Question at hand
Berg, L. N. (2014). The Main Stages of the Russian Legal Policy in the Sphere of Scientific Activity. Politics and Society, 10, 1155–1160.
For the purpose of understanding the legal policy of the Russian government in the
sphere of scientific activity regulation, the author analyzes the concept of “state scientific policy”.
According to the author, the legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity regulation can be defined
as a political legal mechanism of regulating scientific activity aimed at gaining and application
of new knowledge at a certain stage of the historical development of society and state institution.
Legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity regulation has a very difficult and diverse structure.
In particular, it is possible to define and analyze stages of the legal policy in the sphere of scientific
activity regulation. The author of the article analyzes the stages of the Russian legal policy in the
sphere of scientific activity regulation. Even though the scope of the research does not cover the
stages of the legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity during the Soviet Period, the author
provides a general description of that period which undoubtedly had certain influence thereto.
Out of all research methods the author has used the systems and schemes of scientific thinking
providing a deep insight into the topic of research, classical logic, activity theory and etc. The author
has also used the system approach which allowed to find out and describe results at a higher
level. The author has also used the other methods allowing to obtain and process valid empirical
materials. The priority of the legal policy in the sphere of the Soviet science was the mobilization
of science for the needs of state building. Typical features included: etatism, attraction of scientific
organizations and particular scientists to applied scientific researches performed for socialistic
purposes and funding of scientific researches out of state budget. To define particular stages in
the development of the Russian legal policy, the author studies whether the main draft or standard
regulatory acts were present during particular periods of time. Results of the analysis of stages of
legal policy in the sphere of scientific activity allow to conclude that the administrative — commanding
method of government with a dominating type of permissible legal regulation remains
the leading method of regulation in the sphere of science administration.
legal policy, legal regulation, legislative system, laws and regulations, scientific activity, type of legal regulation, legal ideology, legal remedies, legal incentives, legal prohibitions.
State and civil society
Zhirina, M. V. (2014). Russian Education Reform: Choosing an Adequate Model. Politics and Society, 10, 1161–1167.
The article is devoted to a popular topic of the Russian education reform as a sociocreating
and socio-developing factor and search for an adequate vector of transformations. The
author views and analyzes the definition of the “national system of education”. Thinking about
the most adequate education model for Russia, the author pays great attention to the problem
of the balance and relation between such polar processes as the focus on the socio-cultural peculiarities
and active integration into the global community. In addition, the author also analyzes
particular actions that have been undertaken to change the form and the concept of the
education system. The author also evaluates these actions and gives her forecast on the matter.
The main research methods used by the author include the analogy method and the method of
comparative analysis. The author applies David Riesman’s classification of social characters to
the description of theoretically possible models of the Russian system of education: “orientation
towards the self” and “orientation towa5ds the others”. Such comprehensive approach allows
the author of the article not only to develop alternative models of the development of the Russian
education system but also to evaluate particular actions that have been undertaken. Based
on the examples provided, the author shows why the chosen path of reformation is irrational.
The author also shares her forecasts regarding the future model of the Russian education system.
Russian education system, “orientation towards the self”, “orientation towards the others”, reformation, adequate model, national system of education, socio-cultural peculiarities, globalization processes, changes, society.
State and civil society
Kabanov, P. A. (2014). Public Expertise as a Form of Public Control Over Activity of public Authorities in the Sphere
of Anti-Corruption Enforcement: Theoretical Legal Analysis. Politics and Society, 10, 1168–1183.
The topic of the research is the social expertise as a form of public control in the
sphere of anti-corruption enforcement set forth by the Russian law on the public control. The main
purpose of the research is to carry out the theoretical legal analysis of public expertise as a form
of public control in the sphere of anti-corruption enforcement. Goals of the research included: a)
to analyze the content of the public expertise as a legal category; b) to define structural elements
of public expertise as a form of public control; c) to analyze the relation between the public expertise
as a form of public control and anti-corruption expertise as a specific form of public control.
Methodological base of the research includes dialectical materialism and associated research
methods including the structural analysis and other methods used in law. The scientific novelty of
the research carried out is in the critical analysis of the legal category “public expertise” as a form
of public control. For the first time in the academic literature the author defines disadvantages of
the aforesaid legal category and offers a new scientific definition “public anti-corruption expertise
as a form of social control”. The author also analyzes the relation between public expertise as a mean of public control and anti-corruption expertise of laws and regulations and draft regulatory
acts as a mean of anti-corruption enforcement.
corruption, anti-corruption enforcement, anti-corruption policy, public expertise, public control, civil society, anti-corruption expertise, anti-corruption public expertise, public authorities, social organization.
Demography and statistics
Mastrakov, A. V. (2014). Double-Stage Approach to Defining the Relation between the Optimum Size of a State and
Economic Growth. Politics and Society, 10, 1184–1191.
The author of the present article describes disadvantages of the existing models that
reflect the relation between the size of a state and economic growth. Taking into account the primary
importance of this topic, the author offers an alternative approach consisting of the first stage,
modeling of the relation between a size of state expenditures and human capital, and the second
stage, analysis of the influence of human capital on the rate of economic growth. This approach
allows to describe a logically relevant relation between all economic categories included in the
model. In his research the author has used the general research methods such as analysis, generalization
and modeling and particular research methods such as economic mathematical modeling,
margin (limit) analysis and functional analysis. The author offers and proves the efficiency of
a model for defining the relation between state expenses on social services and economic growth.
For the first time in academic literature the author offers a method of calculating the time period
between execution of state expenses and changes in the rate of economic growth. The author also
evaluates the degree of influence of different macroeconomic shifts on changing the size of a state.
size of state, modeling, human capital assets, quality of education, public health, economic growth, macroeconomics, state goals, state functions, health care.
Conflict and consensus
Karpovich, O. G. (2014). The Role of Cultural-Civilizational Factor in Today’s International Conflicts. Politics and Society, 10, 1192–1204.
The article is devoted to the role and place of a civilizational factor in modern international
conflicts. With some minor exceptions, these conflicts have a global nature and are a
result of the conflict of national interests of the world civilization leaders. Modern international
conflicts have a bright inter-civilization nature and their participants — individual nations — express
not only their own interests but also interests of their civilizational community in general. For
the foregoing interests, the topic of the research is the civilizational factor and its role in modern
international conflicts. Research methodology includes system, structural-functional and culturalcivilizational
approaches as well as methods of the comparative-historical, comparative-political
and retrospective analysis. Mechanisms of conflict mobilization in modern global conflicts also
have a civilizational nature because consolidation of powers, funds and sources of participants in
conflict is performed not by the means of national state ideology but through the feeling of commitment
to the civilizational community which interests and values are to be protected. This explains
why modern conflicts often happen between international participants and why there are so many international unions and coalitions which consist of many ethnic groups and were created
for the purpose of inter-civilizational opposition.
politics, society, international relations, conflict, civilization, culture, conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict mobilization, security.
Migration and adaptation
Pitukhina, M. A., Sigova, S. V. (2014). Searching for the “Optimal Model” of Russia’s Migration Policy. Politics and Society, 10, 1205–1211.
The article is devoted to the search for the optimal model of migration policy in
Russia. Based on the analysis of cases of Russia, Finland and Great Britain the authors have analyzed
peculiarities of migration policy. Research methodology includes analysis of the structure
of migration as studied by scientists from Great Britain and Finland. In order to prove the
results of research, the authors have used the methods of classification, comparison and expert
evaluation. The author has defined the seven concepts of migration policy which is very important
for understanding and search of a new state ideology in Russia. To describe the migration
situation in Russia, the authors have introduced the term “moderate assimilation”. According
to the author, the most clearly evident way to “moderate assimilation” lies through education
and boost of human capital. The right education policy would allow to shorten the gap between
school success of migrant children and local population. The authors of the article underline
the importance of Finnish experience in the migrant integration policy for Russia. According
to the author, their experience can actually help Russia to achieve many significant goals.
migration policy, “moderate assimilation”, integration, OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Russia, optimal model, human capital, education of migrants, spheres of social life, concept.
Democracy and political processes
Sardaryan, G. T. (2014). On Political Ethics and Global Democratic Development. Politics and Society, 10, 1212–1218.
The subject under research is the relation between ethics as a philosophical category
and the global political process as well as politics as it is. The author of the article gives a review of
scientific views on the influence of morals on politics and a state institution as well as modern views
on whether such negative qualities as, let’s say, hypocrisy, are allowed in politics. Special attention
is paid to the role of religion in the establishment and development of the European civilization
and the modern condition of the European civilization considering evident demographic problems
in Europe. The author of the article uses a deductive method, structural-functional, institutional,
philosophical-comparative analysis as well as other methods of the theoretical approach
to analyzing the relation between morals and politics. The present article is devoted to the issues
that constitute the most nettlesome political agenda in a modern world, in particular, the growth
of Islamic radicalism in the Middle East and the influence of Western countries on this process.
Taking into account the establishment of so called Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria and the
threat it creates for the entire humankind, it is important to analyze political approaches of Western
countries to the problem and the relation between these and ethic standards of the liberal political concept. Special attention is also paid to the status of personality in a number of member states
of the United Nations where the Constitution is rather formal and does not correspond with the
country’s system of morals and values.
USA, democracy, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, Middle East, Europe, morals, ethics, politics, Russia, human rights.
International policy
Penkovtsev, R. V., Hedayati Shahidani, M. (2014). “Soft Balancing” and Asymmetrical Regional Balancing in International Policy. Politics and Society, 10, 1219–1234.
The authors of the article analyzes the relation between the strategies of “soft balancing”
and asymmetrical balancing under the conditions of multipolarity. This structure is denoted
by the 0+Õ equation where “0” mean the absence of a dominating actor or hegemon (great power)
in the international system. In this structure none of the actors may influence all aspects of the
international order. The letter “X” here shows the number of “great powers’ playing their roles for
each actor. Quite naturally, this system also determines and assigns new roles for each actor. One
of the most significant factors is the relation between great powers and different geopoligical regions.
In order to understand this problem and aspects thereto, the authors of the article analyze
the foreign policy of Barack Obama administration. The authors make an assumption that the
when solving different regional problems, Obama’s external affairs team uses the strategy that is
based on the approaches of “soft balancing” and asymmetrical balancing. “Balancing” means the
country’s ability not to allow the political domination of other countries through internal mobilization
or strengthening of unions. In conclusion, the authors show that in this day and age it is
possible to define the five main patterns of behavior of Americans in regional conflicts and their
control over opposing actors.
multipolarity, Soft Balancing, Asymmetrical Balancing, foreign policy, USA, Great Powers, Regional Actors, world policy, balance of power, regional conflicts.
International policy
Koshel, A. S., Ilyin, I. V. (2014). Theoretical and Methodological Grounds for Studying Humanitarian Cooperation Between
the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union. Politics and Society, 10, 1235–1251.
The topic of the present research is rather complex and consists of the two components.
The first component includes the main issues related to the definition of the term “humanitarian
cooperation” under the conditions of Eurasian integration as part of the polycentric international
system. The second component includes the analysis of the external policy of the member
states of the Eurasian Economic Union, relations between social organizations and citizens
interacting with each other regarding humanitarian integration for the purpose of creation and
preservation of the unified humanitarian space. Research method is quite a controversial issue of
the present work, too. The authors appeal to the methods of global studies as a multidisciplinary
sphere of scientific knowledge. Global studies use both general scientific methods as well as research
methods adopted from special sciences. The methodological base of the research includes
a wide circle of scientific tools such as a comparative analytical method, institutional, structuralfunctional
methods and system approach. The authors also view the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of “humanitarian cooperation” in terms of globalization
and regionalization. The authors have summarized the main materials on the matter and offered
conclusions about the prospects of the humanitarian cooperation at the modern stage. In particular,
they have underlined possibilities of the humanitarian cooperation under the conditions of
regionalization of the Eurasian space as part of the development of the Eurasian Economic Union.
international relations, humanitarian cooperation, diplomacy, external policy, integration, Eurasian Economic Union, EAEU, CIS, regionalization, globalization.
Political communications
Dunyaeva, M. M. (2014). The Role and the Meaning of Mass Media in Modern Political Processes. Politics and Society, 10, 1252–1257.
The subject under research is the activity of mass media in the course of military and
political conflicts, their role and place during information opposition between states. The author of
the article clarifies such definitions as “media”, “media communication”, peculiarities and influence
of modern media on political processes of the modern world. The author analyzes the processes of
information opposition as an element of the political process. Theoretical grounds of the research
include works written by Russian and foreign scientists in the sphere of conflict management and
modern information and political processes. When solving the goals of the research, the author
has used both general and private research methods such as system, dialectical, logical and functional
methods, analysis and synthesis methods, empiric methods, method of prognostic scenario
and content analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is in establishing new approaches to the
role and place of mass media in the course of military, state and political conflicts, clarification of
the mechanisms of information opposition in modern conditions and application of conceptual
developments to analyzing global information opposition.
communication, politics, media, society, mass media, information opposition, media communism, political processes, political discourse, information society.
History of political thought
Parkhomenko, R. N. (2014). Creation of Democratic Teachings in England and France (XVII — XVIII Centuries). Politics and Society, 10, 1258–1272.
The author of the article describes how the democratic teachings were created in England
and France and then formed the theory of the Early Modern Period based on the attempts of
the noble class to oppose the rights of the estate representation to the absolute monarchy gaining
political importance. For example, in France the idea of representation as a guarantee of personal
freedom was the result of the attempts made towards the development of the Early Modern Period.
The same thing was right for the English scientists. Further, the development of English democratic
ideas resulted in declaration of individual rights as unalienable, natural and independent from the
representation of people. Generally speaking, it may be noted that “Declaration of the Rights of Man
and of the Citizen” was a result of the combination of the natural law theories and methodological
stereotypes of rationalism. The research method used by the author involved the analysis of a
great number of both Russian and foreign sources which have been understudied in our country.
When describing the development of liberal ideas in France during XVII — XVIII centuries, the author has used the experience of both English political philosophy and constitutional monarchy
as well as the system of the political order in the USA. The theoretical outcome of the development
of the political thought in the USA, in its turn, was defined by the English bourgeois revolution of
the XVIIth century and English political theorists of the XVII — XVIIIth centuries. In the USA
theoretical concepts of the liberal state order were successfully implemented in practical politics
and proved to be strong and sustainable which made their reception especially attractive in France.
democracy, liberalism, England, France, society, human right, Early Modern Period, constitution, state, rationalism.