National security
Popov, E. A. (2014). Social Security as a Set of Values
and Moral Standards. Politics and Society, 8, 894–901.
Security issues and effi cient safety enforcement are in the focus of attention of modern science, both natural
science and socio-humanitarian disciplines. Most researches emphasize mostly the institutional approach that
analyzes the role of different state and social institutions in achieving social security. However, values and standards
lying in the basis of security enforcement are an important moment to discover as well. In addition, in his research
E. Popov pays special attention to studying the phenomenon of social security in antrosocietal and culturecentered
aspects. The culture-centered approach (including axiological approach in the fi rst place) allows to view
the security issue in a different light and to show to role of culture and values and moral standards in security enforcement.
Social security is understood as a certain state of interaction between society, human, state institution
and culture that allows to achieve the positive state of all actors and objects of social reality. Such approach to social
security allows to considerably expand the socio-cultural ‘horizon’ of above mentioned researches and create
more effi cient methods of security enforcement in the society.
Security, social (public) security, society, security enforcement, culture, national security, danger, values, standards, state institution.
National security
Vladimirova, T. V. (2014). New Social Mobilities as the Practice
of Information Security Enforcement. Politics and Society, 8, 902–909.
The article concerns new social mobilities in terms of practices of informant security enforcement.
A social actor responsible for information security, on one hand, provides for protection of information and
protection against information and, on the other hand, develops the orientation at the external information
environment because his resources need to be constantly renovated under the conditions of changing social
reality. In these circumstances the intensity of renovation of information resources is constantly increasing
according to the growing intensity of information fl ows which, in its turn, leads to faster deterioration of information.
In these circumstances the mobility practices are good security practices. Theoretical and methodological
basis of the research includes social-philosophical and sociological theories. In particular, T. Vladimirova
uses the concept of social mobility offered by John Urry and the theory of the object-centered sociality
introduced by Karin Knorr-Cetina. New mobility practices that constitute today’s network and fl ow mythology
of the social world are viewed by the researcher as general practices of information security enforcement. The
concept of their organization is partially revealed through the ideas of channels, tunnels and fl ows in John Urry’s
works. T. Vladimirova notes that new mobilities need to be understood and used as practices of information
security enforcement of national forces under the conditions of a growing number of fl ows and networks.
The essential aspect of new mobilities is a high intensity of communication demonstrated in the pace and variety
of interactions. Noteworthy that a typical attribute of new mobilities is the objectualization of relations
and the appearance of the ‘object-centered reality’ (Karin Knorr-Cetina’s term).
New mobility practices, information security enforcement, high intensity of communication, object-centered sociality, channels, tunnels, flows, networks, general security practices, network security practices.
Lyashko, A. M. (2014). Are Cossacks an Ethnos (Nation)
or a Social Class?. Politics and Society, 8, 910–923.
As a result of social disruptions of the fi rst half of the 20th century, Cossacks have been spread all over the world
and deprived of their own social institutions. The concept of Cossacks as a social community has been formed under the infl
uence of the political nature of the issue through history, the complexity of the phenomenon of Cossacks and peculiarities of
relations between Cossacks and the Russian government. In the USSR scientifi c researches of Cossacks as a social community
were subdued to the existing ideology that sometimes was radical. Russian social studies barely ever touched upon the
phenomenon of Cossacks. Cossacks were studied by culture experts, historians, lawyers, political experts and military scientists.
Within the framework of the research A. Lyashko uses the terms ‘ethnos’ and ‘social class’ as the categories of social
studies. Based on this, Cossacks are viewed from the point of view of ethnosociology, sociology of culture, military and political
sociology. A. Lyashko carried out the comparative analysis of the military social structure of Cossacks with the military
social structures of other societies. The researcher also analyzes the social structure of Cossack (four social classes inside
the Cossack class). The researcher shows that Cossacks are one of the indigenous communities of Russia and Ukraine
and possess the main features of ethnos. The departure from the stereotypes on Cossacks as a service class community allows
to take a new look at Cossacks as a social community, in particular, Cossack culture and traditional Cossack democracy.
Cossacks, ethnos, social class, social stratifi cation, social institution, material culture, intellectual culture, national identity, military structure, political culture.
Conflict and consensus
Ismaiylova, Kh. E. (2014). The Reasons of Ethnic Conflicts. Politics and Society, 8, 924–933.
The present article is devoted to modern views on the nature and reasons of ethnic confl icts, their classifi -
cation and typology as well as means, methods and technologies of their peaceful regulation and solution. The main
purpose is to show that ethnic confl icts in social relations are one of the natural forms of socio-political interaction.
Without them the evolution of the social system would be impossible. Ethnic confl icts and their causes are viewed by
the researcher not only from the point of view of the opposition between different opinions of experts in ethnology
but also from the point of view of the leading political trends: primordialism, instrumentalism and constructivism.
The methodological basis of the research includes systems, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-
political, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction,
modeling and observance. Modern ethnic confl icts do not only allow to discover and solve contradictions
that arise as a result of the evolution of ethnic communities and development of international and multi-cultural interaction
but also to develop new forms of social and political behavior in extreme situations (confl icts and crises)
that increase the stability of the entire system of social relations in general.
Contradictions, constructivism, primordialism, instrumentalism, ethnicity, ethnos, society, confl ict, politics, identifi cation.
The heritage of transformation
Gryaznova, E. V., Shkirnyuk, P. G. (2014). Life Quality Management in Public Health Service:
Problems of State Management. Politics and Society, 8, 934–941.
The health status of the population has been declining in our country over recent years. This inevitably
leads to loss of life quality. The main reason of such a situation is a poor state management of health care institution
activity. Health care management issues decrease the effi ciency of the life quality management which is the main
potential resource of the country. In order to develop solution of the aforesaid problem and increase the effi ciency
of the life quality management, it is necessary to carry out the analysis and systematization of the issues with the life
quality management arising in the Russian Federation health care system which is the subject under research of the
present article. As the main research methods, the authors use analysis, comparison, ascension from the abstract
to the specifi c, documentary method, content analysis and analytical method. The results of the research demonstrate
that the low effi ciency of the management in health care shows itself, fi rst of all, in the lack of funding of the
health care sector while available fi nancial and material resources are used ineffi cient. The disparity in provision
of health care is also growing and human resources are not used well. The social tension is increasing. This, in its
turn, makes the health care crisis approaching the line after which the whole system of health care will break. The
results of the research will allow to develop requirements fo the information systems and increase the effi ciency of
the life quality management in the sphere of health care.
Administration, state, management, public health service, life quality, life quality management, principles of management, social effi ciency of public health, socially important benefi t, health.
The heritage of transformation
Kaptelina, O. A. (2014). Monarchical Moods of the Peasants
in the Russian Empire of the Early XXth Century
(Based on the Letters of the Chief Council
of the Russian People’s Union): Issues
of Source Studies. Politics and Society, 8, 942–949.
Political transformations that took place in the Russian Empire after revolutionary events of 1905 – 1907 were
followed by the differentiation of public moods. Various social groups experienced the process in different ways. The most
interesting and understudied question still remains the question about the attitude of peasants to democratic changes happening
in Russia back in those times. The present article presents the attempt of the author to clarify the moods of peasants
that were refl ected in letters addressed to the Russian People’s Union and stored in the State Archive of the Russian
Federation. The article deals with the questions about to what extent peasants followed the monarchical views, how they
conveyed their ideas and what infl uence the Russian People’s Union had on the evolution of peasant mentality. In her research
O. Kaptelina studies archives and focuses on methods of information analysis adopted from source studies including
attribution and classifi cation of letters as well as the frequency analysis. Source analysis of materials was performed
with reference to the authentic interpretation of letters written by peasants and analysis of their informative value for the
purpose of studying the perception of the policy of the Russian People’s Union by peasants as well as to what degree peasants
shared the monarchical moods and basic ideas of the party. The results of the analysis of peasants’ letters do not only
show that after the revolution of 1905 – 1907 peasants kept to the monarchical policy and shared the ideas of the extreme
right-wing political movement but also allow to see all the shades of those moods. The scientifi c novelty of the research is
in introduction of archives and their integrated study into scientifi c use.
Russian Empire, revolution, Russian People’s Union, monarchical views, peasant mentality, source studies, reforms, public moods, social groups.
Omelchenko, D. A., Maksimova, S. G., Noyanzina, O. E., Goncharova, N. P., Avdeeva, G. S. (2014). Reconstruction of the Image of the Ethnic ‘Other’
in Mental Representations of the Residents
of Russian Regions. Politics and Society, 8, 950–961.
The subject under research is the mental representations, evaluations and stereotypes constituting the
general image of the ethnic Other in public consciousness. This image is reconstructed through successive fragmentation
and description of semantic interactions between attributes relevant to different social roles that may
be performed by a representative of the other ethnicity; discovery of the latent factors conditioning the perception of different ethnic images; construction of semantic spaces visualizing categorical structures of the consciousness/
mentality of social groups of different gender, age and region of residence. With the help of the psychosemantic
questionnaire developed on the basis of a modifi ed variant of the multiple identifi cation method,
semantic differential and repertory grids, 240 people living in the four regions of Russia (the Altai Krai, Omsk
Region, Krasnoyarsk Krai and Altai Republic). The role positions included: a signifi cant other of another nationality
(a fried or a family member), a representative of another nationality that was born and has been living
in the region all this time, a person of another nationality who had to come from another county (a refugee), a
foreigner who came to work legally or illegally (a migrant worker), a representative of another nationality who
came for educational or cultural purposes (a student, a tourist or a trainee). The reference category was the ‘native
resident of Russia’. The received data was evaluated according to the bipolar scales. After that data was
analyzed by the means of the variance, correlation, factor and cluster analysis. The results of the research have
shown that the image of the ethnic ‘other’ in the Russian mentality consisted mostly of the negative stereotypes
projected on representatives of other nationalities. The content of these stereotypes related to, fi rst of all, evaluation
of the potential risk and the threat to national security, ethnic confl icts and tension, social inequality and
low cultural or intellectual level. The infl uence of these stereotypes is less in close interpersonal relations and
is more for a lower social status of illegal immigrants. Self-perception of Russian citizens is rather contradictory.
On one hand, native residents of Russia are viewed paternalistically and from the position of their national
uniqueness and superiority. On the other hand, they demonstrate a low self-esteem which is usually caused by
the low standard of their living and legal and moral disadvantages. Despite general semantic perception mechanisms,
regional mentalities are signifi cantly differentiated which is refl ected in social images and stereotypes
demonstrated by local residents.
International interaction, public consciousness, mental representations, ethnic stereotypes, nationalism, migration, psychosemantics, image of the ethnic other, national consciousness, national security.
Slezin, A. A. (2014). The Soviet Youth of the 1920th – 1930th: Far Eastern
Aspect (Review of the Book ‘Youth Movement and State
Youth Policy in the Soviet Far East (November 1922 –
June 1941)’ by Bilim, N. N. Published in Khabarovsk
at Khabarovsk Border Institute of the Federal Security
Service of the Russian Federation in 2013). Politics and Society, 8, 962–967.
The article contains the review of Natalya Nikolaevna Bilim’s monograph devoted to the youth movement
and state youth policy in the Soviet Far East in the 1920th – 1930th (see Bilim, N. N. ‘Youth Movement and State
Youth Policy in the Soviet Far East (November 1922 – June 1941)’ published in Khabarovsk at Khabarovsk Border
Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in 2013). The importance of the topic is dictated
not only by the historiographical signifi cance of that period when the basis of the Soviet political system was founded
but also by the poor awareness of modern historians on the real life of the youth of the 1920th – 1930th. Ideologies
created by the USSR Komsomol historians together with the accusatory writings of the late 1980th – 1990th created
many myths but did not bring us any closer to the truth. According to the reviewer, the effi ciency of Komsomol
activities should not be evaluated from the plain ‘effi cient-ineffi cient’ point of view, especially by the communist organizations
themselves. Encouraging us to evaluate the Komsomol activities from the point of view of universal and
state values, the reviewer notes that at least the book under review had certain prerequisites for that. Even though the reviewer sees the system of the ideological and political education of the youth as an element of the Soviet system
of political control, he agrees to Natalya Bilim’s statement about the close relation between propaganda efforts
of Komsomol and the tasks of literacy and overcoming drunkenness, immorality and nationalism. The true advantage
of the book is the scientifi c criticism of publications and articles showing Komsomol as an organization with no
creative potentials at all. At the same time, the reviewer also describes the minuses of the monograph under review.
History, historiography, youth, Komsomol, Far East, review, ideology, religion, youth policy, creation.
Political aspects
Repinskaya, O. V. (2014). Antiterrorist Strategy as a Mean of Enforcing
the USA Political Domination. Politics and Society, 8, 968–971.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the antiterrorist strategy as a mean of enforcing the USA political
domination in terms of security enforcement in Russia and Eurasian Zone. The researcher substantiates the dependence
of external political processes aimed at antiterrorist measures in different regions of the world on achieving
geostrategic interests of America. O. Repinskaya also views the tendencies towards development of democratic
transformations and growth of terrorist activity in the post-Soviet territory in terms of strengthening the policy of
Russia. The author analyzes possible prospects for the development of the political process in the light of the implementation
of provisions of US Law No. 22777 ‘Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014’. The research methodology
includes general scientifi c methods of research as well as special methods such as sociological, behavioral,
comparative law, statistical and historical analysis and etc. The scientifi c novelty of the research is proved by: – the
substantiation f the dependence of the US antiterrorist policy directions on the tasks of enforcing the political domination
of the USA; – the discovery of the relation between the strengthening Russia’s position and the rise of terrorist
activity in the territory near the areas of geostrategic interests of the USA; – the conclusion that it is necessary
to improve the cooperation in the Eurasian territory for the purpose of anti-terrorist security.
Terrorism, security, anti-terrorist strategy, political domination, anti-terrorist cooperation, USA, Russia, Eurasian Union, European Union, Ukraine.
Political power
Derkach, M. A. (2014). Extreme Right Parties in the Seventh
and Eighth European Parliament. Politics and Society, 8, 972–981.
The subject under research is the modern European extreme right parties that have achieved their representation
in the seventh and eighth European Parliament. The choice of the research subject is determined by the
fact that under the present growth of popularity of extreme right parties in Europe, most researches devoted to their
electoral results are focused on studying these parties in terms of their activity at the national and, rarely, municipal
levels, while the activity of these political forces at the general European level including that in the European Parliament
is practically left without analysis. Using the comparative method, M. Derkach analyzes the results of their
elections to the European Parliament in 2009 and 2014 as well as their coalition policy, i.e. participation in formation
of the deputy group of the European Parliament. The author concludes that elections of 2014 did not demonstrate
a signifi cant rise in extreme right moods among European electors. At the same time those elections outlined
the deepening the split inside the family of extreme right parties and demonstrated the presence of insuperable (at
least at this stage) contradictions in associated political forces.
Right radicalism, extreme right parties, anti-immigration parties, European Parliament, European Alliance for Freedom, National Front, Jobbik, Lega Nord, Sweden Democrats, Neo-Nazism.
Religion and politics
Nikitin, A. V. (2014). Antigovernment Activity of Representatives
of the Orthodox Church in the Years of the First Russian
Revolution: the Case Study of Church Proceedings. Politics and Society, 8, 982–988.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of church proceedings on antigovernment activity of representatives
of the Orthodox Church in the Russian Empire in the years of the fi rst Russian revolution (1905 – 1907).
The present topic is understudied by historical sciences. Even though the repressive infl uence of the hierarchy
on oppositional clerics is commonly known, a specifi c content of particular cases have been rarely a focus of
attention of researchers and academicians. However, even though the current base of sources is insuffi cient
to create a full picture, it still allows to progress in studying this phenomenon. Viewing the materials of court
proceedings, the author of the present article compares approaches of different governmental institutions to
the problem of suppressing anti-government activity of the priesthood and provides examples of behavior of
priests in this crisis situation. According to the author, there was also the complex interaction between state
authorities and church authorities (both central and eparchial ones). The Holy Synod played a decisive role
in strengthening consistorial sentences in a number of cases. Uncertainty of criteria of political unreliability
made participants of legal proceedings to use argument of subjective character. There were also cases when
calumniatory claims were made with the intention to solve domestic problems for one’s benefi t in the parish.
Russian Orthodox church, Holy Synod, church court, the fi rst Russian revolution, State Duma, consistory, defrocking, prohibitions in priesthood, legal proceedings.
Political technologies
Karpov, V. V. (2014). Political Marketing as a Conceptual Foundation
of the Political PR and Advertising. Politics and Society, 8, 989–1002.
The author proceeds from the established tendency of the political decision-making process that has the
intuitive nature and carried out on the basis of personal and professional experience of the offi cial making the decision.
Appealing to the expert community or improvement of one’s own professional competence through receiving
the basic o additional professional education is now rather an exception than a rule. The author of article proceeds
from the belief that for defi nition of the term "political marketing" it is necessary to view the historical stages
of the development of the term as well as conceptual approaches that accompanied that process. The scope of the
article relates to defi ning contents of the concept of political marketing by analyzing its foreign and Russian analogues.
The methodology of article is based on systems approach as a universal principle of the organization of scientifi
c research and assumes the discovery of the contents and the main theories and technologies of political marketing
both through history and in the modern political process. According to the author, the scientifi c novelty of
the article is in assessment of the perspective use of the concept of political marketing in the analysis of modern
voting technologies and also activity of certain political actors in the modern political process. Revealing two basic
variants of concepts of political marketing the author comes to the conclusion about domination of its mobilization
version in the Russian political space while prospects of the modernization approach are much more obvious.
Political marketing, political advertising, political PR, political process, political culture, public authority, political communication, political modernization, political technologies, political image.
History of political thought
Shipovskaya, L. P., Gemonov, A. V. (2014). Philosophical Interpretation of Heraldic Symbols
in the Old Russia During the Period of the Ruling
of the First Romanovs (1613 – 1682). Politics and Society, 8, 1003–1011.
The author of the article makes an attempt to carry out the philosophical analysis of the heraldic symbols
in the Old Russia during the ruling of the fi rst representatives of the Romanov dynasty. The object of the
semiotic analysis is the symbol of the double-headed eagle on state stamps of the fi rst Romanovs. The author
of the article specifi es that being a symbolical aspect of the picture of the world in Russia in the XVIIth century,
heraldic images refl ected features of Russian mentality in general and interpretation of the princely power
as an important attribute of the Russian society in particular. The main research methods included the following:
semiotics approach allowing to reveal the sign and symbolical bases of social life and behavior of people
in the society as well as the social and phenomenological approach and the Jungian psychoanalytic concept
as heuristic methods of a philosophical discourse of heraldic symbolics. The standard semiotics analysis
describing the meaning, the meant and the reviewer (according to Umberto Eco’s methodological scheme) is
completed by the Jung’s theory of archetypes as well as dialectics as a universal method of philosophical research.
Heraldic symbols are interpreted by the author in terms of the philosophical category "world picture"
expressing a universal way of formation of conceptual and fi gurative and symbolical ideas of the world. Thus,
the author of the present article outlines an important feature of the period of the historical development of
Russia which is the national identity formation.
Heraldry, symbol, semiotics, double-headed eagle, picture of the world, symbol of power, state institution, Romanov dynasty, tsar, throne.