State and civil society
Boyarskikh, A. V. (2014). Application of Social Technologies to Studying
the Structure of Civil Society. Politics and Society, 2, 132–139.
The preset article is devoted to the resources and opportunities of social technologies when studying the civil
society. Based on the analysis of different theoretical and practical researches in this sphere, the author offers a defi nition
of the phenomenon of ‘territorial community’ as an integral and rather independent unit of civil society established
as the result of self-organizational activity of individuals. The author of the article also concludes that researches of the
process of formation and development of the civil society are a very promising direction today, especially in terms of application
of social technologies.
social studies, state institution, society, civil society, local territories, territorial communities, social technologies, the Tyumen Region, opinion surveys, statistics.
Demography and statistics
Alekseeva, D. I. (2014). Structure and Origin of Vasily Lukich
Dolgorukov’s Votchinas. Politics and Society, 2, 140–154.
The purpose of the research article is to study the problems of secular land ownership in the days of palace revolutions.
The author of the article studies the documents of management and records keeping that were created in the process of seizing
property of criminals who committed crime against the state. The main reference of the research is the so called registers of signed
off property. At the present moment these registers are not suffi ciently studied. Registers of signed property consist of a series of
descriptions, particularly on property belonging to one physical entity. These registers are quite complex references containing all
kinds of data. To show their importance as the primary source, the author of the article analyzes documents about land property
that belonged to a famous nobleman Vasily Lukich Dolgorukov. The author touches upon the structure and origin of Dolgorukov’s
votchinas in Alatyr, Kasimovsky, Kerensky, Kinishemsky, Kozelsky, Koporsky, Kromsky, Kursk, Lebedyansk, Moscow, Obolensk
and Ruszky Districts. By analyzing other documents about seized properties, the author of the article clarifi es the origin of those
votchinas. For example, Vitaly Lukich Dolgorukov obtained 10 votchinas as a result of purchase or exchange, 11 votchinas were
inherited or received from relatives in any other way and only 1 votchina was actually given for good service. The analysis of the
process of formation of votchinas allows to clarify some uncertain moments in Dolgorukov’s biography such as his marriage and
other close relations. The process of formation of such a large piece of land property is associated with Vitaly Lukich Dolgorukov’s
career and family history as well as the property that belonged to the Dolgorukovs in XVIIth and early XVIIIth centuries.
history, source studies, agrarian history, the epoch of palace revolutions, secular feudal tenures, register of signed off property, Vasily Lukich Dolgorukov, XVIII century, crime against the state, administrative offi ce for seized property.
The heritage of transformation
Vasiliev, A. A. (2014). The Orthodox Conception of State and Law
in XXIth Century (V. Sorokin and A. Velichko). Politics and Society, 2, 155–160.
The article is devoted to the Orthodox conception of state and law restored by A. Velichko and V. Sorokin in early
XXIth. The author of the present article provides an insight into the Orthodox theory of state and law by appealing to such legal
ideas as the power and service, legal responsibility, moral justifi cation of law, symphony of church and state and conscience
grounds of law. The author of the article proves that the Orthodox interpretation of state and law is quite typical for Russian
spiritual culture. The research shows the deep infl uence of Orthodoxy on Russian legal consciousness. The author of the article
sees the possibility to restore a healthy legal consciousness by coming back to the spiritual grounds of the Russian civilization
that allow the state and law to overcome the evil and disorder and lead to the unity and moral life of the Russian nation.
legal studies, Orthodoxy, conservatism, tradition, faith, truth, custom, monarchy, succession, heritage.
Main human rights and liberties
Laktionova, M. A. (2014). Overcoming Gender Violence as One of the Problems
of Protecting Women’s Rights in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 2, 161–166.
The article is devoted to the problems of minimization and prevention of gender violence. The author analyzes
political, social, legal, psychological and other methods of preventing or suppressing violence against women. The
author also offers certain approaches to solving this issue and defending women against gender and domestic violence.
legal studies, gender violence, woman, man, domestic violence, legal assistance, minimization of violence, victim of violence, women’s rights, crisis intervention centers.
Legal history
Popova, A. V. (2014). Russian Neo-Liberal Political and Legal Doctrine
as the Integrated Form of Legal Consciousness
at the End of XIXth – Beginning of the XXth Centuries. Politics and Society, 2, 167–175.
The author of the article analyzes the grounds for creation and development of neo-liberal political and legal
doctrine as a synthesized ‘integral’ form of legal consciousness that is base on different ideological movements and
schools being popular in Russia at the turn of XIXth – XXth centuries. The research article justifi es the author’s statement
about co-existence of the three main branches of neo-liberalism: idealistic neo-liberalism, positivistic neo-liberalism
and liberal socialism.
legal studies, legal consciousness, integrated legal studies, neo-liberal political and legal doctrine, liberalism, school of restored natural law, religious metaphysics, legal positivism, social and psychological schools of law, social liberalism.
Theory of political sciences
Kireeva, N. V. (2014). Classifi cation of Integrated Relations. Politics and Society, 2, 176–182.
The purpose of the research article is to create a classifi cation of intercommunications arising at international
integration associations as a result of interaction between integration actors. The classifi cation is based on the system approach.
The author of the article shows that all the variety of forms of interaction between interests and relations formed
on their basis can be divided into the two groups: confl ict-free (cooperative) and confl ict. The former is based on the difference
between interests and the latter is based on their opposition. In their turn, cooperative relations can be summative
and synthetic, i.e. creating non-organic and organic entities) and confl ict relations can be positional or resourceful.
It is quite obvious that when we talk about integration associations, we mean associations that are based on cooperative
relations. Noteworthy that summative relations are formed as a result of interaction between parallel interests when parties
pursue different goals but each of these goals can be actually achieved as a result of their interaction. Synthetic relations
are formed as a result of interaction between converging interests, i.e. all parties strive for the same goal. Synthetic
relations are more stable and these are the relations that cause establishment of international integration associations –
socio-economic systems where the dependence between the whole and its components are so close that elements cannot
exist independently. Besides classifi cation of interests and associated social relations, the author of the article also defi
nes other criteria for their classifi cation. For example, integrated relations are divided into subgroups depending o their
objective laws, forms of determinism, direction, substrate, order, sustainability and changeability.
international integration, regional integration associations, integrated relations, social interests, congruence of interests, complementary economic systems, international cooperation, international reproduction complexes, value chains, integrative trade.
Political aspects
Khannanova, T. R. (2014). State Agricultural Policy in Animal Breeding:
Establishment and Implementation Issues. Politics and Society, 2, 183–189.
Issues related to establishment and implementation of state agricultural policy in animal breeding are not suffi ciently
studied by politics. Intricate relations between agricultural policy and one of the main segments of the agricultural sector are of
particular interest not only to scientists but also to the political actors acting in the sphere of agricultural relations as well as to
the agricultural goods producers and the entire population of our country. Effective infl uence of the state on animal breeding is in
many ways conditioned by the level of perception of political decisions by the primary production. However, effi ciency and sustainability
of this sector cannot be achieved without smart, purposeful, coherent and competent policy conducted by the state in the
agricultural sphere. General scientifi c and special research methods (such as analysis, synthesis, systems approach, comparative
and historical methods, the method of involved observation and etc.) allow to defi ne the most topical issues arising in the process
of establishment and implementation of the agricultural state policy in the sphere of animal breeding as well as to offer certain solutions
of these issues. For the fi rst time in scientifi c literature the author describes the problems related to increasing effi ciency of
establishment and implementation of state agricultural policy in a socially important sub-branch of agriculture, animal breeding.
The author also gives her suggestions on how to solve these issues and defi nes the interdependence between the quality of the above
mentioned policy and the level of effi ciency and sustainability of Russian animal breeding in this day and age.
animal breeding, nature, agricultural, state, politics, actor, effi ciency, objective, priority, purpose.
Genesis of power
Gorelova, O. A. (2014). The Problems of Taking Disciplinary Actions
Against Judges in Modern Legislation and Practice
of Judges’ Qualifi cations Board. Politics and Society, 2, 190–196.
The article is devoted to the defi nition and description of forms of disciplinary liability as well as the most topical issues
related to the legal regulation of disciplinary liability of judges by modern legislation. The author of the article analyzes the foreign
experience in regulating forms of disciplinary liability to be applied. The author also studies the most nettlesome problems faced
by the judges’ qualifi cations boards when taking disciplinary actions against judges. The author also describes the opinion of the
International Commission of Jurists on the actual status of the Russian community of judges and the most important remarks of the
aforesaid Commission regarding the improvement of the legal system. In this regard the author also describes recent changes in
the Russian legislation. The author also provides the opinion of the Judicial Council of the Russian Federation against making any
alterations or changes in the legislation. According to the Judicial Council, the current legal regulation of taking disciplinary actions
against judges is more than enough. Based on the results of the research, the author defi nes the main directions of improvement
of the Russian legislation regulating disciplinary liability of judges taking into account the law-enforcement practice of the
judges’ qualifi cations boards. In particular, the author offers to specify the grounds for holding judges disciplinary liable, to specify
requirements applied to evidence of a disciplinary offence and to create individual boards as the part of the Judges’ Qualifi cations
Boards that would examine only cases of taking disciplinary actions against judges.
legal studies, judge, status, independence, disciplinary liability, qualifi cations boards, disciplinary proceedings, act (behavior), punishment, responsibilities.
International policy
Budaev, A. V. (2014). Public Diplomacy
in the Russian-Brazilian Relations. Politics and Society, 2, 197–205.
The purpose of the preset article is to reveal the main peculiarities of the Russian-Brazilian relations being developed
by the means of public diplomacy. The subject matter of the research is the public diplomacy in the Russian-Brazilian
relations. Unlike propaganda carried on by the government and governmental agencies (quite often the term ‘propaganda’
has a negative meaning such as disinformation and misinterpretation of facts), public diplomacy is viewed as the dissemination
of positive information based on the actual state of affairs. Consequently, the effect and results of public diplomacy can
be of more importance and duration than when traditional propaganda methods and techniques of infl uencing the public
opinion are being used. Despite the fact that the term ‘public’ or ‘social’ diplomacy has been introduced into scientifi c use
just recently, particular elements of this phenomena have been already present at different stages of the foreign policy activities
performed by the Russian state. From this point of view, the analysis of using public diplomacy in the relations between
Russia and Brazil is appealing. At the end of his research article the author concludes that today’s public diplomacy is the
most important component of the ‘soft power’ indicated in Russia’s external policy concept. The conductors of this policy
are usually public organizations and civic institutions. In the Russian-Brazilian relations public diplomacy is highly effi cient
because ancient traditions of cultural ties between these two countries created a fertile ground for such bilateral relations.
international relations, politics, law, public diplomacy, Russia, Brazil, soft power, humanitarian cooperation, cultural ties, values.
Legal state
Sokolov, T. V. (2014). The Essence of Constitutional Proceedings
in Terms of the Doctrine of Judicial Law. Politics and Society, 2, 206–219.
The article is devoted to the essence of the constitutional judicial process (constitutional proceedings and constitutional
justice). Views on constitutional proceedings existing in Russian legal literature are mostly concept defi nitions
of the constitutional judicial proceedings than descriptions of the true essence of the constitutional proceedings in terms
of philosophy and methodology. It is well known that defi nitions impoverish the essence and therefore the author sate the
need for development of a new methodological approach to defi ning the essence of the constitutional judicial process. The
methodological ground of this research is the doctrine of judicial law, i.e. the general (universal) legal theory of the judicial
power and procedural law being restored at present moment. The author of the article offers an original methodological
approach to defi ning the essence of the process. This approach involves a successive description of the nature,
purpose, goals and tasks of this form of judicial proceedings. Based on the defi nition of the constitutional judicial law and
the nature of the substantive law used in the constitutional proceedings, the author offers interpretations of the purpose,
goal and tasks of the constitutional judicial process based on the aforesaid approach.
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, constitutional judicial process, constitutional proceedings, constitutional justice, doctrine of judicial law, judicial law, nature of the process, purpose of the judicial law, purpose of the process, tasks of justice.
Law and human rights
Milchakov, O. V. (2014). Antismoking Law
and Constitutional Civil Rights. Politics and Society, 2, 220–230.
By studying the case of restriction of rights and freedoms of smoking citizens, the author of the present article analyzes whether
it is permissible for the state to restrict constitutional rights and freedoms for the sake of achieving their goal to protect rights and
freedoms of other citizens and common interests in general. Based on the analysis of foreign legislation and practice of constitutional
courts in the countries of former Yugoslavia (Macedonia, Slovenia and Croatia), the author of the article describes the main criteria
for restricting rights and freedoms and performs evaluation of their constitutionality including: legitimacy of the purpose of such restriction,
necessity of such restriction and proportionality. In his research the author mostly uses the technical legal method and combines
it with the method of comparative analysis. Special attention is paid to the so called ‘strict test of proportionality’ used by the
Constitutional Court of Slovenia to defi ne the level of admissibility of restriction of the constitutional rights and freedoms. At the end
of the article the author conclude that the constitutional justice authorities in these countries try to maintain an adequate balance between
the rights and freedoms of individuals and legal rights and freedoms and common interests without absolutizing any of them.
constitutional rights, anti-smoking law, smokers’ rights, FSU region, Constitutional Court, Constitution, principle of proportionality, principle of rationality, strict test of proportionality, restriction of rights.
Enslavement and oppression
Boltaevsky, A. A. (2014). Prostitution, Society and Government in Russia:
Aspects of Their Relations. Politics and Society, 2, 231–237.
There are a great number of people with deviant behavior in modern Russia. This sphere includes prostitution that is closely
connected with the criminal sphere and human traffi cking. Over the past three hundred years the Russian government has been trying
to solve this problem by different means but still hasn’t managed to eliminate it completely. According to the author o the article, it is
necessary not to deny this problem but fi ght against it which also means studying the scales and sources of prostitution. Based on the
author, prostitution has its roots in the times of transformations performed by Peter the Great. Based on the analysis of a wide range of
sources and references (both Russian and foreign), the author of the article traces back the stages of development of relations between
the government and society on the prostitution matter from recognizing it till strict prohibition. Legalization and regulation of prostitution
destroy the moral standards of the society but do not eliminate the illegal form of this deviation. In order to fi ght against prostitution,
it is necessary for the government and civil society to combine their efforts. These efforts should be based on the socio-economic
development as well as public education and rehabilitation of people involved in this sphere.
prostitution, modern forms of slavery, deviant behavior, society, power, committees of doctors and police, regulation, rehabilitation, legalization, prohibition.
Political communications
Zobnin, A. V. (2014). Information Force in the World Policy
and International Relations. Politics and Society, 2, 238–247.
The article is devoted to one of the phenomena of modern world policy and international relations, the
force of information. Theoretical grounds of the aforesaid global phenomenon were laid at the end of the 1990s by
famous American politicians Joseph Nye Jr., David Rothkopf, Martin Libicki and Solomon based on numerous researches
of works written by Karl Deutsch, Manuel Castells and Jurgen Habermas. Taking into account the methodological
and theoretical instruments used by modern politics today, research of the phenomenon of the force of
information should be related to the two paradigms, subjective-objective and spatial. The force of information in
spatial paradigm represents the model – antithesis to information security. Information force is the action while
information security is the counter-action. As a result of research, the author creates the 3D model of information
force and offers a classifi cation of the leading states depending on the level of their information force potentials.
information force, information security, information influence, world (global) policy, information force potentials, spatial paradigm, objective-subjective paradigm, Joseph Nye Jr., international relations, information domination.
History of political thought
Sosenkov, F. S. (2014). On the Problems of Isocrates’ Political
and Legal Views on Territorial Integrity. Politics and Society, 2, 248–251.
The article is devoted to the political and legal views of a famous philosopher Isocrates living in Athens. The author of the
article underlines that it is quite a new subject of research in studies of Ancient Greek political and legal traditions. Due to the fact
that Ancient Greece consisted of polises back in those times, so far the issues of state unity have being mostly revealed in terms of
spiritual but not territorial integrity (in particular, in Plato’s and Aristotle’s works). The author of the article analyzes the speech
for Archidamus written by Isocrates to prove the rights of Sparta to become independent from Messenia. Based on that, the author
defi nes Isocrates’ arguments for retaining territories. The majority of these arguments are quite specifi c and applicable only to the
states of the ancient world. These include legends (mythology), decisions of an oracle, legality and fairness of territory seizure as
a result of a war, the length of ownership of territories and the absence of objections from neighboring states. Special attention is
paid to the absence of mechanisms facilitating the integration of the state and therefore military power being the main way to retain
territories in the ancient world. The author concludes that the aforesaid speech had particular political tasks to solve and in
that speech Isocrates was one of the fi rst to express his idea of the territorial integrity and protection of a state.
territorial integrity, Isocrates, national domain, state borders, state unity, statehood, Ancient Greece, Sparta, Messenia, war.