economic Union. The author believes that it is important to base on the experience of the Western and Eastern countries in development of the integrational project, but take into account the uniqueness of a certain region and goals of the participants.
integratsionnye ob'edineniya, integratsionnye protsessy, ES, NAFTA, MERKOSUR, integratsiya ES, integratsiya, mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya
State and civil society
Sekretareva T.M. (2016). On the question of purposefulness of establishment of the government compulsion in declaring a citizen as disabled. Politics and Society, 2, 186–196.
This article is dedicated to the research of the question on correlation between the norms of civil and criminal legislation with regards to persons with psychic disorders, during the course of which the author determines an important principle of the legal norms – principle of usefulness. Due to the existing interrelation between the legal norms, the author notices the need for expansion of positions of the Article 281 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and codification of the new grounds necessary for individual petition to declare a citizen disabled – commission by him of an act of public endangerment prohibited by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author believes that the fact of diagnosing a person with a psychic disorder, which deprives him of the ability to be aware of their actions and responsible for them, in the area of criminal-legal and criminal-procedural relations can be and should be a circumstance that plays a useful role from the juridical perspective with the certain legal consequences for the civil and civil-procedural law. The author pays attention to the purposefulness of applying the compulsory-obligatory character to the process of declaring a citizen disabled, suggests making certain changes in the Civil Procedural Code and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, as well as demonstrates the positive effect of these changes.
psikhicheskoe rasstroistvo, obshchestvenno-opasnoe deyanie, prestuplenie, gosudarstvo, prinuzhdenie, grazhdanin, poterpevshii
State and civil society
Demetradze M.R. (2016). Vertically-ascending strategy and horizontally-descending processes of the transitional period. Institutional and non-institutional processes of modernization. Politics and Society, 2, 197–202.
The subject of this research is the detection of peculiarities of the transitional period of the post-Soviet societies; the goal of the work is the reduction of the gap between them and the developed countries of the world, as well as the conditions encouraging the growth of the social wellness of the regular members of society and their inclusion into the modern processes of globalization. The author examines the socializing, leading, and adapting mechanisms that determine the strategy of the innovational reforms; categories of the sociocultural space, networking and hierarchical types of organization of the political system, criteria of assessment of the efficiency of the government administration, and others are being featured. The author suggests using the global experience of scientific study of sociocultural processes that would help to establish the work models and hypotheses of control over political processes of the transitional period of the post-Soviet societies. The applied sociological, political, anthropological, and sociocultural methods of the research demonstrated that modernization of the post-Soviet societies requires reforms and giving the processes of transformation the goal-oriented and rational-constructive character. This work analyzes the specificity of the transitional period on the post-Soviet space, as well as the conditions which positively or negatively affect these processes.
ierarkhicheskii tip organizatsii, setevaya forma politiki, sotsializatsiya, strategiya razvitiya, , perekhodnyi period, , , traditsionnoe obshchestvo, strategii modernizatsii
Migration and adaptation
Goncharova N.P., Noyanzina O.E. (2016). Migration mobility of the population in the neighboring regions of Russia. Politics and Society, 2, 203–213.
The goal of this article is the evaluation of the character and direction of interdependence of how the migration processes affect the state of public processes. The research was conducted in the four neighboring regions of the Russian Federation in the form of a survey of the expert community representatives (scientific-pedagogical society, heads of public unions, representative of legislative and executive authorities, and representative of local self-governance). This research also carries out an expertise of the specificity of migration mobility of the bordering regions’ population. The analysis of data from the sociological examination of expert opinions with regards to directing influence of the bordering regions upon the specificity of the migration processes; the influence of the bordering position of one or another region upon the migration processes within it is being determined. As a rule, such regions often have a migration exchange with the neighboring states and regions, or they serve as transit territories. The description on the qualitative, as well as quantitative changes of the migration situation of the examined regions is considered as most meaningful.
migratsiya, prigranichnyi region, ekspertnaya otsenka, migratsionnye protsessy, migratsionnaya situatsiya, prigranichnoe polozhenie regiona, migratsionnyi obmen, tranzitnye territorii
Social studies and monitoring
Popov E.A. (2016). Risks of the modern Russian sociology: margin of error in science or in the style of social thinking of sociologists?. Politics and Society, 2, 214–222.
This article is dedicated to the examination of possible risks in development of the modern Russian sociology. Focus is made on the analysis of situations associated with the risks that are substantiated by the specificity of scientific development as a whole, and sociology in particular. Among these risks are the following: the dilution of the scientific status, flaws in the research culture, substitution of the very principles of scientificity, tip in the balance towards scientific technologies, and others. The attention is also given to the risks of the pseudoscientific character, for example the politicization of sociology or economism of the research results. The author poses a question on the correlation between the appearance of the stated risks and the emergence of the sociological margin of error in conduction of certain applied researches or occurrence of the flaws in the style of social thinking of sociologists. The main conclusions consist in the following statements: consideration of the detected risks for the development of sociology can affect preservation of values of such science as sociology; the peculiarities of manipulation of these applied researches, the low professional culture of sociologists, and their separation from the professional community can be attributed to such risks.
Obshchestvo, sotsiologiya, Tsennosti, integratsiya nauk, poznanie, metodologiya, nauka, problemy sotsiologii
The dialogue of cultures
Ioshkin M.V. (2016). The True Orthodox Christians in Tambov Oblast: influence on the youth at the brink of the 1950’s – o 1960’s. Politics and Society, 2, 223–231.
The fight for the youth has always been very important for the political and religious unions, being in essence the fight for their future. Due to this fact, the study of the influence of the True Orthodox Christians on the youth during the “Khrushchev’s attack” on the church is quite interesting, particularly because namely the activity of the True Orthodox Christians was most noticeable among the unregistered religious unions at this point in time. Even though the territorial frameworks of the research are limited by the region of Tambov Oblast, its typicality allows extrapolating the majority of the results onto the history of almost entire Central Russia. At the same time, the regional localization lets us to clarify many conclusions by thoroughly examining the processes and phenomena. The author also tried to consider the fact that Tambov Krai traditionally is referred as one of the main forms of the Russian religious sectarianism. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is a first special research dedicated to the comprehensive examination based on the materials of Tambov Oblast of how the True Orthodox Christians, the True Orthodox Church, and the hesychasts affected the youth during the period of 1958-1964.
istoriya, religiya, istinno pravoslavnye khristiane, obryady, Khrushchev, Mamontovo ozero
Humanitarian projects
Nelaeva G.A. (2016). Participation of the epistemic community in solution of the problem of rapes during the armed conflicts: work of the medical non-governmental organizations. Politics and Society, 2, 232–244.
The term of “epistemic community” is often used in the scientific literature in analyzing the work of experts and their influence upon the political processes. The subject of this research is the epistemic communities of the healthcare workers (first and foremost gynecologists) involved into the work with the victims of rape during the armed conflicts, based on the example of the German organization from Cologne (medica mondiale). The importance of this topic consists not only in the analysis of the work of the expert medical workers, but also the level of their influence on the international criminal processes that deal with sexual violence (particularly, processes in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia). Despite the fact that there is a significant amount of researches on the epistemic communities (for example, with regards to the international environmental processes or integration within the framework of the European Union), the analysis of epistemic communities pertaining to the problem of sexual assaults as international crimes is absent. The author concludes that although the expert healthcare workers make a significant contribution into the fight of such phenomenon as sexual violations, their closer cooperation with the legal expert networks could become an important step in overcoming the impunity for commission of such crimes.
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
epistemicheskie soobshchestva, iznasilovaniya, , medika mondiale, mezhdunarodnye tribunaly, mezhdunarodnoe pravo, mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravosudie, MTBYu, eksperty
History of political thought
Sosenkov F.S. (2016). Monarchical type of government as a condition for ensuring the territorial integrity of a state in the Russian political-legal thought of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Politics and Society, 2, 245–253.
This article is dedicated to the political-legal ideas of the territorial integrity of the Russian state with regards to the ideas about the strong power of a monarch. The author analyses the works of Ivan Timofeev (“Chronicle”), Symeon of Polotsk (“Brief Dialogue”), Juraj Križanić (“On Politics”, “Russian State in the First Half of the XVII Century”), V. N. Tatishchev (“Conversation of Two Friends on the Use of Knowledge and Education", “'The Voluntary and Agreed Dissertation of the Assembled Russian Nobility About the State Government'), A. N. Radishchev (“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”). The author unites within the framework of one topic and chronologically gradually analyses the ideas of the Russian thinker who differ in their nationality, social class, and political orientation. The conclusion is made that on the reviewed stage of development of Russia, the strong power of a monarch was considered as a guarantee for the territorial integrity of the state even by the supporters of democracy, such as A. N. Radishchev. The implementation of such ideas in accordance with the moderate national politics allowed preventing the separatist activities.
gosudarstvennoe edinstvo, monarkhiya, samoderzhavie, separatizm, Ivan Timofeev, Simeon Polotskii, Yurii Krizhanich, V.N.Tatishchev, A.N.Radishchev
History of political thought
Spektor D.M. (2016). Anatomy of power quaestio facti vs quaestio juris. Politics and Society, 2, 254–263.
The subject of this research is associated with the criticism of the Giorgio Agamben’s book “Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Naked Life”. The focal point of his study is the relation between “naked life” and “politics” reviewed from the historical, ontological, and juridical perspectives. The author insists that precisely this relation has formed the frameworks of the Western politics as a whole, and democracy as its part. Criticism is based on the uncertainty of the initial notions and the derived from such uncertainty weakness of conclusions, particularly the central core of the entire analytics – the notion of homo sacer and substantiated by it “exception”, through the prism of which, the reality of political life is being perceived. The attempts to limit the understanding of the circle of historical realities by examining their legal futures are justified in accordance with the methodological preferences of the author. However, such narrowness does not allow basing the legal realities upon the more reliable life foundation, which in many cases limit the realism of this research. As a result, the work of Giorgio Agamben demonstrates the shine and poverty of the “academic project”. Putting aside the quite significant factual errors, we should acknowledge the tenuity of the anthropological model, based on which the author gradually structures his concept. But limitations of “humanity” on one side, and of “body” (naked life) on the other, its political and sacral justification, does not allow to put the fairly stable gnoseological foundation under such justifications.
biopolitika, exceptis excipiendis, vita sacra, homo sacer, nuda vita, proyavleniya suvereniteta, ambivalentnoe, religioznoe, profannoe