State and civil society
Abdulgalimov, R.Z, Suntsov, A.P. (2014). Activities of non-governmental organizations
as the main form of participation of citizens
in public administration in a state. Politics and Society, 7, 726–732.
The object of studies in this article involves the patterns of participation of non-governmental organizations
in managing public affairs of the state. The authors discuss conditions and other circumstances regarding cooperation
between the state government bodies and non-governmental organizations, evaluating specifi c features of
the legal status of the NGOs participating in managing affairs of the state. In this respect the article provides defi -
nition and elements of the legal status of the non-governmental organizations as the main form of participation of
people in implementation of the state government policy. The article also includes analysis of the specifi c features of
the legal status of the NGOs. From the standpoint of materialistic dialectics the authors employ the methods of dialectic
cognition, as well as the general scientifi c cognition methods – historical, systemic, generalization and analysis
of scientifi c, normative and practical materials. The scientifi c novelty is due to the studies of the legal status of
non-governmental organization within the framework of managing public affairs according to the current legislation,
including the issues regarding their legal position, specifi c features of their formation and participation in the
ongoing political processes in the Russian Federation. In particular, the authors reevaluate the non-governmental
organization and its role in the modern Russian reform, drawing a conclusion that the non-governmental organizations
have a signifi cant impact into the process of development of the civil society, allowing the citizens to directly
participate in managing affairs of the state, expressing their opinions in the process of interaction with the state.
Non-governmental organizations, citizens, affairs of the state, constitutional law, democracy, state, legal status, society, administration, population.
State and civil society
Tumanova, A.S. (2014). Mobilization of the civil society of Russia against
the enemy nationals in the years of the 1st World War:
organizational and legal aspects. Politics and Society, 7, 733–739.
The article is devoted to the problem of mobilization of the Russian society and state against the nationals
of enemy states fi ghting against Russia in its narrow aspect: selection of voluntary organization in order to free them
from enemy nationals. The author establishes goals and purposes of the campaign against enemy nationals, which as
pronouncedly nationalist. IT was a manifestation of mobilization with patriotic slogans on the unity of the Russian nation
in order to defeat the enemy, and it was aimed at raising the level of national self-conscience. It is shown that the
campaign was initiated by both the state and the general public. The author supports the position on the active formation
of civil society in Russia in the pre-War period and its mobilization for the needs of defense at the start of the
1st World War. The author uses comparative historical, comparative legal and formal legal methods. The article provides
analysis of acts of the government for selection of voluntary association in order to rid them of enemy nationals.
Special attention is paid to implementation of these norms. In the collections of the Russian State Historical Archive
the author has found the correspondence between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its agents: Governor-Generals,
Governors, city mayors regarding exclusion of enemy nationals from the unions and associations. It allows to show
how the campaign against the enemy nationals was implemented in the provinces and cities of the Russian Empire. The
Governors provided the MIA with the lists of enemy nationals excluded from the private associations and other documents
providing for the formula that the nationals of enemy states of Russia were excluded from private associations
by the decisions of their assemblies. As a result the conclusion is made that nationalistic mobilization was contradictory
and non-comprehensive from the standpoint of its infl uence upon the Russian civil society. The sphere of application
of results involves: politics and society, history of state and law, history of civil society.
Civil society, the 1st World War, exclusion of enemy nationals, mobilization of the general public, nationalization of the Empire, the Russian Empire, unifi cation of the Russian general public, selection of voluntary associations, history of law, mobilization of the state.
The nationality issue
Muzakaev, D.A. (2014). Europeanization of the Chechen culture
as a part of process of modernization
of the Chechen society in 1960s – 1980s. Politics and Society, 7, 740–744.
Analysis of ethnic political processes in the Chechen republic allows to single out several stages in the development
of the Chechen culture regarding various social and political conditions, the fi ght of the Chechen people
for independence, protection of national culture and identity, formation of the Chechen Republic as a public formation
within the Russian Federation. In this article the author analyzes the infl uence of the process of modernization
of the Chechen society in 1960s – 1980s upon the development of national culture, which was coming closer to the
general European culture. The vector of this development was aimed at the integration of the Chechen people into
the general Russian social and cultural space. The contents of this transformation involved the changes guaranteeing
institutional, cadres and content-based fundamentals of varied and rich cultural production based upon secular
European tradition, which was the basis for the entire Soviet culture. In order to discuss this issue the author employed
political science methods and approaches: the method of terminological analysis in order to reveal the nature
of the terms, such as “traditional ethnic culture”, “national policy”, “ethnic cultural process”, “ethnic identity”,
“Europeanization”. In order to reveal place and role of traditional ethnical culture in the life of the Chechen
community and its Europeanization, the author used the method of theoretical analysis. The author draws a conclusion
that step-by-step erosion of the Chechen culture cleared the path for wide range of cultural borrowing and
external infl uences, which were refl ected in all of the spheres of life of the Chechen community, including its political sphere. The experience of the Chechen republic shows that high demand for the national culture has a positive
infl uence upon the internal consolidation of the ethnical community, bringing additional sustainability to its spiritual,
social and political life.
Europeanization of the Chechen culture, modernization of the Chechen community, transformation, tradition, society, state, social-cultural area, national policy, international relations, national culture.
The nationality issue
Kagrimanyan, A.S. (2014). Independence of Scotland:
To Be or Not To Be. Politics and Society, 7, 745–752.
The article concerns the issues regarding the referendum on the independence of Scotland which is to be held
in September 2014. The author discusses the main stages of the devolution movement in Scotland in order to fi nd out the
prerequisites for the events taking place today. Then the author studies the attitudes of the people in the region to the ideas
of independence in order to predict the results of the upcoming referendum. In order to predict and understand the upcoming
processes in the region the author refers to pluses and minuses of the more radical option for the future events:
separation of Scotland from the Great Britain. The article involve theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis), historical
method (evaluation of devolution process in a historical retrospective), as well as some practical methods (monitoring
and forecasting) – an attempt to forecast the results of the referendum with the help of some quantitative data. Analysis of
the possible consequences of separation of the region has shown that independence shall cause both positive and negative
effects in political, social and economic life of the Scottish society. Having studied the attitude of the people towards
the ideas of independency of the region in the last 35 years the author concludes that Scotland shall remain a part of the
Great Britain, while its institutions shall gain even broader competence in the future.
Independence, referendum, devolution, attitude to independence, pluses of separation of Scotland, minuses of separation of Scotland, political aspects, social and economic aspects, the Scottish National Party, ethnical separatism.
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2014). Directions and specifi cities of formation
of education for sustainable development of Russia:
towards the end of the UN Decade. Politics and Society, 7, 753–773.
The authors discuss the problem of education for sustainable development (ESD) of Russia before the UN Decade and
within its period. The authors evaluate offi cial documents of global and Russian level which are necessary for the introduction of
the concept of sustainable development in the education in Russia. Special attention is paid to the perception of the idea of sustainable
development and formation of education for the purposes of sustainable development in Russia, preparation of teaching and
teaching-methodological manuals for environmental education within the framework of sustainable development within the system
of higher education, starting with the Conference of the UN on environment and development. The authors evaluate the problem of
widening the scope of sustainable development, which has to be taken into consideration within the framework of formation of the
ESD, since it shall have to widen its range in the fi eld of scientifi c education. The authors employ historical and evolution approaches
towards the formation of education for the sustainable development in Russia, as well as a systemic comparative approach in order
to reveal the general tendencies in the global world of development of environmental education for the sustainable development.
For the fi rst time the authors reveal general and specifi c features and tendencies in education development for sustainable development
as a new phenomenon in the global community, and especially in Russia. I is shown that in addition to the globally accepted
environmental interpretation, the Russia gained a concept of preemptive education, global education and education for sustainable
development based upon the new ideas on guaranteeing security via sustainable development . It is stressed that in the future
education for sustainable development should involve wider and more systemically comprehensive concept of global sustainability,
which is not limited to the triad of economics, social sphere and environment.
Security, International Summit on Sustainable Development, national security, preemptive education, Rio+20, sustainable education, sustainable development, environmental education, environmental education for sustainable development, UN Conference on Environment and Development.
Conflict and consensus
Ermakov, D.N. (2014). On the improvement of procedures
for the prevention of labor confl icts. Politics and Society, 7, 774–782.
The analytical article concerns economic and legal aspects of improving the procedures for the resolution
of collective labor disputes. The article formulates and fi nds solutions for the problems in the sphere of application
of modern legislation to resolution of labor disputes. The author studies the practice of activities of the Labor Arbitration
Court (Moscow) in the sphere of resolution of collective labor disputes. In the process of writing the article
the author used international normative legal acts and documents of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The results of the work involved development
of recommendations for the improvement of mechanisms for the prevention of labor confl icts. The author
also revealed insignifi cant differences between the Recommendation of the ILO N. 92 (1951) and the Labor Code of
the Russian Federation in the sphere of procedure for the resolution of collective labor disputes. The ILO Recommendation
provides for an obligation of the parties to avoid lock-outs and strikes in case when a dispute is transferred
to an arbitration body, while the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly prohibits lock-outs at all
of the stages of confl ict regulation. There is almost no examples of labor dispute resolution in labor arbitration in
the Russian Federation. In spite of the formation of the Labor Arbitration Court in 2001 for the purpose of resolving
collective labor disputes, its activities remain purely consultative. The materials of the article may be refl ected
in the activities of federal government bodies implementing state policy in the sphere of labor and employment, it
also could be of use for practicing lawyers, lecturers and students. The theoretical, methodological and empiric basis
for the studies involved fundamental theories and concepts, revealing the theoretical and methodological bases
for the labor dispute resolution, which were developed by Russian and foreign scholars. It seems viable to minimize
the possibilities for the disputes on implementation of the collective contract at the very time of its conclusion. As
one of the options for achieving this goal, it could be possible to provide for the possibility for consultations for the
representatives of workers taking part in collective negotiations on drafting, conclusion and amendments to a collective
contract on a part of trade unions and their associations both in the presence and in the absence of primary
trade union organization. Additionally, it seams reasonable to provide in the collective contracts for a procedure
of labor dispute resolution in a specifi c enterprise, and it should not contradict to the current legislation. It may be
based upon the existing Recommendations of the Ministry of Labor on resolving a collective labor dispute with participation
of an intermediary, peaceful reconciliation commission, labor arbitration or any other way approved by
the parties and compliant with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The possibility for the qualifi ed consultation
on the part of professional unions and their associations should also be considered.
Confl ict, labor confl ict, collective labor disputes, individual labor disputes, labor arbitration court, resolution of labor disputes, professional unions, peaceful reconciliation commission, voluntary reconciliation, arbitration.
The heritage of transformation
Shipovskaya, L.P., Gemonov, A.V. (2014). Philosophical interpretation of the heraldic symbols
of Russia t the period of the Time of Troubles
(1598 – 1613). Politics and Society, 7, 783–791.
The article contains an attempt of philosophical analysis of heraldic symbols of Russia at the Time of Troubles.
The main method of philosophical interpretation of heraldic symbols of the above-mentioned period in the history
of our state is a semiotic approach, since it allows for discovery and analysis of the balance between signs and
symbols of social reality involving various forms of joint activities of individuals. It is noted in the article that the
Time of Troubles is a special period in the development of the Russian society, and it is characterized with the loss of
social solidarity, disintegration, destabilization of the social system. In the article the authors state that being a sign
and symbolic aspect of social life at the verge of XVI-XVII centuries, the heraldic images refl ect both the experience
of historical development of Russia and the urge of the rulers of the Time of Troubles to hold on to the power and to
form the feeling of national closeness and unity. The article includes semiotic analysis of the symbols of eagle, horse
and rider. Having performed a standard semiotic analysis based upon the position of a number of authoritative philosophers,
the authors point out the importance of social solidarity as a principle of social life and a condition for
the normal development of the society, making a conclusion on the crisis character of the Time of Troubles, which
is refl ected in the heraldic symbols of this period of time, defi ning the passive and active meaning and the referent
element based upon the methodological scheme of Umberto Eco) and this method is complemented with the use of
archetypal theory of Jung, as well as dialectics, being an universal method of philosophical cognition.
Signs and symbols, troubles, social solidarity, semiotics, eagle, horse, rider, the Time of Troubles, the Russian state, heraldic images.
Migration and adaptation
Filippenko, A.A. (2014). “Dreamers” in the USA:
history of formation of the political movement
of the young illegal migrants. Politics and Society, 7, 792–803.
The article tells the story of formation of the volunteer organizations of young illegal migrants fi ghting for the new immigration
legislation in the USA. From 2001 on in the US there appeared student associations, being in favor of providing the
permanent stay and working permits for the illegal migrants, who were brought into the USA, when they were children. While
being initially independent, the groups of young illegal migrants were brought together by large lobbying groups, but they have
managed to overcome infl uence of these groups, and they formed an independent political movement. The study involved analysis
of stories and interviews of participants of the movement of young illegal migrants (politicians, lobbyists, volunteers of the
movement) and systematization of the articles of leading political publications. The youth movement had a signifi cant infl uence
upon the migration policy of the USA, while numerous lobbying organizations failed to deal with this task. In spite of opposition
of the Congress, the President has signed a memorandum, which met the main requirements of the young illegal migrants, providing
them with 2 years visas with the possibility of period extension. Such a result was achieved thanks to the bravery of participants
of the movement, who have managed to escape control of the large organizations and act independently.
“Dreamers”, illegal migrants, immigration reform, congress, president, legislative draft, deportation, lobby, amnesty, immigration policy.
Political power
Kochetkov, V.V. (2014). M.Y. Ostrogorskiy on the role of the parties
in a democratic state:
on the issue of constitutionalizing institutions. Politics and Society, 7, 804–814.
In this article based upon the analysis of the ideas of a merited Russian scientist of early XX century
M.Y. Ostrogorskiy on the role of the parties in the political mechanism of a constitutional state the author shows the
failure of the idea of automatic application of political and economic institutions, which are adopted by reception, although
this idea is popular among the Russian leaders. In fact, for a successful implementation of any institution in
the modern state, it has to be constituionalized, that is, it has to be harmonized with the archetypes of the constitutional
legal conscience – freedom and justice. This study is based upon the use of method of unity of historical and logical
matters, and upon the idea of raising from the abstract to the specifi c. Reception of democratic institutions (party
pluralism, separation of powers, universal election right, etc.) is necessary but not in itself suffi cient condition for constituionalization
of the Russian government. The functioning of democratic political mechanism is impossible without
implementation of basic constitutional archetypes into the legal conscience of the elite and the people. And the latter
is not possible without a public consensus regarding the fundamental values and goals of development of the state.
M.Y. Ostrogorskiy, constitutionalism, state, political party, political system, democracy, human rights, ruling elite, legal conscience, institution.
Political regimes and political processes
Gasymov, N.A. (2014). “Political spring” in Bahrain:
internal political processes and regional politics. Politics and Society, 7, 815–823.
The object of studies involves institutions of public administration, institution of monarchy and the
internal political proceses infl uenced by the Arabian spring. The social and political turmoil, which has started
in 2011, has infl uenced almost all of the Arabian states, having signifi cant impact at the reformatting of the
spectre of the further political development in the region. Within the framework of these studies the author attempts
to systematize analytical information on Arabian spring in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The author evaluates
the causes of public protests, goals of opposition groups and consequences of the Arabian spring for the
internal political processes in Bahrain. The author attempts to forecast the further development of the events.
Within the framework of the study the author used applied interdisciplinary methods of content-analysis and
event-analysis. The object of analysis involves contents of text masses and products of communicative correspondence.
Since modernization in the Kingdom of Bahrain involves in-depth processes, there was an intensive
social transformation. In the lifetime of one generation the spine of the tribe tradition was broken, and
the lifestyles of most of the population have changed profoundly. In spite of the fact that tremendous amount
of oil and gas resources had a fundamental impact upon the social structure, there is still need for the further
economic, legal, administrative changes for the sustainable development of society and state, and facing all
the challenges of the modern world.
Arabian spring, revolution, protest, modernization, monarchy, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Shield of the Peninsula, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, the Middle East.
Logic and cognition of political processes
Poyarkov, S.Y. (2014). Problems of implementation of the concept
of constitutionalism at the supranational level. Politics and Society, 7, 824–836.
The object of this study is the process and conditions for the formation of constitutionalism at the supranational
level of social relations. The need to understand the process of formation of constitutionalism at the supranational
level is due to the fact that the process of constitutional development is to a great extent defi ned by the processes
of globalization and denationalization in the conditions when the state remain the main subject of international relations.
Taking into account that constitutionalism is a special system defi ning the form of organization and dynamics of
the political force in the interactions between state and civil society, the supranational level duplicates this mechanism
of constitutionalism formation. It causes problems regarding legitimacy of power, sovereignty of the state and human
rights at the national and global levels. The methodology of this study involves systemic approach as a combination of
methods and means of multidimensional idea of constitutionalism as a globalization phenomenon. The study defi nes
that the problems of formation of constitutionalism at the supranational level are caused by the absence of comprehensive
ideological fundamentals for the political and legal associations of autonomous independent formations due
to the insuffi cient formation of constitutionalism structures at the global scale. In the modern society the formation of
supranational constitutionalism is caused by, fi rstly, the need for the institutional systematization of the development
processes in the existing system of international relations in order to form the situation when effi cient political activity
catalyzes social change. Secondly, it is due to the need to limit the activities of the existing subjects of political power and to form novel institutions while preserving the sphere of autonomy for states or other subjects. Thirdly, it is necessary
in order to complement and strengthen internal constitutional guarantees.
Constitutionalism, political system, political power, state, globalization, constitutional order, systemic approach, global order, integrity, civil society.
Ideology and politics
Bagdasaryan, V.E. (2014). Axiology of Russian in the perspective
of global development. Politics and Society, 7, 837–854.
The article is devoted to the studies of fundamental values of the Russian way of development. The author
follows the link between value-oriented target-setting and formation of the state policy. It is proven that axiological
types of Russia and the West are principally different. The author offers materials showing degradation tendencies
in the development of the Western society. The author proposes a vision of value components, which may serve
as a foundation for a new ideological project of Russia. Analysis of the contents of main Russian ideological concepts
shows preservation of the single meaning paradigm. The only thing that has changed with time was political
language. In this respect one could speak of a uniform value project of Russia and its multiple historically specific
manifestations. The idea of unity of the humanity based upon the value platform of the “good” is key for it. The
study is based upon the axiological approach, which presupposes that according to the classic scheme the sequence
of implementation of state administration should be formed based upon the algorithm chain: establishing the values
– setting goals – identifi cation and solution of problems – achievement of a result. Before certain administrative decisions
are made there should be a desired value-oriented image of the state. The article also applies the approach
of quantity digitization of importance of various values in their defl ection in various social and cultural environments.
Historically the Russian statehood was based upon the civilization identity fundament. This fundament was
signifi cantly different from that of the state being of the Western states. Preservation of its own value fundamentals was a success factor for Russia, while departure from it had caused periods of crises and catastrophes. Several attempts
to reform Russia according to the Western standards always ended up in systemic failures. Another such try
is taken in the process of post-Soviet liberal reforms. However, it turned out to be impossible to form a new system
of life sustenance.
Axiology, values, state policy, civilizations, civilization reserve, ideological project, Russia, West, discourse, quantitative evaluation.
Kutischev, A.V. (2014). Cutural and civilization aspects of wars
of late feudalism. Politics and Society, 7, 855–863.
The center of attention for the studies was formed with war and military arts before the Enlightenment epoch
as a formation of civilization and cultural diversity. The dominantly materialistic approach to history and economical
element are only partially manifested in military reality. In most cases they are overshadowed by more powerful motives,
such as dynasty interests, class estate vestiges, religious bias. Cultural and mental formations of late feudal society
(the atmosphere of the court, estate ethics, moods and intrigues) were infl uential factors of military and political
activities. An important attention is paid to the subjective factor and personal ambitions of politicians, ruining the image
of rational, step-by-step and successive policy of states, which was formed in XIX – XX centuries. The article provides
comparative analysis of attitude to war in various classes of Western European and Russian society. Comparison of the existing factual materials allows to draw a conclusion on differences in the roles of common people in the Western
Europe and in Russia in regard to waging wars and bearing its costs. The European military culture is regarded
as a symbiosis of professionalism, military law and the code of knight and nobility honor. Russian military service is
regarded as an authentic mix of the state “yoke”, general land business and moral debt. Attention is paid to the defi
ning infl uence of climatic and natural factor upon the military culture. All of the above predefi nes the differences in
character of wars in the East and in the West of Europe and their refl ections in the public conscience. War in a historical
and philosophical discourse have for a long time been a matter of political and economic formations in the world.
The article provides comparative analysis of wars of the epoch from the standpoint of civilization– cultural pluralism,
allowing to show new dimensions of military arts, and to take a look at traditional forms from a different angle. The
European community before the Early Modern Period shows a gradual transition from the negative attitude to war to
the indifferent one. The Europeans got used to wars regarding them as normal, and it becomes a gradually more and
more notable matter in the European culture. Infantile character of the common people in combination with the militant
mentality of the nobles, material interest of trading and producing bourgeoisie allows the modern researchers to
state that “civilization was culturally predisposed to war”. Russia shows the opposite tendency. In the Russian cultural
tradition of the late feudalism war is a hard ordeal for the people. It brings pain and suffering, destruction, loss, hunger
and death. Moreover, images and associations of the wars of the Early Modern period only strengthen the anti-war
moods. Strong opposition to wars becomes more and more dominant mental and moral element of the Russian culture.
Wars of late feudal period, Europe and Russia, civilization authenticity, specifi c features of military arts, cultural formations, subjective factor, traditions and customs, images of war, military law, romance and ambition.
History of political thought
Nikandrov, A.V. (2014). Norberto Bobbio on the typology of intellectuals
in the post-industrial society. Politics and Society, 7, 864–875.
The article concerns the changes introduced by Norberto Bobbio into the theory of intellectuals, which was
developed by him in 1950s, and presented in his work “Politics and culture” (1955). When the American concepts,
ideas and doctrines of Atlanticism enter the Western European scientifi c and intellectual world the ideas of role of
intellectuals in society and politics changes towards their de-politization. It was especially facilitated by the combination
of concepts, which basically formed an unifi ed doctrine of post-industrial society. All of these changes made
N.Bobbio search for the answer to the question of whether the role of intellectuals in fact had changed, considerning
that by 1970s many representatives of political science and philosophy questioned both role and the very existence of
intellectuals in the post-industrial society. In his works of late 1970s N. Bobbio partially corrected his teaching of intellectuals,
while not changing its nature and still supporting the position on the decisive role of intellectuals in the protection
of culture from the infl uence of political imperatives. The theoretical and methodological basis for the work involved
historical and political science method, historical analytical method allowing the researcher to see the concept
of N.Bobbio within the framework of Western European political realities and scientifi c quests of XX century. Both the
teachings and the personality of Norberto Bobbio were mostly unknown for the Russian researchers of political history
of the second half of XX century, while his concept of political role of intellectual is quite interesting for both the historians
specializing in the XX century and the scientists interested in the so-called “history of intellectuals” as a specifi c
phenomenon of the political history of XX century. It is therefore important to gain knowledge of the transformations
of the concept of political role of intellectuals of N. Bobbio throughout the XX century under the infl uence of pro-Atlanticist
theories of post-industrial society in an attempt to “protect the protectors of culture”.
Intellectuals, politics of culture, managerism, post-industrial community, experts, cognitive capitalism, ideology, Marxism, Communists, doctrines.
History of political thought
Matveeva, S.V. (2014). Economic conjuncture of Russia in 1925-1926
and main provisions for the optimization
of economic development of a state according
to N.D. Kondratiev. Politics and Society, 7, 876–885.
This article concerns a topical issue of economical heritage of N.D .Kondratiev, discussing the problem of
studying social-economic concept of the Russian historian and economist, namely, cyclic wave theory of N.D. Kondratiev,
which was developed by him within the framework of his concept of social economics. The article provides analysis
of the economic conjuncture of Russia in 1925-1926 according to N.D. Kondratiev, revealing the contents of events
of economic life of Russia at that time. The author attempts to present the main provisions of optimization of economic
development of the state based upon the studies of the scientifi c heritage of the globally renowned Russian economist.
The article provides analysis of his conceptual scheme, where the scientist develops his views upon the model of economic
behavior, the author studies his theoretical proposals for the optimization of economic development, viewing it
as a scientifi c basic of great scientifi c value for the formation of the modern model of social-economic system of Russia.
Proportionate development, proportionate development program, price scissors, theory of long waves, social economics of Kondratiev, economic behavior, economic conjuncture, balance of the market mechanism, optimization of economic development, criteria for the optimum development.