Question at hand
Kirichek, E.V. (2014). Police and mass media in Russia: legal regulation,
problems and prospects for interaction. Politics and Society, 12, 1459–1468.
The article is devoted to the interaction between police and mass media. The author
of the article examines the legal basis, problems and opportunities for this interaction, carries out
a comprehensive analysis of one of the most important principles of police activity — the publicity
and the openness principles — and provides statistical data. Today when new technologies are being
implemented, the priority is given to increasing the level of proficiency of policemen, strengthening
the official discipline and legality, corruption management, etc. Mass media play an important role
in this process. Wherefore, timely awareness of the events ongoing in the society and professional
competence in covering police activities are an important attribute of mutual trust between police
and citizens. Only a competent approach to the matter would allow to win respect and trust of mass
media representatives and achieve a wide press coverage of police activities. The methodological basis
of the research involves application of both general scientific methods and special scientific methods
developed in legal studies. The following research methods have proved to be especially efficient in the
course of research: dialectic, historical, comparative law, particular sociological, statistical and logical
methods as well as the method of structured systems analysis. The research was based on the summary
and systems analysis of scientific researches as well as efficient laws and regulations.
police, mass media, problems, prospects, rights, freedoms, human, citizen, civil society, the Russian Federation.
State and civil society
Zaytsev, A.V. (2014). Dialogue between the state institution
and civil society, its role and place
in the institutional analysis of public policy. Politics and Society, 12, 1469–1478.
In his article Zaytsev examines the problem of institutionalization of the dialogue between
the state institution and civil society and its role and place in the institutional design of public
policy. Zaytsev offers his own definition of “institutional design of public policy” and “public sphere”
and analyzes the structure and functions of the dialogue between the state institution and civil society.
In this regard, Zaytsev distinguishes between such components of the design of public policy
as a dialogue and feedback mechanism. The dialogue between the state institution and civil society
is institutionalized in the sphere of public policy where the government and a non-profit organization
(i. e. representatives of the state institution and civil society) neither compete nor struggle for the political power but interact and cooperate for the purpose of solving socially important issues.
The dialogue between the state institution and civil society is viewed on the basis of the comparative
and institutional methodologies and interdisciplinary approach. Within the framework of research,
the dialogue means not a conversation of two or more individuals on social and political issues but a
particular configuration of the intersubjective interaction in the sphere of public policy based on the
principles of transparency, tolerance, openness, apprehensibility, deliberate and symmetric discourse
between communication actors. The present article continues the author’s series of articles devoted
to the problem of institutionalization of the dialogue between the state institution and civil society.
However, this is the first time when the author views the dialogue in terms of the institutional design
of the public sphere and a special space for communication where the public opinion is being created.
In this regard, the public opinion performs the critical and control functions with regard to the government.
Zaytsev also emphasizes the fact that the public sphere is not limited to only communication
of citizens but reaches the institutional level of the public dialogue between the civil society and state
institution, i. e. state authorities and agencies of political management.
state, civil society, dialogue, public policy, institutionalization, feedback, public sphere, communication, institutional design, structure.
The dialogue of cultures
Sevoyan, D.G. (2014). On the question about the primary
activities of national cultural autonomies. Politics and Society, 12, 1479–1484.
The article is devoted to the changes in the Federal law on “National and Cultural Autonomy”.
Now this law sets new goals for the named association including social and cultural adaptation
and integration of migrants. This brings the question about the role of national and cultural autonomies
in the spheres of both language preservation in Russia and studies of Russian as an official language.
The author of the article examines linguistic rights of national and cultural autonomies, discovers the
existing problems and describes other forms of enforcement of the constitutional right of nations living
in Russia to preserve their native languages. Both general and private research methods including the
methods of analysis, analogy as well as legalistic, functional and comparative law methods have been
used in the research. The legalistic method was used to clarify the meanings of laws regulating activity
of national and cultural autonomies. The functional method was used to examine the main forms
of enforcement of the constitutional right to native language preservation. Sevoyan demonstrates the
need for giving additional preferences to national and cultural autonomies so that they can perform
the new functions. Based on the results of the analysis of federal and regional legislations, the author
concludes that activity of national and cultural autonomies have positive experience in harmonization
of inter-ethnic relations by means of supporting cultural identities of nations living in Russia and
adaptation and integration of migrants.
national and cultural autonomy, native languages, adaptation of migrants, native language preservation, official language, national and cultural centers, national societies, communities, integration of migrants, state national policy.
Social studies and monitoring
Yudanova, K.O. (2014). Poverty trend data and opportunities
for poverty alleviation. Politics and Society, 12, 1485–1492.
This day the Russian economy faces very important strategic objectives — acceleration
of economic growth and poverty alleviation. To reduce the level of poverty, it is necessary to analyze
poverty trend data over the last decades as well as opportunities for reducing it. This is the subject of
research being analyzed in the present article. Poverty alleviation directly relates to the existing national
social policy that involves different programs, “relief aid” and “poverty reduction”. The latter
is aimed at reducing the number of poor people and preventing from their growth. This is the social
“vector” of the economic policy. Theoretical and methodological bases of the present research involve researches of scientists, authors and experts in poverty. In the course of her research Yudanova has also
applied the interdisciplinary approach based on the combination of systems, comparative and historical
analysis. Yudanova proves that today’s poverty has micro-level causes in the Russian Federation.
In Russia the poverty is caused by a certain life style or personal qualities of the poor, or misfortunes
that have been experienced by families but haven’t been duly compensated by means of national social
policy. At the same time the researcher shows that in the long term the question about reduction
or growth of the level of poverty deals with the macroeconomic indicators, first of all, the economic
growth. Considering that in Russia poor people are mostly employed people, it will be possible to reduce
the level of poverty through direct changes in the economic structure, incomes, creation of new
work positions that fulfill modern requirements, implementation of differentiated taxation policy,
consumer policy and etc.
economic growth, poverty alleviation, the share of poor people, the “face” of poverty, social structure of poverty, “the new poor”, the poor as a result of low income, the poor as a result of deprivation, chronic poverty, national social policy.
Social studies and monitoring
Zhirina, M.V. (2014). Higher education in russia: status-role
differentiation and prestige criteria. Politics and Society, 12, 1493–1500.
In the given article the topic under research is the higher education as a mechanism regulating
the status-role differentiation in the society. The author of the article has a purpose to discover
whether the higher education is a mean of social mobility (so called “social elevator’) in the modern
Russian environment. In addition, Zhirina also explores the topic of prestige and popularity of higher
educational establishments as the particular criteria influencing the choice of students seeking for admission
to a university. Special attention is paid to the quality of education and its role in the process
of establishing the status of a university. Zhirina provides an overall evaluation of the “social mobility”
of the younger generation. The main research methods used by Zhirina include review of secondary
data and academic literature on the matter. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact
that Zhirina describes the filtering function of a higher educational establishment in the modern Russian
environment. Zhirina concludes that educational stratification and creation of inequality through
education are possible only if there are other aspects besides education, such as a high ascriptive status,
useful relations, luck and personal qualities.
higher education, status-role differentiation, prestige, quality, large-scale involvement, status, university, society, social mobility, filtering function.
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A.D. (2014). On the way to the noospheric civilization:
relation between civilizational
and noospheric researches. Politics and Society, 12, 1501–1520.
In his article Ursul discusses the beginning and development of a new stage in noospheric
researches. At this stage noospherogenesis is related to sustainable development, continued globalization,
formation of a global information society and other global processes. The modern, or non-classical,
stage of noospheric researches is being formed under the influence of noospheric researches of
the aforesaid processes. It is underlined that even though the author of the article describes the most
important factors for the development of noosphere concept, there are many other factors like that,
especially intellectual and cognitive factors. Ursul offers a hypothesis that the global civilization develops
as a result of globalization processes caused by sustainable development as well as the process
of formation of the noospheric socio-natural interaction and creation of a universal information society
which will eventually lead to creation of the first sphere of intelligence, infonoosphere, provided
that the transfer to the sustainable development will happen which prolongs the period of this stage.
According to the author, transition to the global sustainable development involves the observance of
the principle of biosphere preservation and formation of the sphere of intelligence mostly by means of transformations of the sociosphere combined with minimum anthropological influences on the biosphere.
In this regard, biosphere preservation involves implementation of the principle of co-evoluation
of nature and society, i. e. their mutual preservation and development when the humankind can
exist for a very long time and the biosphere can remain sustainable and evolve due to the significant
reducation of anthropological influence thereon. In his research Ursul has used not only evolutionaryhistorical
and futurological-prognostic but also interdisciplinary and comparative approaches. Special
attention is paid at the intensive development of integrative general scientific processes and methods
of knowledge generation and formation of new “cognitive clusters’ and conceptual-methodological
frameworks. Ursul also focuses on different approaches to studies of the future. These approaches
have been rather autonomous but now they start to have more crossing points. Human civilization has
been usually studied from the point of view of the civilizational approach but lately there has appeared
a new approach to studies of the future — noospheric-futurological approach. Based on the author,
only the combination of all efficient approaches and research methods may create an integrated image
of human future. However, in the present article Ursul focuses only on civilizational and noospheric
approaches and associated researches. The author shows that the imperative transition to sustainable
development is crucial for the future noospherogenesis but it also demands to extend civilizational
processes to the global level because such a transition would be impossible within the limits of a local
civilization or even a group of local civilizations. It becomes especially essential considering the ongoing
globalization process that is aimed at creating the universal civilization. These two global processes
shall become one and create the universal integrity of the civilization which will be influenced
by other noospherization processes as well. From the very beginning the noospheric civilization can
be only global and this is what the author of the article tries to prove to the reader using futurological
and logical arguments. Noospherogenesis is viewed as the future global process of the formation
of the socio-natural sphere of civilization existence where intellectual and information activities will
become the most important driver of evolution. According to the author, this will be the result of the
most successful implementation of rational-humanistic values, principles and ideals through transition
to sustainable development and formation of a noospheric collective intelligence. As the future global
process, noospherogenesis would be an essential stage in the global evolution that will take place in
socio-natural and socio-cultural environment on Earth at first and out of Earth afterwards.
globalization, global civilization, infonoosphere, noosphere, noospheric civilization, noospheric researches, noospherogenesis, sustainable development, civilizational researches, civilization.
The heritage of transformation
Ganyushkina, E.B. (2014). Library stocks and international law. Politics and Society, 12, 1521–1531.
The article is devoted to library stocks, books, manuscripts and other paper media related
to cultural values. This includes princeps edition, rare editions, manuscripts, diaries and etc.
which are of special value for history, science, culture and distinctive character of nations. Just like
paintings and sculptures, library stocks have become the center of complex relationships between
countries. The author of the present article in detail analyzes the return of books belonging to the
library of the Reformed College of Sarospatak from Russia to Hungary, in particular, the documents
regulating the compensatory restitution procedure and their interpretation by the Constitutional
Court of the Russian Federation. Ganyushkina studies also studies the issues related to the Schneerson
Collection of books, manuscripts and diaries that are divided into the three groups — the collections
at Russian State Military Archive, Russian State Library named after V. Lenin and the books
ordered on the international interlibrary loan and never returned by the Library of Congress. The
methodological basis of research involves the general scientific dialectic research method as well as
systems analysis, comparative law, historical, logical analysis, the method of interpretation of international
laws and others. The researcher assumes that the most valuable part of library stocks is an
essential part of the cultural heritage of a sovereign state. Other than cooperation of states regarding deep sea-bed areas, the concept of the “common heritage of mankind” is implemented only in the
sphere of providing access to the word treasures of different cultures. Transmission of exhibits constituting
the cultural assets of state library stocks from one country to another shall be performed
only if they are guaranteed to be returned to the place from where they’ve been taken. The best way
to provide such guarantees is an international treaty like the Agreement for Creation of Interlibrary
Loan between State Members of the CIS 1999 (effective taking into the Protocol of 2012) described
by Ganyushkina in the given article.
cultural values, cultural assets, common heritage of mankind, interlibrary loan, compensatory restitution, jurisdictional immunity, Sarospatak library, Schneerson Collection, “Chabad- Lubavitch” movement, Library of Congress of the USA.
The heritage of transformation
Samygin, D.Yu., Keleynikova, S.V., Shlapakova, N.A. (2014). Opportunities and problems of autsourcing
development in the agricultural sector. Politics and Society, 12, 1532–1536.
The present article has been written within the framework of a scientific project No. 14–
12–58003V supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation. In recent years agriculture
has become the national priority of state agricultural policy, however, there are still many issues that
have been left without due attention. Along with the other unsolved issues of the agricultural sector,
the cornerstone of agricultural policy is the provision of manufacturers with highly skilled professionals
and work force. Developed countries solve this problem by transferring some functions to the
external performer who provides outsourcing services. To achieve their goals, the authors have used
the methods of monographic research, expert evaluation method, complex analysis method and calculation-
constructive method. The authors view the basic definitions and types of outsourcing in the
economic and legal environment, summarize obvious advantages of outsourcing, demonstrate the
important role of outsourcing in the agricultural sector, especially in farm production, examine the
main tax benefits and challenges that arise in the process of implementation of outsourcing schemes
and offer the mechanism of state regulation by means of budgetary support of outsourcing services.
agricultural sector, agriculture, highly skilled professionals, state support, agricultural policy, WTO, competition, industrial outsourcing, single agricultural tax, tax benefits.
Main human rights and liberties
Voynikanis, E.A. (2014). The paradigm of intellectual rights
in terms of international human rights law. Politics and Society, 12, 1537–1542.
The topic under research is the general trends in the development of the paradigm of
intellectual rights in terms of international human rights law. The author of the article proves the difference
between the author’s right to legal defense as one of the human rights and intellectual rights
as part of the positive law. A the analysis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights demonstrates, the research of regulation of
intellectual rights from the point of view of the human rights allows to define and examine the problem
of the balance of authors’ and society’s interests in general. The main research method used by the
researcher for studying general trends in the development of the paradigm of intellectual rights is the
comparative law analysis allowing the author of the article to examine interpretations of intellectual
property in international acts on the human rights put forth by the United Nations, the Council of
Europe and European Union. The author concludes that the tendency to move the focus from cultural
aspects to economic terms is negative because it reduces the social function of intellectual rights. At
the same time, the tendency to maintain a stable relationship between intellectual right and information
rights of human indicates that there has been a paradigm shift caused by the development of information
human rights, cultural rights of human, socio-economic rights of human, information rights of human, positive law, international legislation, paradigm approach, paradigm of intellectual rights, theory of law, balance of interests.
Legal history
Degtyarev, S.O. (2014). Hotel business in pre-revolutionary
Moscow (1861–1914). Politics and Society, 12, 1543–1548.
Based on the analysis of published materials and archives of the Central Historical Archive
of the City of Moscow (Document Storage Center till 1917), the author of the article examines
the issues of state regulation of hotel business in pre-revolutionary Moscow. In his research Degtyarev
analyzes the applicable legislation and problems associated with running a hotel in old Moscow, taxation,
security, regulation of allowable additional services, etc. The main purpose of the research is to
define the main task to be solved in the process of state regulation of hotel business. The methodological
basis for the research involves the fundamental principles of historicism and objectivist. These
principles allowed to view hotel business based on the analysis of documents and interaction with
other phenomena. Having analyzed unpublished and practically never studied archives, Degtyarev
concludes that in that period hotel business was under strict control and regulation of the government.
The researcher proves that the government had the fiscal interest in the regulation of hotel business.
The government needed regular cash proceeds from a developing and promising business both for the
purposes of local self-government and state budget.
hotels, furnished rooms, farmsteads, inns, taxes, restaurants, state regulation, local selfgovernment, pre-revolutionary Moscow, legislation.
Academic thought
Rozin, V.M. (2014). Methodological analysis of zygmunt bauman’s
book ‘modernity and the holocaust’. Politics and Society, 12, 1549–1561.
The article is devoted to the analysis of Zygmunt Bauman’s book “Modernity and the Holocaust”.
In this article Rozin describes the four basic objectives achieved by the author of the book (i. e.
to provide a scientific definition of the Holocaust, to engage society and sociologists in a new interpretation
of this terrible phenomenon, to criticize sociological methods and to understand lessons taught
by the Holocaust). Rozin discusses Bauman’s approach to the solution of the aforesaid tasks. Based on
Rozin, in his book Bauman appeared to be not only a scientist but also a philosopher, methodologist
and a political writer. Rozin analyzes Bauman’s “discoveries’ in the process of solving the aforesaid
tasks such as combination of different research methods (historical, humanitarian, sociological, cultural,
social, psychological and institutional methods), analysis of the influence of social machines on
individual mind and behavior, implementation of the technological (social engineering) approach and
differentiation between the two anthropological horizons — societal and personal ones. In his analysis
Rozin has used the methods of comparative analysis, methodological problematization, reconstruction
of the text, interpretation and summarization. Rozin shares his impression of Bauman using the Holocaust
more like the ground to search for new ways of studying social phenomena. Moreover, Bauman
wrote that the main causes of the Holocaust were: unusual coincidence of circumstances, European
anti-Semitism tradition, implementation of the racist theory by the fascist state, social-engineering
approach to the society and human and transformation of minds of particular individuals and general
population influenced by a well established social technology.
society, the Holocaust, social engineering, technology, state institution, morals, morality, resistance, general population, personality.
Theory of political sciences
Shkel, S.N. (2014). Modern classifications of authoritarian regimes. Politics and Society, 12, 1562–1570.
The subject under research is modern classifications of undemocratic regimes that have
been developed by political experts in the modern period. The author of the article examines specific
subtypes of modern authoritarian regimes and carries out a critical analysis of the empiric verification
and operationalisation of the mentioned concepts. All classifications discussed in this article are viewed from the point of view of their relevance to studying transformations of political regimes in
post-Soviet countries. Special attention is paid to the concepts of so called “hybrid regimes’ in the
form of “electoral” and “competitive” authoritarianism. In his research Shkel has used the methods of
classification and formal logic. Based on these methods, the researcher has divided all classification
schemes of undemocratic political regimes into the three basic groups, i. e. approaches which differ
from one another depending on the main classification criterion. Shkel offers to divide all modern classifications
of authoritarian regimes into the following three groups: electoral, actor and institutional
regimes. The researcher also concludes that an obvious advantage of new classification schemes is the
opportunity to move the focus of the analysis not only from autocracy to democracy but also within
undemocratic forms themselves. Generally speaking, Shkel admits that different concepts rather help
than hinder scientists from applying a particular classification to the solution of certain research tasks.
political regimes, authoritarianism, classification, political theory, electoral authoritarianism, competitive authoritarianism, hegemony, political institutions, political actors.
International policy
Han Haolei (2014). The role of Russia in ensuring energy
security of Europe in terms of geopolitics. Politics and Society, 12, 1571–1576.
The subject the present research is the ensuring energy security of Europe. The object of
research is the energy policy of Russia and the EU. The author of the article examines the role of Russia
in ensuring energy security of Europe as well as the role of transit countries in ensuring European
energy security in general. The author of the article especially focuses on the role of Russia in ensuring
energy security of Europe considering the Ukrainian crisis and consequences of the Ukrainian crisis
for the relations between the Russian Federation and the EU in the sphere of energy production. The
researcher also touches upon the role of the third countries in supplying energy resources to the EU.
The methodology of the present research involves the systems, structural-functional approaches and
methods of comparative-historical and comparative-political analysis. The researcher concludes that
the strategic partnership between the RF and the EU regarding the energy sector is based on the energy
security in the long-term. Due to the Ukrainian crisis, Russia now has to face several challenges,
both in geopolitics, geo-economics and external energy policy. Without any doubts, Russia will not
only remain the leading operator on the global energy market but also actively participate in further
development of markets considerably reinforcing its positions in the globalization of the energy sector.
relations of Russia and the EU, globalization, geopolitics, energy policy, Ukrainian crisis, energy security, transit countries, CIS countries, South Stream, energy market.
International policy
Chiu Ling (2014). Stages of development and prospects
for cooperation between people’s republic
of China and the Russian Federation
in the sphere of energy production. Politics and Society, 12, 1577–1583.
The author of the article examines the basic legal documents regarding cooperation on
energy issues between China and Russia as well as the development of relations between PRC and
RF as strategic partners. The researcher describes the main stages of the development of energy negotiations
between China and Russia. The course of the development of energy cooperation between
China and Russia is divided by the author into the four stages: Yeltsin’s period, Putin’s epoch, Medvedev’s
era and the new era of Putin. The author notes that the cooperation on energy issues between
China and Russia is an essential part of the strategic cooperation between these two countries. In
this article the methodological basis for political studies involves systems, structural-functional and
comparative-political approaches as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty
of the research is caused by the fact that in the long term energy cooperation between China and
Russia depends on the three political factors. Firstly, this cooperation should be based on bilateral
interests. Secondly, energy cooperation between the two countries should be built upon a strong
strategic partnership which would guarantee a better support of the energy dialogue between China and Russia. Finally, the leaders of the both countries should pay more attention to their energy relations
and support their development.
cooperation on energy issues, energy security, strategic partnership, joint statement, stages of development, Eastern itinerary, Western itinerary, prospects for cooperation, supply diversification, cooperation on gas issues.
Religion and politics
Rostovsteva, Yu.A. (2014). Religious ideal of Mikhail Shcherbatov
in terms of the legislative policy
of enlightended absolutism. Politics and Society, 12, 1584–1592.
The article is devoted to the religious structure of a state institution described by Mikhail
Shcherbatov in his utopia “Journey to the Land of Ophyr” (1783). The research is focused on a priestpoliceman
depicted by the writer in his utopia. Rostovtseva examines existing scientific views on the
grounds of that image. According to T. Artemieva, Shcherbatov has formed his religious ideal under
the influence of the concept of cameralistics of Justi and Sonnenfels while G. Vernadsky and S. Ber
explains the writer’s choice by his Mason views. Rostovtseva sows that none of these points of view,
however, explains the origin of that image, so the researcher offers a new solution of this scientific issue
which is to analyze Shcherbatov’s religious “reform” in terms of the legislative policy of enlightened
absolutism. For analysis the author of the article uses a wide range of draft laws and laws that
represent the practice of religious discipline throughout the 18th century. These are, in the first place,
the Imperial Majesty’s Edict on Mandatory Church Confession of 1718, Spiritual Regulation (1721),
the draft New Regulations of 1755 and a number of documents developed during the ruling of Catherine
the Great such as “Big Nakaz (Order) of the Empress’ and “Discipline or Police Statute” (1782),
etc. Having analyzed the Journey to the Land of Ophyr in terms of the aforesaid legal acts, on the one
hand, and activity of Shcherbatov as a depute of the Big Commission for Creating a New Discipline
Order, on the other hand, the author of the article concludes that the image of the priest-policeman
answered the needs of the overall state policy of enlightened absolutism regarding Orthodox Church.
enlightened absolutism, political ideal, religious discipline, Catherine the Great, Nakaz, Discipline Statute, Mikhail Shcherbatov, literary utopia, Ophyrea, sancrai.
Political conflict
Tsvetkova, Yu.D. (2014). Questions of social reformation
as a factor of interparty fight between
conservators and liberals in the 70th- 90th
of the 19th century in great britain. Politics and Society, 12, 1593–1603.
The author of the article analyzes political doctrines of the “new Tory” and “democratic
liberalism” that had been offered by conservative and liberal parties of Great Britain back in the 70th —
90th of the 19th century and determined the course of social transformations in such important spheres
like health care, education, housing and labor legislation, etc. The fact that the leading political parties
appealed to social policy is viewed in terms of the interparty fight between Tory and Whigs for
votes of electors which, according to the author of the present article, allows to better understand the
reasons and nature of social transformations of Victorian England during the second half of the 19th
century. In her research Tsvetkova has used the formal-logical method and the method of ascending
from the abstract to the concrete, the method of historical comparative analysis and the methods of
abstraction, deduction and induction. The social policy of Great Britain in the 70th — 90th of the 19th
century was defined by the opposition between conservators and liberals. Even though that fight created
the illusion of choice, it allowed to avoid revolutions. Social reforms were mostly based on using
political technologies to reduce revolutionary moods which, paradoxically, made a serious influence
on the improvement of living conditions of the population.
Great Britain, Tory, Whigs, social reforms, new Tory, democratic liberalism, social welfare states, the pendulum principle, laissez-faire, individualism.
History of political thought
Storcheus, N.V. (2014). Mystical ideas in the works
of Russian representatives
of the Baden school of neo-kantianism. Politics and Society, 12, 1604–1610.
The object of the present research is the creative heritage of F. Stepun, Hessen, B. Yakovenko
as Russian representatives of one of the powerful movements in neo-Kantianism, the Baden
School. The dynamics of their views constitute the subject of research. The analysis of the ideas of the
Russia “badents’ provides an insight into a clear tendency of irrational expansion of Kantian heritage
with mysticism. The author underlines the influence of romanticism and symbolism on the development
of F. Stepun’s, S. Hessen’s and V. Yakovenko’s views which was the typical feature of the creative
atmosphere the intellectual elite of the Russian society lived in at the turn of the 19th — 20th century.
The methodology for the present research involves the integrated historical and philosophical analysis
of existing sources. In addition, the author has also used the inductive, biographic, comparative and
logic research methods as well as general principles of historical philosophy to trace back the genesis
of the ideas. The problems of the national features of Russian philosophy are quite important. In the
given article Storcheus analyzes them from the point of view of one of the basic philosophical antinomies,
“mysticism — rationalism”. Representatives of the Baden School of Ne-Kantianism F. Stepun,
S. Hessen and V. Yakovenko are studied from this point of view for the first time in the academic literature.
The author of the article also describes how Kantian heritage can be irrationally extended with
mysticism based on the example of the creative heritage of the Russian badents.
Baden school, mysticism, irrational, F. Stepun, Hessen, B. Yakovenko, Andrey Bely, romanticism, symbolism, Wilhelm Windelband.