Transformation in political processes
Andreev A.V. (2015). The Role of Education in the Process of the Political Modernisation in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 8, 989–995.
In the present article the author considers the influence of the state educational policy on the sociocultural life of modern Russia and justifies the interconnection between the successful reforms in the area of education and appearance of efficient businessmen in the country due to the preparation in a university that actively participates in the political modernisation of the country.
The subject of the study are the peculiarities of the influence of state educational policy on the concept of political modernisation in Russia.
The object of the study is the political modernisation and state educational policy.
The aim of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of the influence of the education on the concept of political modernisation in Russia. The author examines the differences between the terms "policy in the field of education" and "educational policy". Special attention is paid to the justification of interconnection between the successful reforms in the area of education and appearance of efficient businessmen in the country due to the preparation in a university that actively participates in the political modernisation of the country. The institutional method defines the mechanism of of the influence of the educational sphere on the political modernisation in Russia, the main goal of which is to turn this sphere into a tool of social partnership stimulating the distribution of transformations in other social fields. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that it shows major difficulties in the exercising of the new Law on education by the regions when it comes to combining classical school with the Bologna principles.
The main conclusion is the suggestion that the innovations in education form a national modernising coalition through a compromise between the state, scientists, business and society.
world environment, innovative development, mixed-up education, innovations, educational reform, social policy, political modernisation, globalisation, Russian educational system, social sphere
Transformation in political processes
Zanko T.A. (2015). The Evolution of the Executive Power Bodies (the Russian State - the Russian Empire – USSR). Politics and Society, 8, 996–1000.
The article deals with the main stages of the evolution of the system and structure of executive authorities of Russia, causes and conditions of transformations, legal and regulatory framework of administrative reforms, which allows to formulate the trends of changes within the executive branch. The article covers the time period from XVI to XX century - the history of the Russian state, the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union - and traces the path of transformations of various basic types of central executive bodies: prikazes, collegia, ministries and commissariats and other executive bodies (departments, committees, etc.). The study uses legal, structural, functional and historical methods that ensure a comprehensive study of the evolution of the system of executive power. The article makes a special emphasis on the fact that each successive stage in the executive authorities evolution was aimed at finding the optimal configuration and combination of the functions of public administration within individual ministry, but each new system and structure of executive bodies, having harmony in the initial stage of the administrative reforms, dramatically increased under pressure of objective conditions of public administration, became more cumbersome, less efficient and often self-contradictory, thus creating conditions for the next stage of state reforms.
executive authority, administrative reform, collegia, prikaz, service, public administration, ministry, government, commissariat, Council of Ministers
International policy
Karpovich O.G. (2015). Strategic Partnership Between Russia and India in the Context of the Global Political Process. Politics and Society, 8, 1001–1007.
This article is devoted to the study of the current state and prospects of the development of strategic cooperation between Russia and India under the crisis of the unipolar world, worsening international situation in relation to the Ukrainian crisis, chaos in international relations and the threat of colour revolutions. The object of the research are the foreign policies of India and Russia in the modern world, the subject - the Russian-Indian relations at the present stage. The purpose of research is to define the basic forms and directions of the strategic partnership between Russia and India in the context of the global political process. The research is based on the understanding that India today is one of the largest strategic partners of Russia in Asia-Pacific, West and South Asia. Methodological basis of the present study are systemic, structural-functional, comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, modelling. The strategic partnership between Russia and India today is characterised by high dynamics and is developing quite rapidly. Russia and India are traditionally united by a common sense of responsibility for international security and stability, common approaches to the ways and means of overcoming the global economic crisis, the fight against climate changes and the implementation of global governance. India is a dynamically developing democratic state, an influential regional power with a dynamic economy, more than a billion people and significant scientific and technical, industrial and technological potential. Annual GDP growth in India is nine percent, it grows at a rate comparable to the growth of China's GDP. With this, India is beginning to play a leading role in world politics, but not limited to regional level, and becomes one of the centers of political power in the emerging multipolar world.
values, India, Russia, state, international systems, geopolitics, USA, society, politics, security
Legal state
Karpov V.A. (2015). The Constitutional Model of Reinforcement of the Rule-of-Law State Principle in Relation to the Basic Concepts of Legal Consciousness. Politics and Society, 8, 1008–1013.
The subject of the study in the present article is the research on the model of reinforcement of the rule-of-law principle in the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation in the context of the interrelation of this model with the basic concepts of legal consciousness - positivist and libertarian-juristic. The author justifies different understandings of the rule-of-law state within the framework of each of these concepts of legal consciousness, in connection with critical distinctions in the views of the supporters of these concepts on the correlation between the state and the law. At that, the article examines historical aspects of choosing the model of reinforcement of the rule-of-law state in the constitutional projects in the early 1990s, analyses transformation of the idea of the rule-of-law state from a draft to the regulatory reinforcement within another legal concept. Methodologically the research is based on the dialectic method, as well as general scientific (logical, ascension from abstract to particular, etc,) and particular scientific (comparative legal studies, systems-structural analysis, interpretation of law, etc.) methods. The final constitutional model of reinforcement of the rule-of-law state is based on the principle of legitimacy, strict compliance with the Constitution and laws, regardless of subjective evaluation of a certain person. Only this approach complies with the aims of establishing stable public order and creating real - not declared - guarantees of rights and freedoms.
rule-of-law state, rule-of-law statehood, concepts of legal consciousness, legal positivism, libertarian-juristic concept of legal consciousnes, rule of law, legitimacy, constitution, freedom, equality
Morality and politics
Filippov V.R. (2015). Sylvanus Olympio - the First Victim of Françafrique. Politics and Society, 8, 1014–1025.
The historical reconstruction approach allowed the author to solve the task of explaining the role of France in the organisation of the assassination of the first President of the Republic of Togo Sylvanus Olympio in 1963. The article shows the reasons for the Élysée Palace to physically eliminate the legally elected president of a sovereign country: aspiration for the real sovereignty of the country, control over environmental resources and the use of natural resource rents to serve the interests of the Togolese people, the desire to get out of the franc zone, as well as reorientation of foreign policy of Togo towards the United States and Germany in the prejudice of the former metropole. The methodological basis of the research are systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author makes French security services (Françafrique agent nets) responsible for the assassination, acting according to the instructions of the Presidential Secretary for African Affairs Jacques Foccart and under the control of French President Charles de Gaulle. From the author's point of view, it is the Élysée Palace that is guilty of the establishment and support of the dictatorial regime of Gnassingbe Eyadema in the Togolese Republic.
The research is conducted with financial support from the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, project No. 15-01-00363 - "External intervention in the domestic affairs of the Third World countries during the Cold War: an experience of multilevel analysis".
interests, democracy, colour revolutions, hybrid wars, state, France, society, politics, Françafrique, security
Migration and adaptation
Napso M.D. (2015). Adaptation of Migrants to the Conditions of the Host Party. Politics and Society, 8, 1026–1031.
The object of consideration in the present article is migration, and the subject are the specific features of migrants entering a new social and cultural context. The author examines some peculiarities of the integration of foreigners, and also traces controversy and complexity of the adaptation processes, and their dependance on different kinds of reasons. Special attention is paid to the reasons of socioeconomic and cultural nature. The author justifies the conclusion regarding the need for further research in this area due to its incompleteness, as well as for the use of interdisciplinary approaches. Methodological tools of analysis used in the article are historical, systems, dialectic approaches, as well as examining the problem in all its controversy and to a full extent. The academic novelty of the research lies in justification of a concept regarding the dependence of migration processes on the peculiarities of the host society and its typical development trends. The content of the article allows the author to draw the following theses: 1) the problems of integration of migrants into a new social context are to be systematically and comprehensively studied; 2) special attention should be paid to the account of national and demographic situation in the host society.
migrantophobia, enclave residing, host society, adaptation, integration, clan system, diaspora, labour migration, illegal migration, migration
Migration and adaptation
Igonin D.I. (2015). The Problem of Migration in Politological Analysis. Politics and Society, 8, 1032–1043.
The article considers the peculiarities of the notion of migration in the politogical context, where the author suggests to consider the major approaches to the notions of migration and migration process in academic literature, in order to specify their politilogical context. The object of the research is migration in the scientific context. The analysis of the topic implies comparative consideration of the notions "migration politics" and "state migration policy", which are interpreted differently by the author, which characterises the subjective area of the research. The relevance of the study is based on the fact that migration is a global phenomenon that takes place in the XXI century and is influenced by many heterogenous factors. Such phenomena, connected with migration, comprise a content-wise complicated complex of issues that is to be conceived. Theoretical and methodological bases of the study include concepts contained in the academic works of Russian and foreign researchers specialising in the considered area, both from the point of view of interdisciplinary knowledge and that of the research tools of political science, especially systems, institutional, communicative, ethnic-political approaches. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article systematises main conceptual approaches to the field of migration and political-governmental impact on migration processes. The article formulates the author's clarifying understanding of the correlation of the notions "migration", "migration politics", "state migration policy".
To sum up, it can be stated that this complex generates demographic, anthropological, economic, legal, sociological, psychological, cultural, ethnological, religious tasks. In this area politological knowledge is of high importance, as migration, due to its mass and trans-border nature, cannot have no significance from the point of view of the political life of the society. The relations between migration processes and politics are closely related. Any migration demands political reaction and is considered as an object of power and government. The problem of migration, influencing the general situation in host countries and affecting the interests of the citizens of these countries, creates multiple claims of the autochtonous population and expat communities and impacts the political process and the political environment in general.
allocation, multiculturalism, adaptation, political science, state migration policy, migration politics, migration process, migration, endomigration, exomigration
Social studies and monitoring
Vlasyuk G.V. (2015). Staff Engagement as a Tool of Improving Organisational Competitiveness. Politics and Society, 8, 1044–1053.
The subject of the research is staff engagement in the creation of an organisational offer recognised as a common issue in international economics. In the article the author analyses the interconnection between the competitiveness of the organisation and staff engagement in the formation of an organisational offer. The author also considers the mechanisms of satisfaction, loyalty and engagement, as well as the interconnection of those with the employee incentive programme. The article considers particular cases that show that the system of material and non-material stimulation built on fair resource exchanges can serve as a base to increase loyalty and engagement, while the violation of such fairness lead to a decrease of those. The article considers the expedience of using non-material stimulation in an organisation as a tool of providing engagement. The author studies the efficiency of various non-material stimulation tools to form and promote satisfaction, loyalty and engagement. Methodologically and theoretically the present study is based on complex analysis and systems approach. Empirical analysis is conducted based on statistical data of secondary research published or presented on the web-sites of companies, as well as the materials of applied sociological research conducted under the author's guidance. The complex research correlates and collates the notions of satisfaction, loyalty and engagement, and also demonstrates characteristic features of the resource contributions of the employees. It has been determined that the efficiency of the organisational structure is increasing progressively as the employee transits from satisfaction to loyalty and engagement. The conclusion is drawn regarding the need to preserve and increase the engagement of employees to enhance the competitiveness of the organisation. The author states the importance of non-material stimulation for the promotion of staff engagement. The article proves the importance of fair resource exchanges in the organisation as a correspondence of the employee's contribution to the volume of material and non-material stimulation to promote the staff engagement. The article discloses the patterns of the negative influence of the fair resource exchanges on the degree of staff engagement.
organisation, competitiveness, motivation, satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, organisational structure, substructures, principle community, intellectual capital growth
Public dialogue
Boltaevskiy A.A., Pryadko I.P. (2015). The Reform of Russian Higher Schools Evaluated by the Students and the Tutors: research experience. Politics and Society, 8, 1054–1059.
The paper suggests the evaluation of the reforms of Russian higher schools aimed at its gradual integration into the Bologna process that has been conducted in our country since 2003. Many experts notice the divorcement of Russian universities from the solution of practical tasks, visible weakness of Russian educational system compared to the Western one when it comes to the preparation of professionals in the field of applied sciences. The subject of the article is the question whether it is true and to which extent the students and teaching staff of Russian higher schools are ready for the new opportunities. The article analyses the results of an express survey conducted by the authors among the students and the teaching stuff. Among the factors that cause vigilance in Russian experts are the low level of knowledge regarding the aims of the reform and lack of information about the measures to improve the system of higher education. It is highlighted in the article that the main goal of studying according to the Bologna standards nowadays is the creation of united intellectual space. But as the conducted survey has shown, there are two factors that block the fulfilment of this goal: low level of foreign language skills by the students and insufficient income. These circumstances make it practically impossible for the majority of Russian students to study abroad and decreases the competitiveness of the graduates of Russian universities from the point of view of potential employers all over Europe.
education, Bologna process, universities, competence-based approach, educational standards, fundamental projects, social institute, upbringing, teaching, scientific research
Law and human rights
Abdulvaliev A.F. (2015). Special Geographical Settings as Factors Influencing the Criminal Judicial Proceedings. Politics and Society, 8, 1060–1069.
The object of the present study is the question of how such geographical settings as territorial remoteness and transport accessibility influence the criminal procedure. The author attempts to consider the essence of geographical determinism and its role in the criminal procedure, in particular - its impact on the stage of judicial proceeding. The author thoroughly examines the issues of the access to justice for the participants of the criminal procedure (the victim, the witness and the defendant) who live in places isolated from the trial's location and in regions with poor transport infrastructure. Methodologically and theoretically the present study is based on the comprehensive analysis and systems approach to the examination of verdicts containing data about special geographical settings that influenced the judicial proceeding. There are separate examples of how the territorial remoteness impacts the legal relations in the field of criminal law and penal law. Academic novelty of the study lies in the examination of influence of certain aspects of geographical determinism on the criminal procedure. These studies allow the author to make judgements regarding the necessity to improve the criminal procedure legislation of Russian Federation in order to regulate various procedural acts, taking into account special geographical settings, as well as the expediency of further research on geographical determinism as a factor that to some extent impacts criminal and criminal procedural relations.
victim, court, criminal procedure, transport accessibility, territorial remoteness, geographical determinism, geographical factor, witness, defendant, procedural costs
People and work
Lakomova A.A., Khusyainov T.M. (2015). The Impact of Migration on the Regional Labour Market (as exemplified by the Nizhny Novgorod region). Politics and Society, 8, 1070–1075.
The subject of the research in this article are the factors that influence both the migration process and the market of labour resources in the Nizhny Novgorod region and in Russia as a whole. In this paper, the authors focus on the causes of internal and external migration of young professionals in the Russian labour market. In addition, the researchers identify the factors that motivate future professionals to work in the commercial sphere, as well as the factors that prevent the young adults from doing their profession in the public sector institutions. Also, the authors carried out a statistical overview of the salaries in the fields of health, culture, education and social protection. Official statistics of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal State Statistics Service of the Nizhny Novgorod region were used as research methods in this article; analysis of the sociological and socio-economic scientific literature was conducted too. This article presents a theoretical analysis of the factors and some features of migratory streams to the Russian Federation and in particular to the Nizhny Novgorod region. The analysis of topics in this scientific work is conducted in two directions. The first direction is the internal immigration of the Nizhny Novgorod citizens to more socioeconomically attractive regions of Russia and foreign countries. The second trend involves the study of migratory streams to the Nizhny Novgorod region from Central Asia, North and South Caucasus.
labour, labour migrants, labour market, migratory streams, migration balance, foreign workers, salary, work, regional labour market, migrant
People and work
Nesterova A.A. (2015). The Role of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in Organising the Labour Nurturing of Pupils in the Late 1950s - Early 1960s. Politics and Society, 8, 1076–1087.
The subject of the research is comprised by the relationship between the Young Communist organisations and the governmental bodies of popular education, primary and secondary schools, as well as different categories of population involved in the processes of labour nurturing of pupils. Special attention is paid to studying the role of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in the implementation of the state course for "consolidating the connection between school and life". In the author's opinion, the relevance of studying the historical experience of labour nurturing is connected with the fact that innovative development of Russian society requires active involvement of modern pupils in the economic life of the country.
The main theory for the examination of historical Young Communist problems was the theory of governmentalisation of the Young Communist League: the Young Communist League is considered as a specific Soviet "Ministry of Youth", serving as a linchpin between the state and the youth. The experience of the Young Communist League activities is evaluated prom human and state point of view. The author draws the following conclusion: although the Young Communist organisations often faced the tasks that obviously could not be fully performed, in general, the results of the activity of the Young Communist League in the field of labour nurturing of pupils in the late 1950s - early 1960s should be admitted to be helpful from the point of view of both national and public interests.
youth, Young Communist League, Thaw period, school reform, labour nurturing, pupils brigades, connection with life, Khrushchev, value of labour, pioneers
Religion and politics
Lebedev V.S. (2015). Institutional Foundations of the Politicisation of Islam in Chechnya and Dagestan. Politics and Society, 8, 1088–1092.
The subject of the present article is the institutional foundation of interaction of state and municipal authorities and Islamic religious organisations. In particular, the author pays attention to the study of formal and informal institutional practices in this field. The direct object of analysis is the existing legislative framework and the informal practices of interaction between religious and political spheres in the Republic of Chechnya and the Republic of Dagestan. Significant attention in the article is paid to the disclosure of common features and peculiarities of the existing interaction between the authorities and Islamic organisations (as exemplified by the Muslim spiritual directorates) in Chechnya and Dagestan, which could allow to classify the models of politicisation of Islam in these regions. The main methodological approach used in this work is neo-institutionalism. The research includes comparative analysis of existing regulatory and legal framework regarding the subject of the study, as well as interviews with experts. The conducted research allowed to draw conclusions regarding the implementation of different models of politicisation of islam in Chechnya and Dagestan. The scenario of politicisation of Islam "from above" appears to be typical for Chechnya, and in Dagestan the variant of politicisation of Islam "from below" is more likely nowadays. In both cases it can be stated that there is a breakaway from strictly secular forms of interaction between Islam and politics. In Chechnya there is an emerging model of intensive cooperation between the authorities and the Muslim Spiritual Directorate. Such practice cannot be stated to exist in Dagestan yet.
post-secularity, institutes, Islam, politicisation, the North Caucasus, religion, the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, regions, comparative political studies
History of political thought
Okatov A.V. (2015). G. Tarde on Sociological Approaches to the Study of the Society. Politics and Society, 8, 1093–1103.
The article considers the main ideas of the sociological concept by G. Tarde - one of the most outstanding representatives of social psychology in late XIX - early XX century. The article analyses theoretical and methodological conditions for the formation of his vies and lists philosophical and worldview bases of the sociological doctrine of the thinker. Special attention is paid to such significant aspects of G. Tarde's scientific works as the concept of imitation, the theory of herd behaviour (the problem of crowd and public), research on the role of media in the formation of public opinion and civil society. Based on the most important works by Tarde, the author analyses the methodological basis for the study of the society suggested by the scientist (archaeological and statistical methods). The result of the present paper is the disclosure of internal interconnections of the main elements of the sociological concept suggested by the French scientist. The author provides general assessment of Tarde's contribution into the elaboration of a scientific approach to the study of the society in general and the civil society in particular, and also reveals some general features of Tarde's views. The author attempts to critically consider the ideas of the French thinker in the context of modern sociological paradigms.
psychologism in sociology, imitation, opposition, adaptation, archaeological method, statistical method, public, public opinion, crowd, civil society