The nationality issue
Boyko, S. I. (2014). The Concept of Nation in the Discourse About
a Russian ‘Powerless Party’
(the Case Study of ‘Yabloko’). Politics and Society, 6, 620–631.
The concept of nation can be obviously called one of the key concepts of our time both in Russia and abroad.
However, in recent years there has been a visible paradox in understanding the phenomena of nation and nationalism.
The growth of the importance of national issues was associated, on one hand, with the dominating liberal ideology of
‘multiculturalism’ and, on the other hand, with the decrease of interest towards traditional political ideologies. As a
political concept, ‘nation’ is a discursive construct which meaning is defi ned with the intergroup (interparty) struggle.
This meaning cannot be stable, because it changes along with the transformations in the balance of political power.
Consequently, a researcher studying this concept should always ask himself what purposes are being pursued by the
political forces that use the concept of ‘nation’ or struggle for the monopoly privilege to defi ne the meaning of the term
‘nation’. To study the concept of nation in the political party discourse about a Russian ‘powerless party’, the author
of the article uses the conceptological approach developed by V. Makarenko. The purpose of the present article is to
create a methodological construct for studying the concept of nation in the discourse about political parties of modern
Russia. For a differentiated analysis of the discourse about the ‘powerless party’, the author offers a conceptological
version of the dramaturgic approach to the political party system. Analyzing the concept of nation in documents of the
democratic party ‘Yabloko’, the author notes that the party rhetoric may change depending on the political environment.
However, these variations have their own limits, too. In case of the party ‘Yabloko’ they are framed with the civil
concept of nation. Noteworthy that the concept remains the same in all party public declarations.
Concept, nation, inclusion, exclusion, powerless party, powerful party, political fi gures, sphere of concepts, discourse, imitative party discipline.
Social studies and monitoring
Trofimova, I. N. (2014). The Socio-Cultural Factor and the Factor
of Settlements in the Social and Economic
Development of Territorial Communities. Politics and Society, 6, 632–641.
The author of the article analyzes the infl uence of the socio-cultural factor and the factor of settlements in
terms of opportunities and prospects of modernizing the activity of territorial communities. The importance of the
topic is caused by the differences and contradictions in the values of the Russian society as well as a deep social inequality,
territorial disparity and inter-settlement differentiation. Special attention is paid to the analysis of peculiarities
of traditional and modernistic values and behavioral stereotypes of Russians depending on a type of settlement.
The author also views contradictory effects of modernization regarding the territorial development of the
country in general. Analyzing the problem, the author takes into account the main provisions of the theory of modernization
regarding transformations of socio-cultural grounds of a modern society which allows to conceptualize
integrated infl uence of the socio-cultural factor and the factor of settlements on the development of territorial communities.
A territorial community is viewed as a complex self-development system which performance and development
depend on many factors. The integral infl uence of the socio-cultural factor and the factor of settlements causes
the difference in values of Russian people which, fi nally, defi nes creates special features of the social and economic
development of independent territorial communities and territorial development of the country in general.
Territorial community, social and economic development, modernization, socio-cultural factor, factor of settlements, values, value priorities, social inequality, territorial disparity, differentiation between settlements.
The heritage of transformation
Ivinskikh, G. P. (2014). Milestones and Peculiarities
of the Development of the Theatre Life
in Perm During the Pre-Revolutionary Period
(1895-1902). Politics and Society, 6, 642–650.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the brightest period in the pre-revolutionary development of the theatre
arts in Perm. It has been proved that the frontier epoch conventionally called ‘the Silver Age’ was rather intense
and fruitful even in the province. Due to a rich theatre life and outburst of creativity, the cultural life in Perm had the
highest level of response to the demands of the times, generally growing interest towards theatre art and new esthetic
searches typical for different kinds of art at the turn of centuries. The main research methods used by the author when
writing the present research article were: historical, empiric and analytical methods. The author also used the methods
of comparison and analogy. The scientifi c importance and novelty of the article are the following. The author has
established that during the period studied there were qualitative changes not only in the sense of the self of people but
also in their perception of the city. In fact, in those years Perm signifi cantly ‘advanced’ in acquiring the fame of a theatre
city. According to the author of the article, here it is appropriate to refer to V. Dal’s dictionary and his defi nition
of ‘fame’ as a ‘famous in a certain quality’. Therefore, the entire period of the pre-revolutionary development of the
city was associated with the cultural life of the city reaching the highest level of response to the demands of the times,
generally growing interest towards theatre art and new esthetic searches typical for different kinds of art at the turn of
centuries due to a rich theatre life and outburst of creativity. These are the main results of the ‘seven years of theatre’
in Perm that had a good impact on the level of further development of the theatre life in the city.
theatre, art, intelligentsia, cultural heritage, pre-revolutionary period, theatre life, theatre management, society, artist, Silver Age.
Academic thought
Dubovik, O. L. (2014). Fundamental Research of Crime and Punishment
in the History and Culture of Russia
(Review of the book ‘Crime and Punishment
in the History of Russia’ written by A. V. Naumov
and Published in Moscow in 2014). Politics and Society, 6, 651–658.
The article is devoted to the ideas of a professor A. V. Naumov on the issues of crime and punishment in the human
history, history of science and religion. The professor analyzes these issues comprehensively and takes into account data obtained
by researchers of different branches and movements of science. The reviewed book contains intertwinement of historical
facts, opinions, statistical data, illustrations of criminal law concepts and attitudes to punishment and crime in literature s
well as the analysis of legislation. The reviewer appraises the objectivist approach of A. V. Naumov to the study of crime and
punishment. The author of the review also analyzes the ideological neutrality of the author of the book and underlines that
personal assessments of studied phenomena can be of interest to the readers. The reviewer also analyzes the main content
and the structure of the book. The reviewed book can be the beginning of a new stage of refl ections on the fate and fortunes
of criminal law, crime and punishment, victim and criminal. The book can also trigger further researches in the sphere of
criminal law. The author of the book manages to maintain an open mind when analyzing the Russian criminal law and comparing
it to the Western law. When necessary, the author also appeals to the comparative law besides Russian law history.
Crime, punishment, history of Russia, criminal law, the Criminal Code, objectivist approach, criminal law concepts, historical facts, legislation, reform.
Genesis of power
Maksimov, A. A. (2014). Management at State Organizations as a Method
of Increasing Effi ciency of State Administration. Politics and Society, 6, 659–667.
The subject under review of the present research article is the improvement of the management effi ciency at organizations
of the state sector through using different mechanisms of adopting methods and models from organizations of
the private sector of the economy. The author describes modern trends in choosing methods of increasing management effi
ciency such as human resource rotation in the state and private sectors of economics and provides a critical evaluation
of these methods. The author also views peculiarities of using the concept of the new public management as an alternative
to the traditional form of public administration and provides a critical evaluation of these methods as well. In his research
the author has used the following methods: the expert survey method, content analysis of documents and scientifi c
resources on the matter and secondary data analysis. The article also presents the results of the analysis of the methods
of improving effi ciency of public management that are of immediate interest under the conditions of the modern Russian
environment. The author also offers his own classifi cation of effi ciency improvement methods and carries out a critical
analysis of the results of implementing the new public management concept. At the end of the article the author concludes
about the need to apply the evolutionary approach to increasing the effi ciency of public administration.
Effi ciency, management, rotation, revolving door syndrome, management, new public administration, evolutionary, revolutionary, bureaucracy, neo-liberalism.
Transformation in political processes
Sardaryan, G. T. (2014). Regionalization and Federalization in Terms
of Transformation of the Forms of Political
and Territorial Mechanism of the Government. Politics and Society, 6, 668–674.
The article is devoted to the essence and content of the terms ‘regionalization’ and ‘federalization’, their
main differences and peculiarities of their implementation while viewing the process of public authorities decentralization
in terms of transformation of the form of political and territorial government in Italy, Spain and other
member states of the EU with the diffi cult unitary form of government. Both terms mean a similar direction of reformation
of the territorial government and at same time, being based on different forms and methods of the implementation
of the reform, they predetermine different goal-setting as well as the fi nal result of activity performed
by public authorities to expand powers of regional units. In his research the author has used the dialectic method.
When focusing on different constitutional regulation of the institution of political and territorial government in different
countries of the world the author has used the comparative method s well as the historical and institutional
methods along with the systems analysis method. The author of the research article introduces a whole number of
new defi nitions and terms into science, in particular, political interpretation of such an institution at ‘region’ as an
intermediate authority between the government and local self-government and its differentiation from the defi nition
of ‘region’ as a sub-state unit depending on geographical, economic and other principles. In his research the author
mostly uses the researches of foreign scientists such as Derek Gregory, Ron Johnstone, Matteo Legrenzi, Cilja
Harders, France Schriver and others.
Regionalization, federalization, Spain, Italy, European Union, decentralization, political and territorial government, devolution, regionalism, federalism.
Political regimes and political processes
Gasymov, N. A. (2014). Saudi Arabia After the Arab Spring: Domestic Policy
Processes and Reformation Prospects. Politics and Society, 6, 675–681.
The subject under review is the institution of public administration, institution of monarchy and domestic
policy processes triggered by the Arab spring. Socio-political upheavals that started in 2011 have involved
almost all Arabian countries and made a great infl uence on the reformation of the scope of further
political development in the region. As a part of his research, the author of the article makes an attempt to systematize
analytical information about the Arab spring in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The author analyzes
the reasons of social protests and purposes of opposition groups and consequences of the Arab spring for domestic
political processes in Saudi Arabia. The author also makes an attempt to give a long-term outlook on
the democratization process in the region. In his research the author has used applied intra-disciplinary research
methods of the content analysis and event-analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to analyze the content
of texts and products of communications and correspondence. In Saudi Arabia the process of modernization
has assumed a very profound character which has been proved by the intensive social transformation.
Within one single generation the core of the tribal social structure has been broken down and the life style of
the overwhelming majority of population has been completely changed. Despite the fact that the oil reserves
have made fundamental changes in the social structure of the region, there is still a need in further economic,
legal and administrative transformations in order to maintain a sustainable development of the society and
state and respond to all challenges of the modern world.
Arab spring, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Advisory Council, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, modernization, monarchy protest, demonstration, Peninsula Shield.
Legal and political culture
Skiperskikh, A. V. (2014). Homo Politicus:
Between Rebellion and Submission. Politics and Society, 6, 682–688.
The author of the present article shares his thoughts on the choice between rebellion and submission
made by human from time to time. Very often the choice made by man conflicts with the ruling authority
which is interested in preventing de-legitimation by creating political institutions aimed at maintaining
a consensus between the society and the government. However, these institutions cannot be all the way efficient
because it is impossible to fully satisfy man’s need in justice. The author shows there can be certain
moral reasons for man choosing to rebel. Rebellion and submission are very topical issues due to the objectivity
of the authority itself and its countersand as a dialectical opposition. By using the political hermeneutic
method and addressing to the writings of political philosophers studying this problem, the author tries to
understand the reasons of such a moral choice. The author underlines that opposition to all initiatives of the
authority is unavoidable because opposition is an essential part of the authority as it is. A choice of a particular
man to either rebel or submit is also related to a particular political situation triggering a certain
strategy of man’s behavior. Noteworthy that political transformations considerably increase chances for the
radical model of behavior because the level of uncertainty grows and the hope for one’s own resources becomes
evident. Quite on the contrary, periods of political stability significantly increases the need for opposition
making man choose conformal models of interaction with the government.
Rebellion, authority, de-legitimation, opposition, counterstand, submission, political actor, ruling elite, protest, repression.
History of political thought
Matveev, S. R. (2014). The Concept of Sovereignty
in Francois Guizot’s Political Philosophy. Politics and Society, 6, 689–699.
Sovereignty is one of the most important problems in political philosophy because it makes us search for the
answer to the most important questions of politics, ‘Who has the highest level of state authority?’. Do the people, representatives,
monarch or God have sovereignty? Development of this topic is one of the most popular and fruitful directions
in the political philosophy of the XIXth century. Studying sovereignty, Francois Guizot tried to fi nd answers
to particular questions such as about the reasons of the decaying of revolution and death of the Napoleon empire, the
fate and fortunes of the House of Bourbon and the vitality of the Charter of 1814. The analysis of the development of
ideas and term has allowed to reconstruct Guizot’s concept of sovereignty and shows its relation to the intellectual and
political environment of the Conservation epoch (1814–1830). By addressing to this topic, the author of the article has
managed to restore a very important part of the political theory proposed by Guizot and to cast light on the philosophical
sources of the French liberalism as well as to demonstrate the relation between this ideology and democracy. Thi
has also allowed to understand the status of the problem of sovereignty in political practice.
Sovereignty, Francois Guizot, political philosophy, government, society, state institution, democratization, monarchy, legitimization, liberal conservatism.
History of political thought
Savrey, V. Ya. (2014). Anthropology of St. Cyril of Alexandria
in his ‘The Glaphyras’ on the Book of Genesis. Politics and Society, 6, 700–707.
Being the main representative of the orthodox School of Alexandria of the Vth century and one of the major exegetes
of the patritistic period, St. Cyril, even though he did not think of himself as a philosopher in the classical meaning of the
word, still touched upon many philosophical issues in his creativity. His approach to philosophical questions was systematic
and quite clear. Considerable part of his exegetic writings was devoted to the interpretation and commentaries on the Old
Testament and discovery of the Christological meaning there. St. Cyril’s views on human that are based on Paul the Apostle’s
teaching about human are implicitly represented in his theological writings. The author of the present research article
explicates these views by analyzing systematic moments in Cyril’s hermeneutics and studying the relation between his interpretations
of Biblical human images as a particular picture of human nature. The logic of succession of these images shows
that the sacrifi ce of the Divine Logos and His accepting human nature and the Way of the Cross for saving each person from
eternal death create the central moment in all anthropology of St. Cyril of Alexandria. Noteworthy that St. Cyril’s ‘The Glaphyras’
do not only represent the hermeneutic method of mature School of Alexandria but also are an important resource
in patristic anthropology. According to the author of the article, The Glaphyras are an important work that should be taken
into account along with famous systematic treatises of St. Gregory of Nyssa and Nemesius of Emesa.
St. Cyril of Alexandria, anthropology, hermeneutics, exegetics, Logos, Jesus Christ, Adam, human, the Glaphyras, the Old Testament.
History of political thought
Shen, Yu. (2014). Development of the Ideological Philosophical
School of ‘Eurasianism’ in Lev Gumilev’s Works. Politics and Society, 6, 708–719.
The article is devoted to a wide scope of Lev Gumilev’s works and provides the philosophical analysis
and systematization of the main terms of the theory of ethnogenesis and passionarity. The author of the article
underlines the great influence of Lev Gumilev’s innovative ideas on the system of views of the ideological
philosophical school of Eurasianism as well as the definitions of the terms ‘ethnogenesis’ and ‘passionarity’.
The author describes the methods used by Lev Gumilev to study the process of creation and
disintegration of ethnic groups and the influence of these methods on the establishment and evolution of
classical Eurasianism in the first quarter of the XXth century. According to the author, the problems of ethnos
can be studied only at the confluence of the three branches of science, history, geography (landscape
science) and biology (environmental studies and genetics). The author keeps to the comprehensive approach
and objectivity principle. In his research he has also used the method of the comparative philosophical
analysis. In the course of his research the author has used sources and literature according to the principles
of the academic ethics. Within the framework of the theory of ethnogenesis, development of each ethnos
is being viewed as an organic phenomenon and development of a living organism. Passionarity forms
ethnos and changes in the number of passionarities growing with time change the age of ethnos, too, i.e. the
‘phase of ethnos’. Disregarding one’s ethnicity and cultural features there are moments when people easily
maintain friendly ethnic relations and there are cases when different ethnoses are not willing to contact
and even fight. Behavioral patterns may change depending on the phase of ethnogenesis. The cultural explosion
is usually accompanied with the decaying passionarity. Ethnoses exist in the harmony with their native
landscape. According to Gumilev, the deciding factor in determining a super-ethnos is neither the size
or the power of ethnos but the degree of the inter-ethnic congeniality.
Permanentism, ethnogenesis, super ethnos, passionarity, complementarity, symbiosis, xenia, chimera, Eurasianism, turan.