State and civil society
Goncharova I.V., Pronchev G.B. (2016). About the support of visually impaired people in the modern Russian society. Politics and Society, 11, 1479–1485.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of support of the people with vision disabilities in the Russian society. The mechanisms of support this category of citizens in existed in the Soviet period are being analyzed. The author presents the statistical data, which testifies about the elimination of the previously existed traditions pertaining to the support of such category of citizens. The article discusses the possible ways of solution of the established situation, and particularly, the use of the modern virtual social environments. The development of tiflo-communication computer technologies allows the people with disabilities to use the Internet in the social sphere and everyday life, for communication, job search, and questions of education or self-education. Classical and modern theoretical positions of socio-humanitarian branches of the scientific knowledge that allow examining the foundations of the social processes regulation with participation of visually impaired people, comprise the methodological basis of this article. The conducted research significantly filled the gaps in the scientific knowledge regarding the processes of adjustment of the people with disabilities to the society using the opportunities of the virtual social environments. The methodological importance lies in the proposed by the authors criteria and indexes of the sociological monitoring and assessment of the level of adjustment and integration of the people with disabilities into the social institutions.
Russian society, blind people, visually impaired, visually impaired people, disabilities, people with disabilities, social support, socialization, traditions, social networks
Question at hand
Ryzhov I.V., Tolkachev V.V., Eldib A.M. (2016). The role of the army in Egypt and the character of its intervention into the domestic policy processes of the country before and after the revolutionary events of 2011. Politics and Society, 11, 1486–1491.
The subject of this article is the role of the Egyptian army in socio and political life of Egypt. The work examines the status of the Arab Republic of Egypt as the imperative institution of the country’s political system, as well as its role in social and political life. The level of transformation of the army’s role during and after the revolutionary events of “Arab Spring” that touched Egypt in 2011 is being analyzed. The article also traces the appointment of the military personnel as the government officials from the middle of the previous century, revealing the portion of participation of the Egyptian army in political processes of the Arab Republic of Egypt, including the events of the “color revolution” of 2011. The study of the role of Egyptian army in life of the state required comparative analysis of the level and character of interference into the processes of domestic policy and economy in the middle of the previous century (when after the end of the World War II, the control over the Egyptian state was taken over by the military structures), as well as in recent years. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the role and place of the Arab Republic of Egypt in life of the state, substantiated by the political culture of the country. The authors define the specificity of the role of Egyptian army during the transition period of development of the political process associated with the crisis of 2011, as well as reveal the role of the army as the political institution. The relevance of the problem is justified by the specificity of the role of army in the sphere of domestic policy of the Egyptian stat, which explains the level and character of the interference of the armed forces into the political and economic processes of the country.
political process, state, governance, Egyptian army, Supreme Military Council, Arab Spring, color revolution, Mubarak, Arab Republic of Egypt, government institution
Transformation of legal and political systems
Kul'nazarova A.V., Kuz'min A.E. (2016). The models of interactions between the state and society in the Internet: analysis of the Russian practice. Politics and Society, 11, 1492–1498.
The object of this research is the communication between the state and society, in other words, combination of practices of the information exchange and ways of its regulation between the government authorities, public structures, and individuals. The subject is the models of communication between the state and society in the Internet. The goal of the work consists in formulation of the models of communication between the state and society in the Internet, which allows analyzing the qualitative changes of such interaction. The relevance is justified by the need for development of the methodologies of analysis and assessment of the changes that take place within the communicative space of the Internet. As the key parameters, the authors examine the state regulation of the Internet space, as well as the level of citizens’ political participation. The authors propose the following four models: totalitarian, authoritarian, partnership, and liberal. The article also provides the additional criteria of analysis of communication, which allow identifying and characterizing each of the models more precisely. The conclusion is made that Russia signifies the transition from the authoritarian model of communication between the state and society in the Internet, substantiated by the prohibitory trends in regulation of the Internet, low level of civic initiatives, and simplification of the procedures of limitation of access to the information.
decision making, Internet regulation, communication, political participation, government regulation, e-democracy, e-government, internet, models of interaction, state and society
Question at hand
Potseluev S.P. (2016). Historical memory in the context of the Russian nation-building(Through the pages of one regional survey). Politics and Society, 11, 1499–1509.
The subject of the article is the problematic role of historical memory in the formation of Russian national identity. The author examines in detail the phenomenon of historical memory, distinguishing its social kinds (individual, collective, and cultural memory) and discursive forms (living, objectified, and organized memory). On a material of the survey of Don students (in comparison with the data of similar surveys conducted by the Fund «Public opinion» and the Levada Center), the author innovatively analyzes the students' appraisals of the key and controversial Soviet past events such as the October Revolution, industrialization and collectivization, the collapse of the Soviet Union and others. Moreover, the article discusses the role of these appraisals in the students’ attitudes to «Crimean spring» and the unrecognized republics of Donbass.Theoretical and methodological basis of research is the constructivist concept of historical memory, developed in the domestic and foreign science. The empirical basis for this article is provided by the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in 2014-2016 years by the team of scientists from Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center RAS, in the framework of a research project devoted to the study of radical right-wing ideologemes in the minds of student youth of the Rostov region.To the novelty of this study include the systematization by the author of various social kinds and discursive forms of historical memory. Author uses constructively the difference between «cold» and «hot» historical memory strategies to assess the politics of memory in post-Soviet Russia. In this regard, the author criticizes the postmodern absolutization of myth in the construction of national memory and indicates the need for implementation of the «study of difficult past» strategy. The author provides new arguments in favor of the thesis that there is in Russian society (including student youth) a request for a stronger rehabilitation of the Soviet period of Russian history than is the case in today's official politics of memory. Materials and conclusions of article will be useful for optimization of that politics.
the Soviet past, study of difficult past, cold strategy, hot strategy, memorial policy, cultural memory, a living memory, historical memory, the Bolshevik leaders, Crimean Spring
Political stability
Timkuk D.A. (2016). Political dialogue and democratic reforms in plural societies (Myanmar case study). Politics and Society, 11, 1510–1520.
This article discusses the political dialogue as a solution to ethno-cultural conflicts in plural societies. Particular attention is given in the article to the process of organizing constructive negotiations as well as creating conditions for the development of a democratic society. In this regard, the paper examines ethnic diversity and the socio cultural factors influencing the political life of Myanmar. The object of this present study includes the democratic reforms held in Myanmar after 50 years of war. The subject of the research is the role of sustainable political dialogue in achieving reconciliation and democratization.The leading methodology used is the case-study method. Other methods applied include, the general scientific method and the comparative political approach.The novelty of this work is contained in the analysis of the actual needs for developing dialogical forms and creating political strategies necessary for building a democratic society in Myanmar. It is important to note that the civil war in Myanmar in the year 2011 was ended through constructive inter-ethnic dialogue. Consequently, the creation of effective democratic institutions is required for the development of civil society in Myanmar today.
political communication, peace process, Myanmar, complex society, ethnic diversity, Democratization, democratic reform, political dialogue, civil society, Discussions
Genesis of power
Dudin P.N., Razhbadinov R.R. (2016). Statehood of Mongolian nations of Inner Asia in 1920-1930's, located in the Soviet Union zone of influence. Politics and Society, 11, 1521–1529.
The subject of research is the system of public authorities, as well as the constitutional development of the three political formations of Inner Asia, that were included in the so-called Soviet zone of influence in 1920-1930's: Mongolia (which later became the Mongolian People's Republic), Tannu-Tuva People's Republic and Buryatia (which later became the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). In the period of 1921-1936, all of them were legally a part of the Soviet Russia and the USSR (BMASSR 1923, TTNR - since 1944), or the Republic of China (Mongolia / MPR - in 1911-1945). The object of the study is the system of higher and local authorities, their constitutional and legal consolidation, conditions of the statehood process, and circumstances that influenced its change. The study was conducted using the analysis of the Constitutions and other legal acts (decisions of public authorities), examination of the status, order of formation and powers of the public authorities, as well as identification of their common and distinct features. The author is the first to comprehensively explore the nature of all of the three sate-like formations of Mongolian language peoples of Inner Asia that were under Soviet control and influence. The study subjects to the detailed analysis the Basic Laws of Mongolia, Tuva and Buryatia, as well as compares the bodies of state authority in their historical retrospective. This demonstrates the degree of influence of the Soviet Russia upon the polities comprising the zone of its interests.
Mongolian peoples, Constitution, Public authority, Nation-sate building, Statehood, Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, Congress
Parties and party systems
Mamedova V.E. (2016). Normative regulation of responsibility institution of political party members. Politics and Society, 11, 1530–1536.
This article presents the results of the research of regulation practice of responsibility institution of the members of political party in the Russian Federation. The author reveals the issues of ensuring the political party’s right to self-governance on one hand, and citizens’ right to political association and passive electoral right on the other. The author also substantiates the need of government interference through the lawmaking into the regulation process of the institution of interparty responsibility of political party member. The criteria of allowability, as well as limitation of such interference are determined. During the course of this research, the author carries out a comparative analysis of the interparty documents and evaluates them from the perspective of correspondence with the requirements of the current legislation. The attention is given to ne necessity of formulation of the balanced approach towards structuring of the state and party regulation of this area of the relationship. Based on the philosophical type of legal understanding, the author develops the criteria to which such system must adhere. Using the results of the conducted research, the author formulates the proposals on introduction of changes into the current Russian legislation that regulates the work of political parties.
Leave to appeal, Interparty discipline, Party prosecution, Expulsion from the party, Party membership, Political party, Right to unite, Responsibility institution, Membership institution, Interparty relationships
Social organizations and movements
Vorontsova I.V. (2016). The journal “Zhivaya Zhizn” (1907-1908) and questions of Church “reformation”. Politics and Society, 11, 1537–1547.
The subject of this research is the journal “Zhivaya Zhizn” (1907-1908), the specialty and content of which has not previously been systematized in the context of participation of its publishers in the church reforms movement of the Russian Orthodox Church in the early XX century. The work examines the reason of emergence of the journal, carries out a detailed review of its most important articles of Christian socialists V. P. Sventsinsky and V. F. Ern who published the journal along with S. N. Bulgakov and filled it with the articles by members of the Christian Brotherhood of Struggle. The author studies the social value of the journal, as well as analyzes the history of its publishing and reformist direction of the articles within the framework of succession of five publishers of the early XX century of the religious-reformist orientation (“Novyi Put”, “Voprosy Zhizni”, “Vek”, “Narod”). The author demonstrates that despite the declaration of opposition to “Neo-Christians”, the journal “Zhivaya Zhizn” carried out its part of the task among publishers that presented themselves as publishing bodies of the free religious thought. Namely in these periodicals of pre-revolutionary Russia, the ideology and philosophy of the “new religious consciousness”, social Christianity, and Church “liberation”, were the subject of the open discussion. This research shows that the journal “Zhivaya Zhizn” serves as the source for accumulation of facts that during the period of 1907-1908 the ideology of its publisher Christian Brotherhood of Struggle, despite the claimed opposition to “Neo-Christianity”, was in line with the religious reformism evolved in the early XX century in Russia.
Ern, social Christianity, Church reformation, Sventsinsky, New religious consciousness, Christian socialists, Religious reformism, social movement
Political process
Lebedev V.S., Khalilova A.S., Lysenko Yu.M. (2016). The evolution of discursive practices in the political process of Adygea: ethnopolitical process . Politics and Society, 11, 1548–1557.
The subject of this article is the transformations of discursive practices in Adygea during the period from the establishment of the Republic until 2014. The authors refer to the institutional transformations, which served as a trigger to actualization of ethnocentric discourses, as well as the political crises. Special attention is given to the analysis of discourses used by the political actors during the conflict emerged around the status of Adygea in the 2004-2005. It is substantiated by the fact that this political conflict led to the key transformation of the existing at that precise moment discursive practices, which in turn, significantly affected the future events. Particular attention is also turned to the discourse of the Adygean activists, as well as the supporters of Adygea and Krasnodar Krai union. The scientific novelty of this article consists in examination of the political crises of regional level from the perspective of contraposition of the discourses articulated by the political actors. The authors make a conclusion on the presences of two political groups of activists, which use various discourses, from economic to nationalistic, as well as attempt to establish the hegemony regarding such notions as “historical justice”, “democracy”, etc. It is an important fact that the established in 2005 discursive practices directly affected the future conflicts, including the conflict occurred around hosting the Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi.
conflict, public discussion, Republic of Adygea, North Caucasus, political transformation, political movements, politics, discourse analysis, mass media, discursive practices
Ideology and politics
Konstantinov M.S. (2016). The problem of ideological decontestation of patriotism: on the materials of sociological research. Politics and Society, 11, 1558–1568.
Based on the material of the comprehensive sociological research of far right ideologemes within the consciousness of student youth of Rostov Oblast conducted in the 2014-2016 by the group of scholars from the Southern Federal University and Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this article analyzed the specificity of ideological conceptualization of the patriotic sense and idea. The subject of this research is the patriotism in modern Russia. The author thoroughly examines the theoretical and methodological issues of the study of patriotism, as well as proposes the cognitive-constructivist model of its analysis. In the concept of implementation of such model, the work analyzes the potential of integration of the idea of patriotism into the key political ideologies of modern Russia. Special attention is given to the far right interpretations of the patriotic sense and dangers associated with the exploitation of patriotism by the far right groups. The author’s concept of political ideologemes formulated based on the notions of Mikhail Bakthin’s “doubtful and Slavoj Žižek’s “floating signifiers”, comprised the theoretical base of the complex sociological study. In the process of conceptualization of the far right ideologemes, the author also used Michael Freeden’s conceptual-morphological approach and Roger Griffin’s notion of “groupuscular right”. The aforementioned concepts were adjustet to the Russian political and sociocultural specificity. The author demonstrates that the attempts of determination of the “validity” of patriotism lead to multiplicity of its descriptions and discredit the examined phenomenon, as well as the means of its research. On the applied level, the work presents the systematized data of the survey pertaining to the peculiarities of conceptualization of the patriotic sense within the consciousness of student youth of Rostov Oblast. The author illustrates the impact of peripheral concept upon the formation of this feeling in the context of various ideologies, including the far radical interpretations. Based on the conducted analysis, the potential of the far radical interpretations of the idea of patriotism among youth is being determined.
youth, patriotism, far right radicalism, cognitive-constructivist approach, morphology of ideologies, idelologeme, political ideology, students, social consciousness, questionnaire
Public dialogue
Bagrova E.V. (2016). The regularity of development of information society in the context of postmodernism. Politics and Society, 11, 1569–1575.
The subject of this article is the socio-philosophical analysis of modern information society based on the development of computer technologies and telecommunication, as well as the content created with their help in the context of postmodernism. The analysis touches upon such aspects of social development as activity of the corporations, social interactions, subcultures, use of information technologies, and meaningfulness of the created content. The goal of this work consists in determination of regularity of the development of information society in the context of postmodernism, which includes the processes of increase and decrease of the volume of information and originated by them information space. Within the framework of the conducted analysis, the author appeals to the works of sociologist, economists, philosophers, and psychologists, specifying the commonness of social processes. The author concludes that one of the main characteristics of modern society lies in dualism of the simultaneous complication of technical devices and originated by them social structures, and simplification for the user that leads to the decrease of reflection and emotional perception of the reality. At the same time, the competition is shifted into the space of ideas and consumer perception. In result, protecting their “territories”, corporations and various subcultures encourage the increase in social disunity.
information system, information noise, consumer society, corporation, information space, information society, postmodernism, subculture, social alienation, simulacrum
Isachenko N.N. (2016). The phenomenon of social destruction. Politics and Society, 11, 1576–1582.
The subject of this research is the concept of social destruction viewed in the sociocultural aspect. During the course of this research, the author reveals the essence of social destruction and autodestruction, analyzes its forms, as well as determines the peculiarities of its manifestation in modern Russian society. Particular attention is given to the non-sexual necrophilia as the desire towards the destruction of everything living, which today’s society becomes one of the ways of self-realization and resolution of controversies. It is defined that destructive activity increases during the crisis periods, when the society loses government control, life-purpose guidelines, and sense of unity. The author provides an original understanding of destruction and determines the sources of its formation. Sociocultural approach allowed determining the essence of the problem of phenomenon of social destruction in modern society, as well as clarify the connection between the sustainable and variable in personality, culture, and society. The scientific novelty consists in revelation of the new form of destructions inherent to the modern society, such as cyber addiction, gambling, mobbing, and trolling. The conclusion is made that destruction attains new forms and scales, begins threaten the existence of human, society and Russian integrity, and thus, the solution of this issue requires efforts of all members of the society.
Biophilia, Transformation processes, Necrophilia, Malignant aggression, Immanence of the destructive beginning, Quasi-demands, Autodestruction, Destructive actions, Aggression, Social destruction
History of political thought
Sopov A.V. (2016). Political views of the first Italian humanist. Francesco Petrarca. Politics and Society, 11, 1583–1590.
The subject of this article is the sociopolitical ideas of the Italian humanist Francesco Petrarca, determination of their theoretical potential and impact upon the development of the New European political thought. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of political ideas, genesis, and logic of evolution of the political-philosophical views of the thinker. In F. Petrarca’s works, we can clearly observe the motives of the value and importance of individuality in social life, which in extremely relevant the modern conditions of establishment of the civil society. The circumstances of spiritual transformation of the Russian society based on patriotism and national unity substantiate the undoubtful importance of this research. In methodological aspect, the author was trying to adhere to the fundamental principles of dialectical logic and specific historical methods of studying and processing of this material. The scientific novelty primarily consists in revelation of the sociopolitical content of F. Petrarca’s synthetic worldview. The author believes that the political-philosophical works of Petrarca reflect the drastic transformation of the sociopolitical life of Italy in transition from the Medieval period to Modern period, when the political knowledge became a relatively autonomous area of human worldview.
tyranny, humanists, Italy, political ideas, patriotism, humanism, Renaissance, Petrarch, monarchy, citizen