Genesis of power
Zanko T.A. (2015). The Principles of Transformation of Federal Executive Bodies. Politics and Society, 9, 1117–1121.
The article formulates and justifies the principles that should be applied to the transformations of the system and structure of federal executive bodies. Particular emphasis in the article is made on the need for legislative reinforcement of the system and structure of federal executive bodies and, therefore, the principles of their transformation. Thus, the principles of the transformation should become: legitimacy, federalism, centralisation and decentralisation, priority of the rights and freedoms of man and the citizen, democracy, transparency and openness, reasonableness, rationality, efficiency, resource prosperity, expediency, preservation of human capacity, legal succession, stability and integrity.
The study uses formal-legal, structural-functional and historical methods that give scientific basis for the principles of transformation of the system and structure of federal executive bodies.
The formulated principles should not just be proclaimed and formalised in legislation, they should also be applied comprehensively (due to their interconnectedness and interdependence), become a real direction for action during reforms, objectify the process of the transformation of the system and structure of federal executive bodies.
federalism, legitimacy, principles, executive branch, public administration, administrative reform, efficiency, ministry, agency, service
Political communications
Manoylo A.V. (2015). The Normandy Format of the European Union's Hybrid Diplomacy. Politics and Society, 9, 1122–1127.
The present article is dedicated to the evaluation of the results of the Berlin tour of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that took place on 24 August 2015, as well as the trilateral negotiations between Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande, held without the participation of Russia. The object of study are the negotiations between the heads of the four states — Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine — regarding compliance with the Minsk Agreements held in the Normandy format. The subject of the research are the results of the unscheduled meeting of the leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine held in Berlin on 24 August 2015 that was dedicated to the observance by the participants of the armed conflict in the Donbass of the main provisions of the Minsk Agreements.
The methodological basis of the research are systems, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.
The author notes that the Minsk Agreements were never perceived by the Ukrainian leadership as a document of direct action — for the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and his American overseers they have always been only a pretext that allowing to gain time required for the re-mobilisation of units and formations, defeated near Donetsk — for their equipment, training, replenishment, for one sole purpose — a new offensive in the Donbass. The psychology of Poroshenko and other representatives of the new government in Ukraine is that they simply do not see any other solution to the problem on the south-east, except of the power of repression and the complete destruction of their opponents.
interests, democracy, colour revolutions, hybrid wars, state, France, society, politics, values, security
Political elites
Khamidov A.A. (2015). Peculiarities and Factors of Microfinance. Politics and Society, 9, 1128–1133.
The subject of the study is the essence of microfinance and the factors that influence its development. During the analysis of a range of factors the author demonstrates the content of microfinance and the features of its mechanism. The article defines two types of functions that make microfinance competitive. Social functions: a means of poverty reduction, stimulation of entrepreneurship, a mechanism to minimise business criminality, reduction of shadow economy, and, a consequence, growing transparency of loans. Economic functions: growing financial sustainability of small businesses, distribution of small business, increase of range and quality of microfinance services, general improvement of Russian financial system, creation of the history of customer financing under small loans - increased financing opportunities. The methods of the research are systems analysis, which allows to define the features of microfinance and the factors of its development, as well as statistical analysis, that gives an opportunity to evaluate the dynamics of the microfinance market.
Novelty and conclusions. It has been justified that the main factors defining the microcredits are the short terms of the credit and significant credit rates. At the same time it has been shown that microfinance services are intended to satisfy the need for financial resources of small companies that cannot afford the services of banks and other credit institutions which are not particularly interested in operations with small loans. The research also specifies the range of microfinance institutional structures: formalised, semi-formalised, formalised, hybrid.
microfinance, microfinance system, microcredit, rate, backlog of orders, investments, loan term, competitive advantage, criminality minimisation, financial system improvement
International policy
Karpovich O.G. (2015). Colour Revolutions and the Middle East Vector of the US Foreign Policy. Politics and Society, 9, 1134–1141.
The purpose of the study is to identify the role of the USA in the implementation of the dismantling of the political regimes and application of the technologies of colour revolutions in Libya, Syria and Iraq. The object of research is the policy of the United States of America to change the political regimes in the Middle East and North Africa. The subject of the study are the forms, methods and technologies for the dismantling of the political regimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq. One of the key objectives of the study is to assess the consequences of the "Arab Spring" (the results of the application of the technologies of colour revolutions by the US and its military and political allies) for the region that unites the Arab world - the Middle East, North Africa, and the evaluation of the impact of these processes on global politics four years after a temporary "freezing" (at the turn of Syria) of the wave of colour revolutions in the Arab world.
The methodological basis of the research is a systems, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.
The author draws attention to the fact that the so-called "revolutionary" events of the "Arab Spring" have permanently destabilised the situation not only in North Africa and the Middle East, but also affected (and continue to affect) the global developments. In general, the events taking place today in the Arab world are only the first stage of systemic transformation and "reformatting" of the region, which has not been completed and will continue for several decades. The author focuses on the fact that the so-called revolutions of the "Arab Spring" are colour revolutions containing all the attributes of this kind of technologies: these are the technologies of organising a coup in terms of political instability in which the pressure on the government takes place in the form of popular uprisings and revolts, which only look spontaneous.
interests, democracy, colour revolutions, hybrid wars, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
International policy
Novikov D.P. (2015). The USA and the Discussion about the Institutional Architecture of the European Security (2008-2014). Politics and Society, 9, 1142–1149.
The subject of the research in the present article is the elaboration of the American approach to the issue of reformation of the institutional architecture of the European security during the "reset" policy. Special attention is paid to the domestic discussion in the USA regarding this issue, which defines the line of the possible concessions of Washington regarding Russian proposals about radical reconsideration of the system of European security after the military conflict in Georgia in August 2008. The article highlights the reasons of the USA's rejection to reform the Euro-Atlantic institutions and the consequences of such an approach, one of which was the Ukrainian crisis that emerged in 2014. The research is based on the methodological traditions of neoclassical realism, within the framework of which the American policy is considered as a response to a structural challenge of external environment, in this case — "shattering" of the architecture of European security after the August War in 2008. The academic novelty of the research lies in the demonstration of a tight connection between the current crisis of European security (the Ukrainian crisis) and the agenda of the "reset" policy proposed by B. Obama's administration. A rather limited approach to Moscow's proposals regarding reformation of the institutional architecture of European security and focussing on the tactical issues destined the fading of the "reset" and strengthening of the supporters of a "tough" approach towards Russia in the American domestic configuration, who also support the maximal preservation of the existing institutes of Euro-Atlantic security. To a great extent it accelerated political tensions that led to the 2014 Ukrainian crisis.
Ukrainian crisis, Russian-American relations, International institutions, NATO, European security, Russia, USA, Missile defence, Reset, International security
International policy
Vasilyuk E.A. (2015). The Influence of Political Factor on the Economic Cooperation between Russia and Japan at the Present Stage. Politics and Society, 9, 1150–1155.
The present article analyses of how the political factor – namely, the sanctions imposed by Japan on a unilateral basis – influence economic relations between the Russian Federation and Japan. The object of the research highlighted by the author is bilateral Russian-Japanese relations at the present stage. The subject of the study is the political factor and its influence on the economic component of these relations. Special attention is paid to the general positive trend of the interaction of the two countries in the area of economics and the long-term impact of the factor of political strain. The analytical basis is built upon the systems approach with regard to the bilateral relations of the two countries and to the economic and political sreas of their interaction. The author proposes a hypothesis, according to which in the present time the influence of Japan's unilateral sanctions is rather small both in the trade and investment projects of two countries, and then lists some predictions on what may be their course of actions in the mid- and long term.
Ukraine, Geopolitics, Sanctions, Trade, Investments, Economics, Japan, Russia, Crisis, Politics
Legal state
Saidov Z.A. (2015). The Mechanism of Administrative and Legal Regulation of Economy. Politics and Society, 9, 1156–1167.
The article focuses on the problems of legal and organisational nature related to the administrative and legal regulation of the modern economy. The author conducts a theoretical and legal analysis of the mechanisms and concepts of legal regulation of economic relations from the point of view of administrative and legal regulation of public and private sector. The author discusses the notion of state regulation of economy. Special attention is paid to the elaboration of methods and methodology of administrative and legal influence on economic relations. In addition, the article presents a theoretical and legal analysis of concepts of development of law and economics at the present stage. The author considers the interpretation and legal regulation of these categories.
The methodological basis of the article is comprised by recent achievements of the theory of knowledge. The study used general philosophical, theoretical, philosophical methods (dialectics, systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modelling), traditional legal methods (formal logic), as well as methods used in sociological research (statistical methods, expert evaluation, etc.).
The main conclusion drawn based on the results of the study is that it is necessary to improve forms and methods of administrative and legal influence on state and private sectors of the Russian economy to ensure law and order in the sphere of economics at the present time.
The main contribution made by the authors in this article is the need for the development of administrative and legal regulation of the economy. The novelty of the article lies in the elaboration of proposals for the development of forms and methods of state regulation of the economy, and the creation of legal and institutional guarantees for the rule of law in the economy of our country.
growth, economic, sector, regulation, mechanism, right, impact, state, economy, inflation
Legal state
Volkov N.A. (2015). Formation and Development of Constitutional Law On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 9, 1168–1175.
The subject of the study is the Federal Constitutional Law «On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation». The object of the study is the constitutional legislation of Russia. The author examines in detail the changes made to the Federal Constitutional Law «On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation» since its adoption in 1997 until the present time. Particular attention is paid to the last amendments made to the law by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation proposed by the President of the Russian Federation in 2015. The main research method is a comparative legal analysis of the laws that amend and improve the legislation regarding the new constitutional state body — the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author reviews and analyses the new theoretical propositions added to the Federal Constitutional Law on the Russian Federal Ombudsman by the President in January, by the State Duma in February and March, and by the Federation Council in April of this year. A special contribution of the author to the research is not only the theoretical study of the problem of the need to improve the federal legislation on ombudsmen, but also the practical participation in the formation of the Institute of Commissioners for Human Rights in Russia as a regional commissioner in a federal subject of the Russian Federation for fifteen years — since 2001 until now. The main conclusion of the study is the assertion that a significant number of changes to the constitutional legislation of Russia on Commissioners for Human Rights indicates the constant attention of the state and the parliament in the sphere of observance and protection of human rights, as well as the continuing development and improvement of the constitutional legislation of Russia regarding the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
public control, parliamentary commission, human rights activist, human rights, constitutional legislation, constitutional and legal norms, Federal Constitutional Law, places of forces imprisonment, judicial system, cooperation with state authorities
State and civil society
Ippolitov V.A. (2015). Komsomol Members in Kolkhozes: contradictory results of the activities in the first half of the 1930-s. Politics and Society, 9, 1176–1185.
The article analyses the activity of the provincial Komsomol organisations in the sphere of strengthening of kolkhozes in the first half of the 1930-s. The following activities of the members of the communistic union of youth are considered: development of crop agriculture and animal husbandry, socialist competition, cleansings of kolkhozes from "alien" elements. Unpublished archival materials from the funds of the State Archive of Socio-political History of the Tambov Region (SASPHTR) became the main sources for article. In the history of Komsomol of this low-studied period the author sees both the huge creative capacity of Komsomol, and also opposing features of activity. The basis for the study of historical Komsomol problems was the theory of governmentalisation of Komsomol, according to which Komsomol is considered as a peculiar Soviet "ministry of youth", a linchpin between the state and the youth. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the reconsideration of the role of provincial Komsomol in the development of the kolkhoz system in the beginning of 1930-s. As a result of the research the author comes to a conclusion that Komsomol members played a significant role in consolidation of the kolkhoz system. In general, the results of the activity of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League organisations in the villages were ambiguous: along with useful undertakings there were also cleansings, whistleblowing and extremist behaviour.
socialist competition, animal husbandry, cleansing, collectivisation, Communist Party, Komsomol, kolkhoz, history, light cavalry, youth
National security
Popov E.A. (2015). Culture-Centrism as a Direction of Social Security Analysis in Modern Scientific Discourse. Politics and Society, 9, 1186–1192.
The subject of the research is social security. The handlings of this phenomenon mainly concern the mechanisms of provision of this sort of security by the state. Modern social and humanitarian science often understands social security as a condition of the society when various social, political and economic threats are overcome, and thus, society, individuals and state cooperate harmoniously. In the meantime, social security should also be considered in its sociocultural aspect. This is what the present article focuses on. The main methodological point of view of the considered topic is sociocultural approach which allows to study social security as a part of a system of values and norms. The main conclusions of the conducted research are as follows: 1) social security should be considered not only from the point of view of sociocentrism (as a phenomenon that provides social stability), but also from the point of view of sociocultural approach (as a phenomenon that contributes to the full-fledged interaction of society, individuals, state and culture); 2) culture-centric vector of study of social security in modern science allows to disclose value and norm "potential" of the present subject of study.
security, social security, cognition, norms, values, sociology, society, culture, science, sociocultural aspect
Migration and adaptation
Pitukhina M.A. (2015). Migration Processes in Russia in the Context of the Modern Global Challenges - Ageing of Population and Globalisation. Politics and Society, 9, 1193–1197.
The article is dedicated to the qualitative analysis of the migration processes on Russia in the context of the modern global challenges — ageing of population and globalisation. Based on the received data about strengths and weaknesses of the modern migration policy of Russia, the author has formulated a "map of challenges" of the migration processes in Russia. This "map of challenges" will allow to assess the measures undertaken by the government on national and regional levels in order to form efficient migration flows for the labour market of the country. Generally, it can be stated that at the present time the migration policy does not allow flexible reaction to the current changes both in global economy and on the labour market — first of all, due to such global problems as ageing of population and globalisation.
In order to justify the results of the research, the following methods were used: SWOT-analysis, classification, comparison, expert evaluation and extrapolation of trends. In order to improve the decision-making process in the field of migration, the author has proposed to introduce an exam in Russian culture for migrants; to eliminate isolation among migrants; to create conditions to prevent the brain drain from the country; to improve the long-term knowledge about the integration of migrants; to create conditions to renew the Russian population due to the increased birth-giving; to decelerate ageing of the Russian population due to the increase of retirement age; to form a demand for competences among migrants; to create a global partnership with the countries that supply labour resources.
migration policy, "map of challenges", global challenges, globalisation, ageing of population, SWOT-analysis, Russia, decision-making process, integration of migrants, forecast
Social studies and monitoring
Abramov R.A. (2015). Topical Issues of the Managerial Degrees of Higher Education in Russian Economic Universities. Politics and Society, 9, 1198–1209.
The article considers different aspects of state educational policy regarding managerial degrees in higher education institutions and its influence on the economic development of the country. It is illustrated by the example of the study programme "Public administration". Special attention is paid to such issues as the connection between the rules of admission and an effect they have on a career choice, the students' vision of academic planning, graduates' self-fulfilment in a certain professional field. The author emphasises the problem of the students' unwillingness to return to their regions from the capital as a factor of regional development gap. In order to make his arguments more persuasive, the author not only used theoretical methods of research (analytical, synthetic, comparative, abstract methods), but also conducted an anonymous survey of first-, second- and third-year students specialising in "Public administration". In the survey the students expressed their points of view on a number of aspects of the modern educational system and organisation of study in the University, and also told about their career and academic plans after graduation. The main scientific result of the research is elaboration of a system of measures aimed at improving of the efficiency of managerial training and modernisation of education in Russia in general. The article shows the opportunities of using foreign experience to improve the admission rules, and describes the economic effect of such reforms. The necessity to introduce state education programmes related to job placement based on the place of residence and its importance for the narrowing of regional development gap are also justified by the author.
career advancement, job placement, career choice, public administration, professional self-fulfillment, managerial degree, Bologna Process, Federal State Education Standards, regional differentiation, education
Law and human rights
Kozubenko Yu.V. (2015). Special Procedure and Special Truth in the Interdictions of Criminal Procedure. Politics and Society, 9, 1210–1215.
The subject of the research are theoretical provisions and norms of criminal procedure legislation that regulate special procedure of a legal proceeding if the defendant agrees with the filed charge and the plea agreement, which also influences the check and evaluation of the evidence when criminal cases are conducted according to such procedure. In this aspect special attention is paid to the peculiar features of the evidentiary activities, because it was the evidence that was subject to the major changes under the special procedure of a legal procedure after the procedure was facilitated. This point is justified by the fact that the court always requires analysis and check of the files of criminal investigation. A basis for that is the evaluation of the evidence present in the case. Furthermore, quality, fullness and universality of the evaluation of the evidence by the court influences legitimate, justified and just decisions the court makes regarding the case, so the aim of criminal procedure is reached due to the facilitated form of criminal procedure.
Methodologically the research is based on dialectic essentialism and universal principles of scientific cognition, such as the requirements of objectivism, concrete historical approach, unity of theory and practice, as well as provisions of the dialectic method which allows to reflect the process of how the assumptions qualitatively become verifiable knowledge. Apart from that, general and specific scientific methods were used in the research: systems, comparative legal, logical and analytical, as well as purely logical methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy and hypothesising.
The academic novelty of the research lies in the fact that it conducts scientific and practical analysis of the legal nature of a special procedure of a legal proceeding and of the problems connected with the evidence in this facilitated procedure. In particular, the author formulates his approaches to the major problems of evidence in criminal procedure from the point of view of the philosophy of activity, justifies the feasibility and necessity of the investigation of the criminal case files by the court in order to establish the issue and hand down a decision according to the factual circumstances of a particular case.
preliminary charge, self-incrimination, special prejudicialness, special truth, special procedure, deal, admission of guilt, interdictions, cut interrogation
People and work
Pacheko De Khesus Kh., Makarova E.P., Arel'yano Martines Y. (2015). Motivational Mechanisms of Human Resource Management. Politics and Society, 9, 1216–1221.
The subject of the research in the present article are motivational tools and mechanisms of human resource management that contribute to the stimulation and increase of labour motivation. The relevance of the study is justified by the fact that the present state of the systems of workers’ motivation stimulation currently used in Russia is aimed at the satisfaction of the instantaneous needs of employees. That is why it seems necessary to disclose the opportunities to reach the balance of the interests of employers and employees, which requires introduction of a combined model of corporate management into Russian companies. Under such circumstances it it expedient to elaborate a motivational mechanism of involvement of the staff into corporate property. To solve this task the article used the methods of generalisation and systematisation, as well as the methods of structural and comparative analysis, classification of existing theoretical trends. The conducted research allowed to propose the author's approach to the improvement of the staff motivation system, which characterises a motivation system that implies not only the growth of the employees' interest in labour and own earnings, but also the stimulation of their interest in the general development of the company. From the authors' point of view, if such method is implemented, the employees will be most motivated to develop and increase the profit of the company, since this development will bring the increase of their own prosperity.
organisation development, mechanisms, innovation, performance, efficiency, human resource management, motivation, growth of profits, prosperity
People and work
Petruk G.V., Kleshcheva N.A. (2015). Partnership as an Effective Tool of the Specialist Training for the Regional Labour Market. Politics and Society, 9, 1222–1230.
The article presents the outlooks of cooperation between educational institutions and employers in Russian mono-towns. The article describes the experience of the organisation of the educational environment in the mono-town conditions as an effective tool to ensure the preparation of highly qualified experts that are primarily oriented for the customer and the needs of the labour market of the city. The uniqueness of the presented cluster approach lies in the fact that that the future expert is immersed in the «professional environment» from an early age, gradually acquiring general and practical professional knowledge that provides a good insight into the production, which significantly shortens the period of entry into the profession.
Methodology and research methods. The research is based on theoretical analysis of the examined problem. The author studies and summarises the domestic and foreign experience of cooperation between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, applies pedagogical modelling of the mechanism of interaction between the partners in the educational-industrial cluster. The methods of empirical research were used, among which pedagogical observation, generalisation of experience of the interaction within the cluster educational environment. The authors justify the opportunity to apply the cluster approach to the organisation of educational and professional partnership.Academic novelty. The article proposes the principles of the design of the cluster educational environment in mono-towns, as well as the cluster structure and content of its key elements (domains), and also describes the mechanism of interaction of all its subjects.Practical significance. The main ideas of the proposed approach to the organisation of educational and working environment can be translated into the development of social partnership of educational institutions and employers, not only on the municipal, but also on the regional level. Trained experts not only cover the needs of the labour personnel of the enterprises of the city, but also quite quickly climb the career ladder and become heads of enterprises.
personnel training, integration, employers, educational institutions, mono-towns, industrial and educational cluster, partnership, educational environment, mechanism of interaction, design methodology
Religion and politics
Elishev S.O. (2015). Traditional Religious Denominations of Russia in the Process of Socialisation of Modern Russian Youth. Politics and Society, 9, 1231–1238.
The object of the research is the process of socialisation of modern Russian youth. The subject of the research are the peculiar features of how the traditional religious denominations of Russia (Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, as well as the Roman Catholic Church and the Union of evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia) conduct the denominational social youth policy as an activity aimed at socialisation, spiritual and moral education and social development of modern Russian youth. The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that during the crisis of the basic institutions of socialisation of modern Russian youth (the institution of family, state, media, labour, and other institutions), the institution of religion is, perhaps, the only socialisation institution that, compared to other socialisation institutions, still, and even more actively, fulfils its functions. The article analyses the peculiarities of the performance of denominational social youth policy by the above mentioned religious denominations traditional in Russia. The article gradually considers issues connected with: theoretical understanding of the youth policy by these religious denominations and organisations; establishment of a system of bodies aimed at youth outreach; functioning of the system of religious education, upbringing, cultural and leisure activity; staff training for educational work and youth outreach; missionary work; activities and functioning of youth organisations. The data collected as a result of the analysis allows to draw a conclusion about a big potential of the development of denominational social youth policy in the Russian Federation, as well as about the need for further study of this topic, which is new for the social and humanitarian sciences.
denominations, traditional religious denominations, denominational youth policy, institution of religion, youth, socialisation, educational system, staff training, maintenance support, resources provision
The dialogue of cultures
Panteleev E.A. (2015). Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation of the Italian Republic with Krasnodar Region in the Second Half of XX - Beginning of XXI Centuries. Politics and Society, 9, 1239–1245.
The article deals with the contemporary cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Krasnodar region, first of all in the field of arts and culture. The author of the article examines in detail such questions as establishment and consolidation of twin-city relations between the cities and stresses that after the establishment of the first of such relations between Ferrara and Krasnodar, Livorno and Novorossiysk, and later — between Rimini and Sochi, the interaction of Italy with the Kuban in the area of culture and arts moved to a new institutional level. Using the methods of comparative analysis and the analysis of various international mass culture events visited by the Italian representatives, as well as the number of the bilateral exhibitions, forums and themed days, presentation of the Italian masterpieces and cultural assets on the Kuban and introduction of the Russian culture to the Italians, together with the mastery of the Kuban vaudevillian, theatrical, choreographic, musical and artistic groups, allowed the author to draw a conclusion about a high degree of cultural and humanitarian interaction of the Italian Republic with Krasnodar region in the second half of XX — beginning of XXI centuries. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the versatile consideration of the different aspects of the formation of cultural relations between Italy and Sochi, and also the analysis of participation of the Cuban artistic groups and young talents in various contests and festivals, as well as other events of cultural and humanitarian nature in Italy.
cultural and humanitarian sphere, Gianni Rodari, principles of goodwill, Italian culture, friendship week, Kuban Cossack Choir, twin-cities, the Year of Italy, principles of peaceful coexistence, interregional cooperation
Legal history
Kochetkov V.V. (2015). Freedom or Justice: Boris Chicherin's and Vladimir Solovyov's discussion on the nature of law and modern constitutionalism. Politics and Society, 9, 1246–1255.
The subject of the present article is the debate between Boris Chicherin and Vladimir Solovyov on the essence of law that took place in the second half of the XIX century. While the former was a classical liberal, who linked the essence of law solely with the values of freedom, the latter defended the understanding of law as some minimum of justice. Examining their views, the author shows that the arguments of these scholars are widespread among modern Russian jurists. Unfortunately, modern domestic legal science has not yet found a consensus on this fundamental issue. In the present paper the method of the unity of the historical and logical, together with the historical critical method are used, which allows to update the theoretical heritage of Boris Chicherin and Vladimir Solovyov. The content of the legislation and legal enforcement in the modern state directly depend on how we understand the nature of law. In order to remove the opposition of freedom and justice, the author proposes axiological understanding of constitutionalism as a theoretical form of legal consciousness, linking these values in a creative synthesis. On this basis it is possible to implement the norms and principles of the 1993 Constitution into the fabric of the Russian society.
justice, freedom, legal consciousness, Vladimir Solovyov, Boris Chicherin, constitutionalism, law, moral, value, axiology
Legal history
Logvinova I.V. (2015). Coordination of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Federal Subjects of Russia: historical and political and legal realia. Politics and Society, 9, 1256–1266.
The subject of the research in the present article is the history of establishment and development of the institution of coordination of international and foreign economic relations of the federal subjects of Russia. The aim of the paper is to determine how the new political and legal phenomenon was established during the crisis of the federal system in 1990-s, namely, the international activity of Russian regions, to analyse the genesis of legal regulation in the area, to show the connection between the political processes of sovereignisation and reinforcement of their international legal personality. The methodology of the study includes general and specific scientific methods. The leading research method was historical and legal method; formal legal and comparative legal approaches were also applied. As a result of the conducted study the author drew a conclusion that the international legal personality of the federal subjects of Russia is derivant from the international legal personality of the Russian Federation, is defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal laws, cannot be compared to the federal legal personality when it comes to their volume, and cannot have the features of the legal personality of a state. There are two stages in the development of the legal institution of coordination of international and foreign economic relations. At the first stage legal regulation in this sphere is established, and the corresponding powers of the federal subjects are formed. This stage is characterised by an active intervention of the federal subjects into the area of federal regulation and unjustified broadening of powers. The second stage is different from the first one due to the established stable legal regulation, institutionalisation in the field of the implementation of coordination of international and foreign economic relations.
The novelty of the paper lies in the fact that it analyses constitutional and other regulatory legal acts of Soviet and post-Soviet periods, as well as bilateral agreements and practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation from the point of view of formation of political and state-legal processes that provide the Russian regions with an opportunity to perform international activity. The development of regional cooperation with foreign partners is an important reserve of international connections if they are conducted in strict accordance with sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia. The article highlights certain disadvantages in the legislative regulation in the studied area and provides the recommendations regarding their elimination. In modern political and legal science the study of the federalism-related problems is impossible without deep scientific analysis of certain historical conditions, as well as the genesis of legal means of regulation.
state, Constitution, federalism, foreign economic relations, international relations, federal subject of Russia, region, law, Constitutional Court, sovereignty
History of political thought
Parkhomenko R.N. (2015). Ernst Cassirer's Ideas about the Formation of Law and State in Modern European Philosophy. Politics and Society, 9, 1267–1278.
The subject of the research in the article are the ideas of law, state, freedom and democracy of the famous German philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945), which he considered in the overall context of the modern European spiritual and intellectual tradition. Special attention is paid to the notions of freedom and democracy that were essentially universal for Cassirer, as they are the common heritage of all European nations. The author also examines the following aspect of the topic: Cassirer did not create a systematic theory of the political, as it is customary in modern political science — economic and material factors the in society were not of big importance for him, but the increased interest in the search for "metaphysical" roots of any phenomenon of the social life makes Cassirer's political philosophy particularly informative and interesting.
Research methodology of this topic was a detailed study of a broad sources base — the original texts, most of which are not translated into Russian and are not particularly available and known in our country. Cassirer's philosophical reflections and research on the topic of the ideas of the state, rights, freedom, constitution developed in German intellectual and spiritual history, led him to the conclusion that these ideas are an integral part of the German culture, and not some "foreign", "imported" product of the Anglo-American or French spiritual and political traditions.
Cassirer, human, freedom, democracy, politics, law, state, Germany, Europe, society