Morality and politics
Ismailov, N. O. (2014). Machiavelli’s Political Philosophy
In Terms of the Theory of Justice. Politics and Society, 4, 378–384.
The author of the present research article studies the main ideas introduced by Niccolo Machiavelli, the brightest
representative of the Renaissance political philosophy, in his theory of justice. The author also studies the relation between
politics and morals in terms of the theory of justice. Niccolo Machiavelli’s concept is studied in the light of enrichment of the
aforesaid range of problems. The author considers Niccolo Machiavelli’s views to refl ect the reality of the social life in that
epoch. He also tries to defi ne Machiavelli’s ideas that could be used when implementing the principle of justice in modern
society. The author studies Niccolo Machiavelli’s theory of justice from the point of view of the unity of all spheres of social
life as well as interdependence and interrelation of social needs, interests and moral values. In terms of the theory of justice,
Niccolo Machiaveilli’s political philosophy appears to be quite interesting and original. Niccolo Machiavelli’s theory has its
own advantages, for instance, Niccolo Machiavelli’s idea of the need to preserve the integrity and unity of a state institution,
grounds for the materialist concept of history and his research of the relation between politics and morals. Niccolo Machiavelli’s
ideas require further research from the point of view of their application to modern social realities.
justice, freedom, responsibility, equality, politics, violence, morals, good, needs, interests.
National security
Gilfanov, A. R. (2014). On Peculiarities of Proving the Fact of Illegal
Crossing the State Border
of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 4, 385–393.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of proving facts during pre-trial proceedings in criminal causes of illegal
crossing of the State Border of the Russian Federation. The author substantiates a statement that criminal acts provided
for in Article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation have a specifi c set of circumstances that are typical
for commitment of such an act. The author offers his own defi nition of the term ‘particular facts to be proved’. Out of all
the main threats to interests and security of the Russian Federation in borderline cases, the author emphasizes activities
performed by international terrorist and extremist organizations to move their emissaries and terror facilities as well as
to conduct diversions and to encourage trans-border criminal groups. Legal regulations set forth by the federal legislation
and departmental legal acts applicable to activity performed by border authorities of the Federal Security Service
of Russia do not regulate particular peculiarities of law-enforcement activity fully. In pre-trial proceedings in criminal
cases of illegal crossing of the State Border of the Russian Federation particular facts to be proved can be defi ned as a
set of circumstances established by criminal law and specifi ed by criminal procedure law, typical for illegal crossing of
state border and subject to determination in the process of pre-trial investigation in order for the fi nal procedural decision
to be made.
studies of law, state border, Russian Federation, illegal crossing, particular facts to be proven, pre-trial proceedings, international terrorism, extremism, border authorities of the Federal Security Service of Russia, federal legislation, powers of judicial authorities.
National security
Kaimak, E. V. (2014). Legal Basis of Struggle Against Organized
Drug-Related Crime in Conjunction
with the System of Social Relations. Politics and Society, 4, 394–405.
The article is devoted to the legal grounds of struggle against organized crime in the sphere of illegal drug traffi cking
in drug dens. Many researchers have dedicated their work to studying organized forms of crime as a negative social phenomenon
and associated response measures in general. However, organized criminal activity related to creation or maintenance
of drug dens as a system element of social relations with internal and external communications has not been studied
in a form of a monograph before. The subject under review is the functioning mechanisms of organized groups and criminal
communities (associations) that are related to creation or maintenance of drug dens, criminal activity performed by such
organizations and their participants, internal and external interactions arising in the course of such criminal activity and
changes thereto under the infl uence of different response measures. The study of the legal nature of phenomena related to
creation or maintenance of drug dens as well as particular gaps in applicable legislation and problems of law enforcement
practice appears to be important to further struggle against this negative social phenomenon. The object of research is the
organized groups, organized communities (criminal associations) that are related to creation or maintenance of drug dens
and teir activity. Based on the results of the research, the author defi nes directions for improving the struggle against organized
drug-related crime including undertaking certain measures at the legislative level.
society, organized crime, drug den, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, violation, criminality, violation of law, drug traffi cking, law enforcement authorities.
Theory of political sciences
Manoylo, A. V. (2014). Topical Aspects of Creation a New World Order
on the Platform of the Russian Model
of Noospheric Policy and Noovitism Ideology. Politics and Society, 4, 406–415.
The present article is devoted to studying tendencies and patterns of formation of a multipolar world
based on the platform of the Russian model of noospheric policy and ideology of noovitism. Modern world is going
through the epoch of global transformations accompanied with the decay of the Westphalian system, increasing
global political instability, reconfi guration of the traditional system of international relations that was established
in the post-war world, international law nihilism, depreciation of values and decreasing role of international institutions
such as the United Nations organization. Under such conditions it is necessary to create a new platform for
the global unifi cation and integration processes. Based on that platform it will be possible to build a new architecture
of international relations and a new design of international institutions in accordance with the realities of the
multipolar world being formed. Research methodology is based on the systems, comparative law, systems functional,
institutional and noospheric approaches to studying international relations and global policy. Conceptual and
ideological platform for formation of a new world order under the conditions of increasing political instability, aggravation
of global problems and threats and growing number of international confl icts as well as a new wave of
color revolutions can be the noospheric teaching of V. I. Vernadsky who presented the system of values of the Russian
civilization in his teaching. Practical implementation of his teaching in politics is the concept of noovitism.
politics, society, international relations, noosphere, multipolar world, noovitism, civilization, culture, security, political traditions.
International policy
Karpovich, O. G. (2014). The Role of International Organizations
in Resolution of Ethno-Political Confl icts. Politics and Society, 4, 416–425.
Creation of many international relations has become possible due to the consensus of the world
community regarding inadmissibility of wars between states. Creation of nuclear weapon made the open war
between states with nuclear potentials impossible. Creation of the United Nations had the purpose to reinforce
the established world order and avoid new conflicts. Unfortunately, the second half of the 20th century
showed that those measures could not solve all the contradictions that appeared after the Second World
War was over. In today’s changing world ethno-political conflicts are becoming more and more possible.
Many countries face the creation of nationalist movements as a response to globalization processes. Societies
demonstrate intolerance and hostility more often and this, of course, create grounds for future ethnopolitical
conflicts which, in its turn, create one of the most serious threats for the humankind. The role of
international organizations in prevention and resolution of such conflicts will be only increasing because
today it is already impossible to imagine the world community remaining uninvolved when events resulting
in numerous victims happen. Such organizations as the United Nations still have plenty of possibilities and
powers even despite protracted crises experienced by many international organizations.
international relations, politics, society, international conflicts, international organizations, conflict resolution, peace keeping, United Nation, ethno-political conflicts, security.
International policy
Burtsev, S. N. (2014). The Caspian Sea Region as the Point of the Confl ict
of Interests of Leading World Powers. Politics and Society, 4, 426–433.
The article contains a geopolitical description of the Caspian Sea basin and its role in the world policy. The author
touches upon the problem of the legal status of the Caspian Sea and covers the policy of out-of-region states as well as the fi ve
Caspian bordering countries. Today the Caspian Sea basin attracts a great number of both regional and out-of-region states
which is due to the wide spread of the supposition about rich oil resources in the region as well as the important geopolitical
position of the region. This fact is still the main problem that worries Russia and Iran and a number of other Caspian bordering
countries. Theoretical and methodological grounds for studying and analyzing the problems and issues raised in the article include
the systems approach applied to studying positions of all actors on the matter as well as the two-way communications between
the actors. The goal of the author of the present article is to view the importance of the Caspian Sea region not only from
the economic but also from the geopolitical points of view which is due to the important strategic position of the region and the
fact that the main routes of transit of hydrocarbon resources come through it. In addition, the author specifi es the key roles of
Moscow and Teheran in solution of the problem of establishing the legal status of the Caspian Sea that is discussed not only by
Russian and Iran but also a number of other concerned Caspian bordering countries. This is necessary not only to start exploration
of the deposit but also to allocate the Caspian Sea to the fi ve bordering territories. The present issue is very important
from the point of view of ensuring geopolitical interests of both Russia and Iran. However, one of the factors slowing down the
solution of this issue is the position of Iran on the matter. The author will study the position of Iran in the next article as well as
positions of other regional and out-of-region states.
Russia, USA, Central Asia, out-of-region powers, legal status, oil, Caspian Sea, Iran, world policy, confl ict of interests.
Legal state
Milchakova, O. V. (2014). Constitutional Justice in Kosovo. Politics and Society, 4, 434–444.
Lately, due to the events happening in Russia and the Ukraine in relation to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea,
many political and public fi gures start to appeal to the experience of the Republic of Kosovo which declared its independency.
It is known that one of the main features of the sovereign power of the state is the existence of its own legislation
and establishment of system of public authorities as well as determination of the competence of these authorities. The important
role in ensuring constitutionality and legality is allocated for the constitutional court and the nature of the constitutional
control results from functions of the sovereign state. Taking into account the provision set forth above, it seems
important to study various aspects of functioning of the Constitutional ourt in Kosovo. The present article contains the results
of the aforesaid study. When carrying out the analysis of constitutional and legal status of the Constitutional Court
in Kosovo the author mostly uses historical, legallistic and comparative and legal methods. Based on the results of research
of the legislation of Kosovo and practice of activity of the Constitutional Court the author notes that the constitutional
justice in Kosovo is organized on the basis of the European model of the constitutional control and experience of
the socialist Yugoslavia, modern states of the former Yugoslavia and other democratic countries. The results of the research
allow the author to claim that it is necessary to recognize the existence of actually functioning institution of the
constitutional control in Kosovo, but at the same time it is impossible to speak about a full autonomy of the Constitutional
Court from the international and supranational institutions because the latter can infl uence it not only through their decisions,
but also directly participating in formation of structure of the Court.
former Yugoslavia countries, Kosovo, state sovereignty, constitutional court, constitutional control, Amicus curiae, Constitution, constitutional justice, constitutional complaint.
Legal state
Kurbanov, R. A. (2014). Legal Regulation of Investments
in the Energy Sector
of North American Countries. Politics and Society, 4, 445–452.
The article is devoted to the questions of legal regulation of investments in the energy sector of the USA, Canada
and Mexico. The results of the analysis showed that despite geographical proximity of these three countries and their cooperation
within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), these countries perform regulation of investments
including foreign investments differently. For example, in Canada the level of investments in this sector is rather high.
Investment in the Canadian energy industry is encouraged both at the state level and at the level of provinces, renewable
energy resources being the priority of such measures. The energy markets of the USA are almost completely liberalized,
i.e. are in private property that is one of differences from the Mexican and Canadian energy industry. At the same time
the situation is just the opposite in Mexico. The oil and gas sector of Mexico almost completely belongs to the government
and the Constitution of this State establishes that "concessions on oil and other solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons
are not allowed" which causes a rather low level of investments.
investments, energy industry, USA, Canada, Mexico, type of ownership, national policy, foreign investments, concessional taxation, liberalization.
Law and human rights
Brodskaya, I. M. (2014). Development of Social Help Forms From the Point
of View of the Semiotic Approach
(the Case Study of Russia). Politics and Society, 4, 453–460.
In social studies and social work the development of the social help is usually described as the linear and humanistically
oriented process which is defi ned by the human nature. The semiotic approach allows to solve an essentially new problem
in this sphere, i.e. to reveal dynamics of social and cultural targets of the social help based on the example of Russia in the period
since the XVIII till XXI centuries. The author uses the concept of the social help offered by Niklas Luhmann as the theoretical
basis of her research, therefore, such forms of the social help as a gift, mercy or service rendered by social organizations
are considered. The primary function of the social help as a gift is the control over border between "the ours – theirs" and restoration
of the world balance through restoration of resources of a specifi c person. In this case the relations with the ‘theirs’
are based on the formula "If… then" (offered by Yury Lotman). This form of the social help is regulated by customs and rituals.
According to Dmitry Zelenin, in the culture of eastern Slavs this type of help remains at the beginning of the XX century as well.
The analysis of the social help as a mercy allows to conclude that it also had a sacral focus but under the conditions of monotheism
the traditional formula was replaced by the "delivery into the power" (Yury Lotman). The help as a mercy was regulated
by religious standards and performed the function of transferring the most important qualities of the person and hierarchical
social communications. Appearance of the social help as a service was caused by introduction of the concept of a police state,
creation of system of public assistance and application of legal regulation. The main function of the social help as a service is to
highlight situations that can weaken or destroy social bonds and relations of an individual. It is thus emphasized that in Russia
at the beginning of the XX century there were prerequisites for establishing professional help as a service which however were not realized because of political transformations. At the end of the article the author considers the change of social and cultural
targets of the social help in socialist and social states.
social help, help as a gift, help as a mercy, help as a service, semiotic approach, targets, police state, social state, social work.
Political communications
Vladimirova, T. V. (2014). The Intensity Level of Communication
as the Criterion of Information Security. Politics and Society, 4, 461–469.
The subject under review is the intensity of communication as a criterion of information security of an individual
where information security is understood as the safety of social practices in the information environment by the means
of new mobilities and orientations of social networks under the conditions of growing intensity of informational fl ows and
information deterioration. This approach allows to outline a social external contour of the idea of information security
and keep to the traditional and more technological defi nition of the information security as the “protection of information
and protection against information”. The theoretical and methodological basis of research includes the theories of social
philosophy and social studies. In particular, the author bases his research on V. Muravyev’s, Alvin Toffl er’s and Zygmunt
Bauman's ideas as well as the theory of mobilities offered by John Urry and etc. The author claims that the most important
aspect of the new social mobility is the high intensity of communication expressed in the speed and variety of interaction.
Temporal characteristics of social practice have a direct bearing on information security provided by an individual.
The ‘ladder’ of actors; people of the past, present and future; the man of space and the man of time are all metaphors of
actors with different intensity of information interaction with the world. The higher the intensity level (speed and variety)
of communication performed by an individual is, the more his practices are protected under the conditions of growing informational
fl ows and information deterioration.
communication intensity, information security, criterion of information security, temporal characteristics of practice, new social mobilities, safety practices, growth of informational fl ows, information (data) deterioration, growth of situational temporality, acceleration of changes.
Politicical behavior
Tsvetkova, M. V. (2014). Refl exive Mechanisms of Subject Relations. Politics and Society, 4, 470–479.
The present article reveals individual understanding of the essence of refl exive mechanisms and their direct infl uence
on subject relations. The author emphasizes the algorithmic weakness of existing approaches to describing refl exive
mechanisms which complicates their practical use, fi rst of all in the sphere of research of subject relations. Refl ective mechanisms
should be shown in the course of motivation formation through reorganization of self-assessment of a subject. Therefore
the author expands the defi nition of the refl exive mechanism as a procedure of detection of compliances of representations
by applying assessment and evaluation to both compliances and reactions to them. Based on the analysis of various
models of refl ection the author of the present article defi nes and classifi es working refl exive mechanisms. At the same time
stages of the process of refl ection are considered. The author also focuses on the need for introduction of assessment procedures
of mechanisms and offers and describes particular procedures for assessing refl ective mechanisms. The author of the
article proves the importance and signifi cance of refl ective mechanisms of self-assessment due to their mathematical constructibility
in studying subject relations. The type of refl ection used by a subject as a strategy of behavior, confl ict or cooperation,
has the greatest importance. Thus, the results of the present research may help to better understand the category of
refl exive mechanisms and their role in the organization of subject relations and self-knowledge processes. This seems to be
a rather promising direction for future researches.
refl ection, refl ective mechanisms, subject relations, evaluation systems, psychological image, perception, selfknowledge, self-assessment, representations, refl ective control, political subjects.