The heritage of transformation
Barkov S.A. (2015). Historical Metamorphoses of Consumption as a Socioeconomic Phenomenon. Politics and Society, 7, 811–828.
The object of the research is the history of consumption as an economic and social process. The subject of the research is the behaviour of various social classes and groups in the consumption of both material and non-material goods and values.
The author examines different aspects of consumption and how they are influenced by different aspects of economics and production. The article studies the works of famous foreign economists and sociologists. The research used institutional, sociological, cultural and systems approaches to the analysis of consumption as a socioeconomic phenomenon. The methodological systems principle allowed the author to conduct an all-embracing analysis of this complex and comprehensive realia. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the study of peculiarities of consumption as a socioeconomic phenomenon. Thus, in postindustrial society the consumption of various non-standartised goods becomes a solution of the problem of middle class that faces the impossibility of fulfilling the need in creativity (self-fulfilment) in their job. Consumption is becoming a mass creativity of modern people. Within this process they can satisfy even their biggest needs. At the same time, people cannot spend as much time and efforts on consumption as in the case of the elites of pre-industrial society.
post-industrial society, industrial society, globalisation, Fordism, middle class, proletariat, creativity, consumption, management, social processes
The heritage of transformation
Narkhova E.N., Chegodaeva T.A. (2015). The Phenomenon of the University Ball in the Educational Space. Politics and Society, 7, 829–838.
The object of the research are the issues of national and sub-cultural identity of students in a global and pluralistic space of the Russian society. The author focus their attention on the necessity to examine the inconsistencies regarding the intergenerational continuity, preservation of historically traditional social basis and national identity under the conditions of global changes. The authors also mention the relevance of the issue of self-identification during the periods of social transformations.
The subject of the research in this context is the phenomenon of a student ball as an indicator of a student sub-culture. The authors study leisure preferences of the students, considering leisure activities as a form of personal self-fulfilment and sociocultural integration. In this connection, the question regarding the correlation between the intended process of socialisation and quantitatively superior spontaneous effect on a person is of special relevance. Solving this inconsistency lies in the purposeful activity of social institutions oriented at the formation of correspondence between personally meaningful and socially meaningful, at the formation of universal human values of the young generation. The research is based on the theoretical assumptions of O. Zakharova, G. Zborovsky, M. Lotman, K. Olkhovikov about the role of culture in the formation of values and orientations of the Russian intellectual strata, where students also belong, as well as on the leisure traditions and materials of regional and local sociological researches. Based on the received empirical data, the authors prove that spontaneous formation of the students' values under the conditions of polystylistic culture, without any preservation of basics of the national culture is a threat regarding the loss of not only sub-cultural, but also national identity. At the same time, the analysis of the national basis of the Russian upbringing is necessary to keep the required national traditions in the global polycultural space.
It is justified that a ball is a form of resurrection of the Russian cultural traditions demanded by the youth, and the contemporary ball culture has a strong impact on the personal development and spiritual perception of the world. The ball as a cultural phenomenon allows to solve the tasks of education and upbringing, and promotes the preservation of national and sub-cultural identity.
university, students, ball, leisure, identity, subculture, education, national traditions, socialisation, upbringing
Transformation in political processes
Nemtsev I.A. (2015). Ecological Function of the State in the Sustainable Development Concept. Politics and Society, 7, 839–851.
The article considers the ecological problems of the member states of the Eurasian Union as a part of global problems, their reasons and negative consequences. The author comments on the existing contradictions between the opportunities of nature at the global scale and excessive needs of mankind existing in the unsustainable development model. At the moment this contradiction is only growing, despite the efforts of the UN and other international and national organisations worldwide to provide the rejection of the consumption ideology and re-orient the mankind to the preservation of the environment (co-evolution of humans and nature). It has been concluded that the problems faced by the international community cannot be solved by only one state, that is why globalisation and transition to a new, safer way of development serves as a necessity to create the future in the modern world. The article demonstrates the relevance of the idea and concept of sustainable development as a safer way of development aimed at the solution of the global problems of mankind. Methodologically the research is based on social and philosophical methods and principles of scientific knowledge. The author applies such general scientific methods as comparison, abstraction, idealisation, modelling, analysis, synthesis, etc. The desired goal is reached based on the assumptions about the mankind as a global interconnected and self-developing system (global evolutionism), as well as the principle of the universal interconnection of developments, the development principle, etc. The analysis and solution of the studied problems are conducted based on the general scientific research approaches. The studied problems are solved based on the assumptions and conclusions in the corresponding field mentioned in the works of modern Russian and foreign authors, researches and philosophers. Moreover, the author also uses the data of some sociological and statistical researches, parts of legislative acts, as well as the speeches of the public officials of the states of the planned Eurasian Union. The author considers the beginning Eurasian integration through the lens of sustainable development, when the common efforts of the Eurasian countries will solve both global and regional and local problems (in particular, Russia's prospects to improve the Eurasian ecological environment are considered). The article analyses the ecological function of the state and the opportunities for ecological monitoring. The author suggests and justifies the option of transition to the sustainable development (for Russia) from the perspective of the ecological component of sustainable development. The article reveals the opportunities for sustainable development in the context of solving ecological problems and prospects of a more systematic interpretation of the sustainable development concept.
sustainable development, functions of state, ecology, state, globalisation, global problems, global evolutionism, Eurasian integration, Eurasian Union, global processes
Social organizations and movements
Popova L.L. (2015). Trade Union Movement in Russia and Bolivia after the Neoliberal Reforms: A Comparative Analysis. Politics and Society, 7, 852–862.
The subject of the research in the present article are the specific characteristics of the functioning of Russian and Bolivian trade unions, the factor of evolution of their strategies and tactics, the reasons of the development of oppositional trade union movement in these countries. Independent trade union movement in modern Russia is in its infancy, and faces some problems, which justifies the importance of studying the experience of trade union movement in other countries. The main problems, the solution of which now defines the efficiency of a trade union as a social institution, are as follows: the formation of a "flexible" labour market, enlargement of transnational corporation that require the elaboration of new strategies of the social protection of the workers. The work is based on systems and social-cultural approaches, the author has used the method of comparative (cross-national) analysis, as well as the traditional analysis of documents. The criteria of comparison considered in the present work are the strategy and tactics of the trade unions, the structure of the trade union movement, the trade unions' attitude to the economic reforms in the country and key social issues of the studies period. The article considers the trends of the evolution of the trade union movement in the two countries. The author draws a conclusion regarding the common specific features in the development of the trade union movement in Russia and Bolivia at a certain stage (1990s), caused by the social-economic likelihood of the two countries. Among such specific features there are orientation on short-term radical goals and criticism of neoliberal policy. In the following period (2000s) the political mobilisation of the Russian trade unions decreases, the level of the popular trust reduces, while the Bolivian trade unions are still one of the most active actors of the political process in the country.
trade union, mass protests, social movements, structural reforms, neoliberal reforms, transition society, political mobilisation, strike movement, social partnership
Political communications
Kirka A.V. (2015). The Question of Structure of Social Network Communications. Politics and Society, 7, 863–872.
The subject of the study is the structure of social network communications within the framework of modern social network web-services and related information resources. The article considers the factors that influence network information exchange, compatibility of programming interfaces of applications that unify the process of information transactions between program platforms of different types. Classifications and types of network communications have been considered. The article examines the process of establishment of network communications and development of the Internet, as well as its impact on social communications. The author considers political significance of network communication. The methodology of the study is based on systems and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modelling, as well as informational-political approach. In course of the research the author outlines the classification of modern social network web-services, based on functional characteristics which are supposed to be in four types of modern social network communications: discourse, content generating, resources accumulating and organisational coordinating social network communications. The author gives a definition of each of the types of social network communications, reveals their main essential characteristics and possible directions of their display in social-political sphere. The classification suggested by the author can be used as a structural component of the research tools for the empirical studies of the peculiarities of display and influential impact of modern social network communications on political process.
political communication, Internet, social networks, social network communication, web-service, social life, focus on customer, influential impact, social-political sphere, political process
Political communications
Dobrynin I.M., Lebedeva A.M., Narkhov D.Yu. (2015). Information and Communication Technologies in Students Sporting Events. Politics and Society, 7, 873–878.
The object of the present study is the student youth as one of the most socially dynamic social entities that possesses a considerable resource potential that needs to be purposefully formed. The student culture of healthy lifestyle in this case is considered both as a part of the students' resource potential, and as an element of the state youth policy, which actually forms the mentioned resource. The subject of the study are the information and communication technologies in the field of fitness and sport. The authors study their specific features, role and significance for the students when conducting mass sporting events. At the same time, the focus is made on the ambiguity of the potential of the information and communication technologies: on the one hand, it has a negative impact on the youth, including the exploitation of the sport topics, but on the other hand - it is an effective means of involving students to systematic fitness and sport activities, including mass sports as the most available and fruitful from the point of view of the healthy lifestyle culture. The data of regional sociological research on the attitude of the population in general and students in particular, to fitness and sport, conducted with the participation of the authors, are compared to the results of the sociological survey of the participants of the "Utro-2014" forum (purposive sampling, every tenth participant surveyed, N=259), and a series of expert semi-formalised interviews. Based on the original sociological data, the authors demonstrate that the modern opportunities of the media for the propaganda of fitness and healthy lifestyle are not used to the full extent. It is justified that on the regional level there is an interauthority disruption regarding the management of student sports and its media support. The authors justify the need to elaborate targeted projects to activate the information support of mass sporting events under the implementation of state youth policy on the formation of a stable demand for fitness and sports among students.
healthy lifestyle, information and communication technologies, advertisement, public relations, fitness, youth, mass sporting events, students, state youth policy, information influence
International policy
Alireza N. (2015). Russia and Iran's Nuclear Program in the Geopolitical Context of the Middle East. Politics and Society, 7, 879–888.
In the last years, Iran's nuclear program and the Arab Spring, especially the events in Libya and Syria have contributed to the reinforcement of geopolitical competition in the Middle East. These events are significantly connected with the expansionist geopolitical strategy of the West to change the long-term arrangement of the region for its own benefit and create the "New Middle East". Reacting to such an aggressive approach, Russia preferred to abstain from the previously used careful approach, taking up an independent attitude to protect its own interests. To study the topic of the article and reach the desired goals, historical, comparative and systems methods of analysis were applied.
Although the Arab Spring provided an opportunity to activate the Russian Middle East policy, the lack of a universal strategy is an obstacle to reach the long-term goals in the region. This defect can be seen, on the one hand, in the Russian "direct resistance" in Syria, and on the other hand - in Russia's cooperation in legitimation of unlawful pressure on Iran and its nuclear program. Inefficiency of this policy is especially noticeable in the context of changing conditions in the region and the Western focus on more and more aggressive geopolitical policy.
Russia, West, New Middle East, geopolitics, USA, Arab Spring, strategy, aggressive approach, geopolitical competition
International policy
Shen Y. (2015). Turkish-Russian Relations after Coming to Power of the New Political Elites (2002-2013). Politics and Society, 7, 889–900.
The subject of the article is the analysis of the problematic points of Eurasian integration in Russian and Turkish foreign policy in the period of 2002-2013. The object of the study are the Turkish-Russian relations in the period of 2002-2013. The present article compares the approaches of Russian and Turkish foreign policy to the major problems of the Eurasian concept and also analyses the potential possibility of cooperation of these countries in particular regions when solving particular problems. From the author's point of view, it is necessary to highlight four basic regions where Russian and Turkish interests overlap: the Black Sea region, Western world, Middle East and Caucasus.
Methodologically the research is based on the principle of historicism. The author of the work adhered to the principle of scientific objectiveness, the method of comparative historical analysis and problematic chronological induction. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that Turkey, which is in fact tellurocratic, receives a historical chance to make an alliance with Russia that is referred to as a thalassocratic power. This, perhaps, will have a global impact on the geopolitical theory and will even allow to reconsider Russia as a sea power. Russia possesses the Northern Sea Route, access to the Black Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and Turkey can provide trade and economic safety of the Mediterranean route. The alliance of the successors of the two former empires will to a large extent influence future structure, economic and political order in Eurasia due to the balance and re-consideration of the geopolitical types of tellurocracy and thalassocracy.
The main conclusions of the study are as follows:
1. Especially since 2002 there has been increased interest to the Osman past in Turkey. A new quasi-imperial thinking of neo-osmanists has been formed, that was established on a ground prepared by the islamisation of the public space. However, there are no historical and political reasons for that in modern Turkey. At the same time, Erdogan's Turkey still aspires to be the leader of the Sunni world. Since the system instability in Arab countries has begun in 2010, Turkey has been rejecting the "Zero problems with our neighbours" policy, actively supporting the processes going on in Arab countries, explaining, that those are the steps towards democracy. However, in general it appeared that Ankara's new policy has no prospects.
2. Balance of supply and demand for energy sources established between Turkey and Russia laid a right foundation for the creation of long-term relations between the two countries. Under such conditions the Turkish government has always outlined that close approach to Russia is defined by rational calculations, not by narrow nationalistic reasons.
EU, NATO, JDP, Arab spring, Montreux Convention, neo-osmanism, Middle East, Caucasus, Eurasian concept, Western world
International policy
Shakhin E. (2015). EU-Turkish Relations Shortly Before the 1999 Helsinki Summit. The Cyprus Dispute and the Results of the Summit. Politics and Society, 7, 901–905.
The article considers the development of relations between Turkey and the EU after the 1997 EU Luxembourg summit and until the 1999 Helsinki summit. To create an objective image, the author shortly analyses different documents and reports of the EU Summits that defined the position of the community regarding the relations with the Turkish republic. The subject of the article is th evolution of the EU-Turkish relations during the certain period (December 1997 - December 1999). The object of the articles are the political aspects that define the nature of these relations (the Cyprus dispute, decisions published in the summit documents, position of Greece, position of the USA, etc.). Methodologically the research is based on analysis. The author analises EU-Turkish relations. The article also considers realted aspects that define the nature of relations between these two political actors. Methodologically the author relies on the principle of historicism. The author follows the emergence and development of the studied phenomena and events taking into account a certain historical situation. This allows to consider the development process in a historical retrospective. Finally, the author draws a conclusion that the Helsinki Summit was a pivotal point for the EU-Turkish relations. In the presidency conclusions adopted at the end of the Summit, Turkey was called a candidate country to become a full-fledged member of the EU. These developments significantly improved the relations between Turkey and the community. At that moment it allowed to overcome the divisions created by the decisions of the previous Summits (particularly the desicion of the Luxembourg Summit in 1997). A special author's contribution into the research is the fact that he in detal analyses decisions and documents of the EU Summits, and also analyses the impact of these desicions on the evolution of relations between Turkey and the European Union.
Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus Dispute, Greece, Turkey, European Integration, European Union, United Europe, EU Enlargement, EU
Social studies and monitoring
Poteryaeva O.B., Dubrovskaya E.A. (2015). Problems of Social and Psychological Adaptation of First-Year Students to Studies in Higher Education Institutions (by the example of Ural Federal University). Politics and Society, 7, 906–913.
The subject of the research is the adaptation of the first-year students of B. Yeltsin Ural Federal University to the conditions of a higher education institution. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the preparedness of applicants, now students, to the conditions of a higher education institution, and the willingness of the higher education institution to provide a socially comfortable environment. Special attention is paid to such issues as: difficulties emerging under the new studying conditions, effectiveness of adaptation regarding the acceptance of norms and requirements of student life and the traditions of the institution. The significance of social and psychological adaptation of the students is justified by the fact that this process implies transition from the level of national tasks to the level of real life activity of a person. The research is of interdisciplinary nature. The main conclusions of the conducted study consist of identifying the reasons for difficulties in the process of social and psychological adaptation of the first-year students: absence of the usual social circle, inconvenient timetable, overload by studies, insufficient level of pre-university preparation, living conditions in the halls of residence. Friends that also entered a higher education institution, classmates and senior students also provide great help during the social and psychological adaptation. According to the students, the least help is provided by the student course supervisors. The research discovered no socially maladjusted first-year students, there is only an insufficient level of adaptation of first-year students according to certain parameters. This allows to draw a conclusion that in Ural Federal University there are all necessary conditions to improve the social and psychological adaptation of students.
satisfaction with the educational environment, general adaptation syndrome, first-year students., applicants, professional education, socialisation, psychological climate, orientation, social and psychological adaptation, factors of successful adaptation
Law and human rights
Parygin S.N. (2015). Legal Issues of Property Nationalisation in the Republic of Crimea. Politics and Society, 7, 914–918.
Inclusion of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol as federal subjects of the Russian Federation is an unprecedented phenomenon for Russian civil legislation. The subject of the present research is the issue of the legal regime of property that belongs to another state - Ukraine, that is presently located on the Russian territory. The goal of the study is to search for the best ways to fill the gaps in the Russian legislation in the field of the nationalisation procedure. The continuous lack of a nationalisation law stipulated the elaboration of many corresponding bills. The review of those is also a goal of the author of the present article. The issue of the valuation of property to be nationalised has been considered. The methodological basis of the research are dialectic, historical, logical, system-structural and concrete sociological approaches. Special scientific methods, such as formal legal, comparative legal, etc. are widely used in the study. The academic novelty of the research is defined by the original analysis of the opinions of civil law scholars, established Russian civil legislation, as well as the drafts of legislative acts in the studied area. The author expresses his evaluation of the existing ideas regarding the changes in the legislation in the mentioned field. The author suggests adopting a framework federal law that would in detail regulate the nationalisation procedure; he also specifies the range of things that cannot be objects of nationalisation. The issue of valuation of the nationalised property has been considered in an innovative way.
the value of nationalised property, forms of alienation of property, property of foreign residents, property of the Russian Federation, nationalisation object valuation, nationalization object, nationalisation, Republic of Crimea, framework federal laws, confiscation
People and work
Flerov O.V. (2015). Motivation, Loyalty and Corporate Culture Amid Unemployment and Redundancies in the Era of Socioeconomic Uncertainty. Politics and Society, 7, 919–929.
The object of study in the present article is labour activity. The subject of the study are motivation for labour, loyalty of the worker and corporate culture of the organisation in the period of socioeconomic uncertainty. The author thoroughly examines the behavioural mechanisms of the workers under the conditions of fierce competition on the labour market, peculiarities of their motivation, as well as values that determine their economic behaviour. Special attention is paid to the analysis of motivation theories and interpretation of the notion of corporate culture in the context of modern conditions and problems of Russian labour market. The research method used in the article is social psychological analysis, as well as empirical data collected by the author while working on a managing position. The author's conclusions lie in the fact that during difficult socioeconomic times some theoretical assumptions of human resource management are to be in a certain way reconsidered. At the same time, it is impossible to interpret the economic statistics of the labour market without social psychological analysis which allows to better understand the motivation, choice and values of the workers in a certain situation.
The novelty of the article lies in the fact that it shows well-known assumptions of human resource management in the context of relevant social issues that our country has been facing lately.
labour market, unemployment, labour, needs, corporate culture, loyalty, motivation, economic behaviour, incentive, value
The dialogue of cultures
Korneeva T.G. (2015). Justification of the Concept of Imamah in Nasir Khusraw's Philosophy . Politics and Society, 7, 930–937.
In contemporary world, more and more conflicts occur because of the differences between various Muslim sects. The author sees the cause of misunderstanding between the Western culture and the Arab-Muslim culture in the fact that in the basis of the two cultures there are different ways of understanding reality. To understand the events that take place in the Muslim world today, one should refer to the philosophers of the past, who in their works described the classical models of political structure of the Muslim society. The Ismailis of the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region of Tajikistan highly appreciate and honour the outstanding Ismailian philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 - 1074). In the present article the author analyses the development of the concept of Imamah in the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The analysis is based on the two treatises by the Ismailian philosopher: "Zad al-musafirin" ("Travellers' supplies") and "Disclosure and liberation" ("Gushaesh Islands rahaesh") in Persian. The author concludes that the concept of Imamah strongly influenced the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The concept of Imamah was developed both in epistemology and in eschatology of the Ismailian philosopher. Nasir Khusraw argued the need for the Imamah not only on a personal, individual level, but also on the level of the whole universe.
Imam of the time, history of mankind, conceptual theory, West and East, Arab-Muslim culture, concept of Imamah, Nasir Khusraw, Ismailism, Ismailian hierarchy, Fatimid Caliphate
Legal history
Karpov V.A. (2015). The Question of Evaluating State Transformations in the Russian Empire in the Beginning of XX Century in the Context of Establishment of the Rule-of-Law State. Politics and Society, 7, 938–942.
The object of the research are the state transformations conducted in the Russian Empire in the beginning of XX century. In this respect the influence of the Western concept of the rule-of-law state has been evaluated. The author thoroughly examines internal essential characteristics of the rule-of-law state as the unity of four criterial complexes: ideological criterial complex (key significance of the rule of law principle in the state ideology), formal criterial complex (advanced legislation that consolidates a wide range of human rights and freedoms), practical criterial complex (real legislative execution and provision of rights and freedoms by effective guarantees of practical implementation), psychological criterial complex (high level of legal consciousness in the society, broad support of the rule of law principle among the population). Methodologically the research is based on the dialectic ontological method, complex of general (logical, historical, ascension from abstract to concrete thinking, etc.) and particular scientific methods (comparative legal studies, system structural analysis, explanation of laws, etc.). Scientific novelty of the study lies in the elaboration of a system of criterial complexes: ideological criterial complex, formal criterial complex, practical criterial complex, and psychological criterial complex for the evaluation of essential characteristics of a rule of law state. The article evaluates pre-revolutionary Russia with regard to its correspondence to the idea of the rule of law state using the elaborated system of criterial complexes.
rule-of-law state, pre-revolutionary Russia, constitutionalism, rule of Nicholas II, Manifesto, improvement of state order, criterial complexes, ideology, formalism, characteristics
History of political thought
Balakleets N.A. (2015). Gestalt of the Partisan as a Transgressive Phenomenon: Carl Schmitt’s Political and Philosophical Theory of the Partisan. Politics and Society, 7, 943–951.
The subject of the present study is the phenomenon of the partisan presented in Carl Schmitt’s “Theory of the Partisan”. The gestalt of the partisan is analysed in the context of the ideas of E. Junger, G. Münkler, I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, G. Bataille, F. Nietzsche, W. Sombart and others. The follow ing major social and political characteristics of the partisan are disclosed: irregularity, political engagement, increased mobility, telluric character. The author explicates the heuristic potential of C. Schmitt’s concept of the Partisan in conditions of depoliticisation of modern society, erasing borders between the conditions of war and peace, levelling the differences between regular and irregular armed groups. Along with the general scientific research methodology the author uses systems and anthropological approaches to the analysis of political phenomena, as well as the principle of methodological holism.The scientific novelty of the research lies in the interpretation of the Gestalt of the Partisan as a transgressive element of social space that exists in the semantic field between the poles of “combatant” and “terrorist”, but does not merge completely with any of them. In the author's interpretation the Gestalt of the Partisan is treated as anti-discourse element of social space, an element of resistance to the dominant discourse of power, therefore, it represents the greatest threat to the unifying power mechanisms in the globalised world.
justus hostis, combatant, war, state, transgression, space, Gestalt, partisan, power, Carl Schmitt
Rozin V.M. (2015). Management of Global Markets and World Events by the Anglo-American Supragovernment Elite (conspiratorial discourse, based on the book "Battles of the Diamond Barons" by Sergei Goryainov). Politics and Society, 7, 952–963.
The article analyses the book "Battles of the Diamond Barons" by Sergei Goryainov. The main provisions on which the author founds are highlighted: the price is determined not by the correlation of supply and demand, but the conscious control and regulation; it is the price of the raw materials that determines the basic economic processes and related global markets, and this price is a formed and projected resource; commodity price and global markets are managed not by the governments, but by clubs and elites, and not all of them, but only those owned by the Anglo-Saxon culture, etc. We consider the evidence basis of Goryainov's concept and demonstrate that the author's interpretations are vulnerable and can be interpreted as counterexamples to his constructions. To reveal the basis of the of Goryainov's concept, the author reconstructs his values and personality traits, which are then compared to the outlook of the author, as well as his teacher - the famous Russian philosopher G. Shchedrovitsky. At that, the following methodology was implemented: comparative analysis, methodological problematisation, situational analysis, reconstruction and interpretation of the points stated by Goryainov, that allowed to criticise Goryainov's conspiracy theory and highlight the reasons for the inadequacy of such concepts. As a rule, the authors interpret the facts in the spirit of their own concepts, they ignore criticism and other studies, they do not fulfil the basic requirements of scientific justification. However, their concepts are designed for their own specific audience.
criticism, values, personality, conspiracy, concept, theory, interpretation, elite, sociality, facts
Academic thought
Bakumenko G.V. (2015). The Process of Symbolising Success as a Principle of Spatial-Environmental Orientation of the Elements of Sociocultural Systems. Politics and Society, 7, 964–977.
In the present article as a research subject we consider a sociocultural phenomenon of a procedural nature, that due to its dynamic nature has not received any categorical unambiguous definition in modern science and philosophy. We define this phenomenon as a sociocultural process of symbolising success.
The object of our attention is an interdisciplinary cultural discourse around the conceptualisation of the category of success, which takes place in the modern Russian linguistics, social philosophy, cultural studies, as well as a number of related subjects. Not pretending to represent an all-embracing perspective, we restrict ourselves to the identification of dynamic characteristics of the category of success in order to determine the sociocultural significance of its symbolisation as a continuous sociocultural process accompanying the genesis of culture.
Based on the analysis of national approaches in linguistics, cultural studies and social philosophy to the problems of conceptualisation of the category of success, the article focuses on the dynamic characteristics of the category of success in its everyday and philosophical symbolisation. So, the most important here is the philosophical and analytical method within the systematic cultural approach.
The novelty of the research lies in understanding the significance of the dynamic characteristics of the category of success from the perspective of modern cultural ideas about the social and cultural dynamics. We introduce the concept of sociocultural process of symbolisation of success and determine its systemic importance as a principle of self-organisation of sociocultural systems and spatial-environmental orientation of the elements composing these systems.
cultural orientation, categories of success, system approach, sociocultural process, sociocultural self-organisation, interdisciplinary discourse, symbolisation of success, phenomenology of success, constitution of social reality, sociocultural space