Falaleeva, I. N. (2014). The Problems of Managing the Kalmyk People
of the Astrakhan Governorate and the Don Host Lands in Comparison. Politics and Society, 11, 1289–1298.
The article is devoted to the problems of managing the ‘internal’ borderlands of the Russian
Empire from the poi of view of the ethnic factor. The author of the given research analyzes differences
in the legal status of the Kalmyk people of the Astrakhan Governorate and the Don Host Lands. Based
on the comparative analysis of the regulatory acts of the 19th century, the author sets goals to define
the influence of the essential (domestic, cultural and economic) factors on the legal regulation of the
order of managing ethnic communities of the Volga-Don Region as well as to clarify the management
methods and to describe how these are particularly applied to Volga-Don communities. Research
methodology is based on the principle of historicism. The research methods include comparative-legal,
historical-cultural and situational (concrete historical) methods of critical analysis of sources as well as
historiographic critics. The results of the analysis allow to clarify the legal methods of influence on the
process of the settlement of the Kalmyks and bringing their status to the status of a country man or a
Cossack as a military man. One of such methods was the symbolic change of the names of administrative
units while gradually forcing out institutional peculiarities of the military-ancestral organization
of nomadic tribes. The author concludes that the legal policy concerning the internal borderlands of the
Russian Empire did not have a finalized nature. Strategic tasks aimed at unification of the management
of the Kalmyk steppe were solved indirectly through the combination of measures involving the Kalmyk
people into a sedentary life style and Orthodoxy. Debates on establishing both tactic and strategic measures
provide clear evidence that there were always more than two actors defining the choice of reforms.
trusteeship, polyjuridism, nomadism, the Kalmyks, Cossacks, alien races, national administration, the Buzava (Buzava Kalmyks), legal policy, ethnosubjectivity.
The dialogue of cultures
Chirkin, V. E. (2014). Islamic Law: Some Social and Legal Indicators. Politics and Society, 11, 1299–1312.
According to some researchers, Islamic law is practiced by almost 1.6 billion people which
constitutes 24.86% of the global population. 18.5 millions of these people live in Russia. Being a unified system of law, Islamic law has certain branches (depending on different classifications,
Sunnites or Shiites living in the same countries or territorial branches of the fundamental classical
Islamic law (Oman, Saudi Arabia and others) and a modernized branch (Egypt, Iraq and others).
The author of the present article analyzes the nature of Islamic law and branches of Islamic law,
peculiarities of the regulation of human rights, social order and public management from the point
of civilization, social order, sociocultural approaches and constitutionalism. The author applies the
historical method to describe the origin of Islamic law, different interpretations of Islamic law and
the role of Islamic law in the modern world. The author also applies the methods of legal analysis of
constitutions and other legal sources as well as the comparative analysis to compare Islamic system
of law with other world’s legal systems, comparison of different legal systems of Islamic law, methods
of synthesis, induction and deduction. The author assumes that Islamic law represents a special
type of civilization which retains its grounds in the countries of Islamic fundamentalism (where
it retains peculiar elements of semi-feudal nature) but gets dissolved in modernized or ‘advanced’
Islamic countries. According to the authors, differences in Sunnite and Shiite interpretations of law
are not that significant in this case and concerns only domestic affairs while the difference between
the other two branches are related to the convergence of different legal systems, their mutual influence
and antagonisms (the latter is true especially for the countries of the fundamental Islamic
law). The author of the article presents an original experience in evaluating Islamic law from the
aforesaid points of view.
Islamic law, civilization, economic formation of society (social order), socioculture, constitutionalism, domestic affairs, original experience, fundamentalism, postulates, mentality values.
Social studies and monitoring
Yusupov, M. M. (2014). Axiological and Historical Component of Social Memory. Politics and Society, 11, 1313–1322.
The author of the article describes different types of collective memory and triggers of historical
memory. Axiological and functional meaning of collective memory is described based on the example
of attitudes to the Caucasian war. The author analyzes the relationship between history, memory and
knowledge and provides a terminological discourse regarding the Caucasian war as well as shows the
influence of the ideology on preservation and development of memory. The author discovers different
degrees of influence of historical knowledge, legends and myths on the development of emotional and
psychological attitudes and stereotypes as well as the correlation between historical knowledge and
memory. The author proves the need for distancing of historiography from events and memory. To
author has applied the socio-cultural approach to studying the axiological aspect of social-historical
memory. This approach allows to define the role of cultural life and social-political self-organization
in the support and development of individual and collective memory. In his research Yusupov has also
applied the methods and principles of historicism, objectivism, comparison and analysis of survey data.
The scientific novelty and importance of the research is in using a set of methods and discovering the
importance of social-historical memory as a powerful factor of influence on the social life. Based on
the example of collective memory of a regional community, the author shows the role of emotionally
experienced events of the past presented by social moods and public actions at the moment of a socialpolitical
crisis in the country and the region at the turn of the 90s of the 20th century. The author also
offers a definition of the memory on the Caucasian war and concludes that it would be useful to build
the policy of memory, the culture of memory and to support organic connections in the process of the
development of ethnic, regional and Russian national memory.
memory, history, value, war, conflict, trauma, remembrance, legends, knowledge, crisis.
Public dialogue
Kabanov, P. S. (2014). Social Monitoring of Activity of Public Authorities
as a Form of Public Control in the Sphere of Fighting Corruption:
Definition, Contents and Prospects for Further Scientific Researches. Politics and Society, 11, 1323–1338.
The topic of the research carried out is the social monitoring of activity of public authorities
as a form of social control in the sphere of fighting corruption. The main purpose of the research is
to provide a definition of social monitoring of activity of public authorities as a form of social control
in the sphere of fighting corruption. The goals of the study are the following: a) to analyze the legal
definition of social monitoring used in the federal and regional legislation; b) to develop the working
definition which would reflect the meaning of social monitoring of activity of public authorities
as a form of social control in the sphere of fighting corruption; c) to point out new lines of research of
social monitoring of activity of pubic authorities as a form of public control in the sphere of fighting
corruption. The methodological basis for the study involves dialectic materialism and the general scientific
cognition methods of research of social phenomena and processes based upon it. The scientific
novelty of the research is due to the fact that for the first time in the Russian law literature, based on
the analysis of the contents of social monitoring as a form of pubic control the author offers a new legal
category ‘social anti-corruption monitoring as a form of public control’, discusses its contents and
offers new prospects for further researches of this phenomenon in legal sciences including research
and solution of technological and procedural issues of conducting social anti-corruption monitoring
as well as development of training programs for advanced professional education of social inspectors
in conduction of anti-corruption monitoring.
corruption, fighting corruption, anti-corruption policy, public control, social monitoring, monitoring, civil society institutions, social anti-corruption monitoring, actors of social monitoring.
Conflict and consensus
Karpovich, O. G. (2014). Ideological Basis of Separatism in Terms of Contemporary Global Policy. Politics and Society, 11, 1339–1352.
The article is devoted to the study of the ideological basis of separatism in terms of contemporary
global policy. Fundamental grounds of understanding the phenomenon of separatism is closely
related to such terms and concepts as nationalism, state and national construction, international and
intrastate relations and conflicts, ethnic and religious identification. At the present time there are several
groups of researchers who in this way or another touch upon the problems of separatism when
discussing territorial conflicts, ethnic identification, nationalism, inter-confessional opposition and
conflicts of civilizations. The methodological basis for the study involves systems, structural-functional,
comparative-historical, comparative-political and ethnopolitical approaches, methods of analysis,
synthesis, observation and expert evaluation. Today separatist movements are growing stronger all
over the world. At the present time they are a global ethnopolitical threat. The main milestones in the
development of separatism fall on the second half of the 20th century — at the same time when anticolonial
and national liberation movements gained in strength. Noteworthy that separatist moods
were typical not only for the Third World countries where the borders between states and tribes were
rather questionable but also for the developed counties like England, France, the USA and a number
of other countries. Separatism has a task to separate a particular territory from a multinational state
and create an independent national state entity there.
politics, society, separatism, ideology, conflict, political regime, state, interests, values, security.
The heritage of transformation
Bakharev, D. V. (2014). Regular Patterns of Establishing Territorial Differences
of Crime in Evgeny Tarnovsky’s Works (On the 155th Anniversary
of Birth of the Most Influential Representative of the Russian Criminal Statistics). Politics and Society, 11, 1353–1365.
Scientific achievements of Evgeny Nikitich Tarnovsky (1859–1936), a distinguished Russian
scientist in the sphere of criminal statistics, were duly appreciated not only by the next generations
but also by the contemporaries of the scientist. The latter focused on Tarnovsky’s achievements in the
sphere of dynamics and structure of criminal rates in pre-revolutionary Russia, socio-economic and
demographic factors of cime s well as classification of criminal personality data. Nevertheless, a whole
number of Tarnovsky’s researches were devoted to the analysis of regular patterns of formation of territorial
differences of crime which is left practically unknown for the modern reader. The author of
the present research tries to cast more light on the matter. The author analyzes selected works written
by Tarnovsky from the point of view of historical analysis. In addition, the author defines promising
moments in the scientist’s researches which allow to extend the scope of criminological knowledge in
the sphere of studying regular patterns of establishing territorial differences of crime and the mechanism
of determination of crime in general. The author of the article focuses on a number of concepts
discovered by Tarnovsky which still remain important for the contemporary science. These concepts
include the following: a) the thesis that a drastic change in the level of crime is usually caused by the
decrease or increase of the level of theft while other types of crime are not influenced by it that much,
b) the well-founded conclusion about a difficult and controversial relation between the nature of migration
processes and happening changes in the dynamics and structure of crime, c) the conclusion that
if we study only economic conditions of the household and the nature of occupation of population on
a particular territory, it will not allow us to fully predict the future development of crime in the given
region, d) the statement that there is a certain connection between stages of the economic development
of a state and changes in the level of crime; for example, the highest level of crime, according to
Tarnovsky, can be noted during the periods of the intensive industrial development; e) very important
conclusion saying that a very serious influence on changes of the level of crime in this or that country
is made by the national structure of population and the degree to which the population keeps to the
moral, ethic, religious and corporative (like in case of Japan) and other social standards considerably
weakening the negative consequences of intensive social and economic processes.
Evgeny Nikitich Tarnovsky, criminal statistics, crime rate, territorial differences of crime, England, France, Japan, Russia, migration processes, population.
The heritage of transformation
Fan-Yung, G. Yu. (2014). The Heritage of the Krestovnikov Brothers:
the Start-up Period of the Kazan Stearic Soap Factory (1855–1861). Politics and Society, 11, 1366–1379.
The topic under research is the entrepreneurial activity of Moscow business men and manufacturers,
the Krestovnikov brothers, at the first stage of their establishing the Kazan stearic soap factory.
The author of the article analyzes particular management decisions of manufactures including
their connection with the governorate’s powers and administrative resource, delivery of equipment,
manufacturing, in particular, search for raw material and sales of the final products. According to the
author, the experience of pre-revolutionary manufacturers (even if it was the negative experience)
can be used today when the market economy is being developed in modern Russia. The author of the
article applied general scientific principles including the principles of historicism and objectivism
which allowed him to study different kinds of historical sources and trace back the development of the processes and phenomena under research. The author also used an integrated approach to studying
sources which involved generalization, comparison and critical analysis of researches. Fan-Yung
also used special methods of historical researches including the synchronistic method allowing to
define general features of homogenous processes, etc. The author studies the experience of manufactures
Krestovnikovs in establishing the first major innovation enterprise of the capitalist type. The
author clarified data about the capacities of the enterprise and innovations of those times used at the
enterprise. Fan-Yung also argues against a common stereotype that Alafuzovsky tannery was the first
major capitalist enterprise in Kazan. According to the author, this statement contradicts to archive
materials and other historical sources.
the Krestovnikovs, manufactures, Kazan, stearic factory, soap factory, capitalistic industry, innovation enterprise, Kazan governorate, machine production, Kazan governor.
Ideology and politics
Konstantinov, M. S. (2014). Fascism: Operationalization of Features. Politics and Society, 11, 1380–1389.
The purpose of the present work is to clarify, define and operationalize features of fascist
ideology for further social researches. To achieve this goal, the author addresses to classical researches
of fascism in works written by Roger Griffin, Stanley George Payne, Emilio Gentile, Alexander
Galkin, etc. According to the author of the article, the main problem when studying the aforesaid
topic is the absence of distinctive criteria for identification of this or that complex of ideas as a fascist
ideology. Eclectic and uncertain nature of right radicalism as well the combination of incompatible
ideas make it difficult to carry out concrete sociological researches of the potential social basis for
fascist movements. As the author assumes, the method of ideological morphology offered by a British
scientist Michael Freeden could have solved that problem. Based on the aforesaid approach, fascist
ideology has the two basic concepts (the idea of poast-crisis revolutionary revival and radical ultra
nationalism), closely related concepts (negative attitude to liberalism and conservatism, ‘creative
nihilism’, anti-elitism, holism, focus on action, masculinity, etc.) as well as peripheral concepts (the
cult of personality, leaderism, paramilitarism, etc.). Such a clear structure of fascist ideology allows
to operationalize concepts of fascist ideology for further social researches.
political ideology, morphology of ideologies, concept, ideologemes, right radicalism, fascism, ultra-nationalism, pubic movements, public consciousness, operationalization of terms.
International policy
Zobnin, A. V. (2014). Soviet-American International Consultations
on the Problem of Developing the Final Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Politics and Society, 11, 1390–1398.
The article is devoted to the problem of the comprehensive analysis of international consultations
with the elements of negotiations. In the Russian political science, a significant contribution
to developing the methodology for analyzing international negotiations was made by the lecturers
of MGIMO-University, M. Lebedev and M. Khrustalev. In foreign political science, researchers paid
special attention to psychological aspects of international negotiations and consultations. As a result,
Blake’s and Mouton’s model and Hopman’s algorithm were created. These models reveal strategic
and behavioral elements of the integrated analysis of different forms of international social-political
communications. The aforesaid models are also used by the author of the present article to analyze
the course of Soviet-American bilateral consultations on preparation and adoption of the Final (Helsinki)
Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The author focuses on the positions of Kissinger and Dobrynin who were the key figures of the studied consultation process. As a result, the author
conclude that tactics and positions of the Soviet party was quite contradictory which caused the shift
of the agenda towards general humanitarian issues.
international consultation, international negotiations, Blake’s and Mouton’s model, Hopman algorithm, Helsinki act, A. Dobrynin, Henry Kissinger, consultation process, Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, social-political communication.
Legal state
Voinikanis, E. A. (2014). The Role of the Paradigm Approach in Performance
of the Forecasting Function of the Theory of Law. Politics and Society, 11, 1399–1403.
The topic under the present research is the role of the paradigm approach in performance
of the forecasting function of the theory of law. The author of the article explains the importance of
the paradigm approach for forecasting based on the two factors. First of all, the paradigm approach
is aimed at studying the legal reality in terms of its dynamics which allows to define tendencies and
regular patterns in the development of law and individual branches of law. Secondly, the paradigm
approach is based on the methodological pluralism and studies legal phenomena in their socioeconomic
and cultural environment which allows to achieve objective results. The author of the article
has applied general scientific methods including comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and
generalization) and private scientific methods (formal-dogmatic, comparative-legal research, etc.).
The analysis carried out by the author shows that implementation of the paradigm approach to law in
general leads to an unavoidable gap between general theoretical and branch researches. Voinikanis
concludes that the most promising line of theoretical law researches is the application of the paradigm
approach to branch researches and law institutions. The research of the ‘local’ legal paradigms
enables the participation of the theory of law in legal modernization as a strategic development of
the Russian Federation legal system.
theory of law, legal paradigm, paradigm approach, legal methodology, legal policy, legal strategy, legal forecasting, branch of law, law institutions, legal reception.
Law and human rights
Bogdan, V. V. (2014). Private Law and Public Law Grounds for Regulation of Consumer Rights Protection in Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 1404–1411.
The main topic under research is the balance of private law and public law rounds in the process
of regulation of consumer rights protection in the sphere of economics. The author insists that
at the present time Russia cannot refuse from state control over consumer rights protection because
the most of public law acts usually precede private law acts in this sphere. The author studies both
legal aspects of regulation of relations between consumer and entrepreneur and judicial practice on
the matter. The methodological basis for the research involves general scientific (analysis, analogy
and system) and special legal research methods. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the
fact that the author shows an unconditional need for the influence of public law grounds on regulation
of any relations involving consumers. As a result, the author concludes that the mechanisms of
public protection of consumer rights are conditioned by the interests of the entire society, recognized
by the state and lie in the basis of the economic development. According to the author, the fact that
it is necessary to raise the role of state in consumer rights protection is proved by the development
of the Russian society itself. In the Russian society restriction of these or those private interests lead to achievement of the public wealth, satisfaction of public needs, guarantee of a stable civil (trade)
consumer, state, rights protection, private law, public law, interaction, economic entity, interest.
Religion and politics
Nikolenko, A. A. (2014). A Brief Review of Religion in the Process of Transformation
as an Institution of Socialization at a Modern Stage. Politics and Society, 11, 1412–1418.
The author of the article views religion as an institution of socialization. In particular,
Nikolenko studies retrospective transformation of the role of Russian Orthodox Church in the life
of government at the present stage. The author defines the share of religious people and those who
follow Orthodox canons in the Russian Federation. This is a topical issue due to the growing popularity
of discussion on traditional values and the role of religion in the life of modern Russian society
as well as increasing interest towards religious practices over the past decades. To better understand
the process of socialization based on traditional, i. e. religious spiritual practices in modern Russia,
associated concepts and the role of church institution in modern Russia, the author has applied the
following methods: abstraction and historical analysis. According to the author, being a traditional
social institution church will continue to participate in social life as an independent organization
but not as a branch of the country’s political system. When a government tries to impose spiritual
practices, it usually evokes the opposite reaction, i. e. people start to reject it. If a church merges with
the administrative system instead of keeping a distance from it, the main function of church as a social
institution, i. e. development of the spiritual potential and observance of moral standards, is lost.
Based on the author, today it is very important that the church puts more effort towards encouraging
charity and support of people in crisis situations. This would take the church to a new level as a
social institution and be a harmonic contribution to the dogmatic teaching and traditional meaning.
People will never trust Church or perceive Church as a support or defender if they take it as a part
of the political system.
religion, Russian Federation, Russian Orthodox Church, socialization, social institution, society, traditional values, need for development, dogmatic teachings.
Political technologies
Rozin, V. M. (2014). Social Technology ‘Foresight’ or Politics and Society?. Politics and Society, 11, 1419–1441.
The article is devoted to the two topics. First, Rozin discusses the concept of Foresight and
compares it to the concept of social action based on the ideas of politics and society. At the same time,
the author analyzes anthropological interpretations of human in modern philosophy and views the
difference between politics and the social engineering action. According to the author, the former
involves personality and society while the latter involves a social engineer and human as an object
of such action. Independently or based on experts, a social engineer decides how others should live
and what they should do while personality and society decide for themselves. A social engineering
action is based on rules of nature (in this case, what human is and how human changes) developed
by scientists and politically triggered by social engineering. A political action is formed in the process
of communication of personalities, each personality tries to propose their own idea for others
and society. The methodological basis for the research involves the following: problematization, situational
and comparative analysis, categorization and case study. As a result, the author shows that the social-engineering variant of Foresight has a number of drawbacks. The author underlines that
it is inefficient to view ‘general human’ instead of particular individuals. The author stresses out the
need for further anthropological researches on the matter.
foresight, politics, society, action, personality, human, concept, consequence, freedom.