Question at hand
Karpovich O.G. (2016). Color revolutions in Syria, Libya and Iraq: A comparative analysis of scenarios and technologies of dismantling the political regimes. Politics and Society, 1, 7–20.
The object of this study - the nature of pseudo-events that have taken place in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010-13. and collectively referred to the "Arab Spring", which the author refers to the color revolutions - a special technology coup with the resources and tools of "soft power", as well as events in Iraq in 2003 that ended the rule of Saddam Hussein and the all-Arab Baath political party. Subject of investigation - Scenarios and technologies of dismantling the political regimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq. The goal of this study - a comparative analysis of current scenarios and technologies of dismantling the political regimes in the color revolutions in Libya, Syria and in the overthrow of the political regime in Iraq in 2003, reformat the political regimes in the Middle East and North Africa under the Anglo-Saxon "democratic" pattern.The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The author draws attention to the fact that the technology forced the dismantling of the political regimes have played a key role in the color revolutions of the Arab Spring in the Arab world in 2010-13. At the same time, individual episodes of these technologies can be traced in the second Iraq war in 2003, in which the hard power scenario of dismantling the political regime of Saddam Hussein was complemented by a wide range of "soft" power of influence. The author emphasizes that the so-called Arab Spring revolutions are color revolutions, which contains all the features of this class of technology: Technology is organizing a coup in terms of political instability in which the pressure on the government takes the form of popular uprisings and revolts, only superficially with the elemental form.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
Political regimes and political processes
Zelenkov M.Yu. (2016). Socio-political aspects of the destruction volunteer of the White movement Russia (1917-1920). Politics and Society, 1, 21–32.
Abstract: The Object of this study is to volunteer White movement in Soviet Russia in the period from 1917 to 1920, the author of the article on the basis of the analysis of activity of the volunteer of the White movement and consider it from the standpoint of political science and systems approach defines, explains and reveals the content of the main socio-political factors which, he believes, led to the defeat of the volunteer White army in Soviet Russia. In addition, the author also concludes that due to the presence of these factors and the neglect of them by the command of the White movement his defeat was predetermined at the stage of nucleation. This is the scientific novelty of the study. Special attention is paid to the description of relationships between identified factors, as well as the author's understanding of their contents basis. Scientific results allowed us to validate the conclusion that one of the main negative factors in the activities of the White movement in Soviet Russia was the rate of his command on volunteerism, and in a timely manner was not supported by the formal mobilization of human resources to fight against the new regime of the Bolsheviks.
society, politics, socio-political factor, the officer corps, Russian army, volunteering, White movement, Russia, the Cossacks, the power
Parties and party systems
Platonova N.I. (2016). Legal regulation of party loans. Politics and Society, 1, 33–38.
This article is dedicated to the examination of legal regulations of sources of financing the current work of the political parties in the Russian Federation. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as ability of the parties to attract necessary funds via concluding a loan agreement and credit agreements. Insufficient attention to these questions from the legislator’s side allows the parties to use this source of forming the party budgets as a “detour” of the requirements and limitations provided for donations, which contradicts the principle of transparency and independency of the parties from the sources of financing. The conducted analysis of the current legislation, as well as data from the consolidated financial reports of the political parties of the Russian Federation in the period of 2007-2015 allowed determining a number of flaws of the legal regulation of methods used by the political parties for attracting the finances via signing loan agreements (credit). Due to this fact, the author develops and proposes ways for improving the corresponding legislation; particularly, it is suggested to make changes in separate articles of the Federal Law “On Political Parties”.
political corruption, limits of donations, donations, credit agreement, loan agreement, political parties, parties funding, interests fo loan agreement, terms and conditions of loan agreement
Political communications
Leonova O.G. (2016). Information field of politics. Politics and Society, 1, 39–46.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the information field as a scientific category ans as a phenomenon of the global political space. The subject of the research is the information field, while the object – information field of politics, its role in the life of modern society. It is noted that currently the information field represents a platform for geopolitical confrontation and rivalry between the actors of the global world, which increases the level of relevance of the research of all aspects of this topic. This work clarifies the essence of this notion, formulates the author’s definition of it, as well as suggests classification of information fields from the perspective of their spatial configuration. The author examines and compares various approaches towards the interpretation of this notion, which exist within the foreign and Russian science. A special attention is given to the concept of “global information field”; the criteria of its globality are being determined. The author pursues correlation between the notions “information field” and “communicative space”, and detects such properties of the information field as: size as a spatial characteristics; volume; intensiveness and density of the information stream. The dependency of the effectiveness of information stream from the speed of movement of information and intensiveness of the information stream is revealed. The author determines the mechanism of control over the information field, as well as factors that weaken its effectiveness.
Information field, Global information field, Criteria of globality, Information space, Communicative space, Information stream, Intensiveness of information stream, Density of information stream, Movement of information, Effectiveness of information field
Political communications
Kshemenetskaya M.N. (2016). “Electronic participation” as an element of the e-government concept. Politics and Society, 1, 47–55.
The author of the article thoroughly examines the electronic participation within the framework of realization of the e-government concept as a new paradigm of the government administration. Electronic participation is viewed through the prism of attained by people large quantity of digital skills, access to the relevant government information, participation in the government decision-making and online procedures of participation in the public life. The article, based on the example of the European Union, determines the main obstacles on the way of increasing the e-participation, starting with the wrong priorities in the development on the information-communicative technologies, insufficient information openness, and ending with the sociocultural and organizational barriers. For the purpose of overcoming these obstacles, the author demonstrates a new model of participation, which is developed based on the experience of e-participation in the EU (dynamic model of e-participation), as well as analyzes the peculiarities of motivation of the electronic participation. Scientific novelty consists in the systemic examination of the new model of e-participation (A Domain Model for e-Participation) and its elements, such as interested parties, process of participation and instruments of e-participation, which affect the successful implementation and improvement of the e-participation.
European Union, barriers to participation, good governance, information and communication technologies, decision-making process, electronic participation, electronic government, new model, dynamic model, motivation of electronic participation
Popandopulo O.A., Vasil'eva E.N., Galkin A.P. (2016). Prospects of becoming a humanistic model of legal socialization in Russian society. Politics and Society, 1, 56–64.
This article analyzes alternative models of legal socialization in contemporary Russian society. The author proceeds from the fact that in the process of law-abiding behavior leading factor is the nature of social and legal relations (authoritarian or humanistic) between the individual, society and the state. The main feature of the model is a humanistic personotsentricheskoy recognition dominance of internal spiritual forces and qualities in the process of becoming a full-fledged subject of public-right relations. Her alternative acts sociocentric authoritarian model as the main determinants are recognized by external social conditions and factors that determine the vector of socio-legal development of the individual. The study promising theoretical model of legal socialization of the individual in Russian society were used ideas of personalism NA Berdyaev, E. Mounier and SL Frank, the concept of social action Weber, T. Parsons and Habermas, social and psychological ideas of Erich Fromm. The paper concludes that the traditional, historically conditioned national model of legal socialization in Russian society advocates an authoritarian model. However, social progress requires the development of a humanistic model personotsentricheskoy legal socialization that promotes the formation of subject-subject relations in the legal life. The priority of the model are the natural rights and freedoms constitutes one of the existential foundations of personal identity.
law-abiding behavior, authoritarian, Russian society, humanism, public relations, legal education, legal socialization, legal values, social institution, civil society
Politicical behavior
Pishchulin A.V. (2016). On the question about strong states. Politics and Society, 1, 65–72.
This article discusses various approaches towards the question about strong states, and poses a problem of inappropriateness of combination of the modern signs that determine the modern state, problem of structuring and functioning of the state, as well as problems of modelling of the modern effective and strong nation. Depending on one or another point of view a upon the strength of the nation, we can make different conclusions about the efficiency and consistency of the modern state. The author analyzes the problem of juridization of the modern states, as well as the empirics that often does not coincide with the specified juridical constructs. The scientific novelty consists in the correlation of the technological approaches towards the strong nation with the ideological. The author concludes that an attempt to stay with one of these approaches will lead to the establishment of the inefficient statehood.
State, Strong, Weak, Essence, Modern, Technology, Contradictions, Consistency, Establishment, Modelling
National policy
Trofimova I.N. (2016). Innovation inequality of the territories: factors, conditions, effects. Politics and Society, 1, 73–82.
This article examines the problem of innovation inequality of the territories. The relevance of the research is substantiated by the growing importance of innovations in life of the modern society, as well as expanding differentiation of the territories by the level of socioeconomic development. A special attention is given to the questions of territorial concentration of innovation process, specificity of the participation in this process of territories with a different level pf socioeconomic development, and the cooperation between the internal and external factors in the process of creation and spread of innovations. The author reviews the main signs of endogenic and exogenic (applied and imitation) territorial models of the innovation process. The main conclusion consists in the detection of the growing innovation inequality of the territories. On the example of foreign and Russian practices, it is demonstrated that the specificity of participation of territories in the current innovation process is to the highest degree substantiated by the established territorial separation of labor, rather than level of development of human potential – the key factor of the innovation activity.
innovative development, regions, territorial inequality, territorial models, innovation inequality, innovation process, territorial development, factors, global innovative index, territorial differentiation
Legal state
Kozhevnikov O.A. (2016). Enforcement of certain provisions of the cassation and supervisory procedure under the current Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation requires clarification. Politics and Society, 1, 83–89.
The subject of this research is the review of separate normative positions of the cassation and supervisory procedure at the level of Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which in turn undergone significant changes due to “abrogation” of the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation. Separate positions of the current version of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation testifies to the fact that the forming practice of the “renewed” Supreme Court of the Russian Federation after reviewing the cassation and supervision complaints can question the adherence to the fundamental constitutional principles of carrying out justice in the Russian Federation. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the position of a number of enforcement issues emerging in application of positions of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation by the members of legal procedure. The reform of the supreme courts conducted in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation ans subsequent changes to the arbitration procedure require serious examination and clarification, including by way of issuance of acts of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
retrial, principles of justice, constitutional court of the Russian Federation, Constitution of the Russian Federation, review proceedings, Supreme court of the Russian Federation, cassation proceedings, arbitration law, reform of the judicial system, position of the constitutional court
Social studies and monitoring
Korotkova M.N., Sukhoeva M.A. (2016). State policy with regards to healthcare: on the question of informatization and automatization of medical facilities in Russia on the example of Perm Krai. Politics and Society, 1, 90–96.
The object of this research is the state policy that is aimed at modernization of the healthcare system. The subject is the process of informatization and automatization of medical facilities in Russia. The authors of the article thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the attitude of medical professionals towards the informatization and automatization of healthcare system, technical readiness of healthcare workers for the implementation of the new system of electronic health records and document flow, positives and negatives of cooperation with such system. A special attention is given to the general assessment of state policy in this direction. The article underlines the satisfactory technical readiness of medical personnel towards the implementation of new innovative forms of work; lists a number of organizational, technical, and legal problems pertaining to the launch of the new system of electronic health records and document flow. The authors conclude that healthcare personnel have neutral-positive attitude towards the idea of implementation of electronic health records and document flow in general, and to the state policy in this sphere in particular.
concept of development, social policy, modernization, health care, introduction of innovative technologies, informatization, automation of health care, public opinion poll, electronic document management, electronic health record
Main human rights and liberties
Aristov E.V. (2016). Poverty and human constitutional rights. Politics and Society, 1, 97–104.
The subject of this research is the relationship between poverty and human rights, including constitutional. The author examines such aspects as supposition that poverty is the violation of human rights; correlation between the phenomenon of poverty and human rights violations; rejection of human rights in case of poverty. A special attention is given to the poverty in the context of need to ensure the protection of human rights; effect of discrimination upon poverty; interconnection between democracy and poverty; participation of poor population in democratic processes. Scientific novelty consists in determination of the symptoms of poverty and failure of state of wellbeing (social state) in implementation of social policy. The author’s main contribution into this research is the study of the opinion of a number of international political figures and international organizations with regards to the interrelation between the phenomenon of poverty and violations of human rights. The main conclusion is the goal of creation of wellbeing state, concept of such state and its relation with poverty, democracy, and constitutional human rights.
Poverty, Human rights, Constitutional human rights, Alleviation, Reduction of poverty, Liquidation of poverty, Discrimination, Wellbeing state, Democracy, Social wellbeing
Family and society
Gevorgyan M.A. (2016). Peculiarities of the realization of the family law means of defending the rights of minors in disputes associated with parenting. Politics and Society, 1, 105–112.
In this article the author thoroughly examines some aspects of realization of execution and means of protection of family rights of the minors in reviewing the disputes associated with parenting based on the relevant judicial practice and examples from court decisions. The author analyzes the order of delivering the court decisions and questions considered by the court on this topic. A special attention is given to the means of protection of this category of disputes. In addition to that, the author examines questions associated with the deprivation of visitation rights. The main conclusions consist in proposition on the improvement of the current family legislation in the sections of obligatory involvement of a professional psychologist in considering the disputes related to the parenting of the minors. The author formulates possible directions of development of the current family legislation aimed at protection of the rights of minors in case of separation of parents.
Family, Society, Means of protection, Deprivation of visitor rights, Protective measures, Judicial order, Rights of minors, Parenting rights, Setting the order of communication, Place of residence of a minor
Legal history
Kol'tsov A.A., Sviridov V.I. (2016). Fire protection as a factor of stable development of Kursk province in the second half of the nineteenth century. Politics and Society, 1, 113–117.
The authors consider the fire case as an independent economic sector, urban and rural improvement in Kursk province in the second half of the XIX century Notes that despite the relatively good material and technical provision of fire protection, the number of fires did not decrease compared with the first half of the nineteenth century, and the damage from the largest of them grew. It is revealed that the main reason for this was the widespread violation of the requirements of the Construction Charter in a continuous urban sprawl. The emphasis is on the need to establish binding rules on the prevention of all types of fires and struggle with them, the implementation of which should be the prerogative of local governments. Methodological basis of work was the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. Specific research methods were used: historical andcomparative, problem-chronological and analytical. The paper shows that in the second half of the nineteenth century in Kursk province, despite the difficulties, has been paid close attention to the development and modernization of the firefighting business as important factor of socio-economic development of the region. The study of this experience deserves great attention in the current environment and implementation of effective fire prevention measures and the development of appropriate financial mechanisms for their implementation.
Kursk Zemstvo, fire fighting, fire protection, historical experience, Kursk province, ocal govermnent, fire officials, fire brigades, voluntary fire brigades, Construction Charter