Transformation of legal and political systems
Kul'nazarova A.V., Kuz'min A.E. (2016). The models of interactions between the state and society in the Internet: analysis of the Russian practice. Politics and Society, 12, 1492–1498.
The object of this research is the communication between the state and society, in other words, combination of practices of the information exchange and ways of its regulation between the government authorities, public structures, and individuals. The subject is the models of communication between the state and society in the Internet. The goal of the work consists in formulation of the models of communication between the state and society in the Internet, which allows analyzing the qualitative changes of such interaction. The relevance is justified by the need for development of the methodologies of analysis and assessment of the changes that take place within the communicative space of the Internet. As the key parameters, the authors examine the state regulation of the Internet space, as well as the level of citizens’ political participation. The authors propose the following four models: totalitarian, authoritarian, partnership, and liberal. The article also provides the additional criteria of analysis of communication, which allow identifying and characterizing each of the models more precisely. The conclusion is made that Russia signifies the transition from the authoritarian model of communication between the state and society in the Internet, substantiated by the prohibitory trends in regulation of the Internet, low level of civic initiatives, and simplification of the procedures of limitation of access to the information.
decision making, Internet regulation, communication, political participation, government regulation, e-democracy, e-government, internet, models of interaction, state and society
Issues of social partnership
Berzin V.A. (2016). Social partnership in the context of social state. Politics and Society, 12, 1603–1607.
The object of this research is determination of the status of social partnership in the social state. The author explores this topic from the perspective of the key theoretical concepts, as well as defines the potential of social partnerships for the achievement of certain goals of welfare state (social state) and solution of the issues emerging within it. The author pursues correlation between the social partnership and regulation of market relations, collaboration between state, private business sector and labor sphere for solution of the urgent economic and social problems. Methodology used in this scientific work contains methods of analysis, synthesis, and forecast, as well as comparative and historical research. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in ability of the model of social partnership to increase the likelihood of success and failure for absolutely all of the participants, including government, because each of them plays an important role in achieving the set goals along with the goals of social state (welfare state).
Disadvantages of partnership, Form of government, Work principle, Types of partnership, Democratic administration, Public authority, Social partner, Welfare state, Social partnership, Social state
Ideology and politics
Potseluev S.P., Konstantinov M.S. (2016). Imperial palingenesis: right-wing ideologies among students (article two). Politics and Society, 12, 1608–1619.
This article presents some preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the radical rightwing ideologemes in the minds of the student youth of the Rostov Region, conducted in 2015 by the team of scientists from the Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The theoretical foundation of this study consists in the author's concept of political ideologemes developed on the basis of integrated linguistic and political-philosophical concept of ideologeme (M. Bakhtin, F. Jameson, and others). M. Frieden's conceptual-morphological approach and R. Griffin's concept of «groupuscular right» were also used in the conceptualization process of theory of radical right-wing ideologemes. These theories have been adjusted to Russia's political and socio-cultural specificity. The study obtained precise data regarding the common among students' radical right-wing ideologemes, as well as the ideas and values that have a certain potential of development into the radical right-wing ideologies. The second part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the level of popularization within the students' consciousness of the fascist ideology – radical nationalism. It is demonstrated that the student environment has three levels of identification with the right-wing ideology. The group of respondents who consciously identify themselves average) 13-15% of the representatives of liberalism, conservatism and national patriotism.
identification, fascism, right-wing radicalism, morphology of ideologies, ideologeme, political ideologies, youth, students, social consciousness, sociologiclal survey
Ideology and politics
Nikolaev I.V. (2016). Symbolization of terminology of radicalism in discourse of the political science students (on the materials of regional study). Politics and Society, 12, 1620–1629.
The subject of this research is the process of symbolization of radical terms and ideological stamps in discourse of the students of higher education institutions of Rostov Oblast. The first turn noticed in the last decade in Russian policy, lead to popularization of peripheral radical ideologemes within the educational and media spaces, the digestion of which creates a complex of verbal symbols in students’ consciousness. Having lost the scientific content, these symbols become an index of latent support of the right-wing radicalism and comprise the potential of transformation into an active form of political activity. The article makes an attempt of deconstruction of the verbal symbols, as well as substantiates the affiliation of a number of universally used and scientific terms to periphery of the right-wing radicalism. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in verification of the presence of a complex of radical verbal symbols within the students’ consciousness. Radical terminology, having become a topic of political scientists from media space, is not subjected to a critical rethinking, but is rather digested in form of stamps that distort the perceptions about the real political situation. Common to the legal radicalism peripheral concepts (great power, empire, Russian/Slavic world, civilized collapse, etc.) are extensively used by the students in communication on political topics. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of integration of the “ideologemes” theory with the idea of presence in discourse of the verbal symbols and their lexical expression.
ideological periphery, term, student, group free interviewing, verbal political symbol, ideologeme, right-wing radicalism, political ideology, symbolization, blank sign
Question at hand
Fedotova K.E. (2016). Culture as the means of ensuring national interests of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 12, 1630–1636.
The subject of this research is the forms, factors, and circumstances of the use of culture as means of protection of the national interests in solution of the foreign policy tasks. The author underlines that the cultural potential began to play a smaller role in the global political system than the economic and political capabilities of the modern states during their interaction on the international arena, as well as analyzes the importance of culture and intercultural exchange for expansion of the influence of the country, along with the measures necessary for increasing efficiency of realization of the foreign cultural policy. Systemic approach allowed realizing the comprehensive analysis of the key issues regarding the use of cultural potential in solution of the foreign policy tasks considering their specificity. Comparative analysis determined the general characteristic and differences in the use of culture as the foreign policy mechanism. Formal-logical method systematized the existing data and described the accumulated results of the research. The author substantiates the conclusion that the developed national culture with presences of the important international connections in the area of cinematography, music, literature, theater, visual arts, and other fields of creative activity, helps to successfully resolve the problems of establishment and overcoming of the foreign policy and ethnic stereotypes, as well as preserve the international influence even during the periods of aggravation of economic issues, political conflicts or other negative factors.
foreign cultural policy, international cultural cooperation, international collaboration, cultural heritage, international cooperation, UNESCO, culture, cultural diplomacy, works of art, soft power
Social studies and monitoring
Yakushina O.I. (2016). Ways of cultural interaction in modern society. Politics and Society, 12, 1637–1644.
The increasing cultural heterogeneity of contemporary societies have highlighted the problem of cultural interaction in academic discourse. This study is focused on strategies and development trends of interaction in the cultural space of contemporary multicultural society. The purpose of the study is to determine the strategy of cultural interaction that can be the most effective for the formation of a common space of cultural and social ties. The conceptualization of multiculturalism was provided along with the multidimensional multicultural model and interaction strategy, taking into account the presence of dynamic feedback among cultural minorities and society as a whole.Methods of systematic and comparative analysis were applied to cultural interaction in the culturally diverse society to identify possible communication options and strategies.The scientific novelty of the article consists in identification of the analytical values of interaction simulation in culturally heterogeneous environment and possible strategies in the justification of multiculturalism as a result of socio-communicative interaction of diverse cultures. The harmonization of interaction between coexisting cultures can be promoted through multicultural strategy. In this research it’s argued that the most critical element is multicultural education, which develops the idea about the importance of recognizing a variety of distinctive identities and cultures of the respective minorities, which allows to overcome the border of social communication and create a shared space of cultural and social ties.
group, individual, multiculturalism, communication, strategy, cultural interaction, cultural diversity, society, interaction model, identification
International policy
Zhun Ya. (2016). The work of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the context of international economic integration. Politics and Society, 12, 1645–1650.
The subject of this research is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), while the object is the work of this organization in the context of international economic integration. It is demonstrates that peculiar relevance in examination of the integration processes within SCO space is gained by the analysis of development trends of the trade and economic cooperation of the Russian Federation with the states of Central Asia and PRC, namely special attention is given to the questions of preferential goods trade regime and elimination of surcharges. The author determines the peculiarities of functioning of SCO in the context of international economic integration. The main conclusions consist in the following positions: international economic integration over several decades is an intrinsic phenomenon of the global economic life, the scales of which constantly grow, as well as increases the amount of countries that actively participate in this process. We can follow the directly proportional dependence between the level of participation of a state in the integration processes and level of its economic development. In the economic sector of areas of influence, the important role in Central Asia belongs to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which performs the function of the efficient instrument of regional economic integration. All of the member-states of this organization are interested in the further increase of activeness of economic cooperation within the framework of SCO, considering their national interests.
Political consolidation, Information security, Reindustrialization, Import substitution, Chinese culture, China’s economic strategy, Geopolitics, Central Asian geopolitical vector, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, International economic integration
Question at hand
Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. (2016). Changes in the system of state administration for science in the United Kingdom after the Brexit referendum . Politics and Society, 12, 1651–1668.
The subject of this research is the current changes in the system of state administration for science in the United Kingdom. The article provided the results of the analysis of the main directions of changed in organization of administration for scientific development, strategic documents, and general ideas of the new British government regarding the principles and methods of state management in this sphere after the referendum on the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. The modern British experience represents interest for Russia from the perspective of the assessment of efficiency of the vector for expansion of the government’s “presence” in science, selected by T. May’s government as a risk prevention took associated with the consequences of Brexit. The conclusion is made about the negative impact of Brexit upon the international projects of British Scholars, prospects of development of the global competitiveness of British science, as well as the rates of implementation of UK’s plans on achieving the status of the leader of innovations (currently the country is in the “second echelon” on the level of innovation development). In situation of the large-scale external and domestic changes, the efficiency of the course towards further centralization of the system of state administration for science and innovations is not quite evident.
Innovation Economy, Innovation, Development strategy, Science governance, Science, European Union, United Kingdom, Research and development, Policy, Industrial Strategy
Political aspects
Mendelos E.I. (2016). The interaction of state and business in countries with "oligarchic corporatism" (on the example of South Korea and Japan). Politics and Society, 12, 1669–1674.
This article presents the specificity of the main models of interaction between the government and private sectors – pluralistic and neo-corporatist. The author also examines the key characteristics of the established in the XX century in South Korea and Japan “oligarchic corporatism”, considering the political and cultural traditions. The work highlights the peculiarities of formation of the institution of intersectoral partnership in the countries in question from the perspective of implementation of the Anglo-Saxon and European-continental experience of realization of the projects, as well as the importance of application of South Korean and Japanese experience in establishment and development of the public-private partnership phenomenon in the Russian Federation. The fundamental components of the reviewed models of cooperation are emphasized. Using the comparative-historical method, the author analyzes the establishment of the institution of public-private partnership in South Korea and Japan. The main conclusion consists in determination of the high role of public sector in development of the collaboration project, the confirmation of which was detected in the foreign and Russian studies on this matter. The author underlines the necessity for a more in-depth research of the positive political-legal conjuncture of implementation of the public-private partnership in South Korea and Japan for the purpose of approbation of the results in the Russian political-economic system, which in turn, is also an object of detailed examination within the framework of revelation of the main political-institutional factors of formation of potential of the projects of intersectoral cooperation.
quasi-corporations, neo-corporatism, pluralist model, models of interaction, public-private partnership, business-structures, state, intersectoral collaboration, chaebol, zaibatsu
The heritage of transformation
Rubin V.A. (2016). Reflection of the problems of preservation of the Russian military-historical heritage within the Southern Ural regional historiography of Soviet and post-Soviet time. Politics and Society, 12, 1675–1685.
The object of this research is the Russian military-memorial heritage, while the subjects is the historiography of the history of emergence, construction, and preservation of the military-historical objects during Soviet and post-Soviet time in the regions of Southern Ural. This article is first to attempt to generalize the Southern Ural historiography of the problem of preservation of the Russian military-historical heritage during the Soviet and post-Soviet time. Comparing the determined scientific and other types of works of the two periods that differ in methodological approaches and topic of the study, the author makes a conclusion on the absence of the in-depth complex research of historical-culturological character on the regional level. The article underlines that the post-Soviet historiography of preservation of the Russian military-historical heritage differs from the Soviet by the involvement of the professional historians. The international obligations resulted in declassification of multiple archive documents, which allowed ascertaining the amount of military cemeteries and burial grounds. Methodology of the further research regarding the military-memorial environment carries an interdisciplinary character and should be based on development of the “systems” necessary for the scientific analysis.
memorial, preservation, historiography, historical memory, military-historical heritage, cultural heritage, Southern Ural, monument, military history, cultural policy
Political regimes and political processes
Popova L.L. (2016). Venezuela of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro: problem of transformation of the political regime. Politics and Society, 12, 1686–1692.
The subject of this research is the evolution of the Republic of Venezuela political regime over the period of 1998-2015. The author examines the main stages of evolution of the political regime, analyzes the constitutional changes in the country, as well as presents a comparative analysis of the political regimes of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro. As the criteria for comparison, the author uses such characteristic of the regime as the relationship between the government and opposition, as well as mechanisms of legitimization of the regime. Special attention is given to the problem of classification of the regime and nuances of the electoral authoritarianism in Venezuela. The author makes a conclusion on domination of the authoritarian trends in evolution of the political regime of Venezuela. During the presidency of N. Maduro, we can observe the shift in the balance of powers with regards to the government and opposition, which results in the growing conflicts in society, re-orientation of the authorities towards the use of force for ensuring stability. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of the stages and factors of evolution of the political regime of Venezuela, as well as determination of specificity N[WU1] . Maduro’s political regime in the country.
Political protest, Political system, Legitimacy, Political opposition, Competitive authoritarianism, Electoral authoritarianism, Chavism, Bolivarianism, Political regime, Venezuela
International policy
Pripisnova E.S. (2016). On some aspects of EU policy in the area of management of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Politics and Society, 12, 1693–1699.
The subject of this research is the policy of the European Union in the area of management of the Arab-Israeli conflict. EU declarations gradually confirm the commitment to the principle of resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict based on the right of two nations to self-determination if comply with the human rights and the norms of international law. For achieving these goals, the European Union uses multiple diplomatic and economic tools, and most importantly, the privity of contract with Israel and Palestine. The purpose of this work consists in the analysis of actions of the European Union, which reveals the gap between the claimed goals of the EU and their realization in practice. The nature of such gap is associated with the character of EU actions, according to which the European Union collectively decided to apply certain means that serve to the unestablished goals and interests. The methodological basis of this article is the general scientific theoretical position about consistency of the complicated political interests, as well as the idea on interconditionality of the factors determining the formation of political strategy of the states. The author concludes that the EU policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict abides by the interest of “higher order”. A suggestion is made that reconsideration of the EU goals will not cause the refusal from obligations in the area of human rights and international law. The European Union can reject the goal pertaining to the creation of two states, however, it can lead to the actual recognition of the expansion of Israeli settlements, as well as control over the occupied Palestinian territories.
Palestine, Gaza Strip, Israel, International relations, Foreign policy, Regional security, Arab-Israeli conflict, Resolution of the conflict, Ethnic conflicts, European Union
Legal state
Bekishieva S.R. (2016). Historical progression of the idea of rule of law. Politics and Society, 12, 1700–1707.
The object of this research is the concept of the rule of law that attained development in foreign practice throughout the four centuries. The “rule of law” idea emerged within the framework of English legal tradition, and with occurrence of the concept of legal state, has been gaining its momentum in other countries. Currently, the rule of law is considered as the fundamental principle of legal state. At the same time, the level of the institutional realization of this principle is the universal indicator of legal state. Despite the brief history of development of the concept of rule of law in Russia, there has emerged the pressing need for re-orientation of the Russian public and professional legal consciousness towards the rule of law and human. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the history of development of the idea and principle of rule of law in foreign science and practice over the four centuries, various interpretations of the notion of “rule of law” and its consistent essence, as well as analysis of the issues regarding the implementation of the principle of rule of law in modern Russia.
Legal consciousness, Discretion of authorities, Realization of authority, Independence of the court, Legal certainty, Legitimacy, Equality before the law, Human rights, Legal state, Rule of law
The dialogue of cultures
Martyshenko N.S., Martyshenko S.N. (2016). Conditions and trends for the development of international tourism market in Japan. Politics and Society, 12, 1708–1718.
The subject of this research is the international tourism market of Japan – one of the bordering countries with Russia’s Primorsky Krai. The study of this market attains special relevance in light of introduction of the new laws by the government of the Russian Federation, which encourage the investment activity in Primorsky Krai, as well as the establishment of the new state economic policy of Japan with regards to tourism. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the exchange of tourists between the key actors of the tourism market of the Northeast Asia. Special attention is given to the types of tourism that can be in demand among the Japanese tourists and other bordering with Primorsky Krai states. The methodology of analysis of the market includes such components as collection of information about the size, dynamics, and potential of development of the market, structure of propositions on goods and services, behavioral peculiarities of the actual and potential customers, national specificities, as well as competitiveness between the manufacturers of products and services. Certain conditions for development of the mass foreign tourism in the region are being determined. The authors also highlight the tourism directions, the development of which can become the drivers of advancement of the international tourism in Primorsky Krai. The place of cruise tourism as the key type of tourism for the port city, along with the new opportunities for the growth of foreign tourism due to collaboration with other regions of the Far East are being defined.
program of tourism development, consumer behabior, tourism infrastructure, ecological tourism, cruise tourism, event tourism, international tourism, tourism market, botanical garden, tourism potential
History of political thought
Rudakova Yu.V. (2016). The notion of social progress in P. N. Tkachev sociopolitical concept. Politics and Society, 12, 1719–1723.
The subject of this research is the problem of social progress in the works of the representative of conspiratorial direction in Narodnik movement, Russian supporter of Blanquism – P. N. Tkachev. The object of this research is the sociopolitical concept of the thinker. The author thoroughly examines the following aspects of the topic in Tkachev’s texts: on one hand – interdependence between the mental and social progress, development of ideas and science; on the other – improvements in wellbeing of the society. Special attention is given to the criteria of social progress and the factors that determine the progressive or regressive development of human society. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this topic was examined inseparably from the entire sociopolitical concept of Tkachev and its key principles. The author concludes that Tkachev highlighted the main criteria of progress, the analysis of which must comprise the foundation of any progressive movement.
Social controversies, Revolutionary movement, Means and demands, Purpose of social development, Criteria of progress, Scientific progress, Social progress, Narodnik movement, Russian Blanquism, Tkachev